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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw(t);

use Test::More;
use TestLib qw(connect prove_reqs show_reqs test_dir default_recommended);

use Params::Util qw(_CODE _ARRAY);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);

my ( $required, $recommended ) = prove_reqs( { default_recommended(), ( MLDBM => 0 ) } );
show_reqs( $required, $recommended );
my @test_dbds = ( 'SQL::Statement', grep { /^dbd:/i } keys %{$recommended} );
my $testdir = test_dir();

my @massValues = map { [ $_, ( "a" .. "f" )[ int rand 6 ], int rand 10 ] } ( 1 .. 3999 );

# (this code shamelessly stolen from Math::Complex's t/Trig.t, with some mods to near)
use Math::Trig;
my $eps = 1e-11;

my $have_soundex = 0;
eval qq{
    require Text::Soundex;
    \$have_soundex = 1;

if ($^O eq 'unicos') { # See lib/Math/ and t/lib/complex.t.
    $eps = 1e-10;

sub near ($$$) {
    my $d = $_[1] ? abs($_[0]/$_[1] - 1) : abs($_[0]);
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
    looks_like_number($_[0]) or return cmp_ok($_[0], "eq", $_[1], "near? $_[0] ~= $_[1]");
    $_[0] =~ m/nan/i and return cmp_ok($_[0], "eq", $_[1], "near? $_[0] ~= $_[1]");
    $_[0] =~ m/inf/i and return cmp_ok($_[0], "eq", $_[1], "near? $_[0] ~= $_[1]");
    cmp_ok($d, '<', $eps, "$_[2] => near? $_[0] ~= $_[1]") or diag("near? $_[0] ~= $_[1]");

foreach my $test_dbd (@test_dbds)
    my $dbh;
    note("Running tests for $test_dbd");
    my $temp = "";
    # XXX
    # my $test_dbd_tbl = "${test_dbd}::Table";
    # $test_dbd_tbl->can("fetch") or $temp = "$temp";
    $test_dbd eq "DBD::File"      and $temp = "TEMP";
    $test_dbd eq "SQL::Statement" and $temp = "TEMP";

    my %extra_args;
    if ( $test_dbd eq "DBD::DBM" )
        if ( $recommended->{MLDBM} )
            $extra_args{dbm_mldbm} = "Storable";
            skip( 'DBD::DBM test runs without MLDBM', 1 );
    $dbh = connect(
                       PrintError => 0,
                       RaiseError => 0,
                       f_dir      => $testdir,

    my ( $sth, $str );
    my $now = time();
    my @timelist;
    for my $hour ( 1 .. 10 )
        push( @timelist, $now - ( $hour * 3600 ) );

    for my $sql (
        split /\n/,
        sprintf( <<"", ($now) x 7, @timelist )
	CREATE $temp TABLE biz (sales INTEGER, class CHAR, color CHAR, BUGNULL CHAR)
	INSERT INTO biz VALUES (1000, 'Car',   'White', NULL)
	INSERT INTO biz VALUES ( 500, 'Car',   'Blue',  NULL )
	INSERT INTO biz VALUES ( 400, 'Truck', 'White', NULL )
	INSERT INTO biz VALUES ( 700, 'Car',   'Red',   NULL )
	INSERT INTO biz VALUES ( 300, 'Truck', 'White', NULL )
	CREATE $temp TABLE baz (ordered INTEGER, class CHAR, color CHAR)
	INSERT INTO baz VALUES ( 250, 'Car',   'White' ), ( 100, 'Car',   'Blue' ), ( 150, 'Car',   'Red' )
	INSERT INTO baz VALUES (  80, 'Truck', 'White' ), (  60, 'Truck', 'Green' ) -- Yes, we introduce new cars :)
	INSERT INTO baz VALUES ( 666, 'Truck', 'Yellow -- no, blue' ) -- Double dash inside quotes does not introduce comment
	CREATE $temp TABLE numbers (c_foo INTEGER, foo CHAR, bar INTEGER)
	CREATE $temp TABLE trick   (id INTEGER, foo CHAR)
	INSERT INTO trick VALUES (1, '1foo')
	INSERT INTO trick VALUES (11, 'foo')
	CREATE $temp TABLE log (id INT, host CHAR, signature CHAR, message CHAR, time_stamp TIMESTAMP)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (1, 'bert', '/netbsd', 'Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (2, 'bert', '/netbsd', '2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (3, 'bert', '/netbsd', 'The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (4, 'bert', '/netbsd', 'Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (5, 'bert', '/netbsd', 'The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (6, 'bert', '/netbsd', '', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (7, 'bert', '/netbsd', 'NetBSD 5.99.39 (BERT) #0: Fri Oct  8 06:23:03 CEST 2010', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (8, 'ernie', 'rpc.statd', 'starting', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (9, 'ernie', 'savecore', 'no core dump', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (10, 'ernie', 'postfix/postfix-script', 'starting the Postfix mail system', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (11, 'ernie', 'rpcbind', 'connect from to dump()', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (12, 'ernie', 'sshd', 'last message repeated 2 times', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (13, 'ernie', 'shutdown', 'poweroff by root:', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (14, 'ernie', 'shutdown', 'rebooted by root', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (15, 'ernie', 'sshd', 'Server listening on :: port 22.', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (16, 'ernie', 'sshd', 'Server listening on port 22.', %d)
