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use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Log::Any::Proxy;

# ABSTRACT: Log::Any generator proxy object
our $VERSION = '1.701';

use Log::Any::Adapter::Util ();
use overload;

sub _stringify_params {
    my @params = @_;

    return map {
          ? '<undef>'
          : ref($_) ? (
            ? "$_"
            : Log::Any::Adapter::Util::dump_one_line($_)
          : $_
    } @params;

sub _default_formatter {
    my ( $cat, $lvl, $format, @params ) = @_;
    return $format->() if ref($format) eq 'CODE';

    my @new_params = _stringify_params(@params);

    # Perl 5.22 adds a 'redundant' warning if the number parameters exceeds
    # the number of sprintf placeholders.  If a user does this, the warning
    # is issued from here, which isn't very helpful.  Doing something
    # clever would be expensive, so instead we just disable warnings for
    # the final line of this subroutine.
    no warnings;
    return sprintf( $format, @new_params );

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = { formatter => \&_default_formatter, @_ };
    unless ( $self->{adapter} ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("$class requires an 'adapter' parameter");
    unless ( $self->{category} ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("$class requires a 'category' parameter");
    unless ( $self->{context} ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("$class requires a 'context' parameter");
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    return (ref $self)->new( %{ $self }, @_ );

sub init { }

for my $attr (qw/adapter filter formatter prefix context/) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{$attr} = sub { return $_[0]->{$attr} };

my %aliases = Log::Any::Adapter::Util::log_level_aliases();

# Set up methods/aliases and detection methods/aliases
foreach my $name ( Log::Any::Adapter::Util::logging_methods(), keys(%aliases) )
    my $realname    = $aliases{$name} || $name;
    my $namef       = $name . "f";
    my $is_name     = "is_$name";
    my $is_realname = "is_$realname";
    my $numeric     = Log::Any::Adapter::Util::numeric_level($realname);
    no strict 'refs';
    *{$is_name} = sub {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return $self->{adapter}->$is_realname;
    *{$name} = sub {
        my ( $self, @parts ) = @_;

        my $structured_logging =
            $self->{adapter}->can('structured') && !$self->{filter};

        if ($structured_logging) {
            unshift @parts, $self->{prefix} if $self->{prefix};
              ->structured( $realname, $self->{category}, @parts, grep { scalar keys %$_ } $self->{context});
            return unless defined wantarray;

        @parts = grep { defined($_) && length($_) } @parts;

        # last part might be a hashref - if so, stringify
        push @parts, _stringify_params(pop @parts) if ( @parts && ((ref $parts[-1] || '') eq ref {}));

        push @parts, _stringify_params($self->{context}) if %{$self->{context}};
        my $message = join( " ", @parts );
        if ( length $message && !$structured_logging ) {
            $message =
              $self->{filter}->( $self->{category}, $numeric, $message )
              if defined $self->{filter};
            if ( defined $message and length $message ) {
                $message = "$self->{prefix}$message"
                  if defined $self->{prefix} && length $self->{prefix};
        return $message if defined wantarray;
    *{$namef} = sub {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        return unless $self->{adapter}->$is_realname;
        my $message =
          $self->{formatter}->( $self->{category}, $numeric, @args );
        return unless defined $message and length $message;
        return $self->$name($message);


# vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et tw=75:



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Log::Any::Proxy - Log::Any generator proxy object

=head1 VERSION

version 1.701


    # prefix log messages
    use Log::Any '$log', prefix => 'MyApp: ';

    # transform log messages
    use Log::Any '$log', filter => \&myfilter;

    # format with String::Flogger instead of the default
    use String::Flogger;
    use Log::Any '$log', formatter => sub {
        my ($cat, $lvl, @args) = @_;
        String::Flogger::flog( @args );

    # create a clone with different attributes
    my $bar_log = $log->clone( prefix => 'bar: ' );


Log::Any::Proxy objects are what modules use to produce log messages.  They
construct messages and pass them along to a configured adapter.


=head2 adapter

A L<Log::Any::Adapter> object to receive any messages logged.  This is
generated by L<Log::Any> and can not be overridden.

=head2 category

The category name of the proxy.  If not provided, L<Log::Any> will set it
equal to the calling when the proxy is constructed.

=head2 filter

A code reference to transform messages before passing them to a
Log::Any::Adapter.  It gets three arguments: a category, a numeric level
and a string.  It should return a string to be logged.

    sub {
        my ($cat, $lvl, $msg) = @_;
        return "[$lvl] $msg";

If the return value is undef or the empty string, no message will be
logged.  Otherwise, the return value is passed to the logging adapter.

