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[%### An example of how to extract HTML documentation from StateML ###%]
[% MACRO Handlers(name,handlers) BLOCK %]
[%     IF handlers %]
[%         IF name %]
    <li><b>[% name | html %]</b>
[%         END %]
[%         FOREACH handler = handlers %]
            <li><pre><code>[% handler | html %]</code></pre>

[%         END %]
[%     END %]
[% END %]

[% MACRO Arc(name, arcs) BLOCK %]
    [% IF name %]<li>[% ELSE %]<big>[% END %]
        <b>[% arc.event_id | html %]</b>
    [% IF name %][% ELSE %]</big>[% END %]
        : [% | html %]
            -&gt; [%   | html %]
[%             IF arc.description %]
            <br /><span class="desc">[% arc.description | html %]</span><br />
[%             END %]
[%             IF arc.handlers %]
[%                 Handlers( "", arc.handlers ) %]
[%             ELSE %]
                   <br />
[%             END %]
[% END %]

[% MACRO Arcs(name, arcs) BLOCK %]
[%     IF arcs %]
[%         IF name %]
    <li><b>[% name %]</b>
[%         END %]
[%         FOREACH arc = arcs %]
[%             Arc( name, arc ) %]
[%         END %]
[%     END %]
[%         IF name %]
[%         END %]
[% END %]

[% ########################################################################## %]
    <title>Description of State Machine [% | html %]</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        .desc   { background: #eeeeee; }
        li      { list-style-type: none; }
        code    { color: #333333; }
        h2      { text-decoration: underline; }
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <h1>Description of State Machine [% | html %]</h1>
<a name="States" /><h2>States</h2>

<p>A state is a condition that the machine rests in between <a
href="#Events">events</a>.  Each state may have <a href="#Arcs">arcs</a> that
define what events a state handles by itself (loopback
arcs), what events cause a transition to another state (exit arcs), and what events cause transitions in to that state from other states (entry arcs).</p>

[% IF machine.states %]
[%     FOREACH state = machine.states %]
        <big><b>[% | html %]</b></big>
[%         IF state.description %]
            <br /><span class="desc">[% state.description | html %]</span>
[%         END %]
[%         Handlers("Entry Handlers", state.entry_handlers) %]
[%         Handlers("Exit Handlers", state.exit_handlers) %]

[%         SET arcs = [] %]
[%         FOR arc = machine.arcs %]
[%             IF arc.from != && == %]
[%                 arcs.push( arc ) %]
[%             END %]
[%         END %]
[%         IF arcs.size %]
[%             Arcs( "Entering Arcs", arcs ) %]
[%         ELSE %]
               <li>No entering arcs
[%         END %]

[%         SET arcs = [] %]
[%         FOR arc = machine.arcs %]
[%             IF arc.from == && == %]
[%                 arcs.push( arc ) %]
[%             END %]
[%         END %]
[%         IF arcs.size %]
[%             Arcs( "Loopback Arcs", arcs ) %]
[%         END %]

[%         SET arcs = [] %]
[%         FOR arc = machine.arcs %]
[%             IF arc.from == && != %]
[%                 arcs.push( arc ) %]
[%             END %]
[%         END %]
[%         IF arcs.size %]
[%             Arcs( "Exiting Arcs", arcs ) %]
[%         ELSE %]
               <li>No exiting arcs
[%         END %]

[%     END %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>No states defined.</p>
[% END %]

<a name="Events" /><h2>Events</h2>

<p>A event is a notification, usually from outside the machine, that something
has occured, like a key press or a timeout.  For instance, there is usually an
event that starts the machine by moving it from an undefined (power-up) state
in to an initial state.</p>

<p>In a given state, each event may only trigger one <a href="#Arcs">arc</a>.
An event need not trigger any arcs on a given state, or indeed any arcs in the
machine at all.  Such events are ignored except for running their event

<p>Events may have several types of "handlers" associated with them.
These run whenever
that event is recieved by the machine, regardless of whether or not the event
fires an arc.  These are:

   <dt>pre handlers
   <dd>code snippets that run before the arc is traversed, while still in
   the current state.
   <dd>code snippets that run while the arc is being traversed; these
   occur "between" states: after the current state is exited and before
   the new state is entered.
   <dt>post handlers
   <dd>code snippets that run after the arc is traversed and the new
   state has been entered.

<p>The events in [% | html %] are:</p>

[% IF %]
[%     FOREACH event = %]
        <big><b>[% | html %]</b></big>
[%         IF event.description %]
            <br /><span class="desc">[% event.description | html %]</span>
[%         END %]
[%         Handlers( "Pre Handlers", event.pre_handlers ) %]
[%         Handlers( "Handlers", event.handlers ) %]
[%         Handlers( "Post Handlers", event.post_handlers ) %]
[%         Arcs( "Arcs", event.arcs ) %]
[%     END %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>No events defined.</p>
[% END %]

<a name="Arcs" /><h2>Arcs</h2>

<p>Arcs are the transitions that occur between <a href="#States">states</a>
when <a href="#Events">events</a> are received: they cause the state machine to
move from one state to another state.  A loopback arc is an arc that ends in
the same state it left; these are used to handles inputs that are consumed in a
given state.</p>

<p>A handler routine may be associated with any arg.</p>

<p>There is a special state ID "__ALL" or "#ALL" which is used to define
arcs that affect all states.</p>

[% IF machine.arcs %]
[% Arcs( "", machine.arcs ) %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>No arcs defined.</p>
[% END %]