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# $Id:,v 1.4 2011/03/24 16:46:01 Paulo Exp $

package CPU::Z80::Disassembler;


=head1 NAME

CPU::Z80::Disassembler - Disassemble the flow of a Z80 program



use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp; our @CARP_NOT;		# do not report errors in this package

use CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Memory;
use CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction;
use CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Format;
use CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Labels;

our $VERSION = '0.04';



  use CPU::Z80::Disassembler;
  $dis = CPU::Z80::Disassembler->new;
  $dis->memory->load_file($file_name, $addr, $opt_skip_bytes, $opt_length);
  $dis->write_dump; $dis->write_dump($file);
  $dis->write_asm;  $dis->write_asm($file);

  $dis->set_type_code($addr [,$count]);
  $dis->set_type_byte($addr [,$count]);
  $dis->set_type_word($addr [,$count]);

  $dis->set_call($addr, 1);    # this may be called
  $dis->set_call($addr, $sub); # @next_code = $sub->($self, $next_addr) will be called

  $dis->code($addr [, $label]);
  $dis->defb($addr [, $count][, $label]);
  $dis->defw($addr [, $count][, $label]);
  $dis->defm($addr, $size [, $label]);
  $dis->defmz($addr [, $count][, $label]);
  $dis->defm7($addr [, $count][, $label]);

  $dis->block_comment($addr, $block_comment);
  $dis->line_comments($addr, @line_comments);

  $dis->relative_arg($addr, $label_name);


Implements a Z80 disassembler. Loads a binary file into memory and dumps
an unprocessed disassembly listing (see C<write_dump>).

Alternatively there are functions to tell the disassembler where there are 
data bytes and what are code entry points and labels. The disassembler will
follow the code by simulating a Z80 processor, to find out where the code region

As a C<call> instruction may be followed by data, the disassembler tries to find
out if the called routine manipulates the return stack. If it does not, and ends 
with a C<ret>, then the routine is considered safe, and the disassembly continues
after the C<call> instruction. If the routine is not considered safe, a message is 
written at the end of the disassembled file asking the used to check the 
routines manually; the C<set_call> method should then be used to tell how to 
handle calls to that routine on the next iteration.

The C<analyse> function can be called just before dumping the output to try to find 
higher level constructs in the assembly listing. For example, it transforms the
sequence C<ld b,h:ld c,l> into C<ld bc,hl>.

The C<write_asm> dumps an assembly listing that can be re-assembled to obtain the
starting binary file. All the unknown region bytes are disassembled as C<defb> 
instructions, and a map is shown at the end of the file with the code regions (C<C>),
byte regions (C<B>), word regions (C<W>) and unknown regions (C<->).


=head2 new

Creates the object.

=head2 memory

L<CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Memory|CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Memory> object
containing the memory being analysed.

=head2 instr

Reference to an array that contains all the disassembled instructions
as L<CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Intruction|CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Intruction>
objects, indexed 
by the address of the instruction. The entry is C<undef> if there is no
disassembled instruction at that address (either not known, or pointing to the second,
etc, bytes of a multi-byte instruction).

=head2 labels

Returns the L<CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Labels|CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Labels>
object that contains all the defined labels.

=head2 header, footer

Attributes containing blocks of text to dump before and after the assembly listing.
They are used by C<write_asm>.

=head2 ix_base, iy_base

Base addess for (IX+DIS) and (IY+DIS) instructions, if constant in all the code.
Causes the disassembly to dump:

  IY0 equ 0xHHHH                ; 0xHHHH is iy_base
      ld  a,(iy+0xHHHH-IY0)     ; 0xHHHH is the absolute address