	INSERT INTO log VALUES (17, 'ernie', 'sshd', 'Received SIGHUP; restarting.', %d)

        ok( $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql), "prepare $sql on $test_dbd" ) or diag( $dbh->errstr() );
        ok( $sth->execute(), "execute $sql on $test_dbd" ) or diag( $sth->errstr() );

    my @tests = (
        ### GROUP BY Tests ###
           test     => 'GROUP BY one column',
           sql      => "SELECT class,SUM(sales) as foo, MAX(sales) FROM biz GROUP BY class",
           fetch_by => 'class',
           result   => {
                       Car => {
                                MAX   => '1000',
                                foo   => 2200,
                                class => 'Car'
                       Truck => {
                                  MAX   => '400',
                                  foo   => 700,
                                  class => 'Truck'
           test     => "GROUP BY several columns",
           sql      => "SELECT color,class,SUM(sales), MAX(sales) FROM biz GROUP BY color,class",
           fetch_by => [ 'color', 'class' ],
           result   => {
                       Blue => {
                                 Car => {
                                          color => 'Blue',
                                          class => 'Car',
                                          SUM   => 500,
                                          MAX   => 500,
                       Red => {
                                Car => {
                                         color => 'Red',
                                         class => 'Car',
                                         SUM   => 700,
                                         MAX   => 700,
                       White => {
                                  Car => {
                                           color => 'White',
                                           class => 'Car',
                                           SUM   => 1000,
                                           MAX   => 1000,
                                  Truck => {
                                             color => 'White',
                                             class => 'Truck',
                                             SUM   => 700,
                                             MAX   => 400,
           sql    => "SELECT SUM(sales), MAX(sales) FROM biz",
           result => [ [ 2900, 1000 ], ]
           test   => 'COUNT(distinct column) WITHOUT GROUP BY',
           sql    => "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT class) FROM biz",
           result => [ [ 2 ], ]
           test     => 'COUNT(distinct column) WITH GROUP BY',
           sql      => "SELECT distinct class, COUNT(distinct color) FROM biz GROUP BY class",
           fetch_by => 'class',
           result   => {
                       Car => {
                                class => 'Car',
                                COUNT => 3,
                       Truck => {
                                  class => 'Truck',
                                  COUNT => 1,
           test     => 'COUNT(*) with GROUP BY',
           sql      => "SELECT class, COUNT(*) FROM biz GROUP BY class",
           fetch_by => 'class',
           result   => {
                       Car => {
                                class => 'Car',
                                COUNT => 3,
                       Truck => {
                                  class => 'Truck',
                                  COUNT => 2,
           test   => 'ORDER BY on aliased column',
           sql    => "SELECT DISTINCT biz.class, baz.color AS foo FROM biz, baz WHERE biz.class = baz.class ORDER BY foo",
