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#use ExtUtils::testlib;
our $VERSION = '0.32';

use 5.008;
use Encode::CNMap;
use strict;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;

# Get Opts
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts('-helpust2cgbk5', \%opts);
&VERSION_MESSAGE if defined( $opts{h} ) or scalar(%opts)==0;

# Signal Handling
our $quit_flag = 0;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
$SIG{'INT'} = sub {	$quit_flag = 1;	print "\n  [SIG] Received SIGINT/QUIT\n"; };

# Show Help
	print <<"USAGE";
cnmapdir $VERSION under perl $]

Usage: cnmapdir -command InputDir OutputDir
  Traditional <-> Simplified Chinese batch converter

  cnmapdir -h
    Show help

  cnmapdir -s2b5 gbkdir big5dir
  cnmapdir -s2gb gbkdir gbdir
  cnmapdir -s2c gbkdir utf8dir
  cnmapdir -s2cgb gbkdir utf8-cnsimp-dir
  cnmapdir -s2cb5 gbkdir utf8-cntrad-dir
    Simplified GBK encoded files to other encodings

  cnmapdir -t2gb big5dir gbdir
  cnmapdir -t2gbk big5dir gbkdir
  cnmapdir -t2c big5dir utf8dir
  cnmapdir -t2cgb big5dir utf8-cnsimp-dir
  cnmapdir -t2cb5 big5dir utf8-cntrad-dir
    Traditioanl Big5 encoded files to other encodings

  cnmapdir -u2b5 utf8dir big5dir
  cnmapdir -u2gb utf8dir gbdir
  cnmapdir -u2gbk utf8dir gbkdir
  cnmapdir -u2cgb utf8dir utf8-cnsimp-dir
  cnmapdir -u2cb5 utf8dir utf8-cntrad-dir
    Utf8 encoded files to other encodings

Supported transformed encodings
  -?2gb   GB2312 only encodings, convert unkown GBK words into GB2312
  -?2b5   Big5 only encodings, convert unkown GBK words into Big5
  -?2gbk  GBK encodings, mixed GB2312 + Big5 + plus
  -?2c    Utf8 encodings, mixed GB2312 + Big5 + plus
  -?2cgb  Utf8 encodings with GB2312 words only, convert unkown GBK workds
  -?2cb5  Utf8 encodings with Big5 words only, convert unkown GBK words

	# Pause if required
	if( defined $opts{p} ) {
		print "Press any key to continue ... ";

# Get in/out directory
my ($dirin, $dirout);
$dirin=File::Spec->curdir() if $dirin eq '';
$dirout='/out' if $dirout eq '';

# caculate from and to encodings
my $from_encoding = $opts{s} ? ":encoding(gbk)" : $opts{t} ? ":encoding(big5-trad)" : ":utf8";
my $to_func = $opts{c} ?
	( $opts{5} ? *utf8_to_tradutf8 : $opts{k} ? *utf8_to_utf8 : $opts{b} ? *utf8_to_simputf8 : *utf8_to_utf8 ) :
	( $opts{5} ? *utf8_to_utf8 : $opts{k} ? *utf8_to_utf8 : $opts{b} ? *utf8_to_utf8 : *utf8_to_utf8 );
my $to_encoding = $opts{c} ? ":utf8" :
	$opts{5} ? ":encoding(big5-trad)" : $opts{k} ? ":encoding(gbk)" : $opts{b} ? ":encoding(gb2312-simp)" : ":utf8";

# do work
&ProcessSub("", $dirin, $dirout);

# Pause if required
if( defined $opts{p} ) {
	print "Press any key to continue ... ";

sub ProcessSub($$$) {
	my ($space, $fin, $fout)=@_;

	if(-f $fin) {	# File Processing
		printf "$space   %-24.24s -> %-24.24s ... ", basename($fin), basename($fout);
		print "Overwriting " if -f $fout;
		my ($fhin, $fhout);
		open $fhin, "<$from_encoding", $fin or goto read_err;
		my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
       		 $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat( $fhin );
		open $fhout, ">$to_encoding", $fout or goto write_err;
		while ( <$fhin> ) { print {$fhout} &$to_func( $_ ); }
		close $fhout or goto write_err;
		close $fhin or goto read_err;
		utime $mtime, $mtime, $fout;
		print "OK\n";