# Hold a disassembly session
use Class::XSAccessor {
	constructor	=> '_new',
	accessors => [ 
		'memory',		# memory to disassemble
		'_type',		# identified type of each memory address, TYPE_xxx
		'instr',		# array of Instruction objects at each address
		'labels',		# all defined labels
		'_call_instr',	# hash of all call instructions where we are blocked
		'_can_call',	# hash of all subroutines we may call:
						# 1 	 : can be called, no stack impact
						# 0      : has stack impact, needs to be checked manually
						# sub {} : call sub->($self, $next_addr) to handle 
						#		   stack impact and return next code addresses
						#          to continue disassembly after call
						# array of block comment string at each address, printed before
						# the address
		'header', 'footer',
						# header and footer sections of disassembled file
		'ix_base', 'iy_base',
						# base addess for (IX+DIS) and (IY+DIS)

use constant TYPE_UNKNOWN	=> '-';
use constant TYPE_CODE		=> 'C';
use constant TYPE_BYTE		=> 'B';
use constant TYPE_WORD		=> 'W';
my $TYPES_RE = qr/^[-CBW]$/;

use Exporter 'import';

sub new {
	my($class) = @_;
	my $memory = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Memory->new;
	my $type   = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Memory->new;
	my $labels = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Labels->new;
	return $class->_new(memory 			=> $memory, 
						_type 			=> $type, 
						instr 			=> [],
						labels			=> $labels,
						_call_instr		=> {},
						_can_call		=> {},
						_block_comments	=> [],

=head2 write_dump

Outputs a disassembly dump on the given file, or standard output if no file

The disassembly dump shows the address and bytes of each instruction with 
the disassembled instruction.



sub write_dump {
	my($self, $file) = @_;

	my $fh = _opt_output_fh($file);
	my $it = $self->memory->loaded_iter;
	my $instr;
	while (my($min, $max) = $it->()) {
		for (my $addr = $min; $addr <= $max; $addr = $instr->next_addr) {
			# either a Z80 instruction, or, if not found, a defb
			$instr = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction->disassemble(
														$self->memory, $addr)
				  || CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction->defb(
														$self->memory, $addr);
			print $fh $instr->dump;


=head2 analyse

Analyse the disassembled information looking for higher level constructs.
For example, it replaces 'ld c,(hl):inc hl' by 'ldi c,(hl)'.

Should be called immediately before C<write_asm>.


sub analyse {
	my($self) = @_;
	# search for composed instructions
	my $it = $self->memory->loaded_iter;
	my $limit_addr = $self->_limit_addr(0);
	while (my($min, $max) = $it->()) {
		for (my $addr = $min; $addr <= $max; ) {
			my $instr = $self->instr->[$addr];
			if (defined $instr) {
				if ($instr->is_code) {
					# get address of next label
					if ($addr >= $limit_addr) {
						$limit_addr = $self->_limit_addr($addr + 1);
					# disassemble long instruction
					my $long_instr = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction
													  $addr, $limit_addr);
					if ($instr->opcode ne $long_instr->opcode) {
						$instr = $self->_merge_instr($long_instr);
				$addr += $instr->size;		# both code and data
			else {
				$addr++;					# undefined

sub _merge_instr {
	my($self, $new_instr) = @_;
	my @comments;
	push @comments, $new_instr->comment if defined $new_instr->comment;
	for my $addr ($new_instr->addr .. $new_instr->next_addr - 1) {
		my $old_instr = $self->instr->[$addr];
		if ($old_instr) {
			# copy comments
			push @comments, $old_instr->comment if defined $old_instr->comment;
			# copy formats
			if (defined $old_instr->_format) {
				for my $key (keys %{$old_instr->_format}) {
					$new_instr->format->{$key} =
			# delete old
			$self->instr->[$addr] = undef;
	$new_instr->comment(join("\n", @comments)) if @comments;
	$self->instr->[$new_instr->addr] = $new_instr;
	return $new_instr;

sub _limit_addr {
	my($self, $addr) = @_;
	my $label = $self->labels->next_label($addr);
	my $limit_addr = (defined $label) ? $label->addr : 0x10000;
	return $limit_addr;


=head2 write_asm

Outputs a disassembly listing on the given file, or standard output if no file

The disassembly listing can be assembled to obtain the original binary file.


