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use strict ("subs", "vars", "refs");
use warnings ("all");
END { delete $ENV{LIST_MOREUTILS_PP} } # for VMS
use List::MoreUtils (":all");
use lib ("t/lib");

use Test::More;
use Test::LMU;

my @list = 1 .. 12;
my $i    = 0;
my @part = part { $i++ % 3 } @list;
is_deeply($part[0], [1, 4, 7, 10], "  i: part % 3");
is_deeply($part[1], [2, 5, 8, 11], " ii: part % 3");
is_deeply($part[2], [3, 6, 9, 12], "iii: part % 3");

$list[2] = 0;
is($part[2][0], 3, 'Values are not aliases');

@list = 1 .. 12;
@part = part { 3 } @list;
is($part[0], undef, "  i: part 3");
is($part[1], undef, " ii: part 3");
is($part[2], undef, "iii: part 3");
is_deeply($part[3], [1 .. 12], " iv: part 3");

eval {
    @part = part { -1 } @list;
like($@, qr/^Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1/);

$i = 0;
@part = part { $i++ == 0 ? 0 : -1 } @list;
is_deeply($part[0], [1 .. 12], "part with negative indices");

    $INC{'List/MoreUtils/'} and skip "Only PurePerl will warn here ...", 1;
    my @warns = ();
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warns, [@_] };
    @part = part { undef } @list;
    is_deeply($part[0], [1 .. 12], "part with undef");
    like(join("\n", @{$warns[0]}), qr/Use of uninitialized value in array element.*line\s+\d+\.$/, "warning of undef");
    is_deeply(\@warns, [($warns[0]) x 12], "amount of similar undef warnings");

@part = part { 10000 } @list;
is_deeply($part[10000], [@list], "  i: part 10_000");
is($part[0],         undef, " ii: part 10_000");
is($part[@part / 2], undef, "iii: part 10_000");
is($part[9999],      undef, " iv: part 10_000");

# Changing the list in place used to destroy
# its elements due to a wrong refcnt
@list = 1 .. 10;
@list = part { $_ } @list;
foreach (1 .. 10)
    is_deeply($list[$_], [$_], "part \$_: $_");

    part => sub {
        my @list = 1 .. 12;
        my $i    = 0;
        my @part = part { $i++ % 3 } @list;

    'part with stack-growing' => sub {
        # This test is from Kevin Ryde; see RT#38699
        my @part = part { grow_stack(); 1024 } 'one', 'two';

    'part with exception' => sub {
        my @long_list = int rand(1000) for 0 .. 1E7;
        my @part = part { $_ == 1E7 and die "Too much!"; ($_ % 10) * 2 } @long_list;
