The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Net::FullAuto::Cloud::fa_amazon;

#    Net::FullAuto - Distributed Workload Automation Software
#    Copyright © 2000-2016  Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#    modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
#    the License, or any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
#    License along with this program.  If not, see:
#    <>.

our $VERSION='0.01';

use 5.005;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump::Streamer;
use JSON::XS;
use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(new_user_amazon run_aws_cmd get_aws_security_id
                 launch_server $configure_aws1 $pem_file $credpath
                 $configure_aws3 $aws);
our $pem_file='';
our $credpath='.';
our $aws={};

sub cmd_raw {

   return Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmd_raw(@_);


sub run_aws_cmd {

   my $c=$_[0];
   my $json='';
   my $hash='';
   while (1) {
      eval {
         open(AWS,"$c 2>&1|");
         while (my $line=<AWS>) {
         close AWS;
         if (-1<index $json,'A client error') {
            die $json;
         } elsif ($json=~/^\s*[{]/) {
      if (-1<index $json,'--key-name: expected one argument') {
         my $user=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
         if (can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 })) {
            $json=~s/^\s*/      /mg;
            my $pack=(caller(2))[0];
            my $method=(caller(2))[3];
            my $error_banner=<<END;

      ERROR! Cannot run Amazon EC2 API command because user $user
             lacks the necessary credentials:

      From package: $pack
      From method:  $method

      You can enter the credentials now, and they will be saved permanently
      on this system, or you can exit FullAuto and add the proper credential
      arguments to your API command. Credentials will need administrator
      privleges for some API commands. If no selection is made, this
      invocation will timeout in 5 minutes, and FullAuto will exit gracefully.

      Please make a selection: 

            my %error_menu=(

               Name => 'error_menu',
               Item_1 => {

                  Text => 'Add Permanent Credentials Now',
               Item_2 => {

                  Text => 'Exit FullAuto',

               Banner => $error_banner,

            alarm 300;
            my $choice='';
            eval {
               local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
            unless (-1<index $choice,'Add Permanent') {
            } else {
      } else { last }
   return $hash,$json,$@;


sub get_aws_security_id {

   my $g='aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-names '.
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error;
   return $hash->{SecurityGroups}->[0]->{GroupId};


sub get_fullauto_instance {

   my ($hash,$json,$output,$error)=('','','','');
       run_aws_cmd("aws ec2 describe-instances");
   if ($error) {
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
         alarm 120;
         $error=~s/: /:\n   /;
         print "\n   $error\n   Press Any Key to EXIT ... ";
   my $instance='';
   my $ipaddress=Socket::inet_ntoa((gethostbyname(
   foreach my $res (@{$hash->{Reservations}}) {
      foreach my $inst (@{$res->{Instances}}) {
         my $pip=$inst->{PrivateIpAddress}||'';
         next if exists $inst->{State}->{Name} &&
            $inst->{State}->{Name} eq 'terminated';
         if ($pip eq $ipaddress) {
            return $inst;


sub wait_for_instance {

   my $instance_id=$_[0];
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   my $flag=0;
   while (1) {
      my $c="aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids ".
            "$instance_id 2>&1";
      if (-1<index $output,'A client error') {
         unless ($flag) {
            $flag=1;sleep 5;next;
      } elsif ($error) {
   return $hash->{Reservations}->[0]->{Instances}->[0]->{State}->{Name};


sub launch_instance {

   my $launch_cmd=$_[0];
   my $server_type=$_[1];
   my $cnt=$_[2];
   my $num=$_[3];
   my $username=$_[4];
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   if ($error) {
      print "\n\n   $error\n\n";sleep 3600; 
   my $inst=$hash->{Instances}->[0];
   my $server_launch=<<'END';

