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<TITLE> Useful Scripts from Ali Corbin</TITLE>
<ADDRESS><H1> Useful Scripts from Ali Corbin</H1>
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------- start of forwarded message -------
From: Ali Corbin <>
Subject: some Perl/Tk scripts

Here are a few Perl/Tk scripts that people may find useful.

Ali (

==============================  showcolors ===================================

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

#	showcolors	- show X colors

@helpText = (
"This Perl/Tk script permits you to look at X colors.",
"You can move the scales to change the sample color based on rgb values",
"or you can select named colors out of the listbox.",
"Of the buttons at the bottom of the window:",
"   Closest - finds the named color that is closest to the current sample",
"   Undo    - undoes the last Closest",
"   Put     - paints the root with the current sample",
"   Filter  - brings up a filter dialog for the color names",

#	Included Library Modules
use Tk;

#	Global data
$rgbFile		= "/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt";

%name2value		= ();							# Sorted by color name
%value2name		= ();							# Sorted by color value

$value			= "#000000";
$name			= "Black";

$filter			= "";
$caseSensitive	= 0;

$closestButtonLabel = "Closest";
$undoButtonLabel = "Undo";
$putButtonLabel = "Put";
$filterButtonLabel = "Filter...";

$applyButtonLabel = 'Apply';
$clearButtonLabel = 'Clear';
$dismissButtonLabel = 'Dismiss';

#	Main

# If any arguments were given, assume that they're asking for help.
if ($ARGV[0]) {
	foreach $line (@helpText) {
		print "$line\n";

# Assemble the list of colors.

# Initialize Tk
$top = MainWindow-&gt;new();

# Put a button bar on the bottom, a sample area above that, 
# and two frames side-by-side at the top.
$buttons = $top-&gt;Frame( );
$buttons-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );
$sample = $top-&gt;Frame( -height =&gt; '2c', -relief =&gt; 'ridge' );
$sample-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );
$left = $top-&gt;Frame;
$left-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -fill =&gt; 'y');
$right = $top-&gt;Frame;
$right-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'right', -fill =&gt; 'both', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );

# Add the buttons to the button bar.
makeButton( $buttons, \$closestButtonLabel, findClosestColor );
$undo = makeButton( $buttons, \$undoButtonLabel, undoLastClosest );
$undo-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'disabled' );

makeButton( $buttons, \$putButtonLabel, sub{ system "xsetroot -solid $value" });

$filterButton = makeButton( $buttons, \$filterButtonLabel, 
		sub { &makeFilterDialog( $filterButton, \$filter, rereadColors ); } );

# Make a scale for each color component.
makeRGBAScales( $left, "Slide colors:" );

# Make a listbox full of color names.
$colorList = makeColorList( $right, "Double-Click on Name:", sort( keys %name2value ));

# Fall into the event loop.

#	Functions

#	Assemble the color list.
#	Sets global varibles %value2name and %name2value

sub	getColorList

	my ( $name, $value );

	# Read the list of colors and intensities from the rgb file.
	open RGB, $rgbFile	|| die "Couldn't open $rgbFile\n";
	while (<RGB>)
		/\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\n/;		# (r) (g) (b) (color name)
		$value	= sprintf( "#%02x%02x%02x", $1, $2, $3 );
		$name	= $4;

		# If a filter has been set, get rid of any color that doesn't match it.
		if	( $filter )
			my $f = ( $caseSensitive ) ? $filter : lc( $filter );
			my $n = ( $caseSensitive ) ? $name : lc( $name );
			if	( -1 == index( $n, $f ) )	{ next }

		# Get rid of duplicately named colors.
		# Also, get rid of Transparent (which doesn't really exist)
		# and all grey100's (so that we'll use White instead).
		next	if ( exists $value2name{$value} );
		next	if ( substr($name, 1) eq "ransparent" );
		next	if ( length($name) &gt; 4  &&  substr($name, 4) eq "100" );

		$value2name{$value}	= $name;
		$name2value{$name}	= $value;
	close RGB;

#	Makes a set of rgb scales
#	Sets global variables $redScale, $greenScale, $blueScale
#	Accesses the global variable $value.

sub makeRGBAScales
	my ( $parent, $messageText ) = @_;