	   result => [
	       [ qw(Car Blue) ], [ qw(Truck Green) ], [ qw(Car Red) ], [ qw(Car White) ], [ qw(Truck White) ], [ Truck => 'Yellow -- no, blue' ],
           test        => 'COUNT(DISTINCT *) fails',
           sql         => "SELECT class, COUNT(distinct *) FROM biz GROUP BY class",
           prepare_err => qr/Keyword DISTINCT is not allowed for COUNT/m,
           test => 'GROUP BY required',
           sql  => "SELECT class, COUNT(color) FROM biz",
           execute_err =>
             qr/Column 'biz\.class' must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function/,
        ### Aggregate Functions ###
           test   => 'SUM(bar) of empty table',
           sql    => "SELECT SUM(bar) FROM numbers",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'COUNT(bar) of empty table with GROUP BY',
           sql    => "SELECT COUNT(bar),c_foo FROM numbers GROUP BY c_foo",
           result => [ [ 0, undef ] ],
           test   => 'COUNT(*) of empty table',
           sql    => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM numbers",
           result => [ [0] ],
           test   => 'Mass insert of random numbers',
           sql    => "INSERT INTO numbers VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
           params => \@massValues,
           test        => 'Number of rows in aggregated Table',
           sql         => "SELECT foo AS boo, COUNT (*) AS counted FROM numbers GROUP BY boo",
           result_cols => [qw(boo counted)],
           result_code => sub {
               my $sth = $_[0];
               my $res = $sth->fetch_rows();
               cmp_ok( scalar( @{$res} ), '==', '6', 'Number of rows in aggregated Table' );
               my $all_counted = 0;
               foreach my $row ( @{$res} )
                   $all_counted += $row->[1];
               cmp_ok( $all_counted, '==', 3999, 'SUM(COUNTED)' );
           test   => 'Aggregate functions MIN, MAX, AVG',
           sql    => "SELECT MIN(c_foo), MAX(c_foo), AVG(c_foo) FROM numbers",
           result => [ [ 1, 3999, 2000 ], ],
           test   => 'COUNT(*) internal for nasty table',
           sql    => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM trick",
           result => [ [2] ],
        ### Date/Time Functions ###
           test   => 'current_date int',
           sql    => "SELECT CURRENT_DATE()",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'current_time int',
           sql    => "SELECT CURRENT_TIME",
           result_like => qr/^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'current_timestamp int',
           sql    => "SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'curdate int',
           sql    => "SELECT CURDATE",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'curtime int',
           sql    => "SELECT CURTIME()",
           result_like => qr/^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'now int',
           sql    => "SELECT NOW",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'unix_timestamp int',
           sql    => "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()",
           result_like => qr/^\d{10,}$/,
           test   => 'current_time precision',
           sql    => "SELECT CURRENT_TIME (1)",
           result_like => qr/^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{1}$/,
           test   => 'current_timestamp precision',
           sql    => "SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  (2)",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2}$/,
           test   => 'curtime precision',
           sql    => "SELECT CURTIME   (3)",
           result_like => qr/^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}$/,
           test   => 'now precision',
           sql    => "SELECT NOW(4)",
           result_like => qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{4}$/,
           test   => 'unix_timestamp precision',
           sql    => "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(5)",
           result_like => qr/^\d{10,}\.\d{5}$/,
        ### String Functions ### 
           test   => 'ascii char',
           sql    => "SELECT ASCII('A')",
           result => [ [65] ],
           test   => 'ascii str',
           sql    => "SELECT ASCII('ABC')",
           result => [ [65] ],