   '##... ##: ##.....:: ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##.....:: ##.... ##:
    ##:::..:: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:
   . ######:: ######::: ########:: ##:::: ##: ######::: ########::
   :..... ##: ##...:::: ##.. ##:::. ##:: ##:: ##...:::: ##.. ##:::
   '##::: ##: ##::::::: ##::. ##:::. ## ##::: ##::::::: ##::. ##::
   . ######:: ########: ##:::. ##:::. ###:::: ########: ##:::. ##:
   '##::::::::::'###::::'##::::'##:'##::: ##::'######::'##::::'##:
    ##:::::::::'## ##::: ##:::: ##: ###:: ##:'##... ##: ##:::: ##:
    ##::::::::'##:. ##:: ##:::: ##: ####: ##: ##:::..:: ##:::: ##:
    ##:::::::'##:::. ##: ##:::: ##: ## ## ##: ##::::::: #########:
    ##::::::: #########: ##:::: ##: ##. ####: ##::::::: ##.... ##:
    ##::::::: ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##:. ###: ##::: ##: ##:::: ##:
    ########: ##:::: ##:. #######:: ##::. ##:. ######:: ##:::: ##:

   print $server_launch;sleep 3;my $icnt=0;
   until (wait_for_instance($inst->{InstanceId})
         eq 'running') {
      print "\n   Waiting for new server ${server_type}-$num to ".
            "come online -> pending\n";
      sleep 3;
      last if $icnt++==10;
   print "\n   Waiting for new server ${server_type}-$num to ".
         "come online -> running\n";
   my $server_host_block={

      Label => $server_type.'-'.$num,
      IP =>  $inst->{PrivateIpAddress},
      LoginID => $username,
      IdentityFile => "$credpath/$pem_file",

   return $server_host_block,$inst;

sub add_and_tag_server {

   my $server_type=$_[0];
   my $cnt=$_[1];
   my $inst=$_[2];
   my $tag=$_[3]||'';
   $tag=" $tag" if $tag;
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   my $value="$server_type-".++$cnt."$tag";
   my $n='';
   foreach my $tag (0..2) {
      $n="aws ec2 create-tags --resources $inst->{InstanceId}".
            " --tags Key=Name,Value=\"$value\" 2>&1";
      my $t="aws ec2 describe-tags --filters ".
      last if -1<index $output,$inst->{InstanceId};
   FT: foreach my $tag (0..2) {
      $n="aws ec2 create-tags --resources $inst->{InstanceId} --tags ".
         "Key=FullAuto,Value=$main::aws->{fullauto}->{InstanceId} 2>&1";
      my $t="aws ec2 describe-tags --filters \"Name=value,".
      foreach my $tag (@{$hash->{Tags}}) {
         if ($tag->{Key} eq 'FullAuto' && $tag->{ResourceId} eq
               $inst->{InstanceId}) {
            last FT;


sub launch_server {

   my $server_type=$_[0];
   my $cnt=$_[1];
   my $selection=$_[2]||'';
   my $username=$_[3]||&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $launch_cmd=$_[4]||'';
   my $configure_server=$_[5]||
         sub { print "NO configure_server method defined!" };
   my $tag=$_[6]||'';
   my $num=$cnt+1;
   my ($server_host_block,$handle,$hash,$output,$error,$inst)=('','','','','');
   foreach (0..2) {
      my $iset=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{selected_iset};
      my $c=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{$iset}->[1].'CONNECT'||'';
      eval "\$c=$c" if $c;
      $c='secure' unless $c;
      my $s=$server_host_block;
      if ($c=~/secure/i) {
      } elsif ($c=~/sftp/) {
      } else {
      if ($error) {
         my $t="aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-id $inst->{InstanceId}";
   if ($error) {
      print "\n\n   Connect_SSH ERROR!: $error\n\n";
      print "Connect_SSH ERROR!: $error\n";
   my ($stdout,$stderr,$exitcode)=('','','');