	# Stick a message at the top.
	$label = $parent-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $messageText, -relief =&gt; "raised", -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$label-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'top', -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	# Display the current value at the bottom.
	$label = $parent-&gt;Label( -textvariable =&gt; \$value, -relief =&gt; "ridge", -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$label-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	# Make a scale for each color component.
	$redScale	= makeScale( $parent, 'red' );
	$greenScale	= makeScale( $parent, 'green' );
	$blueScale	= makeScale( $parent, 'blue' );


#	Make a scale

sub makeScale
	my ( $parent, $color ) = @_;
	my ( $scale );

	$scale = $parent-&gt;Scale( -label =&gt; substr( $color, 0, 1 ),
							-from =&gt; 0, -to =&gt; 255,
							-showvalue =&gt; 'no',
							-orient =&gt; 'vertical',
							-command =&gt; sub { &scaleCommand; } );
	$scale-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -fill =&gt; 'y' );
	$scale-&gt;bind( '<1>' => sub { $scale->focus } );


#	Make a listbox with message and scrollbar

sub makeColorList
	my ( $parent, $messageText, @list ) = @_;
	my ( $label, $button, $listbox );

	# Stick a message at the top.
	$label = $parent-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $messageText, 
								-relief =&gt; "raised", -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$label-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	# Display the current color name at the bottom.
	$label = $parent-&gt;Label( -textvariable =&gt; \$name,
								-relief =&gt; "ridge", -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$label-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	# Make a listbox/scrollbar pair.
	$listbox = &makeList( $parent, sub { setColorByName($_[0]); }, 
											'right', @list );


#	Reread the list of colors (possibly with a new filter).

sub rereadColors

	# Reread the list of colors.
	%value2name = ();
	%name2value = ();

	# Delete the current contents of the listbox and replace it with the new list.
	$colorList-&gt;delete( 0, 'end' );
	$colorList-&gt;insert( 'end', sort( keys %name2value ));


#	Called if the user changed a scale:
#	Sets global variables $value and $name

sub scaleCommand

	# Get each scale's setting and recalculate the rgb value.
	$value = sprintf( "#%02x%02x%02x", $redScale-&gt;get, $greenScale-&gt;get, $blueScale-&gt;get );



#	Find the named color closest to the current value

sub findClosestColor
	$top-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'watch' );

	$prevValue = $value;

	my $diff = 3*255;
	my $valueBest = "#000000";
	my $nameBest = "Black";
	my $rBest = hex2dec( substr( $valueBest, 1, 2 ));
	my $gBest = hex2dec( substr( $valueBest, 3, 2 ));
	my $bBest = hex2dec( substr( $valueBest, 5, 2 ));
	my $r	 = hex2dec( substr( $value, 1, 2 ));
	my $g	 = hex2dec( substr( $value, 3, 2 ));
	my $b	 = hex2dec( substr( $value, 5, 2 ));

	while ( ( $v, $n ) = each %value2name )
		my $rTemp = hex2dec( substr( $v, 1, 2 ));
		my $gTemp = hex2dec( substr( $v, 3, 2 ));
		my $bTemp = hex2dec( substr( $v, 5, 2 ));

		my $tempDiff = dif($r,$rTemp) + dif($g,$gTemp) + dif($b,$bTemp);
		if	( $tempDiff &lt; $diff )
			$diff = $tempDiff;
			$rBest = $r;
			$gBest = $g;
			$bBest = $b;
			$valueBest = $v;
			$nameBest = $n;
	setColorByName( $nameBest );

	$top-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'left_ptr' );
	$undo-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'normal' );


sub undoLastClosest
	$value = $prevValue;
	$undo-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'disabled' );

sub dif
	my ( $p1, $p2 ) = @_;
	my	$result = ( $p1 &lt; $p2 ) ? ( $p2 - $p1 ) : ( $p1 - $p2 );

sub setColorByName

	# Set the global color name.
	my ( $name ) = @_;

	# Get its rgb value.
	$value = $name2value{$name};


sub newColor

	# If this color has a name then set it.
	if ( exists( $value2name{$value} ) )	{ $name = $value2name{$value}; }
	else									{ $name = ""; }

	# Set each of the scales to the proper setting.
	$redScale-&gt;set( hex2dec( substr( $value, 1, 2 )));
	$greenScale-&gt;set( hex2dec( substr( $value, 3, 2 )));
	$blueScale-&gt;set( hex2dec( substr( $value, 5, 2 )));

	# Repaint the sample area.
	$sample-&gt;configure( -background =&gt; $value );

#	Turn a hex number into a decimal number

sub hex2dec
	my ( $hex ) = @_;
	my ( $dec ) = 0;

	while ( length($hex) )
		my ( $digit ) = substr( $hex, 0, 1 );