sub write_asm {
	my($self, $file) = @_;

	my $fh = _opt_output_fh($file);

	my $comment_it = $self->_block_comments_iter;
	my $it = $self->memory->loaded_iter;
	while (my($min, $max) = $it->()) {
		my $instr = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction
					->org($self->memory, $min);
		print $fh $instr->asm;
		for (my $addr = $min; $addr <= $max; ) {
			# block comments
			print $fh $comment_it->($addr);
			$addr = $self->_write_instr($fh, $addr, $max);
		print $fh "\n";
	# final comments
	print $fh $comment_it->();
	print $fh $self->footer if defined $self->footer;


# iterator to return block comments up to given address
sub _block_comments_iter {
	my($self) = @_;
	my $i = 0;
	return sub {
		my($addr) = @_;
		my $max = $#{$self->_block_comments};
		$addr = $max unless defined $addr;
		my $return = "";
		while ($i <= $addr && $i <= $max) {
			my $comment = $self->_block_comments->[$i++];
			$return .= $comment if defined $comment;

use constant BPL => 16;

# write the file header and the label equates
sub _write_header {
	my($self, $fh) = @_;
	my $label_width = $self->labels->max_length + 1;
	print $fh $self->header if defined $self->header;
	my @labels = sort { $a->addr <=> $b->addr } $self->labels->search_all;
	for my $label (@labels) {
		next if defined $self->instr->[$label->addr];	# no need for EQU
		print $fh $label->equ_string($label_width);
	print $fh "\n" if @labels;
	# create IX0 / IY0 base
	my $printed_base;
	for (['IX0', 'ix_base'], ['IY0', 'iy_base']) {
		my($base, $func) = @$_;
		my $addr = $self->$func;
		if (defined $addr) {
			my $label = $self->labels->search_addr($addr);
			if (defined $label) {
				$addr = $label->name;
			else {
				$addr = format_hex4($addr);
			print $fh sprintf("%-*s equ %s\n", $label_width-1, $base, $addr);

	print $fh "\n" if $printed_base;
# write one instruction
sub _write_instr {
	my($self, $fh, $addr, $max) = @_;
	# label
	my $label = $self->labels->search_addr($addr);
	print $fh "\n", $label->label_string if (defined $label);

	my $instr = $self->instr->[$addr];
	if (defined $instr) {
		# instruction
		if (defined($instr->NN) && !defined($instr->format->{NN})) {
			my $NN = ref($instr->NN) ? $instr->NN->[0] : $instr->NN;
			my $ref_label = $self->labels->search_addr($NN);
			if (defined($ref_label)) {
				$instr->format->{NN} = sub { $ref_label->name };
		elsif (defined($instr->DIS) && !defined($instr->format->{DIS})) {
			for (['ix', 'ix_base'], ['iy', 'iy_base']) {
				my($reg, $func) = @$_;
				if ($instr->opcode =~ /$reg/ && defined(my $base = $self->$func)) {
					my $addr = $base + $instr->DIS;
					my $ref_label = $self->labels->search_addr($addr);
					if (defined $ref_label) {
						$instr->format->{DIS} = 
							sub { '+'.$ref_label->name.'-'.uc($reg).'0' };
		print $fh $instr->asm;
		return $instr->next_addr;
	else {
		# block of defb

		# search for next defined instr
		my $p;
		for ($p = $addr; $p <= $max && ! defined($self->instr->[$p]) ; $p++) {

		my $comment = "unknown area ".format_hex4($addr)." to ".format_hex4($p-1);
		print $fh "\n", " " x 8, "; Start of $comment\n";
		# print for $addr in blocks of 16
		while ($addr < $p) {
			my $max_count = $p - $addr;
			my $count = BPL - ($addr % BPL);				# until end of addr block
			$count = $max_count if $count > $max_count;		# until $p
			my $instr = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction
							->defb($self->memory, $addr, $count);
			print $fh $instr->asm;
			$addr += $count;

