The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010001;
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;

our $VERSION = 'v2.3.4';

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/perl5";
use Narada;
use Narada::Lock qw( exclusive_lock unlock_new unlock );;
use Narada::Config qw( get_config get_config_line get_db_config );
use DBI;
use Time::Local;
use List::Util qw( max );
use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
use Fcntl qw(F_SETFD);

use constant IS_NARADA      => Narada::detect() eq 'narada';
use constant CONFIG_DIR     => IS_NARADA ? 'mysql'      : 'db';
use constant SQL_DIR        => IS_NARADA ? 'var/mysql'  : 'var/sql';
use constant SCHEME         => SQL_DIR.'/db.scheme.sql';
use constant REQUIRED_TABLE => 0;
use constant OPTIONAL_TABLE => 1;
use constant TIMELOCAL_MONTH=> 4;
use constant STAT_MTIME     => 9;
use constant DESC_FIELD     => 0;
use constant DESC_TYPE      => 1;
use constant DESC_NULL      => 2;
use constant DESC_KEY       => 3;
use constant DESC_DEFAULT   => 4;
use constant DESC_EXTRA     => 5;

# GLOBALS:  $::dbh, $::mycnf, $::MYSQLDUMP

main(@ARGV) if !caller;

sub err { die "narada-mysqldump: @_\n" }

sub main {
    die "Usage: narada-mysqldump\n" if @_;

    init_globals() or return;


    my ($full, $incremental, $ignore) = list_tables();
    my $unchanged = detect_unchanged($full);

    del_dumps_except($incremental, $unchanged);
    dump_full($full, $unchanged);

    # To correctly detect_unchanged() we should guarantee next table's
    # Update_time after executing narada-mysqldump will be at least 1
    # second later than previous (which kept in dump file's mtime).
    sleep 1;



sub init_globals {
    my $db = get_db_config() or return;
    $::dbh = DBI->connect($db->{dsn}, $db->{login}, $db->{pass},
        {RaiseError=>1}) or err DBI->errstr;
    $::mycnf = tempfile(DIR=>'tmp');
    print {$::mycnf} "[client]\n";
    print {$::mycnf} "user     = $db->{login}\n";
    print {$::mycnf} "password = $db->{pass}\n"  if length $db->{pass}; ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    print {$::mycnf} "host     = $db->{host}\n"  if length $db->{host}; ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    print {$::mycnf} "port     = $db->{port}\n"  if length $db->{port}; ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    sysseek $::mycnf, 0, 0 or err "sysseek: $!";
    fcntl $::mycnf, F_SETFD, 0 or err "fcntl: $!";
    my $fd = fileno $::mycnf;
    $::MYSQLDUMP = "mysqldump --defaults-file=/proc/self/fd/\Q$fd\E \Q$db->{db}\E";
    return 1;

sub list_tables {
    my $incremental = load_db_conf('dump/incremental', REQUIRED_TABLE);
    my $empty       = load_db_conf('dump/empty', REQUIRED_TABLE);
    my $ignore      = load_db_conf('dump/ignore', OPTIONAL_TABLE);
    my %other = map {$_=>1} @{$incremental}, @{$empty}, @{$ignore};
    my @full;
    for my $table (@{ $::dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SHOW TABLES') }) {
        next if $other{$table};
        push @full, $table;
    return ([sort @full], $incremental, $ignore);

sub load_db_conf {
    my ($conf, $required) = @_;
    my @conf = eval { split /\s*\n/xms, get_config(CONFIG_DIR."/$conf") };
    my @tables;
    for my $table (@conf) {
        local ($::dbh->{RaiseError}, $::dbh->{PrintError});
        my $desc = $::dbh->selectall_arrayref('DESC '.$table);
        if ($desc) {
            push @tables, $table;
        elsif ($required == REQUIRED_TABLE) {
            err "Table $table listed in ".CONFIG_DIR."/$conf does not exists\n";
    return [sort @tables];

sub detect_unchanged {
    my ($full) = @_;
    my @unchanged;
    for my $table (@{$full}) {
        my $file = SQL_DIR."/$table.sql";
        if (-f $file && mtime($file) == get_table_status($table, 'Update_time')) {
            push @unchanged, $table;
    return \@unchanged;

sub del_dumps_except {
    my ($incremental, $unchanged) = @_;
    my %incremental = map {$_=>1} @{$incremental};
    my %unchanged   = map {$_=>1} @{$unchanged};
    for my $file (glob SQL_DIR.'/*.sql') {
        if ($file =~ m{\A\Q${\SQL_DIR}\E/([^.]*)[.]sql\z}xms) {
            my $table = $1;
            next if $unchanged{$table};
        elsif ($file =~ m{\A\Q${\SQL_DIR}\E/([^.]*)[.]\d+-(\d+)[.]sql\z}xms) {
            my $table = $1;
            next if $incremental{$table}
                && mtime($file) >= get_table_status($table, 'Create_time');
        unlink $file or err "unlink($file): $!\n";