		$hex = substr( $hex, 1 );

		if		( $digit eq 'a' )	{ $digit = '10'; }
		elsif	( $digit eq 'b' )	{ $digit = '11'; }
		elsif	( $digit eq 'c' )	{ $digit = '12'; }
		elsif	( $digit eq 'd' )	{ $digit = '13'; }
		elsif	( $digit eq 'e' )	{ $digit = '14'; }
		elsif	( $digit eq 'f' )	{ $digit = '15'; }

		$dec = ( $dec * 16 ) + int($digit);

	# Return the result.

#	makeList - Create a listbox and associated scrollbar.

sub makeList
	my ( $parent, $command, $side, @list ) = @_;
	my ( $listbox, $scrollbar );

	# Stick a scroll bar on the requested side.
	$scrollbar = $parent-&gt;Scrollbar();
	$scrollbar-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; $side, -fill =&gt; 'y' );

	# Create a listbox and tie it to the scrollbar.
	# (If the you move the listbox with button2, the scrollbar will also move.)
	$listbox = $parent-&gt;Listbox( -setgrid =&gt; 'yes',
								-yscrollcommand =&gt; [ 'set', $scrollbar ] );
	$listbox-&gt;insert( 'end', @list );
	$listbox-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'both', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );

	# Change the cursor when button2 is depressed to remind people that 
	# they can move the listbox.  
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<ButtonPress-2>' => sub {
								$listbox-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'spider' )}); 
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<ButtonRelease-2>' => sub { 
								$listbox-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'left_ptr' )});

	# Tie the scrollbar to the listbox
	# (If you move the scrollbar, the listbox will also move.)
	$scrollbar-&gt;configure( -command =&gt; [ 'yview', $listbox ] );

	# If an element is selected with either the mouse or the keyboard,
	# do what needs to be done.
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<Double-Button-1>' => sub {
					 	my $selection = $listbox-&gt;get('active');
						&$command( $selection );
					} );

	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub {
					 	my $selection = $listbox-&gt;get('active');
						&$command( $selection );
					} );

	# Shift input focus to the listbox's components when the mouse touches them.
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<1>' => sub { $listbox->focus } );
	$scrollbar-&gt;bind( '<1>' => sub { $scrollbar->focus } );


#	Called when the Filter... button is pressed

sub makeFilterDialog

	my ( $frame, $button, $apply, $label );

	$fButton = shift;
	$filterP = shift;
	my $command = shift;

	# Disable the filter button while the filter dialog is up.
	$fButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'disabled' );

	# Find the right edge of the parent window.
	$geom = getRightEdge( $fButton );

	# Create the dialog box
	$dialog = $fButton-&gt;Toplevel( -class =&gt; 'Filter' );
	$dialog-&gt;geometry( $geom );
	$dialog-&gt;wm( 'protocol', 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub{ &destroyDialog; } );

	# Put the filter text widget at the top.
	$frame = $dialog-&gt;Frame();		$frame-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x');

	$label = $frame-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; "Filter:", -relief =&gt; 'flat' );
	$label-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left' );

	$filterText = $frame-&gt;Entry( -width =&gt; 10, -relief =&gt; 'sunken', -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$filterText-&gt;insert( 'end', $$filterP );
	$filterText-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -fill =&gt; 'x', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
	$filterText-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub {	$apply->flash; 
											$$filterP = $filterText-&gt;get; 
											&$command } );

	# Put a case-sensitive check button under that.
	$button = $dialog-&gt;Checkbutton( -text =&gt; "Case Sensitive",
										-variable =&gt; \$caseSensitive );
	$button-&gt;pack( -expand =&gt; 'yes', -pady =&gt; '1m' );

	# Put some action buttons in the space at the bottom.
	$frame = $dialog-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; 'groove', -bd =&gt; 5 );
	$frame-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -padx =&gt; '1m', -pady =&gt; '1m', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
	$apply = makeButton( $frame, \$applyButtonLabel, 
					sub { $$filterP = $filterText-&gt;get; &$command } );

	makeButton( $dialog, \$clearButtonLabel,
					sub { $$filterP = ""; $filterText-&gt;delete( 0, 'end' );} );

	makeButton( $dialog, \$dismissButtonLabel, destroyDialog );


