#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See usage() for syntax

use Getopt::Long;

use DBI;

use strict;

# Default values for options
my ( $trace, $inst, $cache, $delim, $format, $headers, $page_len, $null_str ) =
   ( 0, $ENV{TWO_TASK} || $ENV{ORACLE_SID} || '', '', "\t", 0, 0, 60, '' );

# Syntax description
sub usage {
    my ( $sOpt, $sVal, @sMsg ) = @_;

    my $sHelpText = <<END_HELP_END;
Execute a SQL statement
syntax: $0 [options] name pass [stmt]
   -h          Write this help to STDOUT
   -t trace    trace control string
   -b base     database to use (default $inst)
   -c cache    SQL fetch cache size in rows
   -d delim    specifies the field delimiter (default TAB)
   -F          format output, similar to sqlplus
   -H          add headers, not allowed if formatting
   -l page_len lines per page, only used by -f (default $page_len)
   -n string   replace NULL fields by string
   name Oracle username
   pass Password
   stmt Oracle statement to be executed
        it is read from STDIN if not given on command line
# Balance quotes in here document # ' # "

    my $nRet = 'help' eq $sOpt ? 0 : 0 + $sVal;
    my $fh   = $nRet ? *STDERR : *STDOUT;
    foreach ( @sMsg, $sHelpText ) { s/\s+$//; print $fh "$_\n"; }
    exit $nRet;

# Get options and arguments
Getopt::Long::config( qw( no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev require_order ) );
    'help|h'    => \&usage,
    'trace|t=i' => \$trace,
    'base|b=s'  => \$inst,
    'cache|c=i' => \$cache,
    'delim|d=s' => \$delim,
    'Format!'   => \$format,  'F!' => \$format,
    'Headers!'  => \$headers, 'H!' => \$headers,
    'len|len=i' => \$page_len,
    'null|n=s'  => \$null_str,
 ) or usage( 'die', 1 );
usage( 'die', 1,  "Only one of -F and -H may be specified\n" )
    if $format && $headers;

usage( 'die', 1, 'Username and password are required' ) if 2 > @ARGV;
my ( $user, $pass, @stmt ) = @ARGV;
if ( ! @stmt ) {
    print "Enter the statement to execute (^D to end):\n";
    @stmt = <STDIN>;
usage( 'die', 1, "A statement is required" ) if ! @stmt;

$\ = "\n";      # each record terminated with newline
$, = $delim;    # set column delimiter
$= = $page_len; # set page length

# Set trace level
DBI->trace( $trace );

# Connect to database
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$inst", $user, $pass,
    { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } )
    or die $DBI::errstr;
$dbh->{RowCacheSize} = $cache if $cache; # set fetch cache

# Start statement
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( join "\n", @stmt );
my $nfields = $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS};

# print out any information which comes back
if ( $nfields ) {
    # the statement has output columns
    my ( @col, $col );
    my @name = @{$sth->{NAME}};
    if ( $format ) {
        # build format statements for the data
        my @size = @{$sth->{PRECISION}};

        # First, the header - a list of field names, formatted
        #    in columns of the appropriate width
        my $fmt  = join '|', map { "%-${_}.${_}s" } @size;
        $fmt     = sprintf $fmt, @name;
        $format = "format STDOUT_TOP =\n" . $fmt . "\n";

        # Then underlines for the field names
        $fmt    =~ tr/|/-/c;
        $fmt    =~ tr/|/+/;
        $format .= $fmt . "\n.\n";

        # Then for the data format, a @<<... field per column
        $fmt =~ tr/-+/<|/;
        $fmt =~ s/(^|\|)</$1@/g;
        $format .= "format STDOUT =\n" . $fmt . "\n";

        # Finally the variable associated with each column
        # Why doesn't Perl let us specify an array here?
        $format .= join ', ', map { "\$col[$_]" } 0 .. $#name;
        $format .= "\n.\n";

    elsif ( $headers ) {
        # Simple headers with underlines
        print map { s/\s+$//; $_ } @name;
        print map { tr//-/c;  $_ } @name;

    # Associate @col with output columns and fetch the rows
    $sth->bind_columns( {}, \( @col[0 .. $#name] ) );
    while ( $sth->fetch ) {
        foreach $col ( @col ) { $col = $null_str if ! defined $col; }
        $format ? write : print @col;

# finish off neatly

__END__     # no need for perl even to scan the rest


    # These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.

.00;            # finish .ig

'di         \" finish diversion--previous line must be blank
.nr nl 0-1      \" fake up transition to first page again
.nr % 0         \" start at page 1
';<<'.ex'; ############## From here on it's a standard manual page ############
.TH SQL L "5th July 1999"
sql \- execute an Oracle SQL statement from the command line
\fIname\fP \fIpassword\fP
.I Sql
connects to an Oracle database
using the \fIname\fP and \fIpassword\fP supplied
and executes the given SQL \fIstatement\fP
displaying the result
on its standard output.

The \fB\-b\fP\fIbase\fP flag may be supplied to specify the database to be used.
If it is not given, the database specified by the environment variable
\fBTWO_TASK\fP or \fBORACLE_SID\fP is used.

The \fB\-c\fP\fIcache\fP flag may be supplied to set the size of fetch cache
to be used. If it is not given, the default is used.

If the \fB\-n\fP\fIstring\fP flag is supplied,
\fBNULL\fP fields (in the \fIOracle\fP sense)
will replaced in the output by \fIstring\fP.
Normally, they are left blank.

The \fB\-F\fP and \fB\-H\fP flags may be used to modify the form of the output.
Without either flag, no field headers are printed
and fields are not padded.
With the \fB\-H\fP flag,
field headers are added to the top of the output,
but the format is otherwise unchanged.
With the \fB\-F\fP flag,
the output is formatted in a tabular form similar to that used by \fIsqlplus\fP,
except that all fields are left\-justified, regardless of their data type.
Column headers are printed at the top of each page;
a page is assumed to be 60 lines long,
but this may be overridden with the \fB\-l\fP\fIpage_len\fP flag.

Without the \fB\-F\fP flag, fields are separated with tabs;
this may be changed to any desired string (\fIdelim\fP)
using the \fB\-d\fP flag.
The environment variable \fBTWO_TASK\fP or \fBORACLE_SID\fP
determines the Oracle database to be used
if the \fB\-b\fP\fIbase\fP flag is not supplied.
.in +5
.ti -5
\fBonly one of \-F and \-H may be specified\fP
the \fB\-F\fP and \fB\-H\fP options are mutually exclusive,
but both were specified

.in -5
The only other diagnostics generated by \fIsql\fP are usage messages,
which should be self\-explanatory.
However, you may also encounter
error messages from DBI (unlikely) or from Oracle (more common).
See the \fIOracle Error Messages and Codes Manual\fP for details.
This program is only intended for use from the command line.
If you use it within a shell script
then you should consider rewriting your script in DBI
to use Perl's text manipulation and formatting commands.
\fISQL Language Reference Manual\fP
Kevin Stock,
.if t .ft C
.if t .ft P