our $configure_aws3=sub {

   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   if (-1<$#_) {
   } else {
   my $region='wget -qO- http://instance-data/latest/meta-data'.
   chop $region;
   my $homedir='.';
   if (can_load(modules => { "File::HomeDir" => 0 })) {
   } elsif (-r "/home/$username") {
   if (-e "/home/$username/.aws") {
      eval {
         `rm -rf /home/$username/.aws`;
         `rm -rf /root/.aws`;
      my $cmd="aws configure";
      use IO::Pty;
      my $pty = IO::Pty->new;
      my $slave = $pty->slave;
      my $pid = fork(); die "bad fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
      if (!$pid) {
         open( STDIN,  ">&", $slave ) or die "Couldn't dup stdin:  $!";
         open( STDOUT, ">&", $slave ) or die "Couldn't dup stdout: $!";
         open( STDERR, ">&", $slave ) or die "Couldn't dup stderr: $!";
         exec $cmd;
      } else {
         my $line='';
         while ( !$pty->eof ) {
            while (defined($_ = $pty->getc)) {
               if ($line=~/Access Key ID \[None\]:\s*$/) {
                  for (1..length $line) {
               } elsif ($line=~/Secret Access Key \[None\]:\s*$/) {
                  for (1..length $line) {
               } elsif ($line=~/Default region name \[None\]:\s*$/) {
                  for (1..length $line) {
               } elsif ($line=~/Default output format \[None\]:\s*$/) {
                  for (1..length $line) {

      #cleanup pty for next run
      system("sudo cp -R $homedir/.aws /home/$username")
         unless $homedir eq "/home/$username";
      system("sudo chown -R $username:$username /home/$username/.aws");
      system("sudo chmod 755 /home/$username/.aws");



my $configure_aws2=sub {

   my $banner=<<'END';

     ___              _            _                      _  __
    / __|_ _ ___ __ _| |_ ___     /_\  __ __ ___ ______  | |/ /___ _  _ ___
   | (__| '_/ -_) _` |  _/ -_)   / _ \/ _/ _/ -_|_-<_-<  | ' </ -_) || (_-<
    \___|_| \___\__,_|\__\___|  /_/ \_\__\__\___/__/__/  |_|\_\___|\_, /__/

   Click 'Create Access Key' button in the lower part of the popup page.

   Click 'Show User Security Credentials' and the Access key ID and Secret
   access key strings will be displayed. You will not have access to the
   secret access key again after the dialog box closes.

   Copy and Paste or type the Access key ID and Secret access key here:

   Access key ID                    Use [TAB] key to switch
                      ]I[{1,'',30}  focus of input boxes

   Secret access key


   my %configure_aws2=(

      Name => 'configure_aws2',
      Input  => 1,
      Banner => $banner,
      Result => $configure_aws3,

   return \%configure_aws2;


our $configure_aws1=sub {

   my $banner=<<'END';

     ___           __ _                        ___      _____
    / __|___ _ _  / _(_)__ _ _  _ _ _ ___     /_\ \    / / __|
   | (__/ _ \ ' \|  _| / _` | || | '_/ -_)   / _ \ \/\/ /\__ \
    \___\___/_||_|_| |_\__, |\_,_|_| \___|  /_/ \_\_/\_/ |___/

   1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at:

   2. Click the blue checkbox of the name of the user you want to create
      an access key for:
      |_| username     (If you are a new AWS user, use 'admin')

   3. Look for the big gray box just above the section you clicked that
      is labeled 'User Actions':
      | User Actions v |  Click on it and select 'Manage Access Keys'

   my %configure_aws1=(

      Name => 'configure_aws1',
      Result => $configure_aws2,
      Banner => $banner,