#	Destroy the dialog window and re-enable the filter button.

sub destroyDialog
	destroy $dialog; 
	$fButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'normal' );

#	Find the right edge of the parent window.

sub getRightEdge
	my ( $w ) = @_;
	my $geom;

	# Get the geometry of the eldest parent.
	while ( $w )
		$geom = $w-&gt;winfo( 'geometry' );
		$w = $w-&gt;winfo( 'parent' );	

	# Split it into its component parts.
	my ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize  ) = parseGeometry( $geom );

	# Add the x size and coordinate to get the right edge.
	my $x = $xCoord + $xSize;

	# Find the midpoint of that edge for the y coordinate.
	my $y = $yCoord + int($ySize/2);

	# Assemble x and y into a geometry statement (coordinates only, no size).
	$geom = "+$x+$y";

sub parseGeometry
	my ( $geom ) = @_;
	my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize );

	# Split the geometry string into its component parts.
	my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord ) = split '\+', $geom ;
	my ( $xSize, $ySize ) = split 'x', $size;

	# Return the components.
	return ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize );

#	Make a button

sub makeButton
	my ( $parent, $text, $command ) = @_;
	my ( $button );

	$button = $parent-&gt;Button( -textvariable =&gt; $text, -command =&gt; sub { &$command } );
	$button-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub { &$command } );
	$button-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -padx =&gt; '1m', -pady =&gt; '1m', -expand =&gt; 'yes'  );


==============================  showcursors ==================================

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

#	showcursors	- show standard X cursors

@helpText = (
"This Perl/Tk script displays a matrix of frames",
"one for each of the valid X cursors (those defined in X11/cursorfont.h).",
"Move the mouse cursor into a frame to show its cursor.",

#	Included Library Modules
use Tk;

#	Global data

$messageText = "Place the cursor in any of the boxes below.";

#	This list was extracted from X11/cursorfont.h
@cursors = ( 




$numColumns = 4;
$numRows	= scalar( @cursors ) / $numColumns;
$column		= 0;
$row		= 0;

#	Main

# If any arguments were given, assume that they're asking for help.
if ($ARGV[0]) {
	foreach $line (@helpText) {
		print "$line\n";

# Initialize Tk
$top = MainWindow-&gt;new();

# Stick an explanatory message at the top.
$message = $top-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $messageText, -relief =&gt; "raised", -bd =&gt; 2 );
$message-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x' );

# Create a separate frame for each column.
for ( $i=0; $i&lt;$numColumns; $i++ )
	$frame[$i] = $top-&gt;Frame();
	$frame[$i]-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -fill =&gt; 'y' );

# Create a frame for each cursor.
foreach $cursor ( @cursors )
	$style = $frame[$column]-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; 'ridge', -bd =&gt; 2, 
										-cursor =&gt; $cursor );
	$style-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'top', -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	$label = $style-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $cursor );

	if	( $row &gt;= $numRows )	{ $column++; $row=0; }

# Fall into the event loop.

==============================  showfonts  ===================================

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

#	showfonts	- show X fonts

@helpText = (
"This Perl/Tk script permits you to look at X fonts.",
"You can select fonts out of the listbox.",
"Of the buttons at the bottom of the window:",
"   Show/Hide Extended      - toggles between 7-bit and 8-bit characters",
"   Show Full Names/Aliases - toggles between full font names and aliases",
"   Filter  - brings up a filter dialog for the font names",

#	Included Library Modules
use Tk;

#	Global data

$messageText = "Double-click on a font to look at it.";
$fullFontText = "-foundry-family-weight-slant-width--pixels-points-hres-vres-spacing-average-set";
@normalText	=
	"\040\041\042\043\044\045\046\047\050\051\052\053\054\055\056\057" .
	"\100\101\102\103\104\105\106\107\110\111\112\113\114\115\116\117" .
	"\140\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\150\151\152\153\154\155\156\157" .
@extendedText =
	"\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\210\211\212\213\214\215\216\217" .
	"\240\241\242\243\244\245\246\247\250\251\252\253\254\255\256\257" .
	"\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317" .
	"\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357" .
@sampleText	= ( @normalText );

$extended = 0;	$extendedButtonText = "Show Extended";

$fullNames = 0;	$fullNameButtonText = "Show Full Names";
@wildCards = ( '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*' );
@fontElement = @wildCards;

$filterButtonLabel = "Filter...";
$filter = "";

