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# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mark Summerfield. All Rights Reserved.
# May be used/distributed under the GPL.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Path::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long ;
use File::Basename ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Path ;
use Symbol ;
use Text::MacroScript ;

use vars qw( $VERSION ) ;
$VERSION = '2.04';

my %Opt ;

&getoptions ;

my $Macro = Text::MacroScript->new( 
                -embedded => $Opt{'prep'} ? 0 : 1,
                -file     => [ $Opt{'file'} ],
                ) ;

find( { preprocess 	=> \&preprocess, 
		wanted		=> \&wanted, 
	  scalar @ARGV ? @ARGV : '.' ) ;

sub preprocess {
	return sort(@_);

sub wanted {
    return unless /\.m$/o ;

    my $file    = $_ ;
    my $newfile = $file ; 
    $newfile =~ s/\.m$//o ;
    my $showdir = "$File::Find::dir/" ;
    if( $Opt{'dir'} ) {
        my $targetdir = $showdir ;
        if( $targetdir =~ m,^\./,o ) {
            $targetdir =~ s,^\./,$Opt{'dir'},o ; 
        else {
            $targetdir =~ s/^$Opt{'root'}/$Opt{'dir'}/o ; 
        $targetdir .= '/' unless $targetdir =~ /\/$/o ;
        $newfile = $targetdir . $newfile ;
        $showdir = '' ;
    if( $Opt{'force'} or ( not -e $newfile ) or 
       ( (stat( $newfile ))[9] < (stat( $file ))[9] ) ) { 
        print STDERR "Expanding macros in $File::Find::name to $showdir$newfile\n" 
        if $Opt{'verbose'} ;
        eval {
            if( not $showdir ) { # Possibly new directory
                my $path = dirname( $newfile ) ;
                if( not -e $path ) {
                    print STDERR "Creating $path\n" if $Opt{'verbose'} ;
                    mkpath( $path ) ;
            my $fh = gensym ;
            open  $fh, ">$newfile" or 
            die "Failed to open $newfile: $!\n" ;
            print $fh $Macro->expand_file( $file ) ;
            close $fh ;
        } ;
        warn $@ if $@ ;
    elsif( $Opt{'verbose'} ) {
        print STDERR "$showdir$newfile is up to date\n" 

sub getoptions {

    # Defaults.
    $Opt{'dir'}     = '' ;
    $Opt{'force'}   = 0 ;
    $Opt{'file'}    = 'macro' ;
    $Opt{'prep'}    = 0 ;
    $Opt{'root'}    = Path::Tiny->cwd ;
    $Opt{'verbose'} = 0;

    &help if defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-h|--help)$/o ;

    Getopt::Long::config 'no_ignore_case' ;
    GetOptions( \%Opt,
        ) or &help ;

    $Opt{'dir'} .= '/' if $Opt{'dir'} and $Opt{'dir'} !~ /\/$/o ;

sub help {

    print STDERR <<__EOT__ ;

macrodir v $VERSION. Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999-2000. 
All rights reserved. May be used/distributed under the GPL.

usage: macrodir [options] <path>

-d --dir       Put output files in <dir> instead of $Opt{'root'}
-f --force     Force conversion [$Opt{'force'}]
-F --file      Take macros from this file [$Opt{'file'}]
-h --help      Show this screen and exit
-p --prep      Operate as macro pre-processor instead of an embedded macro
-v --verbose   Verbose [$Opt{'verbose'}]

Loads the macros from file '$Opt{'file'}' in the current directory then expands
macros embedded in <: and :> in every .m file in the current directory and any

Text::MacroScript now supplies a function relpath which returns the relative
path. (See html.macro example file for usage and and
macropp documentation.)
    exit ;