           test   => 'char blank',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR()",
           result => [ [''] ],
           test   => 'char char',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR(65)",
           result => [ ['A'] ],
           test   => 'char char unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR(CONV('263A', 16))",
           result => [ [chr(0x263a)] ],
           test   => 'char str',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR(65,66,67)",
           result => [ ['ABC'] ],
           test   => 'char str unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR(CONV('263A', 16), 9787, CONV('10011000111100', 2))",
           result => [ [chr(9786).chr(9787).chr(9788)] ],
           test   => 'bit_length 6bit',
           sql    => "SELECT BIT_LENGTH(' oo')",
           result => [ [22] ],
           test   => 'bit_length 7bit',
           sql    => "SELECT BIT_LENGTH('foo')",
           result => [ [23] ],
           test   => 'bit_length unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT BIT_LENGTH(CHAR(9786, 9787, 9788))",
           result => [ [62] ],
           comment=> '14+24+24',
           test   => 'character_length',
           sql    => "SELECT CHARACTER_LENGTH('foo')",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'char_length',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('foo')",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'character_length unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT CHARACTER_LENGTH(CHAR(9786, 9787, 9788))",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'char_length unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(CHAR(9786, 9787, 9788))",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'coalesce',
           sql    => "SELECT COALESCE(NULL,'z')",
           result => [ ['z'] ],
           test   => 'nvl',
           sql    => "SELECT NVL(NULL,'z')",
           result => [ ['z'] ],
           test   => 'ifnull',
           sql    => "SELECT IFNULL(NULL,'z')",
           result => [ ['z'] ],
           test   => 'concat good',
           sql    => "SELECT CONCAT('A','B')",
           result => [ ['AB'] ],
           test   => 'concat bad',
           sql    => "SELECT CONCAT('A',NULL)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'conv 2->64',
           sql    => "SELECT CONV('10101001111011101101011',  2, 64)",
           result => [ ['VPdr'] ],
           test   => 'conv 2->16',
           sql    => "SELECT CONV('10101001111011101101011',  2, 16)",
           result => [ ['54f76b'] ],
           test   => 'conv 2->10',
           sql    => "SELECT CONV('10101001111011101101011',  2, 10)",
           result => [ [5568363] ],
           test   => 'conv 2->8',
           sql    => "SELECT CONV('10101001111011101101011',  2,  8)",
           result => [ [25173553] ],
           test   => 'conv 2->2',
           sql    => "SELECT CONV('10101001111011101101011',  2,  2)",
           result => [ ['10101001111011101101011'] ],
           test   => 'conv 10->16 integer with trailing 0',
	   sql    => "select conv('16', 10, 16)",
	   result => [ ['10'] ],
           test   => 'conv 10->16 integer 0',
	   sql    => "select conv('0', 10, 16)",
	   result => [ ['0'] ],
           test => 'decode',
           sql =>
             q{SELECT DISTINCT DECODE(color,'White','W','Red','R','B') AS cfc FROM biz ORDER BY cfc},
           result => [ ['B'], ['R'], ['W'] ],
           test   => 'insert good 1:1',
           sql    => "SELECT INSERT('foodieland', 4, 3, 'bar')",
           result => [ ['foobarland'] ],
           test   => 'insert good non-1:1',
           sql    => "SELECT INSERT('foodland', 4, 1, 'bar')",
           result => [ ['foobarland'] ],
           test   => 'insert bad 1',
           sql    => "SELECT INSERT(NULL, 4, 1, 'bar')",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'insert bad 2',
           sql    => "SELECT INSERT('foodland', 4, 1, NULL)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'left good',
           sql    => "SELECT LEFT('foodland', 4)",
           result => [ ['food'] ],
           test   => 'left bad 1',
           sql    => "SELECT LEFT(NULL, 4)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'left bad 2',