$applyButtonLabel = 'Apply';
$clearButtonLabel = 'Clear';
$dismissButtonLabel = 'Dismiss';

#	Main

# If any arguments were given, assume that they're asking for help.
if ($ARGV[0]) {
	foreach $line (@helpText) {
		print "$line\n";

# Get the entire list of fonts, removing the carriage return from each name.
open FONTS, "xlsfonts|"	|| die "Couldn't read fonts\n";
@totalFonts = grep( chop, <FONTS> );
close FONTS;

# Start with the subset of aliased fonts (those without an initial '-').
@allFonts = grep( !/^\-/, @totalFonts );
@fonts = @allFonts;

# Pick the first font to start with.
$currentFont = $fonts[0];

# Initialize Tk
$top = MainWindow-&gt;new();

# Stick a message at the top.
$message = $top-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $messageText, -relief =&gt; "raised", -bd =&gt; 2 );
$message-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x' );

# Place the list of fonts next.
$listFrame = $top-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; "flat" );
$listFrame-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'both', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
$fontListbox = &makeList( $listFrame, fontSelected, 'left', @fonts );

# Put some sample text at the bottom.
$sampleFrame = $top-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; "ridge", -bd =&gt; 2 );
$sampleFrame-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );
&displayText( 0, scalar(@sampleText) );

# Put some option buttons above it
$optionFrame = $top-&gt;Frame;
$optionFrame-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'bottom', -fill =&gt; 'x' );
&makeButton( $optionFrame, \$extendedButtonText, toggleExtended );
&makeButton( $optionFrame, \$fullNameButtonText, toggleFullNames );
$filterButton = makeButton( $optionFrame, \$filterButtonLabel, filterDialog );

# Placing the above stuff in this order means that the optional explanation
# for the full names will appear between the listbox and the option buttons.

# Fall into the event loop.

#	Functions

sub fontSelected
	$currentFont = $_[0];


	for ( $i=0; $i&lt;scalar(@sampleText); $i++ )
		$sample[$i]-&gt;configure( -font =&gt; $currentFont );


sub	toggleExtended

	if	( $extended )
		&destroyText( scalar(@normalText), scalar(@sampleText) );

		@sampleText	= ( @normalText );
		$extendedButtonText = "Show Extended";
		$extended = 0;
		@sampleText	= ( @normalText, @extendedText );
		$extendedButtonText = "Hide Extended";
		$extended = 1;

		&displayText( scalar(@normalText), scalar(@sampleText) );

sub	toggleFullNames

	if	( $fullNames )
		@allFonts = grep( !/^\-/, @totalFonts );
		$fullNameButtonText = "Show Full Names";
		$fullNames = 0;
		$fullText = $top-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $fullFontText, -relief =&gt; "ridge", -bd =&gt; 2 );
		$fullText-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x' );

		@allFonts = grep( /^\-/, @totalFonts );
		$fullNameButtonText = "Show Aliases";
		$fullNames = 1;

	$filter = "";

sub destroyText
	my ( $start, $end ) = @_;

	for $i ( $start .. $end )
		$sample[$i]-&gt;destroy if	( $sample[$i] );

sub displayText
	my ( $start, $end ) = @_;

	for $i ( $start .. $end )
		$sample[$i] = $sampleFrame-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $sampleText[$i],
											-font =&gt; $currentFont );
		$sample[$i]-&gt;pack( -anchor =&gt; 'w' );

#	Called when the Filter... button is pressed

sub filterDialog

	if	( $fullNames )	{ &makeFullFilterDialog(); }
	else				{ &makeFilterDialog( $filterButton, \$filter, 
												filterFonts ); }

sub filterFonts

	# If a search pattern was given, use it to narrow down the list of fonts.
	if ( $filter )	{ @fonts = grep( /$filter/, @allFonts ); }
	else			{ @fonts = @allFonts; }

	# Pick the first font to start with.
	$currentFont = $fonts[0];

	# Delete the current contents of the listbox and replace it with the new list.
	if	( $fontListbox )
		$fontListbox-&gt;delete( 0, 'end' );
		$fontListbox-&gt;insert( 'end', @fonts );


sub makeFullFilterDialog
	my ( $frame, $message );
	my $clearButtonLabel = 'Clear';
	my $dismissButtonLabel = 'Dismiss';

	# Disable the filter button while the filter dialog is up.
	$filterButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'disabled' );

