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package MooX::Cmd::Role;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = "0.017";

use Moo::Role;

use Carp;
use Module::Runtime qw/ use_module /;
use Regexp::Common;
use Text::ParseWords 'shellwords';
use Module::Pluggable::Object;

use List::MoreUtils qw/first_index first_result/;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Params::Util qw/_ARRAY/;

=head1 NAME

MooX::Cmd::Role - MooX cli app commands do this


=head2 using role and want behavior as MooX::Cmd

  package MyFoo;
  with MooX::Cmd::Role;
  sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 1 }

  package main;

  my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd;

=head2 using role and don't execute immediately

  package MyFoo;

  with MooX::Cmd::Role;
  use List::MoreUtils qw/ first_idx /;

  sub _build_command_base { "MyFoo::Command" }

  sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 0 }

  sub execute {
      my $self = shift;
      my $chain_idx = first_idx { $self == $_ } @{$self->command_chain};
      my $next_cmd = $self->command_chain->{$chain_idx+1};

  package main;

  my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd;

=head2 explicit expression of some implicit stuff

  package MyFoo;

  with MooX::Cmd::Role;

  sub _build_command_base { "MyFoo::Command" }

  sub _build_command_execute_method_name { "run" }

  sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 0 }

  package main;

  my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd;


MooX::Cmd::Role is made for modern, flexible Moo style to tailor cli commands.


=head2 command_args

ARRAY-REF of args on command line


has 'command_args' => (is => "ro");

=head2 command_chain

ARRAY-REF of commands lead to this instance


has 'command_chain' => (is => "ro");

=head2 command_chain_end

COMMAND accesses the finally detected command in chain


has 'command_chain_end' => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_chain_end { $_[0]->command_chain->[-1] }

=head2 command_name

ARRAY-REF the name of the command lead to this command


has 'command_name' => (is => "ro");

=head2 command_commands

HASH-REF names of other commands 


has 'command_commands' => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_commands
    my ($class, $params) = @_;
    defined $params->{command_base} or $params->{command_base} = $class->_build_command_base($params);
    my $base = $params->{command_base};

    # I have no clue why 'only' and 'except' seems to not fulfill what I need or are bugged in M::P - Getty
    my @cmd_plugins = grep {
        my $plug_class = _mkcommand($_, $base);
        index($plug_class, ":") == -1;
    } Module::Pluggable::Object->new(
        search_path => $base,
        require     => 0,

    my %cmds = map { _mkcommand($_, $base) => $_ } @cmd_plugins;
    scalar keys %cmds == scalar @cmd_plugins
      or croak "Can't compute unambiguous list of commands from '" . join("', '", @cmd_plugins) . "'";


=head2 command_base

STRING base of command plugins


has command_base => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_base { $_[0] . '::Cmd'; }

=head2 command_execute_method_name

STRING name of the method to invoke to execute a command, default "execute"


has command_execute_method_name => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_execute_method_name { "execute" }

=head2 command_execute_return_method_name

STRING I have no clue what that is good for ...


has command_execute_return_method_name => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_execute_return_method_name { "execute_return" }

=head2 command_creation_method_name

STRING name of constructor


has command_creation_method_name => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_creation_method_name { "new_with_cmd" }

=head2 command_creation_chain_methods

ARRAY-REF names of methods to chain for creating object (from L</command_creation_method_name>)


has command_creation_chain_methods => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_creation_chain_methods { ['new_with_options', 'new'] }

=head2 command_execute_from_new

BOOL true when constructor shall invoke L</command_execute_method_name>, false otherwise


has command_execute_from_new => (is => "lazy");

sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 0 }

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new_with_cmd

initializes by searching command line args for commands and invoke them


sub new_with_cmd { goto &_initialize_from_cmd; }

sub _mkcommand
    my ($package, $base) = @_;
    my $bwc     = "${base}::";
    my $len_bwc = length($bwc);
    index($package, $bwc) == 0 and substr($package, 0, $len_bwc, "");

my @private_init_params =
  qw(command_base command_execute_method_name command_execute_return_method_name command_creation_chain_methods command_execute_method_name);

