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# $Id:,v 1.6 2014/04/29 22:36:32 Paulo Exp $

package Iterator::Simple::Lookahead;


=head1 NAME

Iterator::Simple::Lookahead - Simple iterator with lookahead and unget



use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use Iterator::Simple qw( is_iterator );

our $VERSION = '0.06';



  use Iterator::Simple::Lookahead;
  my $iter = Iterator::Simple::Lookahead->new( sub {}, @values );
  my $first = $iter->peek();
  my $second = $iter->peek(1);
  my $next = $iter->next; # or $iter->()
  $iter->unget( sub {}, @values );


This module encapsulates an iterator function. An iterator function returns the
next element in the stream on each call, and returns C<undef> on end of input.

The iterator can return a code reference - this new iterator is inserted at the 
head of the queue.

The object allows the user to C<peek()> the Nth element of the stream without
consuming it, or to get it and remove from the stream.

A list of items can also be pushed back to the stream by C<unget()>, 
to be retrieved in the subsequent C<next()> calls. The next item can also be
retrieved by calling C<$iter-E<gt>()>.

The input list to the constructor and to C<unget()> contains items to be
retrieved on each C<next()> call, or code references to be called to extract the
next item from the stream.

Other types of input can be converted to a code reference by C<iter()> of 

This module is built on top of L<Iterator::Simple|Iterator::Simple> 
and returns iterators that are compatible with the former, 
i.e. an object of type C<Iterator::Simple::Lookahead> 
can be used as an input to C<iter()>.


=head2 new

Creates a new object ready to retrieve elements from the given input list. The 
list contains either values to be returned in a subsequent C<next()> call, or
code references to be called to extract the next item from the stream.

Other types of input can be converted to a code reference by C<iter()> of 


use base 'Iterator::Simple::Iterator';
use Class::XSAccessor {
	accessors 		=> [
		'_look_ahead',		# list of computed values
		'_iterators',		# list of iterators

sub new {
	my($class, @items) = @_;
	my $self = bless { _look_ahead => [], _iterators => [] }, $class;
	$self->unget(@items) if @items;
	return $self;

use overload (
	'&{}'	=> sub { my($self) = @_; return sub { $self->next } },
	'<>'	=> 'next',
	'|'		=> 'filter',
	fallback => 1,


=head2 peek

Retrieves the Nth-element at the head of the stream, but keeps it in the 
stream to be retrieved by C<next()>.

Calls the iterator function to compute the items up to the Nth element, returns
C<undef> if the stream is exhausted before reaching N.

As a special case, C<peek()> retrieves the element at the head of the stream,
or C<undef> if the stream is empty.



sub _is_iter { ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE' || is_iterator($_[0]) }

sub peek {
	my($self, $n) = @_;
	$n ||= 0; croak("negative index $n") if $n < 0;
	while (1) {
		# return element if already computed
		return $self->_look_ahead->[$n] if $n < @{$self->_look_ahead};
		# empty list of iterators -> end of input
		return unless @{$self->_iterators};
		# get first iterator
		my $iter = $self->_iterators->[0];
		if ( ! defined $iter ) {
			shift @{$self->_iterators};			# skip undefined values
		elsif ( _is_iter($iter) ) {
			my $value = $iter->();
			if ( defined($value) ) {
				# allow an iterator to get another
				unshift @{$self->_iterators}, $value;
			else {
				shift @{$self->_iterators};		# exhausted
		else {
			push @{$self->_look_ahead}, $iter;	# not iterator
			shift @{$self->_iterators};


=head2 next

Retrieves the element at the head of the stream and removes it from the stream.

Returns C<undef> if the stream is empty



sub next {
	my($self) = @_;
	$self->peek;	# compute head element
	return shift @{$self->_look_ahead};


=head2 unget

Pushes back a list of values and/or iterators to the stream, that will be
retrieved on the subsequent calls to C<next()>.

Can be called from within an iterator, to insert values that will be returned 
before the current call, e.g. calling from the iterator:

  $stream->unget(1..3); return 4;

will result in the values 4,1,2,3 being returned from the stream.



sub unget {
	my($self, @items) = @_;
	unshift @{$self->_iterators}, @items, @{$self->_look_ahead};
	@{$self->_look_ahead} = ();


=head1 EXPORT


=head1 AUTHOR

Paulo Custodio, C<< <pscust at> >>

=head1 BUGS and FEEDBACK

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at


Inspired in L<HOP::Stream|HOP::Stream> and L<Iterator::Simple|Iterator::Simple>.


Copyright (C) 2013 by Paulo Custodio

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