		print $fh " " x 8, "; End of $comment\n\n";
		return $addr;

sub _write_map {
	my($self, $fh) = @_;
	my $it = $self->memory->loaded_iter;
	while (my($min, $max) = $it->()) {
		for my $addr ($min .. $max-1) {
			if ($addr == $min || ($addr % 0x50) == 0) {
				print $fh "\n; ", format_hex4($addr), " ";
			print $fh $self->get_type($addr);
		print $fh "\n";

sub _write_labels {
	my($self, $fh) = @_;
	my @labels = $self->labels->search_all;
	return unless @labels;
	my $len = $self->labels->max_length;
	my @by_name = sort { lc($a->name) cmp lc($b->name) } @labels;
	my @by_addr = sort {    $a->addr  <=>    $b->addr  } @labels;

	print $fh "\n; Labels\n;\n";
	for (0 .. $#labels) {
		print $fh "; ", format_hex4($by_addr[$_]->addr), " => ", 
						sprintf("%-${len}s", $by_addr[$_]->name),
						" " x 8,
						sprintf("%-${len}s", $by_name[$_]->name), " => ", 
						format_hex4($by_name[$_]->addr), "\n";

sub _write_check_calls {
	my($self, $fh) = @_;

	my %unknown_calls;
	for my $addr (keys %{$self->_can_call}) {
		$unknown_calls{$addr}++ unless $self->_can_call->{$addr};
	for my $addr (keys %{$self->_call_instr}) {
		my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr);
	if (%unknown_calls) {
		print $fh "\n\n; Check these calls manualy: ",
				  join(", ", sort map {format_hex4($_)} keys %unknown_calls), 

sub _opt_output_fh {
	my($file) = @_;
	# open file
	my $fh;
	if (defined $file) {
		open($fh, ">", $file) or croak("write $file: $!");
	else {
		$fh = \*STDOUT;



=head2 set_type_code, set_type_byte, set_type_word

Sets the type of the given address. An optional count allows the definitions of
the type of consecutive memory locations.

It is an error to set a type of a not-defined memory location, 
or to redefine a type.


sub _set_type {
	my($self, $type, $addr, $count) = @_;
	$count ||= 1;
	croak("Invalid type $type") unless $type =~ /$TYPES_RE/;
	for ( ; $count > 0 ; $count--, $addr++ ) {
		my $current_type = $self->get_type($addr);
		croak("Changing type of address ".format_hex4($addr)." from ".
			  "$current_type to $type")
			if ($current_type ne TYPE_UNKNOWN &&
			    $type         ne TYPE_UNKNOWN &&
				$current_type ne $type);
		$self->_type->poke($addr, ord($type));
sub set_type_code { shift->_set_type( TYPE_CODE, @_ ) }
sub set_type_byte { shift->_set_type( TYPE_BYTE, @_ ) }
sub set_type_word { shift->_set_type( TYPE_WORD, @_ ) }

=head2 get_type

Gets the type at the given address, one of TYPE_UNKNOWN, TYPE_CODE, TYPE_BYTE or 
TYPE_WORD constants.

It is an error to set a type of a not-defined memory location.


sub get_type {
	my($self, $addr) = @_;
	croak("Getting type of unloaded memory at ".format_hex4($addr))
		unless defined $self->memory->peek($addr);
	my $current_type = $self->_type->peek($addr);
	$current_type = defined($current_type) ? chr($current_type) : TYPE_UNKNOWN;
	croak("Invalid type $current_type") unless $current_type =~ /$TYPES_RE/;
	return $current_type;


=head2 set_call

Declates a subroutine at the given address, either with no stack impact
(if 1 is passed as argument) or with a stack impact to be computed by the
given code reference. This function is called with $self and the address
after the call instruction as arguments and should return the next address(es)
where the code stream shall continue.


sub set_call {
	my($self, $addr, $can_call) = @_;
	$self->_can_call->{$addr} = $can_call;