Numeric levels range from 0 (emergency) to 8 (trace).  Constant functions
for these levels are available from L<Log::Any::Adapter::Util>.

Configuring a filter disables structured logging, even if the
configured adapter supports it.

=head2 formatter

A code reference to format messages given to the C<*f> methods (C<tracef>,
C<debugf>, C<infof>, etc..)

It get three or more arguments: a category, a numeric level and the list
of arguments passsed to the C<*f> method.  It should return a string to
be logged.

    sub {
        my ($cat, $lvl, $format, @args) = @_;
        return sprintf($format, @args);

The default formatter does the following:

=head2 prefix

If defined, this string will be prepended to all messages.  It will not
include a trailing space, so add that yourself if you want.  This is less
flexible/powerful than L</filter>, but avoids an extra function call.

=head1 USAGE

=head2 Simple logging

Your library can do simple logging using logging methods corresponding to
the log levels (or aliases):

=for :list * trace
* debug
* info (inform)
* notice
* warning (warn)
* error (err)
* critical (crit, fatal)
* alert
* emergency

Pass a string to be logged.  Do not include a newline.

    $log->info("Got some new for you.");

The log string will be transformed via the C<filter> attribute (if any) and
the C<prefix> (if any) will be prepended. Returns the transformed log string.

B<NOTE>: While you are encouraged to pass a single string to be logged, if
multiple arguments are passed, they are concatenated with a space character
into a single string before processing.  This ensures consistency across
adapters, some of which may support multiple arguments to their logging
functions (and which concatenate in different ways) and some of which do

=head2 Advanced logging

Your library can do advanced logging using logging methods corresponding to
the log levels (or aliases), but with an "f" appended:

=for :list * tracef
* debugf
* infof (informf)
* noticef
* warningf (warnf)
* errorf (errf)
* criticalf (critf, fatalf)
* alertf
* emergencyf

When these methods are called, the adapter is first checked to see if it is
logging at that level.  If not, the method returns without logging.

Next, arguments are transformed to a message string via the C<formatter>

The default formatter first checks if the first log argument is a code
reference.  If so, it will executed and the result used as the formatted
message. Otherwise, the formatter acts like C<sprintf> with some helpful

Finally, the message string is logged via the simple logging functions,
which can transform or prefix as described above. The transformed log
string is then returned.

=for :list * if the first argument is a code reference, it is executed and the result
* otherwise, it acts like C<sprintf>, except that undef arguments are
  changed to C<< <undef> >> and any references or objects are dumped via
  L<Data::Dumper> (but without newlines).

Numeric levels range from 0 (emergency) to 8 (trace).  Constant functions
for these levels are available from L<Log::Any::Adapter::Util>.

=head2 Logging Structured Data

If you have data in addition to the text you want to log, you can
specify a hashref after your string. If the configured adapter
supports structured data, it will receive the hashref as-is, otherwise
it will be converted to a string using L<Data::Dumper> and will be
appended to your text.

=head1 TIPS

=head2 UTF-8 in Data Structures

If you have high-bit characters in a data structure being passed to a log
method, Log::Any will output that data structure with the high-bit
characters encoded as C<\x{###}>, Perl's escape sequence for high-bit
characters. This is because the L<Data::Dumper> module escapes those

    use utf8;
    use Log::Any qw( $log );
    my @data = ( "Привет мир" ); # Hello, World!
    $log->infof("Got: %s", \@data);
    # Got: ["\x{41f}\x{440}\x{438}\x{432}\x{435}\x{442} \x{43c}\x{438}\x{440}"]

If you want to instead display the actual characters in your log file or
terminal, you can use the L<Data::Dumper::AutoEncode> module. To wire this
up into Log::Any, you must pass a custom C<formatter> sub:

    use utf8;
    use Data::Dumper::AutoEncode;

    sub log_formatter {
        my ( $category, $level, $format, @params ) = @_;
        # Run references through Data::Dumper::AutoEncode
        @params = map { ref $_ ? eDumper( $_ ) : $_ } @params;
        return sprintf $format, @params;

    use Log::Any '$log', formatter => \&log_formatter;

This formatter changes the output to:

	Got: $VAR1 = [
			  'Привет мир'

Thanks to L<@denis-it|> for this tip!

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Jonathan Swartz <>

=item *

David Golden <>

=item *

Doug Bell <>

=item *

Daniel Pittman <>

=item *

Stephen Thirlwall <>



This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Jonathan Swartz, David Golden, and Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