my $select_an_instance_type=sub {

   my $region="]T[{awsregions}";
   my $region_data='';
      if (defined $main::regions_data &&
      exists $main::regions_data->{$region});
   my @itypes=@{$region_data->{instanceTypes}};
   my @sizes=();my $scrollnum=1;
   foreach my $type (@itypes) {
      foreach my $sizes (@{$type->{sizes}}) {
         my $size=$sizes->{size};
         my $price=$sizes->{valueColumns}->[0]->{prices}->{USD};
         $price=~s/0$/ /;
         my $cents='';
         if ($price=~/^0\./) {
            if (length $cents>2) {
               $cents=' ('.$cents.' cents)';
            } else {
               $cents=' ('.$cents.' cents)';
            $cents=~s/\.\s+/ /;
         my $pr="-> ".pack('A20',"\$$price$cents")."per hour";
         push @sizes, pack('A12',$size).$pr;
#print "DUMP=",Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump(\@sizes)->Out(),"\n";<STDIN>;
   my $demo_choice=']P[{choose_demo_setup}';
   my $ns=$#sizes+1;
   my $stype='t2.small';
   my $iset=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{$demo_choice};
   my $defaultInstanceType=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{$demo_choice}->[1].
   eval "\$stype=$defaultInstanceType";
   my $result=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{$demo_choice}->[1]."select_".
   eval "\$result=$result";
   my $is_name=$Net::FullAuto::ISets->{$demo_choice}->[2];
   my @sz=grep { !/t2.micro/ } @sizes;
   unshift @sz, grep { /t2.micro/ } @sizes;
   foreach my $s (@sizes) {
      last if $s=~/^$stype/;
   my $select_type_banner=<<'END';

     ___ _                        _____
    / __| |_  ___  ___ ___ ___   |_   _|  _ _ __  ___
   | (__| ' \/ _ \/ _ (_-</ -_)    | || || | '_ \/ -_)
    \___|_||_\___/\___/__/\___|    |_| \_, | .__/\___|

   Choose the type of server instance to use for your
   $demo_choice demo. Note that $stype
   has been pre-selected for you. If you wish use this, just press [ENTER],
   otherwise use the [^] and [v] arrow keys to make a different selection.
   Note: There are $ns choices.

   my %select_type=(

      Name => 'select_type',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@sizes,
         Result => $result,

      Scroll => $scrollnum,
      Display => 6,
      Banner => $select_type_banner,

   return \%select_type;


my $choose_an_instance_type=sub {

   my $demo_choice=']P[{choose_demo_setup}';
   my $instance_type_banner=<<'END';
    ___         _                      _____
   |_ _|_ _  __| |_ __ _ _ _  __ ___  |_   _|  _ _ __  ___ ___
    | || ' \(_-<  _/ _` | ' \/ _/ -_)   | || || | '_ \/ -_|_-<
   |___|_||_/__/\__\__,_|_||_\__\___|   |_| \_, | .__/\___/__/

   $instance_type_banner.="   You have selected the demo: $demo_choice\n";
   if (-1<index $demo_choice,'Liferay') {

   Unfortunately, Free Tier micro servers do not have enough resources to
   successfully run Liferay, even in a minimalist capacity. Therefore, you
   will have to choose a 'small' instance type at the very minimum. Based
   on the choices you make next, a fee summary will be calculated and
   presented to you for approval before any costs are incurred.

   } elsif (-1<index $demo_choice,'Chaining') {

   Unfortunately, Free Tier micro servers do not have enough resources to
   successfully do Chaining, even in a minimalist capacity. Therefore, you
   will have to choose a 'small' instance type at the very minimum. Based
   on the choices you make next, a fee summary will be calculated and
   presented to you for approval before any costs are incurred.

   } elsif (-1<index $demo_choice,'Hadoop') {

   $demo_choice can be run on a Free Tier micro server, but the performance
   will be poor. Therefore it is recommended you choose at least a 'small'
   instance type. However, Free Tier remains the default choice. Based on the
   choices you make next, a fee summary will be calculated and presented to
   you for approval before any costs are incurred.