=head2 code

Declares the given address and all following instructions up to an unconditional
jump as a block of code, with an optional label.


sub _get_instr {
	my($self, $addr) = @_;

	# read from cache or disassemble
	$self->instr->[$addr] ||= 
			CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction->disassemble($self->memory, $addr);
sub code {
	my($self, $addr, $label) = @_;

	defined($label) and $self->labels->add($addr, $label);
	my @stack = ($addr);						# all addresses to investigate
	# check calls
	while (@stack) {
		# follow all streams of code
		while (@stack) {
			my $addr = pop @stack;
			# skip if already checked
			next if $self->get_type($addr) eq TYPE_CODE;
			# get instruction and mark as code
			my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr);
			$self->set_type_code($addr, $instr->size);
			# create labels for branches (jump or call)
			if ($instr->is_branch) {
				my $branch_addr = $instr->NN;
				my $label = $self->labels->add($branch_addr, undef, $addr);
				$instr->format->{NN} = sub { $label->name };
			# check call / rst addresses
			if ($instr->is_call) {
				my $call_addr = $instr->NN;
				my $can_call = $self->_can_call->{$call_addr};
				if (! defined $can_call) {
					$self->_call_instr->{$addr}++;		# mark road block
				elsif (ref $can_call) {
					push @stack, $can_call->($self, $instr->next_addr);
														# call sub to handle impact
				elsif ($can_call) {
					push @stack, $instr->next_addr;		# can continue
			# continue on next addresses
			push @stack, $instr->next_code;
		# check if we can unwind any blocked calls, after all paths without calls are
		# exhausted
		push @stack, $self->_check_call_instr;

sub _check_call_instr {
	my($self) = @_;

	my @stack;
	# check simple call instructions where we blocked
	for my $addr (keys %{$self->_call_instr}) {
		my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr);
		my $call_addr = $instr->NN;
		if (	# if any of the calls is conditional, then _can_call
				$instr->opcode =~ /call \w+,NN/
				# if address after the call is CODE, then _can_call
				$self->get_type($instr->next_addr) eq TYPE_CODE
			) {
			# mark for later; do not call code() directly because we are 
			# iterating over _call_instr that might be changed by code()
			$self->_can_call->{$call_addr} = 1;
			push @stack, $instr->next_addr;				# code from here
			delete $self->_call_instr->{$addr};			# processed
	# check remaining by following code flow
	for my $addr (keys %{$self->_call_instr}) {
		my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr);
		my $call_addr = $instr->NN;
		# if call flow in called subroutine 
		# does not pop return address, than _can_call
		my $can_call = $self->_check_call($call_addr);
		if (defined $can_call) {
			$self->_can_call->{$call_addr} = $can_call;
			push @stack, $addr;							# re-check call to call can_call 
			$self->_set_type(TYPE_UNKNOWN, $addr, $instr->size);
														# allow recheck to happen
			delete $self->_call_instr->{$addr};			# processed
	return @stack;

sub _check_call {
	my($self, $call_addr) = @_;
	my %seen;									# addresses we have checked
	my($addr, $sp_level) = ($call_addr, 0);
	my @stack = ([$addr, $sp_level]);			# all addresses to investigate
	# follow code
	while (@stack) {
		($addr, $sp_level) = @{pop @stack};
		next if $seen{$addr}++;					# prevent loops
		# run into some known code
		my $can_call = $self->_can_call->{$addr};
		if (defined $can_call) {
			return $can_call if $sp_level == 0;
		# get the instruction
		my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr);
		local $_ = $instr->opcode;
		# check stack impact
		if (/ret/) {
			return 1 if $sp_level == 0;			# can call if stack empty
		elsif (/push/) {
			$sp_level += 2;
		elsif (/pop/) {
			$sp_level -= 2;
			return 0 if $sp_level < 0;			# STACK IMPACT!
		elsif (/dec sp/) {
		elsif (/inc sp/) {
			return 0 if $sp_level < 0;			# STACK IMPACT!
		elsif (/ex \(sp\),/) {
			return 0 if $sp_level < 2;			# STACK IMPACT!
		elsif (/ld sp/) {
			return 0;							# STACK IMPACT!
		# continue on next address, but dont follow calls
		if ($instr->is_call) {
			my $can_call = $self->_can_call->{$instr->NN};
			if (defined($can_call) && !ref($can_call) && $can_call) {
				push @stack, [$instr->next_addr, $sp_level];	# continue after call
		elsif ($instr->is_branch) {
			push @stack, [$instr->NN, $sp_level];
		push @stack, [$instr->next_addr, $sp_level]	unless $instr->is_break_flow;
	return undef;								# don't know