		print "Read Fail!\n";

		print "Write Fail!\n";

	if(-d $fin) {	# Dir Processing
		print "$space [$fin -> $fout] ... ";

		my (@dir, $filename, $filein, $fileout);
		opendir(DIR, $fin) or goto dir_err;
		@dir=readdir(DIR) or goto dir_err;
		closedir DIR or goto dir_err;

		if( not(-d $fout) ) {
			print "Mkdir ";
			mkdir $fout or goto mkdir_err;

		print "OK\n";
		foreach $filename (@dir) {
			&ProcessSub($space."  "
				, File::Spec->catfile($fin, $filename)
				, File::Spec->catfile($fout, $filename)
			) if not($filename=~/^\./);
			return if $quit_flag;

		print "Read Fail!\n";

		print "Fail!\n";

	print "$space Unkown $fin ... Skipped\n";


=head1 NAME

cnmapdir - Traditional <-> Simplified Chinese Converter


B<cnmapdir> C<-command> I<inputdir/file> I<outputdir/file>

=head1 USAGE

    cnmapdir -h
	cnmapdir -hp

    cnmapdir -s2b5 gbkdir big5dir
    cnmapdir -s2gb gbkdir gbdir
    cnmapdir -s2c gbkdir utf8dir
    cnmapdir -s2cgb gbkdir utf8-cnsimp-dir
    cnmapdir -s2cb5 gbkdir utf8-cntrad-dir

    cnmapdir -t2gb big5dir gbdir
    cnmapdir -t2gbk big5dir gbkdir
    cnmapdir -t2c big5dir utf8dir
    cnmapdir -t2cgb big5dir utf8-cnsimp-dir
    cnmapdir -t2cb5 big5dir utf8-cntrad-dir

    cnmapdir -u2b5 utf8dir big5dir
    cnmapdir -u2gb utf8dir gbdir
    cnmapdir -u2gbk utf8dir gbkdir
    cnmapdir -u2cgb utf8dir utf8-cnsimp-dir
    cnmapdir -u2cb5 utf8dir utf8-cntrad-dir


The B<cnmapdir> utility reads all files recursively under inputdir,
converts from Traditional to Simplified Chinese or Simplified to
Traditional Chinese according to command switch, then writes them to
the outputdir.

If outputdir is missing, then /out is assumped. If outputdir is not
existed, it will be created automatically. If inputdir is a file, it
will be converted to outputfile.

The C<-h> switch: Show version and help infomation.

The C<-p> switch: pause after execution.

The C<-s2b5> switch: Mixed GB2312/GBK -> Traditional Big5.

The C<-s2gb> switch: Mixed GB2312/GBK -> Simplified GB2312.

The C<-s2c> switch: Mixed GB2312/GBK -> Utf8.

The C<-s2cb5> switch: Mixed GB2312/GBK -> Tradiional Big5 -> Utf8.

The C<-s2cgb> switch: Mixed GB2312/GBK -> Simplified GB2312 -> Utf8.

The C<-t2gb> switch: Traditional Big5 -> Simplified GB2312.

The C<-t2gbk> switch: Traditional Big5 -> Mixed GBK.

The C<-t2c> switch: Traditional Big5 -> Utf8.

The C<-t2cgb> switch: Traditional Big5 -> Simplified GB2312 -> Utf8.

The C<-t2cb5> switch: Traditional Big5 -> Utf8.

The C<-u2b5> switch: Mixed Utf8 -> Traditional Big5.

The C<-u2gb> switch: Mixed Utf8 -> Simplified GB2312.

The C<-u2gbk> switch: Mixed Utf8 -> Mixed GBK.

The C<-u2cb5> switch: Mixed Utf8 -> Simplified GB2312 -> Utf8.

The C<-u2cgb> switch: Mixed Utf8 -> Traditional Big5 -> Utf8.


Please report any requests, suggestions or bugs via

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Encode::CNMap>, L<cnmapwx>, L<cnmap>, L<Encode::HanConvert>, L<Encode>


Copyright 2003-2004 Qing-Jie Zhou E<lt>qjzhou@hotmail.comE<gt>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