my $required_method = sub {
    my ($tgt, $method) = @_;
    $tgt->can($method) or croak("You need an '$method' in " . (blessed $tgt || $tgt));

my $call_required_method = sub {
    my ($tgt, $method, @args) = @_;
    my $m = $required_method->($tgt, $method);
    return $m->($tgt, @args);

my $call_optional_method = sub {
    my ($tgt, $method, @args) = @_;
    my $m = $tgt->can($method) or return;
    return $m->($tgt, @args);

my $call_indirect_method = sub {
    my ($tgt, $name_getter, @args) = @_;
    my $g = $call_required_method->($tgt, $name_getter);
    my $m = $required_method->($tgt, $g);
    return $m->($tgt, @args);

## no critic qw(ProhibitExcessComplexity)
sub _initialize_from_cmd
    my ($class, %params) = @_;

    my @args = shellwords(join ' ', map { quotemeta } @ARGV);

    my (@used_args, $cmd, $cmd_name, $cmd_name_index);

    my %cmd_create_params = %params;
    delete @cmd_create_params{qw(command_commands), @private_init_params};

    defined $params{command_commands} or $params{command_commands} = $class->_build_command_commands(\%params);
    if (($cmd_name_index = first_index { $cmd = $params{command_commands}->{$_} } @args) >= 0)
        @used_args = splice @args, 0, $cmd_name_index;
        shift @args;    # be careful about relics
        $cmd_name = _mkcommand($cmd, $params{command_base});

        defined $cmd_create_params{command_execute_method_name}
          or $cmd_create_params{command_execute_method_name} =
          $call_optional_method->($cmd, "_build_command_execute_method_name", \%cmd_create_params);
        defined $cmd_create_params{command_execute_method_name}
          or $cmd_create_params{command_execute_method_name} = "execute";
        $required_method->($cmd, $cmd_create_params{command_execute_method_name});
        @used_args = @args;
        @args      = ();

    defined $params{command_creation_chain_methods}
      or $params{command_creation_chain_methods} = $class->_build_command_creation_chain_methods(\%params);
    my @creation_chain =
      ? @{$params{command_creation_chain_methods}}
      : ($params{command_creation_chain_methods});
    (my $creation_method = first_result { defined $_ and $class->can($_) } @creation_chain)
      or croak "Can't find a creation method on $class";

    ## no critic qw(RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
    @ARGV                 = @used_args;
    $params{command_args} = [@args];
    $params{command_name} = $cmd_name;
    defined $params{command_chain} or $params{command_chain} = [];
    my $self = $creation_method->($class, %params);
    push @{$self->command_chain}, $self;

    if ($cmd)
        @ARGV = @args;
        my ($creation_method, $creation_method_name, $cmd_plugin);
          and $creation_method_name = $cmd->_build_command_creation_method_name(\%params);
        $creation_method_name and $creation_method = $cmd->can($creation_method_name);
        if ($creation_method)
            @cmd_create_params{qw(command_chain)} = @$self{qw(command_chain)};
            $cmd_plugin = $creation_method->($cmd, %cmd_create_params);
            $self->{$self->command_execute_return_method_name} =
              [@{$call_indirect_method->($cmd_plugin, "command_execute_return_method_name")}];
            ($creation_method = first_result { defined $_ and $cmd->can($_) } @creation_chain)
              or croak "Can't find a creation method on " . $cmd;
            $cmd_plugin = $creation_method->($cmd);
            push @{$self->command_chain}, $cmd_plugin;

            my $cemn = $cmd_plugin->can("command_execute_method_name");
            my $exec_fun = $cemn ? $cemn->() : $self->command_execute_method_name();
              and $self->{$self->command_execute_return_method_name} =
              [$call_required_method->($cmd_plugin, $exec_fun, \@ARGV, $self->command_chain)];
          and $self->{$self->command_execute_return_method_name} =
          [$call_indirect_method->($self, "command_execute_method_name", \@ARGV, $self->command_chain)];

    return $self;

=head2 execute_return

returns the content of $self->{execute_return}


# XXX should be an r/w attribute - can be renamed on loading ...
sub execute_return { $_[0]->{execute_return} }


Copyright 2012-2013 Torsten Raudssus, Copyright 2013-2017 Jens Rehsack.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See L<> for more information.

