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; --- Project details
name    = Import-Base
author  = Doug Bell <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Doug Bell
copyright_year   = 2017

authority  = cpan:PREACTION
do_munging = 0

issues = 1
IRC                     = irc://

; --- Module management
-bundle = @Basic
; GatherDir must be configured separately
-remove = GatherDir
-remove = Readme

location = root
filename = README.mkdn
type = markdown

replacer = replace_with_comment
post_code_replacer = replace_with_nothing
directory = t
directory = xt
directory = inc
directory = share
directory = eg
directory = examples
; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors

; --- Repository management
include_dotfiles = 1
prune_directory = ^eg
; Exclude dotfiles in the root directory
exclude_match = ^\.[^/]+$
; Exclude generated root content, which is included by the various plugins
; Without this, we get an error about duplicate content
exclude_filename = cpanfile
exclude_filename = META.json
exclude_filename = LICENSE
exclude_filename = README
exclude_filename = README.mkdn
exclude_filename = Makefile.PL

; Copy generated content to the repository root so users without Dist::Zilla
; can use it
copy = cpanfile
copy = META.json
copy = LICENSE
copy = Makefile.PL

; Add travis and coveralls badges to README.mkdn
run = perl -pi -e 's{(# SYNOPSIS)}{# STATUS\n\n<a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="Coverage Status" /></a>\n\n$1}' README.mkdn

; --- Git management
changelog = CHANGES
; Automatically commit these files during release
allow_dirty_match = README.*
allow_dirty_match = .*[.]PL
allow_dirty = cpanfile
allow_dirty = META.json
allow_dirty = LICENSE
allow_dirty = CHANGES

[Git::Commit / Commit_Dirty_Files]
; Automatically commit with release version and changelog
changelog = CHANGES
commit_msg = release v%v%n%n%c
allow_dirty_match = README.*
allow_dirty_match = .*[.]PL
allow_dirty = cpanfile
allow_dirty = META.json
allow_dirty = LICENSE
allow_dirty = CHANGES
add_files_in = .
changelog = CHANGES
tag_message = %N v%v - %{yyyy-MM-dd}d%n%n%c ; Tag annotations show up in github release list

; NextRelease acts *during* pre-release to write $VERSION and
; timestamp to Changes and  *after* release to add a new {{$NEXT}}
; section, so to act at the right time after release, it must actually
; come after Commit_Dirty_Files but before Commit_Changes in the
; dist.ini.  It will still act during pre-release as usual

filename = CHANGES

[Git::Commit / Commit_Changes]
commit_msg = incrementing version after release
allow_dirty = CHANGES
allow_dirty_match = ^lib/.*\.pm$
allow_dirty_match = .*[.]PL

; --- Project-specific directives

perl = 5.010 ; The mro module bumps us up to 5.010. Without it, we could do 5.006
strict = 0
warnings = 0
mro = 0
Import::Into = 1.002005 ; Fixes for "target"
Module::Runtime = 0

[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::More = 0
Carp = 0