   } else {

   $demo_choice can be run on a Free Tier micro server, but the
   performance will be poor. Therefore it is recommended you choose at least
   a 'small' instance type. However, Free Tier remains an option. Based on
   the choices you make next, a fee summary will be calculated and presented
   to you for approval before any costs are incurred.


   my %describe_costs=(

      Name => 'describe_costs',
      Banner => $instance_type_banner,
      Result => $select_an_instance_type,

   return \%describe_costs;


my $choose_aws_instances=sub {

   my $demo_choice=']S[';
   my $fa_tag=0;
   if (-r "/tmp/fa_aws_home.txt") {
      while (my $line=<RD>) {
         $fa_tag=$line if $line=~/TagFA/;
         $fa_tag=~s/^.*=(\d)\s*$/$1/ if $fa_tag;
      close RD;
   unlink "/tmp/fa_aws_home.txt";
   my $fullauto_inst=get_fullauto_instance();
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   if ($fa_tag) {
      my $i=$fullauto_inst->{InstanceId};
      my $t="aws ec2 describe-tags --filters \"Name=resource-id,Values=$i\"";
      if ($#{$hash->{Tags}}==-1) {
         my $n="aws ec2 create-tags --resources $i --tags Key=Name,".
   my $prc='wget -qO-'.
   my $r=$fullauto_inst->{Placement}->{AvailabilityZone};
   chop $r;my $cnt=0;my $scrollnum=1;
   $main::regions_data={};my @regions=();
   foreach my $region (@{$hash->{config}->{regions}}) {
      $scrollnum=$cnt if $r eq $region->{region};
      push @regions,$region->{region};
   my $regions_banner=<<'END';

    ___      _        _       _     ___          _
   / __| ___| |___ __| |_    /_\   | _ \___ __ _(_)___ _ _
   \__ \/ -_) / -_) _|  _|  / _ \  |   / -_) _` | / _ \ ' \
   |___/\___|_\___\__|\__| /_/ \_\ |_|_\___\__, |_\___/_||_|
   AWS has infrastructure all over the globe. This server you are now on
   is located in region:  $r

   It is already set as the default, and unless you have a reason to use
   another region, just hit the [ENTER] key and stay in region $r.

   my %awsregions=(

      Name => 'awsregions',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@regions,
         Result => $choose_an_instance_type,

      Display => 7,
      Scroll => $scrollnum,
      Banner => $regions_banner,
   return \%awsregions;


my $get_ec2_api=sub {

   print "\n";
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
      "aws iam list-access-keys");
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error;
      if (-1<index $output,'configure credentials') ||
      (-1<index $output,'Partial credentials found');
   my $choose_demo_banner=<<'END';

   Amazon AWS EC2 API is Active!

     ___ _
    / __| |_  ___  ___ ___ ___    __ _ _ _
   | (__| ' \/ _ \/ _ (_-</ -_)  / _` | ' \
    \___|_||_\___/\___/__/\___|  \__,_|_||_|

    ___         _               _   _             ___      _
   |_ _|_ _  __| |_ _ _ _  _ __| |_(_)___ _ _    / __| ___| |_
    | || ' \(_-<  _| '_| || / _|  _| / _ \ ' \   \__ \/ -_)  _|
   |___|_||_/__/\__|_|  \_,_\__|\__|_\___/_||_|  |___/\___|\__|

   Below is a selection of demos designed to demonstrate
   FullAuto's unique ability to automate *any* cloud
   computing operation. Please choose one:

   my $dirtree=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::get_isets('Amazon');
   my %choose_demo_setup=(

      Name => 'choose_demo_setup',
      Item_1 => {

         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => [keys %{$dirtree}],
         Result => $choose_aws_instances,

