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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010001;
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;

our $VERSION = 'v2.3.6';

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/perl5";
use Narada;
use List::Util qw( min any );

use constant BAD_INODE => -1;
use constant TAIL_BLOCK => 8192;
use constant TAIL_LINES => 20;

my ($Prev_date, $Multiline) = (q{}, 1);
my %Level = (err=>0,warn=>1,notice=>2,info=>3,debug=>4);

main(@ARGV) if !caller;

sub err { die "narada-viewlog: @_\n" };

sub main {
    my ($opt, @files) = parse_opt(@_);
    if (@files) {
        for (@files) {
            cat($opt, $_);
    else {
        tail($opt, 'var/log/current');

sub parse_opt {
    my ($simple, $complex, $default) = qw( dtmfliph LR tmli );
    my %opt = map {$_=>1} map {split //xms,substr $_,1} grep {m/\A-[$simple]+\z/xms} @_;
    if (!keys %opt) {
        %opt = map {$_=>1} split //xms, $default;
    @_ = grep {!m/\A-[$simple]+\z/xms} @_;
    while (@_ && $_[0] =~ /\A-([$complex])\z/xms) {
        $opt{$1} = shift;
    die "Usage: narada-viewlog [-d] [-t] [-m] [-f] [-l] [-i] [-p] [-L LEVEL] [-R REGEX] [logfile ...]\n"
        if $opt{h} || any {!defined} values %opt;
    return (\%opt, @_);

sub cat {
    my ($opt, $file) = @_;
    open my $f, '<', $file or err "open: $!";
    while (<$f>) {
        print_line($opt, $_);
    close $f or err "close: $!";

sub tail {
    my ($opt, $file) = @_;
    my $prev_inode = BAD_INODE;
    my $fh;
    while (1) {
        my $inode = (stat $file)[1];
        if (!$inode) {
        elsif ($inode != $prev_inode) {
            if (!open $fh, '<', $file) {    ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen)
                warn "open: $!\n";
            } else {
                if ($prev_inode == BAD_INODE) {
                    seek $fh, offset_lastlines($fh, TAIL_LINES), 2 or err "seek: $!";
                else {
                    warn "\n$file reopened, continue...\n\n";
                $prev_inode = $inode;
        else {
            while (<$fh>) {
                print_line($opt, $_);
    } continue { sleep 1 }

sub offset_lastlines {
    my ($fh, $lines) = @_;
    seek $fh, -min(-s $fh, TAIL_BLOCK), 2 or err "seek: $!";
    my @lines = <$fh>;
    shift @lines;
    splice @lines, 0, -$lines;
    return -length join q{}, @lines;

sub print_line { ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)
    my ($opt, $line) = @_;
    my $r_time   = qr/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)_(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)[.](\d+)/xms;
    my $r_faclvl = qr/(\w+)[.](\w+)/xms;
    my $r_idpid  = qr/([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]/xms;
    if ($line !~ m{\A$r_time\s$r_faclvl:[^\[]*\s$r_idpid:\s(.*)\z}xms) {
        if ($Multiline) {
            $line =~ s/\A$r_time\s//xms;
            print $line;
    else {
        my ($date, $time, $msec, $facility, $level, $ident, $pid, $msg)
            = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
        $Multiline = 0;
        return if $opt->{L} && $Level{lc $level} > $Level{lc $opt->{L}};
        return if $opt->{R} && $msg !~ /$opt->{R}/xms;
        $Multiline = 1;
        my (@p);
        if ($opt->{d}) {
            push @p, sprintf '%s', $date;
        elsif ($opt->{t} && $Prev_date ne $date) {
            printf "=== %s\n", $date;
            $Prev_date = $date;
        ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
        if ($opt->{t} && $opt->{m}) {
            push @p, sprintf '%s.%05d', $time, $msec;
        else {
            push @p, sprintf '%s',   $time if $opt->{t};
            push @p, sprintf '%05d', $msec if $opt->{m};
        if ($opt->{f} && $opt->{l}) {
            push @p, sprintf '%s.%-6s', $facility, $level;
        else {
            push @p, sprintf '%s', $facility if $opt->{f};
            push @p, sprintf '%6s', $level   if $opt->{l};
        if ($opt->{i} && $opt->{p}) {
            push @p, sprintf '%s[%d]', $ident, $pid;
        else {
            push @p, sprintf '%s', $ident if $opt->{i};
            push @p, sprintf '[%d]', $pid if $opt->{p};
        if (@p) {
            printf '%s: %s', join(q{ }, @p), $msg;
        } else {
            print $msg;

1; # Magic true value required at end of module

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

narada-viewlog - log viewer for project based on Narada framework

=head1 VERSION

This document describes narada-viewlog version v2.3.6

=head1 USAGE

    narada-viewlog [-d] [-t] [-m] [-f] [-l] [-i] [-p] [-L LEVEL] [-R REGEX] [logfile ...]


Should be executed in project deploy directory (or Narada 1.x project root

Output logs in ease to read format (control output fields and can filter
log records).

If C<logfile> param(s) used output these files, else work like
`tail -F var/log/current`.

To select which fields should be included in output (use C<-tmli> by default):

  [-d] date
  [-t] time
  [-m] time microseconds
  [-f] facility
  [-l] log level
  [-i] ident
  [-p] pid

To filter log records:

  [-L LEVEL] minimum log level (debug->info->notice->warn->err)
  [-R REGEX] regexp to filter log records (in multiline records 
             will apply to first line only)

If option -t used without -d, will output date on separate line on date change.
Will remove duplicate date/time (added by syslog) from output.
Strip prefix in multiline records for second and next lines.


narada-viewlog requires no configuration files or environment variables.

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
at L<>.
You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

=head2 Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for
public review and contribution under the terms of the license.
Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.


    git clone

=head2 Resources


=item * MetaCPAN Search


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Testers Matrix


=item * CPANTS: A CPAN Testing Service (Kwalitee)



=head1 AUTHOR

Alex Efros  E<lt>powerman@cpan.orgE<gt>


This software is Copyright (c) 2008- by Alex Efros E<lt>powerman@cpan.orgE<gt>.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The MIT (X11) License
