# Data management.

package Bot::Pastebot::Data;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp qw(croak);
use POE;
use Storable;
use Bot::Pastebot::Conf qw( get_names_by_type get_items_by_name );

use base qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
  store_paste fetch_paste delete_paste list_paste_ids
  delete_paste_by_id fetch_paste_channel clear_channel_ignores
  set_ignore clear_ignore get_ignores is_ignored channels add_channel
  remove_channel clear_channels

# Paste data members.

sub PASTE_TIME    () { 0 }
sub PASTE_SUMMARY () { 1 }
sub PASTE_ID      () { 2 }
sub PASTE_NETWORK () { 3 }
sub PASTE_CHANNEL () { 4 }
sub PASTE_HOST    () { 5 }

my $id_sequence = 0;
my %paste_cache;
my %ignores; # $ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel} = [ mask, mask, ... ];
my %channels;

# Return this module's configuration.

use Bot::Pastebot::Conf qw(SCALAR REQUIRED);

my %conf = (
  pastes => {
    name      => SCALAR | REQUIRED,
    check     => SCALAR,
    expire    => SCALAR,
    count     => SCALAR,
    throttle  => SCALAR,
    store     => SCALAR | REQUIRED,

sub get_conf { return %conf }

# Return a list of all paste IDs.

sub list_paste_ids {
  return keys %paste_cache;

  my $store = '';      #  Static variable in pastestore()

  sub pastestore {

    # already set, return value

    $store and return $store;

    my @names = get_names_by_type('pastes');
    return unless @names;
    my %conf = get_items_by_name($names[0]);
    $store = $conf{store};

# Remove pastes that are too old (if applicable).

sub check_paste_count {
  my @names = get_names_by_type('pastes');
  return unless @names;
  my %conf = get_items_by_name($names[0]);
  return unless %conf && $conf{'count'};
  return if (scalar keys %paste_cache < $conf{'count'});
  my $oldest = (
    sort {
      $paste_cache{$a}->[PASTE_TIME] > $paste_cache{$b}->[PASTE_TIME]
    } keys %paste_cache

# Save paste, returning an ID.

sub store_paste {
  my ($id, $summary, $paste, $ircnet, $channel, $ipaddress) = @_;

  my $new_id = ++$id_sequence;
  $paste_cache{$new_id} = [
    time(),       # PASTE_TIME
    $summary,     # PASTE_SUMMARY
    $id,          # PASTE_ID
    $ircnet,      # PASTE_NETWORK
    lc($channel), # PASTE_CHANNEL
    $ipaddress,   # PASTE_HOST

  my $dir = pastestore();

  store \%paste_cache, "$dir/Index";

  open BODY, ">", "$dir/$new_id" or warn "I cannot store paste $new_id: $!";
  print BODY $paste;
  close BODY;

  return $new_id;

# Fetch paste by ID.

sub fetch_paste {
  my $id = shift;
  my $paste = $paste_cache{$id};
  return(undef, undef, undef) unless defined $paste;

  my $dir = pastestore();

  unless(open BODY, "<", "$dir/$id") {
    warn "Error opening paste $id: $!";
    return(undef, undef, undef);
  local $/ = undef;


# Fetch the channel a paste was meant for.

sub fetch_paste_channel {
  my $id = shift;
  return $paste_cache{$id}->[PASTE_CHANNEL];

sub delete_paste_by_id {
  my $id = shift;
  delete $paste_cache{$id};

  my $dir = pastestore;

  unlink "$dir/$id" or warn "Problem removing paste $id: $!";

  store \%paste_cache, "$dir/Index";

# Delete a possibly sensitive or offensive paste.

sub delete_paste {
  my ($ircnet, $channel, $id, $bywho) = @_;

  my $dir = pastestore();

  if (
    $paste_cache{$id}[PASTE_NETWORK] eq $ircnet &&
    $paste_cache{$id}[PASTE_CHANNEL] eq lc $channel
  ) {
    # place the blame where it belongs
    unless (open BODY, ">", "$dir/$id") {
      warn "Error deleting body for paste $id: $!";
    print BODY "Deleted by $bywho";
  else {

# Manage channel/IRC network based ignores of http requestors.

sub _convert_mask {
  my $mask = shift;

  $mask =~ s/\./\\./g;
  $mask =~ s/\*/\\d+/g;


sub is_ignored {
  my ($ircnet, $channel, $host) = @_;

  $ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel} && @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}}
    or return;

  for my $mask (@{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}}) {
    $host =~ /^$mask$/ and return 1;


sub set_ignore {
  my ($ircnet, $channel, $mask) = @_;

  $mask = _convert_mask($mask);

  # remove any existing mask - so it's not fast
  @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}} =
    grep $_ ne $mask, @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}};
  push @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}}, $mask;
  store \%ignores, "ignorelist";

sub clear_ignore {
  my ($ircnet, $channel, $mask) = @_;

  $mask = _convert_mask($mask);

  @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}} =
    grep $_ ne $mask, @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}};
  store \%ignores, "ignorelist";

sub get_ignores {
  my ($ircnet, $channel) = @_;

  $ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel} or return;

  my @masks = @{$ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel}};

  for (@masks) {


sub clear_channel_ignores {
  my ($ircnet, $channel) = @_;

  $ignores{$ircnet}{lc $channel} = [];
  store \%ignores, "ignorelist";

# Channels we're on

sub channels {
  my $network = lc(shift);
  return sort keys %{$channels{$network}};

sub clear_channels {
  my $network = lc(shift);
  %{$channels{$network}} = ();
  return if keys %{$channels{$network}};  # Should never happen
  return 1;

sub add_channel {
  my ($network, $channel) = @_;
  $network = lc($network);
  $channel = lc($channel);
  $channels{$network}{$channel} = 1;

sub remove_channel {
  my ($network, $channel) = @_;
  $network = lc($network);
  $channel = lc($channel);
  delete $channels{$network}{$channel};  # returns automatically

# Init stuff

sub initialize {
  my $dir = pastestore();

  unless (-d $dir) {
    use File::Path;
    eval { mkpath $dir };
    if ($@) {
      die "Couldn't create directory $dir: $@";

  if (-e "$dir/Index") {
    %paste_cache = %{retrieve "$dir/Index"};
    $id_sequence = (sort keys %paste_cache)[-1];
  if (-e "ignorelist") {
    %ignores = %{retrieve 'ignorelist'};

  my @pastes = get_names_by_type('pastes');
  if (@pastes) {
    my %conf = get_items_by_name($pastes[0]);
    if ($conf{'check'} && $conf{'expire'}) {
        inline_states => {
          _start => sub { $_[KERNEL]->delay( ticks => $conf{'check'} ); },
          ticks => sub {
            for (keys %paste_cache) {
              next unless (
                (time - $paste_cache{$_}->[PASTE_TIME]) > $conf{'expire'}
            $_[KERNEL]->delay( ticks => $conf{'check'} );