      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $choose_demo_banner,

   return \%choose_demo_setup;

sub assist_user_to_upload_pemfile {

   my $pem_file=$_[0]||'<filename>.pem';
   my $ppk_file=$pem_file;
   my $user=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username;
   my $homedir=`pwd`;
   if (can_load(modules => { "File::HomeDir" => 0 })) {
   } elsif (-r "/home/$user") {
   my $user_path=($user eq 'root')?'/root':$homedir;
   my $publickey_failed=<<'END';
    ___      _    _ _    _  __
   | _ \_  _| |__| (_)__| |/ /___ _  _
   |  _/ || | '_ \ | / _| ' </ -_) || |
   |_|  \_,_|_.__/_|_\__|_|\_\___|\_, |
      _       _   _            _   _         _   _
     /_\ _  _| |_| |_  ___ _ _| |_(_)__ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _
    / _ \ || |  _| ' \/ -_) ' \  _| / _/ _` |  _| / _ \ ' \
   /_/ \_\_,_|\__|_||_\___|_||_\__|_\__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|

    (                              ____
    )\ )           (        (     |   /
   (()/(    )  (   )\   (   )]\ ) |  /
    /(_))( /(  )\ ((_) ))\ (()/(  | /
   (_))_|)(_))((_) _  /((_) ((_)) |/
   | |_ ((_)_  (_)| |(_))   _| | (
   | __|/ _` | | || |/ -_)/ _` | )\
   |_|  \__,_| |_||_|\___|\__,_|((_)

   my $wait_banner=<<'END';

    ___  _  _ _                _ _   _
   |_ _|( )| | |  __ __ ____ _(_) |_| |
    | |  V | | |  \ V  V / _` | |  _|_|
   |___|   |_|_|   \_/\_/\__,_|_|\__(_)  (for 5 minutes)

   If you can, go ahead and upload the private key mentioned on the
   previous page right now. (If you need to review the instructions
   again, just use the LEFTARROW [<] to navigate back to the previous

   The key should be uploaded to the /home/$user directory. When
   FullAuto detects the key in the /home/$user directory, it will
   authenticate and proceed to the next page automatically. Otherwise,
   FullAuto will timeout and gracefully exit in 5 minutes.

   If you would like to quit and continue later, just press the ESC key.

   my $i_will_wait_sub=sub {

      my %i_will_wait=(

         Name => 'i_will_wait',
         Banner => $wait_banner,
         Input => 1,
         Result => sub {
            my $key="]I[{'ask_for_keyfile',1}";
            my $gotkey=0;
            foreach my $sec (1..300) {
               sleep 1;
               unless (-e $key) {
                  my @pems=();
                  while (my $line=readdir(DH)) {
                     next if $line eq '.';
                     next if $line eq '..';
                     if ($line=~/\.pem$/) {
                        push @pems, $line;
                  if (-1<$#pems) {
                     if (0==$#pems) {
                     } else {
               } elsif (-e $key) {
            if ($gotkey) {
               return $key;
            } else {
      return \%i_will_wait;
   my $amazon=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::check_for_amazon_localhost;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
   print $publickey_failed;
   sleep 3;
   my $line='';
   my $ll=length $pem_file;
   for (0..$ll) { $line.='-' }
   my $ask_for_key_name=<<'END';

    _   _      _              _                         ___ _ _
   | | | |_ __| |___  __ _ __| |     _ __  ___ _ __    | __(_) |___
   | |_| | '_ \ / _ \/ _` / _` |   _| '_ \/ -_) '  \   | _|| | / -_)
    \___/| .__/_\___/\__,_\__,_|  (_) .__/\___|_|_|_|  |_| |_|_\___|
         |_|                        |_|

   Copy and Paste or type the Amazon Key File (.pem) name here:

   Amazon Key Name 

   my $upload_keyfile=sub {

      my $keyfilename="]I[{'ask_for_keyfile',1}";
      my $pem_file=$keyfilename.'.pem';
      my $ppk_file=$keyfilename.'.ppk';
      my $upload_banner=<<'END';
    _   _      _              _                         ___ _ _
   | | | |_ __| |___  __ _ __| |     _ __  ___ _ __    | __(_) |___
   | |_| | '_ \ / _ \/ _` / _` |   _| '_ \/ -_) '  \   | _|| | / -_)
    \___/| .__/_\___/\__,_\__,_|  (_) .__/\___|_|_|_|  |_| |_|_\___|
         |_|                        |_|

