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#!perl -w

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 31lob_extended.t
## By John Scoles, The Pythian Group
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  This run through some bugs that have been found in earlier versions of DBD::Oracle
##  Checks to ensure that these bugs no longer come up
##  Basically this is testing the use of LOBs when returned via stored procedures with bind_param_inout
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

use Test::More;

use DBI;
use Config;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

unshift @INC ,'t';
require '';

$| = 1;

my $dsn = oracle_test_dsn();
my $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} || 'scott/tiger';
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, '',{
                           PrintError => 0,

if ($dbh) {
    plan tests => 31;
    $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 7000;
} else {
    plan skip_all => "Unable to connect to Oracle";
    diag('Test reported bugs');

my ($table, $data0, $data1) = setup_test($dbh);

# bug in DBD::Oracle 1.21 where if ora_auto_lobs is not set and we attempt to
# fetch from a table containing lobs which has more than one row
# we get a segfault. This was due to prefetching more than one row.
    my $testname = "ora_auto_lobs prefetch";

    my ($sth1, $ev);

    eval {$sth1 = $dbh->prepare(
        q/begin p_DBD_Oracle_drop_me(?); end;/, {ora_auto_lob => 0});
    ok(!$@, "$testname - prepare call proc");
    my $sth2;
    ok($sth1->bind_param_inout(1, \$sth2, 500, {ora_type => ORA_RSET}),
       "$testname - bind out cursor");
    ok($sth1->execute, "$testname - execute to get out cursor");

    my ($lobl);

    ($lobl) = $sth2->fetchrow;
    test_lob($dbh, $lobl, $testname, 6000, $data0);
    ($lobl) = $sth2->fetchrow;
    test_lob($dbh, $lobl, $testname, 6000, $data1);

    ok($sth2->finish, "$testname - finished returned sth");
    ok($sth1->finish, "$testname - finished sth");

# prior to DBD::Oracle 1.22 if ora_auto_lob was set on a statement which
# was used to return a cursor on a result-set containing lobs, the lobs
# were not automatically fetched.
    my $testname = "ora_auto_lobs not fetching";

    my ($sth1, $ev, $lob);

    eval {$sth1 = $dbh->prepare(
        # ora_auto_lobs is supposed to default to set
        q/begin p_DBD_Oracle_drop_me(?); end;/);
    ok(!$@, "$testname prepare call proc");
    my $sth2;
    ok($sth1->bind_param_inout(1, \$sth2, 500, {ora_type => ORA_RSET}),
       "$testname - bind out cursor");
    ok($sth1->execute, "$testname - execute to get out cursor");

    ($lob) = $sth2->fetchrow;
    ok($lob, "$testname - fetch returns something");
    isnt(ref $lob, 'OCILobLocatorPtr', "$testname - not a lob locator");
    is($lob, $data0, "$testname, first lob matches");

    ($lob) = $sth2->fetchrow;
    ok($lob, "$testname - fetch returns something");
    isnt(ref $lob, 'OCILobLocatorPtr', "$testname - not a lob locator");
    is($lob, $data1, "$testname, second lob matches");

    ok($sth2->finish, "$testname - finished returned sth");
    ok($sth1->finish, "$testname - finished sth");

sub test_lob
    my ($h, $lobl, $testname, $size, $data) = @_;

    ok($lobl, "$testname - lob locator retrieved");
    is(ref($lobl), 'OCILobLocatorPtr', "$testname - is a lob locator");

  SKIP: {
        skip "did not receive a lob locator", 4
            unless ref($lobl) eq 'OCILobLocatorPtr';

        my ($lob_length, $lob, $ev);

        eval {$lob_length = $h->ora_lob_length($lobl);};
        $ev = $@;
        diag($ev) if $ev;
        ok(!$ev, "$testname - first lob length $lob_length");
        is($lob_length, $size, "$testname - correct lob length");
        eval {$lob = $h->ora_lob_read($lobl, 1, $lob_length);};
        $ev = $@;
        diag($ev) if ($ev);
        ok(!$ev, "$testname - read lob");

        is($lob, $data, "$testname - lob returned matches lob inserted");

sub setup_test
    my ($h) = @_;
    my ($table, $sth, $ev);

    eval {$table = create_table($h, {cols => [['x', 'clob']]}, 1)};
    BAIL_OUT("test table not created- $@") if $@;
    ok(!$ev, "created test table");

    eval {
        $sth = $h->prepare(qq/insert into $table (idx, x) values(?,?)/);
    BAIL_OUT("Failed to prepare insert into $table - $@") if $@;
    my $data0 = 'x' x 6000;
    my $data1 = 'y' x 6000;
    eval {
        $sth->execute(1, $data0);
        $sth->execute(2, $data1);
    BAIL_OUT("Failed to insert test data into $table - $@") if $@;
    ok(!$ev, "created test data");

    my $createproc = << "EOT";
OPEN l_cursor FOR
  SELECT x from $table;
pc := l_cursor;

    eval {$h->do($createproc);};
    BAIL_OUT("Failed to create test procedure - $@") if $@;
    ok(!$ev, "created test procedure");

    return ($table, $data0, $data1);

    return unless $dbh;

    local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
    local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;

    eval {$dbh->do(q/drop procedure p_DBD_Oracle_drop_me/);};
    if ($@) {
        diag("procedure p_DBD_Oracle_drop_me possibly not dropped" .
                    "- check - $@\n") if $dbh->err ne '4043';

    eval {drop_table($dbh);};
    if ($@) {
        diag("table $table possibly not dropped - check - $@\n")
            if $dbh->err ne '942';