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<HEAD><TITLE> 15.6. Are there Tables?</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY><a name="A15.6"> 15.6. Are there <KBD>Table</KBD>s?</a>

There are least two:

<h4>Nick's Table</h4>
Nick Ing-Simmons has distributed his own <kbd>Table</kbd> widget package with
Tk-b9.01 (and higher). It is used through a <kbd>use TK::Table;</kbd> and 
<kbd>$top->Table();</kbd> calls. A rather detailed demo of this widget/geometry
manager's capabilities can be found in the <kbd>table_demo</kbd> script (in 
your <kbd>Tk-b9.01/</kbd> build directory). There is also pod in the
<kbd>perl5/Tk/</kbd> file.
You may also browse the perl Tk::Table man page on the web at
    <a href="etc/"></a>

<h4>Guy Decoux's BLT_Table</h4> 
Guy Decoux 
<a href="">&lt;;</a> 
has ported the popular BLT_Table Tcl/Tk tabular geometry manager to perl/Tk. 
It was known to work with Tk-b8. 
You may obtain the latest version of it either from 
    <a href=""></a>
or from a <a href="qna4.html">CPAN site</a> in the <KBD>authors/id/GUYDX/</KBD>
directory. You may also browse the perl BLT_Table man page on the web at
    <a href="etc/Table.html"></a>

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