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# $Id: undef.t,v 0.1 2001/04/25 10:41:50 ram Exp $
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Raphael Manfredi
#  You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
#  as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
# $Log: undef.t,v $
# Revision 0.1  2001/04/25 10:41:50  ram
# Baseline for first Alpha release.
# $EndLog$

print "1..4\n";

require 't/';
sub ok;

sub cleanup {
	unlink 't/out', 't/err';

system "podpp -o t/out -It/doc/h t/doc/undef 2>t/err";
ok 1, $? == 0;
ok 2, contains("t/out", 'This was "undefine this"\.$');
ok 3, contains("t/out", 'This is now \.$');
ok 4, contains("t/err", "WARNING: using undefined Pod::PP symbol 'TO_UNDEF'");