           sql    => "SELECT LEFT('foodland', NULL)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'right good',
           sql    => "SELECT RIGHT('foodland', 4)",
           result => [ ['land'] ],
           test   => 'right bad 1',
           sql    => "SELECT RIGHT(NULL, 4)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'right bad 2',
           sql    => "SELECT RIGHT('foodland', NULL)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'locate 2param',
           sql    => "SELECT LOCATE('a','bar')",
           result => [ [2] ],
           test   => 'locate 3param',
           sql    => "SELECT LOCATE('a','barafa',3)",
           result => [ [4] ],
           test   => 'position 2param',
           sql    => "SELECT POSITION('a','bar')",
           result => [ [2] ],
           test   => 'position 3param',
           sql    => "SELECT POSITION('a','barafa',3)",
           result => [ [4] ],
           test   => 'lower',
           sql    => "SELECT LOWER('A')",
           result => [ ['a'] ],
           test   => 'upper',
           sql    => "SELECT UPPER('a')",
           result => [ ['A'] ],
           test   => 'lcase',
           sql    => "SELECT LCASE('A')",
           result => [ ['a'] ],
           test   => 'ucase',
           sql    => "SELECT UCASE('a')",
           result => [ ['A'] ],
           test   => 'ltrim',
           sql    => q{SELECT LTRIM(' fun ')},
           result => [ ['fun '] ],
           test   => 'rtrim',
           sql    => q{SELECT RTRIM(' fun ')},
           result => [ [' fun'] ],
           test   => 'octet_length',
           sql    => "SELECT OCTET_LENGTH('foo')",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'octet_length unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT OCTET_LENGTH(CHAR(64, 169, 9786, 65572))",
           result => [ [10] ],
           comment=> '1+2+3+4',
           test   => 'regex match',
           sql    => "SELECT REGEX('jeff','/EF/i')",
           result => [ [1] ],
           test   => 'regex no match',
           sql    => "SELECT REGEX('jeff','/zzz/')",
           result => [ [0] ],
           test   => 'repeat',
           sql    => q{SELECT REPEAT('zfunkY', 3)},
           result => [ ['zfunkYzfunkYzfunkY'] ],
           test   => 'replace',
           sql    => q{SELECT REPLACE('zfunkY','s/z(.+)ky/$1/i')},
           result => [ ['fun'] ],
           test   => 'substitute',
           sql    => q{SELECT SUBSTITUTE('zfunkY','s/z(.+)ky/$1/i')},
           result => [ ['fun'] ],
	($have_soundex ? (
           test   => 'soundex match',
           sql    => "SELECT SOUNDEX('jeff','jeph')",
           result => [ [1] ],
           test   => 'soundex no match',
           sql    => "SELECT SOUNDEX('jeff','quartz')",
           result => [ [0] ],
	) : ()),
           test   => 'space',
           sql    => q{SELECT SPACE(10)},
           result => [ [' ' x 10] ],
           test   => 'substr',
           sql    => q{SELECT SUBSTR('zfunkY',2,3)},
           result => [ ['fun'] ],
           test   => 'substring',
           sql    => "SELECT DISTINCT color FROM biz WHERE SUBSTRING(class FROM 1 FOR 1)='T'",
           result => [ ['White'] ],
           test   => 'translate',
           sql    => q{SELECT TRANSLATE('foobar forever', 'oae', '0@3')},
           result => [ ['f00b@r f0r3v3r'] ],
           test   => 'trim simple',
           sql    => q{SELECT TRIM(' fun ')},
           result => [ ['fun'] ],
           test   => 'trim leading',
           todo   => "Analyze why this fails; may be thinking FROM keyword is for table specs",
           sql    => q{SELECT TRIM(LEADING FROM ' fun ')},
           result => [ ['fun '] ],
           test   => 'trim trailing',
           todo   => "Analyze why this fails; may be thinking FROM keyword is for table specs",
           sql    => q{SELECT TRIM(TRAILING FROM ' fun ')},
           result => [ [' fun'] ],
           test   => 'trim leading ;',
           todo   => "Analyze why this fails; may be thinking FROM keyword is for table specs",
           sql    => q{SELECT TRIM(LEADING ';' FROM ';;; fun ')},
           result => [ [' fun '] ],
           test   => 'unhex str',
           sql    => "SELECT UNHEX('414243')",
           result => [ ['ABC'] ],
