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    List::MoreUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util

        use List::MoreUtils qw(:tassilo); # use as initially thought
        use List::MoreUtils qw(:alias); # use alias changes
        use List::MoreUtils qw(:modern); # use compat mode to List::Util
        use List::MoreUtils qw(:sno); # use nowadays added stuff

        use List::MoreUtils qw(:all); # use all with precedence 'alias', 'sno', 'tassilo', 'modern';

        use List::MoreUtils any => { impl => 'modern' },
                            all =>  { impl => 'tassilo' },
                            'none', 'notall', # above precedence
                            'firstidx' => { impl => 'tassilo' },
                            all => { impl => 'modern', as => 'modern_all' };

    List::MoreUtils provides some trivial but commonly needed functionality
    on lists which is not going to go into List::Util.

    All of the below functions are implementable in only a couple of lines
    of Perl code. Using the functions from this module however should give
    slightly better performance as everything is implemented in C. The
    pure-Perl implementation of these functions only serves as a fallback in
    case the C portions of this module couldn't be compiled on this machine.

    Nothing by default. To import all of this module's symbols, do the

        use List::MoreUtils ':all';

    It may make more sense though to only import the stuff your program
    actually needs:

        use List::MoreUtils qw{ any firstidx };

    When "LIST_MOREUTILS_PP" is set, the module will always use the
    pure-Perl implementation and not the XS one. This environment variable
    is really just there for the test-suite to force testing the Perl
    implementation, and possibly for reporting of bugs. I don't see any
    reason to use it in a production environment.

    There is a problem with a bug in 5.6.x perls. It is a syntax error to
    write things like:

        my @x = apply { s/foo/bar/ } qw{ foo bar baz };

    It has to be written as either

        my @x = apply { s/foo/bar/ } 'foo', 'bar', 'baz';


        my @x = apply { s/foo/bar/ } my @dummy = qw/foo bar baz/;

    Perl 5.5.x and Perl 5.8.x don't suffer from this limitation.

    If you have a functionality that you could imagine being in this module,
    please drop me a line. This module's policy will be less strict than
    List::Util's when it comes to additions as it isn't a core module.

    When you report bugs, it would be nice if you could additionally give me
    the output of your program with the environment variable
    "LIST_MOREUTILS_PP" set to a true value. That way I know where to look
    for the problem (in XS, pure-Perl or possibly both).

    Bugs should always be submitted via the CPAN bug tracker.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc List::MoreUtils

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   CPAN Search


    *   Got Repository


  Where can I go for help?
    If you have a bug report, a patch or a suggestion, please open a new
    report ticket at CPAN (but please check previous reports first in case
    your issue has already been addressed).

    Report tickets should contain a detailed description of the bug or
    enhancement request and at least an easily verifiable way of reproducing
    the issue or fix. Patches are always welcome, too - and it's cheap to
    send pull-requests on GitHub. Please keep in mind that code changes are
    more likely accepted when they're bundled with an approving test.

    If you think you've found a bug then please read "How to Report Bugs
    Effectively" by Simon Tatham:

  Where can I go for help with a concrete version?
    Bugs and feature requests are accepted against the latest version only.
    To get patches for earlier versions, you need to get an agreement with a
    developer of your choice - who may or not report the issue and a
    suggested fix upstream (depends on the license you have chosen).

  Business support and maintenance
    For business support you can contact Jens via his CPAN email address Please keep in mind that business support is neither
    available for free nor are you eligible to receive any support based on
    the license distributed with this package.

    Credits go to a number of people: Steve Purkis for giving me namespace
    advice and James Keenan and Terrence Branno for their effort of keeping
    the CPAN tidier by making List::Utils obsolete.

    Brian McCauley suggested the inclusion of apply() and provided the
    pure-Perl implementation for it.

    Eric J. Roode asked me to add all functions from his module
    "List::MoreUtil" into this one. With minor modifications, the pure-Perl
    implementations of those are by him.

    The bunch of people who almost immediately pointed out the many problems
    with the glitchy 0.07 release (Slaven Rezic, Ron Savage, CPAN testers).

    A particularly nasty memory leak was spotted by Thomas A. Lowery.

    Lars Thegler made me aware of problems with older Perl versions.

    Anno Siegel de-orphaned each_arrayref().

    David Filmer made me aware of a problem in each_arrayref that could
    ultimately lead to a segfault.

    Ricardo Signes suggested the inclusion of part() and provided the

    Robin Huston kindly fixed a bug in perl's MULTICALL API to make the
    XS-implementation of part() work.

    A pile of requests from other people is still pending further processing
    in my mailbox. This includes:

    *   List::Util export pass-through

        Allow List::MoreUtils to pass-through the regular List::Util
        functions to end users only need to "use" the one module.

    *   uniq_by(&@)

        Use code-reference to extract a key based on which the uniqueness is
        determined. Suggested by Aaron Crane.

    *   delete_index

    *   random_item

    *   random_item_delete_index

    *   list_diff_hash

    *   list_diff_inboth

    *   list_diff_infirst

    *   list_diff_insecond

        These were all suggested by Dan Muey.

    *   listify

        Always return a flat list when either a simple scalar value was
        passed or an array-reference. Suggested by Mark Summersault.


    Jens Rehsack <rehsack AT>

    Adam Kennedy <>

    Tassilo von Parseval <>

    Some parts copyright 2011 Aaron Crane.

    Copyright 2004 - 2010 by Tassilo von Parseval Copyright 2013 by Jens

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.