sub dump_scheme_except {
    my ($ignore) = @_;
    my $db = get_config_line(CONFIG_DIR.'/db');
    my $tables = join q{ }, map {"--ignore-table=\Q$db\E.\Q$_\E"} @{$ignore};
    mysqldump("--opt -d $tables", SCHEME, time);

sub dump_full {
    my ($full, $unchanged) = @_;
    my %unchanged = map {$_=>1} @{$unchanged};
    for my $table (@{$full}) {
        next if $unchanged{$table};
        my $file = SQL_DIR."/$table.sql";
        my $t = get_table_status($table, 'Update_time');
        mysqldump("--opt -t \Q$table\E", $file, $t);

sub dump_incremental {
    my ($incremental) = @_;
    for my $table (@{$incremental}) {
        my $key  = get_key($table);
        my $prev = max(0, map {m/-(\d+)[.]sql\z/xms} glob SQL_DIR."/\Q$table\E.*.sql");
        my $next = get_table_status($table, 'Auto_increment');
        if ($prev < $next-1) {
            my $from = $prev+1;
            my $to   = $next-1;
            my $file = SQL_DIR."/$table.$from-$to.sql";
            my $where= "$key>=$from AND $key<=$to";
            my $t    = get_table_status($table, 'Update_time');
            mysqldump("--opt -t -w \Q$where\E \Q$table\E", $file, $t);


sub get_table_status {
    my ($table, $field) = @_;
    my $val = $::dbh->selectrow_hashref('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ?',
        undef, $table)->{$field};
    if ($field =~ /_time\z/xms) {
        if (!defined $val) {
            $val = 0;
        else {
            my @datetime = reverse split /\D+/xms, $val;
            $val = timelocal(@datetime);
    return $val;

sub get_key {
    my ($table) = @_;
    my $desc = $::dbh->selectall_arrayref('DESC '.$table);
    err "First field in table $table must be: INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY\n"
        if !(@{ $desc }
        && $desc->[0][DESC_TYPE]=~/\A\w*int\b/xms
        && $desc->[0][DESC_KEY] eq 'PRI'
        && $desc->[0][DESC_EXTRA] eq 'auto_increment'
        && 1 == grep {$_->[DESC_KEY] eq 'PRI'} @{$desc});
    return $desc->[0][DESC_FIELD];

sub mtime {
    my ($file) = @_;
    return (stat $file)[STAT_MTIME];

sub mysqldump {
    my ($opt, $file, $t) = @_;
    system("$::MYSQLDUMP $opt > \Q$file\E.tmp")
        == 0 or err "system($::MYSQLDUMP $opt > $file.tmp): $?";
    rename "$file.tmp", $file       or err "rename($file.tmp, $file): $!";
    utime $t, $t, $file             or err "utime($file): $!";

1; # Magic true value required at end of module

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

narada-mysqldump - dump project database

=head1 VERSION

This document describes narada-mysqldump version v2.3.4

=head1 USAGE



Should be executed in project deploy directory (or Narada 1.x project root

Backup your Narada project's MySQL database.

If "config/mysql/db" absent or empty do nothing.

Dump database as quickly as possible to files "var/mysql/*.sql":


=item *

Tables listed in "config/mysql/dump/ignore" doesn't included in dump
(even in database scheme).

=item *

Database scheme saved in "var/mysql/db.scheme.sql".

=item *

Content for tables listed in "config/mysql/dump/empty" doesn't dumped.

=item *

Content for tables listed in "config/mysql/dump/incremental" saved in


=item *

Only new rows will be saved, which is absent in already existing files.


=item *

Content for other tables saved in "var/mysql/TABLE_NAME.sql".


=item *

If table wasn't changed since previous dump - do nothing and just keep
file with previous dump.


=item *

All other "*.sql" files will be removed from "var/mysql/".


To force full dump (including incremental and unchanged tables) run
"rm var/mysql/*.sql" before "narada-mysqldump".

Will set exclusive lock on this project while doing database analyse and
dumping database scheme and non-incremental tables. Incremental tables
will be dumped after releasing lock.

Will set dump file's mtime to Update_time of related database table, and
use mtime on next dump to detect table change.

All incremental tables MUST have first column's type "INT AUTO_INCREMENT
PRIMARY KEY" (can also use "MEDIUMINT", etc.).

After ALTER incremental table or doing TRUNCATE existing files with
incremental dumps will be automatically removed and replaced by new ones.

Tables listed in "config/mysql/dump/empty" and "config/mysql/dump/incremental"
must exists; listed in "config/mysql/dump/ignore" may not exists.



Narada 1.x project use C<config/db/> instead of C<config/mysql/>,
and C<var/sql/> instead of C<var/mysql/>.

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
at L<>.
You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

=head2 Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for
public review and contribution under the terms of the license.
Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.


    git clone

=head2 Resources


=item * MetaCPAN Search


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Testers Matrix


=item * CPANTS: A CPAN Testing Service (Kwalitee)



=head1 AUTHOR

Alex Efros E<lt>powerman@cpan.orgE<gt>


This software is Copyright (c) 2008-2016 by Alex Efros E<lt>powerman@cpan.orgE<gt>.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The MIT (X11) License