           test   => 'unhex str unicode',
           sql    => "SELECT UNHEX('263A' || HEX(9787) || CONV('10011000111100', 2, 16), 'UCS-2')",
           result => [ [chr(9786).chr(9787).chr(9788)] ],
           test   => 'bin from dec',
           sql    => "SELECT BIN('9788')",
           result => [ ['10011000111100'] ],
           test   => 'oct from dec',
           sql    => "SELECT OCT('420')",
           result => [ ['644'] ],
        ### Numeric Functions ### 
           test   => 'abs',
           sql    => "SELECT ABS(-4)",
           result => [ [4] ],
           test   => 'ceiling int',
           sql    => "SELECT CEILING(5)",
           result => [ [5] ],
           test   => 'ceiling positive',
           sql    => "SELECT CEILING(4.1)",
           result => [ [5] ],
           test   => 'ceil negative',
           sql    => "SELECT CEIL(-4.5)",
           result => [ [-4] ],
           test   => 'floor int',
           sql    => "SELECT FLOOR(-5)",
           result => [ [-5] ],
           test   => 'floor positive',
           sql    => "SELECT FLOOR(4.999999999999)",
           result => [ [4] ],
           test   => 'floor negative',
           sql    => "SELECT FLOOR(-4.1)",
           result => [ [-5] ],
           test   => 'exp',
           sql    => "SELECT EXP(1)",
           result => [ [sinh(1)+cosh(1)] ],
           test   => 'log as log10',
           sql    => "SELECT LOG(6)",
           result => [ [log(6) / log(10)] ],
           test   => 'log as log2',
           sql    => "SELECT LOG(2, 32)",
           result => [ [log(32) / log(2)] ],
           test   => 'ln',
           sql    => "SELECT LN(3)",
           result => [ [log(3)] ],
           test   => 'mod',
           sql    => "SELECT MOD(8, 5)",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'power',
           sql    => "SELECT POWER(2, 4)",
           result => [ [16] ],
           test   => 'pow',
           sql    => "SELECT POW(2, 4)",
           result => [ [16] ],
           test   => 'rand',
           sql    => "SELECT FLOOR(RAND(4))",
           result_like => qr/^[0123]$|^-0$/,
           test   => 'rand with seed',
           sql    => "SELECT FLOOR(RAND(4), UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
           result_like => qr/^-?[0123]$|^-0$/,
           test   => 'round int',
           sql    => "SELECT ROUND(4.999999999999)",
           result => [ [5] ],
           test   => 'round tenth',
           sql    => "SELECT ROUND(4.542222222222, 1)",
           result => [ [4.5] ],
           test   => 'sign -1',
           sql    => "SELECT SIGN(-25.5)",
           result => [ [-1] ],
           test   => 'sign 1',
           sql    => "SELECT SIGN(53645)",
           result => [ [1] ],
           test   => 'sign 0',
           sql    => "SELECT SIGN(0)",
           result => [ [0] ],
           test   => 'sign null',
           sql    => "SELECT SIGN(NULL)",
           result => [ [undef] ],
           test   => 'sqrt',
           sql    => "SELECT SQRT(64)",
           result => [ [8] ],
           test   => 'truncate int',
           sql    => "SELECT TRUNCATE(4.999999999999)",
           result => [ [4] ],
           test   => 'trunc int',
           sql    => "SELECT TRUNC(-4.9)",
           result => [ [-4] ],
           test   => 'truncate tenth',
           sql    => "SELECT TRUNCATE(4.934, 1)",
           result => [ [4.9] ],
           test   => 'trunc int',
           sql    => "SELECT TRUNC(-4.99999, 1)",
           result => [ [-4.9] ],
        ### Trigonometric Functions ### 
        # (this code shamelessly stolen from Math::Complex's t/Trig.t and converted to this test format)
           test   => 'sin(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT SIN(1)",
           result_near => sin(1),
           test   => 'cos(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COS(1)",
           result_near => cos(1),
           test   => 'tan(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT TAN(1)",
           result_near => tan(1),
           test   => 'sec(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT SEC(1)",
           result_near => sec(1),
           test   => 'csc(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT CSC(1)",
           result_near => csc(1),
