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package Astro::Time::HJD;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Math::Trig qw( atan );
use Time::JulianDay;

require Exporter;
use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw( correction ) );

our $VERSION = '0.02';

use constant PI  => 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751;
use constant PI2 => PI * 2.0;
use constant DEG2RAD => PI / 180.0;
use constant AS2RAD => PI / ( 180.0 * 3600.0 );
use constant SPEED => 1.9913e-7;
use constant REMB => 3.12e-5;
use constant SEMB => 8.31e-11;

sub arctan { return atan( shift ); }

sub mod
   my ( $A, $B ) = @_;
   ( ( $B ) != 0.0 ?
      ( ( $A ) * ( $B ) > 0.0 ? ( $A ) - ( $B ) * int( ( $A ) / ( $B ) ) :
      ( $A ) + ( $B ) * int( -( $A ) / ( $B ) ) ) : ( $A ) );

sub floor
   return int( shift );

sub frac
   my $a = shift;
   return $a - floor( $a );

sub correction
   my $date = shift;
   my $ra = ( shift ) * DEG2RAD;
   my $dec = ( shift ) * DEG2RAD;
   my( @ymd, $jd, $year );

   if ( $date =~ /^[\d.]+$/)
      $jd = $date;
      @ymd = inverse_julian_day( $jd );
      $year = $ymd[0];
      $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/i;
      @ymd = ( $1, $2, $3 );
      $year = $1;
      $jd = julian_day( @ymd ) - .5 + $4 / 24.0 + $5 / 1440.0 + $6 / 86400.0;

   my $bjd      = julian_day( $year, 1, 1 ) - .5;
   #  First routine wants the day to start at 1, not zero
   my $day      = floor( $jd - $bjd + 1.0 );
   my $frac_day = frac( $jd - $bjd );
   # The julian year should start at 0, not 1, so we subtract 1 from the
   # day here
   my $jy = $year + (($day - 1.0) + $frac_day) / 365.25;

   my @earth = earth( $year, $day, $frac_day );
   my @precmat = prec( 2000.0, $jy );
   my @v = dcs2c( $ra, $dec );
   my @star = dmxv( \@precmat, \@v );
   my $correction =
      ( $earth[ 0 ] * $star[ 0 ] + $earth[ 1 ] * $star[ 1 ] + $earth[ 2 ] *
      $star[ 2 ] ) * ( 499.004782 / 86400.0 );
   # Return all the info if desired
   if ( wantarray )
      return ( $correction, $jd, $jd + $correction );
   # otherwise, just return the correction
      return $correction;

sub earth
   my ( $iy, $id, $fd ) = @_;
   my @pv;

   my $yi  = $iy - 1900.0;
   my $iy4 = $iy >= 0.0 ? $iy % 4.0 : 3.0 - ( -$iy - 1.0 ) % 4.0;
   my $yf  =
      ( ( 4.0 * ( $id - floor( 1.0 / ( $iy4 + 1.0 ) ) ) - $iy4 - 2.0 ) + 4.0 *
      $fd ) / 1461.0;
   my $t = $yi + $yf;
   my $elm = mod( 4.881627938 + PI2 * $yf + 0.00013420 * $t, PI2 );
   my $gam = 4.90823 + 3.0005e-4 * $t;
   my $em = $elm - $gam;
   my $eps0 = 0.40931975 - 2.27e-6 * $t;
   my $e   = 0.016751 - 4.2e-7 * $t;
   my $esq = $e * $e;
   my $v = $em + 2.0 * $e * sin( $em ) + 1.25 * $esq * sin( 2.0 * $em );
   my $elt = $v + $gam;
   my $r = ( 1.0 - $esq ) / ( 1.0 + $e * cos( $v ) );
   my $elmm = mod( 4.72 + 83.9971 * $t, PI2 );
   my $coselt = cos( $elt );
   my $sineps = sin( $eps0 );
   my $coseps = cos( $eps0 );
   my $w1     = -$r * sin( $elt );
   my $w2     = -( SPEED ) * ( $coselt + $e * cos( $gam ) );
   my $selmm  = sin( $elmm );
   my $celmm  = cos( $elmm );
   $pv[ 0 ] = -$r * $coselt - REMB * $celmm;
   $pv[ 1 ] = ( $w1 - REMB * $selmm ) * $coseps;
   $pv[ 2 ] = $w1 * $sineps;
   $pv[ 3 ] = SPEED * ( sin( $elt ) + $e * sin( $gam ) ) + SEMB * $selmm;
   $pv[ 4 ] = ( $w2 - SEMB * $celmm ) * $coseps;
   $pv[ 5 ] = $w2 * $sineps;
   return @pv;