=head2 defb, defw, defm, defmz, defm7

Declares the given address as a def* instruction
with an optional label.


sub _def {
	my($self, $factory, $set_type,
	   $addr, $count, $label) = @_;

	defined($label) and $self->labels->add($addr, $label);
	my $instr = CPU::Z80::Disassembler::Instruction
					->$factory($self->memory, $addr, $count);
	$self->instr->[$addr] = $instr;
	$self->$set_type($addr, $instr->size);
	return $instr;

sub defb {
	my($self, $addr, $count, $label) = @_;
	$self->_def('defb', 'set_type_byte', $addr, $count, $label);

sub defw {
	my($self, $addr, $count, $label) = @_;
	$self->_def('defw', 'set_type_word', $addr, $count, $label);

sub defm {
	my($self, $addr, $length, $label) = @_;
	$self->_def('defm', 'set_type_byte', $addr, $length, $label);

sub defmz {
	my($self, $addr, $count, $label) = @_;
	$self->_def('defmz', 'set_type_byte', $addr, $count, $label);

sub defm7 {
	my($self, $addr, $count, $label) = @_;
	$self->_def('defm7', 'set_type_byte', $addr, $count, $label);


=head2 block_comment

Creates a block comment to insert before the given address.


sub block_comment {
	my($self, $addr, $block_comment) = @_;
	$self->_block_comments->[$addr] = $block_comment;


=head2 line_comments

Appends each of the given line comments to the instrutions starting at 
the given address, one comment per instruction.


sub line_comments {
	my($self, $addr, @line_comments) = @_;
	for (@line_comments) {
		my $instr = $self->instr->[$addr];
		croak("Cannot set comment of unknown instruction at ".format_hex4($addr))
			unless $instr;
		$addr += $instr->size;


=head2 relative_arg

Shows the instruction argument (NN or N) relative to a given label name.
Label name can be '$' for a value relative to the instruction pointer.


sub relative_arg {
	my($self, $addr, $label_name) = @_;

	# disassemble from here, if needed
	my $instr = $self->_get_instr($addr) or die;
	my $label_addr;
	if ($label_name eq '$') {
		$label_addr = $instr->addr;
	else {
		my $label = $self->labels->search_name($label_name)
			or croak("Label '$label_name' not found");
		$label_addr = $label->addr;
	my $NN = 	defined($instr->NN) ? 'NN' :
				defined($instr->N ) ? 'N'  :
				croak("Instruction at address ".format_hex4($addr).
					  " has no arguments");
	my $arg = $instr->$NN; 
	$arg = [$arg] unless ref $arg;	# defb stores as [N]
	my $delta = $arg->[0] - $label_addr;
	my $expr = $label_name . format_dis($delta);
	$instr->format->{$NN} = sub { $expr };



=head1 AUTHOR

Paulo Custodio, C<< <pscust at> >>

=head1 BUGS and FEEDBACK

Please report any bugs or feature requests through
the web interface at 


Copyright 2010 Paulo Custodio.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

The Spectrum 48K ROM used in the test scripts is Copyright by Amstrad. 
Amstrad have kindly given their permission for the
redistribution of their copyrighted material but retain that copyright
(see L<>).