           test   => 'cosec(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COSEC(1)",
           result_near => cosec(1),
           test   => 'cot(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COT(1)",
           result_near => cot(1),
           test   => 'cotan(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COTAN(1)",
           result_near => cotan(1),
           test   => 'asin(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ASIN(1)",
           result_near => asin(1),
           test   => 'acos(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOS(1)",
           result_near => acos(1),
           test   => 'atan(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ATAN(1)",
           result_near => atan(1),
           test   => 'asec(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ASEC(1)",
           result_near => asec(1),
           test   => 'acsc(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACSC(1)",
           result_near => acsc(1),
           test   => 'acosec(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOSEC(1)",
           result_near => acosec(1),
           test   => 'acot(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOT(1)",
           result_near => acot(1),
           test   => 'acotan(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOTAN(1)",
           result_near => acotan(1),
           test   => 'sinh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT SINH(1)",
           result_near => sinh(1),
           test   => 'cosh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COSH(1)",
           result_near => cosh(1),
           test   => 'tanh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT TANH(1)",
           result_near => tanh(1),
           test   => 'sech(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT SECH(1)",
           result_near => sech(1),
           test   => 'csch(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT CSCH(1)",
           result_near => csch(1),
           test   => 'cosech(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COSECH(1)",
           result_near => cosech(1),
           test   => 'coth(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COTH(1)",
           result_near => coth(1),
           test   => 'cotanh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT COTANH(1)",
           result_near => cotanh(1),
           test   => 'asinh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ASINH(1)",
           result_near => asinh(1),
           test   => 'acosh(1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOSH(1)",
           result_near => acosh(1),
           test   => 'atanh(0.9)',
           sql    => "SELECT ATANH(0.9)",
           result_near => atanh(0.9),
           test   => 'asech(0.9)', 
           sql    => "SELECT ASECH(0.9)",  # atanh(1.0) would be an error.
           result_near => asech(0.9),
           test   => 'acsch(2)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACSCH(2)",
           result_near => acsch(2),
           test   => 'acosech(2)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOSECH(2)",
           result_near => acosech(2),
           test   => 'acoth(2)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOTH(2)",
           result_near => acoth(2),
           test   => 'acotanh(2)',
           sql    => "SELECT ACOTANH(2)",
           result_near => acotanh(2),
           test   => 'pi',
           sql    => "SELECT PI",
           result_near => pi,
           test   => 'atan2(1, 0)',
           sql    => "SELECT ATAN2(1, 0)",
           result_near => atan2(1, 0),
           test   => 'atan2(1, 1)',
           sql    => "SELECT ATAN2(1, 1)",
           result_near => atan(1, 1),
           test   => 'atan2(-1, -1) to -3pi/4',
           sql    => "SELECT ATAN2(-1, -1)",
           result_near => atan2(-1, -1),
           test   => 'tan(0.9) as property sin/cos',
           sql    => "SELECT TAN(0.9)",
           result_near => tan(0.9),
           test   => 'sinh(2)',
           sql    => "SELECT SINH(2)",
           result_near => sinh(2),
           test   => 'acsch 0.1',
           sql    => "SELECT ACSCH(0.1)",
           result_near => acsch(0.1),
           test   => 'deg2rad(90)',