sub prec
   my ( $ep0, $ep1 ) = @_;
   my $t0 = ( $ep0 - 2000.0 ) / 100.0;
   my $t = ( $ep1 - $ep0 ) / 100.0;
   my $tas2r = $t * AS2RAD;
   my $w     = 2306.2181 + ( ( 1.39656 - ( 0.000139 * $t0 ) ) * $t0 );
   my $zeta  =
      ( $w + ( ( 0.30188 - 0.000344 * $t0 ) + 0.017998 * $t ) * $t ) * $tas2r;
   my $z =
      ( $w + ( ( 1.09468 + 0.000066 * $t0 ) + 0.018203 * $t ) * $t ) * $tas2r;
   my $theta =
      ( ( 2004.3109 + ( -0.85330 - 0.000217 * $t0 ) * $t0 ) +
      ( ( -0.42665 - 0.000217 * $t0 ) - 0.041833 * $t ) * $t ) * $tas2r;
   return deuler( "ZYZ", -$zeta, $theta, -$z, );

sub deuler
   my ( $order, $phi, $theta, $psi ) = @_;
   my @rmat;
   my @result = ( [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] );
   my $l = length $order;
   for ( my $n = 0; $n < 3; ++$n )
      if ( $n <= $l )
         my @rotn = (
                      [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
                      [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
         my $angle;
         $_ = $n;
            /0/ && do { $angle = $phi;   last SWITCH };
            /1/ && do { $angle = $theta; last SWITCH };
            /2/ && do { $angle = $psi;   last SWITCH };
            die "unknown value: '$_'";
         my $s = sin( $angle );
         my $c = cos( $angle );
         $_ = substr $order, $n, 1;
            /[x1]/i && do
               $rotn[ 1 ][ 1 ] = $c;
               $rotn[ 1 ][ 2 ] = $s;
               $rotn[ 2 ][ 1 ] = -$s;
               $rotn[ 2 ][ 2 ] = $c;
               last SWITCH;
            /[y2]/i && do
               $rotn[ 0 ][ 0 ] = $c;
               $rotn[ 0 ][ 2 ] = -$s;
               $rotn[ 2 ][ 0 ] = $s;
               $rotn[ 2 ][ 2 ] = $c;
               last SWITCH;
            /[z3]/i && do
               $rotn[ 0 ][ 0 ] = $c;
               $rotn[ 0 ][ 1 ] = $s;
               $rotn[ 1 ][ 0 ] = -$s;
               $rotn[ 1 ][ 1 ] = $c;
               last SWITCH;
            die "unknown character: '$_'";
         my @wm;
         for ( my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i )
            for ( my $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j )
               my $w = 0.0;
               for ( my $k = 0; $k < 3; ++$k )
                  $w += $rotn[ $i ][ $k ] * $result[ $k ][ $j ];
               $wm[ $i ][ $j ] = $w;
         for ( my $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j )
            for ( my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i )
               $result[ $i ][ $j ] = $wm[ $i ][ $j ];
   for ( my $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j )
      for ( my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i )
         $rmat[ $i ][ $j ] = $result[ $i ][ $j ];
   return @rmat;

sub dmxv
   my ( $dm, $va ) = @_;
   my ( @vb, @vw );
   for ( my $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j )
      my $w = 0.0;
      for ( my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i )
         $w += $dm->[ $j ][ $i ] * $va->[ $i ];
      $vw[ $j ] = $w;
   for ( my $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j )
      $vb[ $j ] = $vw[ $j ];
   return @vb;

sub dcs2c
   my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
   my @v;
   my $cosb = cos( $b );
   $v[ 0 ] = cos( $a ) * $cosb;
   $v[ 1 ] = sin( $a ) * $cosb;
   $v[ 2 ] = sin( $b );
   return @v;

"Should you really be looking here?";

=head1 NAME

Astro::Time::HJD - Perl extension for calculating heliocentric julian date


 use Astro::Time::HJD qw( correction );
 ($correction, $jd, $hjd ) = correction( $jd, $ra, $dec );
 $correction = correction( $jd, $ra, $dec );


Given an observation date, right ascention and declination, calculates the
correction to be added to the julian date of the observation to adjust it's
observation time to a heliocentric julian date.

=head1 USAGE


=item B<correction>



=item C<SCALAR = correction( SCALAR, SCALAR, SCALAR )>

The first form returns the heliocentric correction (in julian days),
the original julian date and the adjusted julian date for the given
observation time and RA/DEC location.  
The second form returns just the heliocentric correction.
The correction should be added from the julian date of the observation.
The first argument to the function is the date
of the observation. The date can be either a
julian date or a zero padded date time string of the form
'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS'.  The second and third arguments are the RA and
DEC, respectively, given in decimal degrees.




The algorithms implemented have a stated accuracy of "better than .1 seconds
from 1900 through 2050" per Patrick Wallace.  Write me in 2049 and I'll see
about updating this.

=head1 AUTHOR

Robert Creager E<lt>Astro-HJD@LogicalChaos.orgE<gt>

Patrick Wallace, personal communication
Michael Koppelman, personal communication