	# Create the dialog box
	$filterDialog = $filterButton-&gt;Toplevel( -class =&gt; 'Full Name Filter' );
	$filterDialog-&gt;geometry( &getBottomEdge( $filterButton, 1 ) );

	# Put the current filter at the top.
	$frame = $filterDialog-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; 'sunken', -bd =&gt; 3 );
	$frame-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x' );

	for $i ( 0 .. 12 )
		$frame-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; '-' )-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -anchor =&gt; 'n' );

		&addButton( $frame, $i )		if	( $wildCards[$i] );

	# Put some action buttons in the space at the bottom.
	$frame = $filterDialog-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; 'groove', -bd =&gt; 5 );
	makeButton( $filterDialog, \$clearButtonLabel, clearFonts );

	makeButton( $filterDialog, \$dismissButtonLabel, sub { 
			destroy $filterDialog; $filterButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'normal' ); });

	$filterDialog-&gt;wm( 'protocol', 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { 
			destroy $filterDialog; $filterButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'normal' ); });

sub addButton
	my ( $parent, $index ) = @_;
	my ( $button, $frame, $label );
	my @labels = split( '-', $fullFontText );

	$frame = $parent-&gt;Frame;	$frame-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left' );

	$label = $frame-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; $labels[$index+1] );	$label-&gt;pack;

	$button = $frame-&gt;Button( -textvariable =&gt; \$fontElement[$index], 
								-command =&gt; sub { selectFontElement($index) } );
	$button-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub { selectFontElement($index) } );


sub selectFontElement
	$elementIndex = $_[0];
	my ( @selections ) = ( '*' );
	my ( $font );

	$fontElement[$elementIndex] = '*';

	# Find each unique element in the current font list.
	foreach $font ( @fonts )
		my @elements = split( '-', $font );
		my $element = $elements[$elementIndex+1];

		if	( $elementIndex == 12  &&  $elements[$elementIndex+2] ) {
			$element .= '-' . $elements[$elementIndex+2];

		push( @selections, $element ) if ( !grep( /^$element$/, @selections ));
	@selections = sort( @selections );

	# Create the dialog box
	my @elements = split( '-', $fullFontText );
	my $element = $elements[$elementIndex+1];
	$selectDialog = $top-&gt;Toplevel( -class =&gt; $element );
	$selectDialog-&gt;geometry( &getBottomEdge( $filterDialog ) );
	my $frame = $selectDialog-&gt;Frame;
	$frame-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'both', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
	&makeList( $frame, elementSelected, 'right', @selections );

sub elementSelected

	$fontElement[$elementIndex] = $_[0];


sub clearFonts
	my ( $i );

	for $i ( 0 .. 12 ) { 
		$fontElement[$i] = $wildCards[$i]; 


sub adjustFonts


	$filter = "";

	for $element ( @fontElement )
		$filter .= '\-';
		if	( $element eq '*' )	{ $filter .= '.*'; }
		else					{ $filter .= $element; }



sub getBottomEdge
	my ( $w, $goUp ) = @_;
	my $geom;

	while ( $goUp  &&  $w-&gt;winfo( 'parent' ) )	{
		$w = $w-&gt;winfo( 'parent' );	
	$geom = $w-&gt;winfo( 'geometry' );

	# Split it into its component parts.
	my ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize  ) = parseGeometry( $geom );

	my $x = $xCoord;
	my $y = $yCoord + $ySize;

	# Assemble x and y into a geometry statement (coordinates only, no size).
	$geom = "+$x+$y";

sub working
	$top-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'watch' );

	if	( $filterDialog )
		$filterDialog-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'watch' );

sub doneWorking
	$top-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'left_ptr' );

	if	( $filterDialog )
		$filterDialog-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'left_ptr' );

#	makeList - Create a listbox and associated scrollbar.

sub makeList
	my ( $parent, $command, $side, @list ) = @_;
	my ( $listbox, $scrollbar );

	# Stick a scroll bar on the requested side.
	$scrollbar = $parent-&gt;Scrollbar();
	$scrollbar-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; $side, -fill =&gt; 'y' );

	# Create a listbox and tie it to the scrollbar.
	# (If the you move the listbox with button2, the scrollbar will also move.)
	$listbox = $parent-&gt;Listbox( -setgrid =&gt; 'yes',
								-yscrollcommand =&gt; [ 'set', $scrollbar ] );
	$listbox-&gt;insert( 'end', @list );
	$listbox-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'both', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );

