use Test::More qw(no_plan);

BEGIN { use_ok ('Date::ICal'); }

my $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19961122T183020Z' );
$t->add( week => 8 );

is( $t->year,  1997, "year rollover" );
is( $t->month, 1,    "month set on year rollover" );
is( $t->ical, '19970117T183020Z', 'ical is okay on year rollover' );

$t->add( week => 2 );
is( $t->ical, '19970131T183020Z', 'Adding weeks as attribute' );

$t->add( sec => 15 );
is( $t->ical, '19970131T183035Z', 'Adding seconds as attribute' );

$t->add( min => 12 );
is( $t->ical, '19970131T184235Z', 'Adding minutes as attribute' );

$t->add( min => 25, hour => 3, sec => 7 );
is( $t->ical, '19970131T220742Z', 'Adding h,m,s as attributes' );

# Now, test the adding of durations
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'PT1M12S' );
is( $t->ical, '19860128T163912Z',
  "Adding durations with minutes and seconds works" );

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'PT30S' );
is( $t->ical, '19860128T163830Z', "Adding durations with seconds only works" );

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'PT1H10M' );
is( $t->ical, '19860128T174800Z',
  "Adding durations with hours and minutes works" );

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'P3D' );

# XXX: what is "right" in the following test? should the result
# just be a date, or a date and time?
is( $t->ical, '19860131T163800Z', "Adding durations with days only works" );

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'P3DT2H' );
is( $t->ical, '19860131T183800Z',
  "Adding durations with days and hours works" );

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );

$t->add( duration => 'P3DT2H20M15S' );
is( $t->ical, '19860131T185815Z',
  "Adding durations with days, hours, minutes, and seconds works" );

# Add 15M - this test failed at one point in N::I::Time
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010405T160000Z' );
$t->add( duration => 'PT15M' );
is( $t->ical, '20010405T161500Z', "Adding minutes to an ical string" );

# Subtract a duration
$t->add( duration => '-PT15M' );
is( $t->ical, '20010405T160000Z', "Back where we started" );

undef $t;

$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19860128T163800Z' );
$t->add( seconds => '60' );
is( $t->ical, "19860128T163900Z",
  "adding positive seconds with seconds works" );
$t->add( seconds => '-120' );
is( $t->ical, "19860128T163700Z",
  "adding negative seconds with seconds works" );

# test sub months
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010131Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010201Z', 'february 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010228Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010301Z', 'march 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010331Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010401Z', 'april 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010430Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010501Z', 'may 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010531Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010601Z', 'june 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010630Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010701Z', 'july 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010731Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010801Z', 'august 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010831Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010901Z', 'september 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010930Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20011001Z', 'october 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20011031Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20011101Z', 'november 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20011130Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20011201Z', 'december 1st' );
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20011231Z' );
$t->add( day => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20020101Z', 'january 1st' );

# Adding years

# Before leap day, not a leap year ...
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010228Z' );
$t->add( year => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20020228Z', 'Adding a year' );
$t->add( year => 17 );
is( $t->ical, '20190228Z', 'Adding 17 years' );

# After leap day, not a leap year ...
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20010328Z' );
$t->add( year => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20020328Z', 'Adding a year' );
$t->add( year => 17 );
is( $t->ical, '20190328Z', 'Adding 17 years' );

# On leap day, in a leap year ...
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20000229Z' );
$t->add( year => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010301Z', 'Adding a year' );
$t->add( year => 17 );
is( $t->ical, '20180301Z', 'Adding 17 years' );

# Before leap day, in a leap year ...
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20000228Z' );
$t->add( year => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010228Z', 'Adding a year' );
$t->add( year => 17 );
is( $t->ical, '20180228Z', 'Adding 17 years' );

# After leap day, in a leap year ...
$t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20000328Z' );
$t->add( year => 1 );
is( $t->ical, '20010328Z', 'Adding a year' );
$t->add( year => 17 );
is( $t->ical, '20180328Z', 'Adding 17 years' );

# Test a bunch of years, before leap day
for ( 1 .. 99 ) {
    $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20000228Z' );
    $t->add( year => $_ );
    my $x = sprintf '%02d', $_;
    is( $t->ical, '20' . $x . '0228Z', "Adding $_ years" );

# Test a bunch of years, after leap day
for ( 1 .. 99 ) {
    $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20000328Z' );
    $t->add( year => $_ );
    my $x = sprintf '%02d', $_;
    is( $t->ical, '20' . $x . '0328Z', "Adding $_ years" );

# And more of the same, starting on a non-leap year

# Test a bunch of years, before leap day
for ( 1 .. 97 ) {
    $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20020228Z' );
    $t->add( year => $_ );
    my $x = sprintf '%02d', $_ + 2;
    is( $t->ical, '20' . $x . '0228Z', "Adding $_ years" );

# Test a bunch of years, after leap day
for ( 1 .. 97 ) {
    $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '20020328Z' );
    $t->add( year => $_ );
    my $x = sprintf '%02d', $_ + 2;
    is( $t->ical, '20' . $x . '0328Z', "Adding $_ years" );

# subtract years
for ( 1 .. 97 ) {
    $t = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19990301Z' );
    $t->add( year => -$_ );
    my $x = sprintf '%02d', 99 - $_;
    is( $t->ical, '19' . $x . '0301Z', "Subtracting $_ years" );

# test some old bugs

# bug adding months where current month + months added were > 25
$t = Date::ICal::->new(ical=>'19971201Z');
$t->add( month=>14 );
is($t->ical, '19990201Z', 'Adding months--rollover year' );

# bug subtracting months with year rollover
$t = Date::ICal::->new(ical=>'19970101Z');
$t->add( month=>-1 );
is($t->ical, '19961201Z', 'Subtracting months--rollover year');