   Upload the AWS key file from your local computer to this host with
   one of the commands below. You can copy the appropriate command and
   paste it to (and run it in) the command window of your local computer:

 scp -i $pem_file $pem_file $user\@$amazon->[1]:$user_path

   -OR- with PuTTY scp (but only if you are using PuTTY):

 pscp -i $ppk_file $pem_file $user\@$amazon->[1]:$user_path

      my $upload_keyfile={

         Name => 'upload_keyfile',
         Banner => $upload_banner,
         Result => $i_will_wait_sub,

      return $upload_keyfile;

   my $ask_for_keyfile={

      Name => 'ask_for_keyfile',
      Input => 1,
      Banner => $ask_for_key_name,
      Result => $upload_keyfile,

   my $pbf_banner=<<'END';
                                                        ___     _ _        _ _
  _                                                    | __|_ _(_) |___ __| | |
 |_)   |_ |o _  |/ _     /\   _|_|__|_o _ _._|_o _ ._  | _/ _` | | / -_) _` |_|
 |  |_||_)||(_  |\(/_\/ /--\|_||_| ||_|(_(_| |_|(_)| | |_|\__,_|_|_\___\__,_(_)

   FullAuto works with Amazon EC2 Servers the same way you do. You
   connected to this server with a private key file similar to this:

       ssh -i $pem_file $user\@$amazon->[1]

   In order for FullAuto to connect, the same key must be used:

       fa -i $pem_file   <== Always use THIS on Amazon EC2

   my $assist_menu='';
   my @keys=();
   while (my $entry=readdir(UD)) {
      next if $entry eq '.';
      next if $entry eq '..';
      if (-f $entry && $entry=~/[.]pem$/) {
         push @keys, $entry;
   if (-1<$#keys) {
      my @choice=();
      if ($#keys==0) {
         push @choice,$keys[0];
      } else {

         Name => 'assist_menu',
         Item_1 => {

            Text => "Use ]C[",
            Convey => \@choice,

         Item_2 => {
            Text => "Upload A Private Key File",
            Result => $ask_for_keyfile,
         Item_3 => {
            Text => "Exit FullAuto",
         Scroll => 1,
         Banner => $pbf_banner,

   } else {

         Name => 'assist_menu',
         Item_1 => {
            Text => "Upload A Private Key File",
            Result => $ask_for_keyfile,
         Item_2 => {
            Text => "Exit FullAuto",
         Scroll => 1,
         Banner => $pbf_banner,

   my $choice=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Menu($assist_menu);
      if $choice eq ']quit[' || $choice=~/Exit/;
   $choice=~s/Use //;
   return $choice;