	# Change the cursor when button2 is depressed to remind people that 
	# they can move the listbox.  
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<ButtonPress-2>' => sub {
								$listbox-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'spider' )}); 
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<ButtonRelease-2>' => sub { 
								$listbox-&gt;configure( -cursor =&gt; 'left_ptr' )});

	# Tie the scrollbar to the listbox
	# (If you move the scrollbar, the listbox will also move.)
	$scrollbar-&gt;configure( -command =&gt; [ 'yview', $listbox ] );

	# If an element is selected with either the mouse or the keyboard,
	# do what needs to be done.
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<Double-Button-1>' => sub {
					 	my $selection = $listbox-&gt;get('active');
						&$command( $selection );
					} );

	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub {
					 	my $selection = $listbox-&gt;get('active');
						&$command( $selection );
					} );

	# Shift input focus to the listbox's components when the mouse touches them.
	$listbox-&gt;bind( '<1>' => sub { $listbox->focus } );
	$scrollbar-&gt;bind( '<1>' => sub { $scrollbar->focus } );


#	Called when the Filter... button is pressed

sub makeFilterDialog

	my ( $frame, $button, $apply, $label );

	$fButton = shift;
	$filterP = shift;
	my $command = shift;

	# Disable the filter button while the filter dialog is up.
	$fButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'disabled' );

	# Find the right edge of the parent window.
	$geom = getRightEdge( $fButton );

	# Create the dialog box
	$dialog = $fButton-&gt;Toplevel( -class =&gt; 'Filter' );
	$dialog-&gt;geometry( $geom );
	$dialog-&gt;wm( 'protocol', 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub{ &destroyDialog; } );

	# Put the filter text widget at the top.
	$frame = $dialog-&gt;Frame();		$frame-&gt;pack( -fill =&gt; 'x');

	$label = $frame-&gt;Label( -text =&gt; "Filter:", -relief =&gt; 'flat' );
	$label-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left' );

	$filterText = $frame-&gt;Entry( -width =&gt; 10, -relief =&gt; 'sunken', -bd =&gt; 2 );
	$filterText-&gt;insert( 'end', $$filterP );
	$filterText-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -fill =&gt; 'x', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
	$filterText-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub {	$apply->flash; 
											$$filterP = $filterText-&gt;get;
											&$command } );

	# Put some action buttons in the space at the bottom.
	$frame = $dialog-&gt;Frame( -relief =&gt; 'groove', -bd =&gt; 5 );
	$frame-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -padx =&gt; '1m', -pady =&gt; '1m', -expand =&gt; 'yes' );
	$apply = makeButton( $frame, \$applyButtonLabel, 
					sub { $$filterP = $filterText-&gt;get; &$command } );

	makeButton( $dialog, \$clearButtonLabel,
					sub { $$filterP = ""; $filterText-&gt;delete( 0, 'end' );} );

	makeButton( $dialog, \$dismissButtonLabel, destroyDialog );


#	Destroy the dialog window and re-enable the filter button.

sub destroyDialog
	destroy $dialog; 
	$fButton-&gt;configure( -state =&gt; 'normal' );

sub getRightEdge
	my ( $w ) = @_;
	my $geom;

	# Get the geometry of the eldest parent.
	while ( $w )
		$geom = $w-&gt;winfo( 'geometry' );
		$w = $w-&gt;winfo( 'parent' );	

	# Split it into its component parts.
	my ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize  ) = parseGeometry( $geom );

	# Add the x size and coordinate to get the right edge.
	my $x = $xCoord + $xSize;

	# Find the midpoint of that edge for the y coordinate.
	my $y = $yCoord + int($ySize/2);

	# Assemble x and y into a geometry statement (coordinates only, no size).
	$geom = "+$x+$y";

sub parseGeometry
	my ( $geom ) = @_;
	my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize );

	# Split the geometry string into its component parts.
	my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord ) = split '\+', $geom ;
	my ( $xSize, $ySize ) = split 'x', $size;

	# Return the components.
	return ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize );

sub makeButton
	my ( $parent, $text, $command ) = @_;
	my ( $button );

	$button = $parent-&gt;Button( -textvariable =&gt; $text, -command =&gt; sub { &$command } );
	$button-&gt;bind( '<Return>' => sub { &$command } );
	$button-&gt;pack( -side =&gt; 'left', -padx =&gt; '1m', -pady =&gt; '1m', -expand =&gt; 'yes'  );

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