sub new_user_amazon {

   my $identity_file=$_[0]||'';
   my $cleanup=$_[3]||'';
   unless ($cleanup) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_welcome;
      sleep 3;
   my $out=`which aws 2>&1`;
   if (!(-e "/usr/bin/aws") && (-1<index $out,'no aws in')) {
      system("sudo unzip");
         my $cmd="sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i ".
            "/usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws";
      system("sudo rm -rf ./awscli-bundle");
      system("sudo mkdir /usr/local/ec2");
      system("sudo unzip ./ -d /usr/local/ec2");
      system("sudo rm -rf ./");
   my $need_to_configure_aws=0;
   my $cwd=Cwd::cwd();
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
      "aws iam list-access-keys");
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error;
   $need_to_configure_aws=1 if (-1<index $output,'configure credentials') ||
      (-1<index $output,'Partial credentials found');
   my $credentials_csv_path='.';
   if (-r "/tmp/fa_aws_home.txt") {
      while (my $line=<RD>) {
         $credentials_csv_path=$line if $line=~/home/;
         $pem_file=$line if $line=~/\.pem\s*$/;
      close RD;
      unless (-r "$credpath/$pem_file") {
   } elsif ($identity_file && -r "./$identity_file") {
   } elsif (-r $identity_file) {
      my $if=$identity_file;
   } else {
   $credentials_csv_path="/home/$ENV{SUDO_USER}" if exists
      $ENV{SUDO_USER} && (-e "/home/$ENV{SUDO_USER}/credentials.csv");
   if ($need_to_configure_aws &&
         (-e "$credentials_csv_path/credentials.csv")) {
      my @creds=<FH>;
      close FH;
      my $id='';my $aki='';my $sak='';
      chomp $creds[1];
      ($id,$aki,$sak)=split ',',$creds[1];
      unlink "$credentials_csv_path/credentials.csv";
   if ($cleanup) {
      my $fullauto_inst=get_fullauto_instance();
      my $i=$fullauto_inst->{InstanceId};
      my $getownerid='aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters '.
                     'Name="description",Values="default VPC security group"';
      if ($error) {
         print "Kali Linux Instruction Set aws cmd ERROR!: $error at Line",
      my $getkaliimages=
            'aws ec2 describe-images --filters Name=owner-id,Values='.
      if (-1<$#{$hash->{Images}}) {
         foreach my $image (@{$hash->{Images}}) {
            next if -1==index $image->{Name},'kali-kali-amd';
               "aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id ".$image->{ImageId});
            if ($error) {
               print "Kali Linux Instruction Set aws cmd ERROR!: ",
                  "$error at Line",__LINE__,"\n";
               "aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id ".
            if ($error) {
               print "Kali Linux Instruction Set aws cmd ERROR!: ",
                  "$error at Line",__LINE__,"\n";
      my $t="aws ec2 describe-tags";
      my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
      my @kill_these_instances=();
      foreach my $tag (@{$hash->{Tags}}) {
         $t="aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id $tag->{ResourceId}";
         if ($tag->{Key} eq 'Name' && $tag->{Value}=~/FullAuto/) {
            push @kill_these_instances, $tag->{ResourceId} if
               (-1<$#{$hash->{InstanceStatuses}}) &&
               eq 'running';
         } elsif ($tag->{Key} eq 'FullAuto') {
            unshift @kill_these_instances, $tag->{ResourceId} if
               (-1<$#{$hash->{InstanceStatuses}}) &&
               eq 'running';

      $t="aws s3api list-buckets";
      foreach my $bucket (@{$hash->{Buckets}}) {
         if (-1<index $bucket->{Name},$i) {
            my $b=$bucket->{Name};
            $t="aws s3api list-objects --bucket $b --query ".
               "'Contents[].{Key: Key}'";
            if ($output) {
               chomp $output;
               $output="{ \"Objects\": $output, \"Quiet\": false }";
               $t="aws s3api delete-objects --bucket $b --delete $output";
            $t="aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $b";
      foreach my $instance (@kill_these_instances) {
         $t="aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-id $instance";
   my $banner=<<'END';

    ___     _ _   _       _
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |      ___ _ _             __|  __|_  )
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \   / _ \ ' \            _|  (     /
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©  \___/_||_|  Amazon  ___|\___|___|

   (Amazon is **NOT** a sponsor of the FullAuto© Project.)

   You are fully authenticated with FullAuto on Amazon AWS EC2:
   "Amazon Web Services  -  Elastic Compute Cloud".

   The goal now is to demonstrate how FullAuto can fully automate the
   setup, processing and maintenance of cloud computing on AWS EC2.

   FullAuto will now check the current system to determine if the ec2 API
   is installed and available for use.

   my %welcome_fa_amazon=(

      Name   => 'welcome_fa_amazon',
      Banner => $banner,
      Result => $get_ec2_api,