           sql    => "SELECT DEG2RAD(90)",
           result_near => deg2rad(90),
           test   => 'radians(90)',
           sql    => "SELECT RADIANS(90)",
           result_near => deg2rad(90),
           test   => 'rad2deg(PI)',
           sql    => "SELECT RAD2DEG(PI)",
           result_near => rad2deg(pi),
           test   => 'degrees(PI)',
           sql    => "SELECT DEGREES(PI())",
           result_near => rad2deg(pi),
           test   => 'deg2grad(0.9)',
           sql    => "SELECT DEG2GRAD(0.9)",
           result_near => deg2grad(0.9),
           test   => 'grad2deg(50)',
           sql    => "SELECT GRAD2DEG(50)",
           result_near => grad2deg(50),
	   # XXX calculus within function parameters with functions as operands do not work
           test   => 'rad2grad(pi/2)',
           sql    => "SELECT RAD2GRAD(PI/2)",
           result_near => rad2grad(pi/2),
           todo   => "Known limitation. Parser/Engine can not handle properly",
           test   => 'rad2grad(pi)',
           sql    => "SELECT RAD2GRAD(PI)",
           result_near => rad2grad(pi),
           test   => 'grad2rad(200)',
           sql    => "SELECT GRAD2RAD(200)",
           result_near => grad2rad(200),
           test   => 'lotta radians - deg2rad(10000000000)',
           sql    => "SELECT DEG2RAD(10000000000)",
           result_near => deg2rad(10000000000),
           test   => 'negative degrees - rad2deg(-10000000000)',
           sql    => "SELECT RAD2DEG(-10000000000)",
           result_near => rad2deg(-10000000000),
           test   => 'positive degrees - rad2deg(10000)',
           sql    => "SELECT RAD2DEG(10000)",
           result_near => rad2deg(10000),
           test   => 'tanh 100',
           sql    => "SELECT TANH(100)",
           result_near => tanh(100),
           test   => 'coth 100',
           sql    => "SELECT COTH(100)",
           result_near => coth(100),
           test   => 'tanh -100',
           sql    => "SELECT TANH(-100)",
           result_near => tanh(-100),
           test   => 'coth -100',
           sql    => "SELECT COTH(-100)",
           result_near => coth(-100),
           test   => 'sech 1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT SECH(100000)",
           result_near => sech(100000),
           test   => 'csch 1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT CSCH(100000)",
           result_near => csch(100000),
           test   => 'tanh 1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT TANH(100000)",
           result_near => tanh(100000),
           test   => 'coth 1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT COTH(100000)",
           result_near => coth(100000),
           test   => 'sech -1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT SECH(-100000)",
           result_near => sech(-100000),
           test   => 'csch -1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT CSCH(-100000)",
           result_near => csch(-100000),
           comment=> 'Is meant to return a "negative zero"'
           test   => 'tanh -1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT TANH(-100000)",
           result_near => tanh(-100000),
           test   => 'coth -1e5',
           sql    => "SELECT COTH(-100000)",
           result_near => Math::Trig::coth(-100000),
        ### System Functions
           test   => 'dbname',
           sql    => "SELECT DBNAME()",
           result => [ [$dbh->{Name}] ],
           test   => 'username',
           sql    => "SELECT USERNAME()",
           result => [ [$dbh->{CURRENT_USER}] ],
           test   => 'user',
           sql    => "SELECT USER()",
           result => [ [$dbh->{CURRENT_USER}] ],
           test => 'SELECT with calculation in WHERE CLAUSE',
           sql =>
                   "SELECT id,host,signature,message FROM log WHERE time_stamp < (%d - ( 4 * 60 ))",
                   $now ),
           fetch_by => "id",
           result   => {
               8 => {
                      id        => 8,
                      host      => "ernie",
                      signature => "rpc.statd",
                      message   => "starting",
               9 => {
                      id        => 9,
                      host      => "ernie",
                      signature => "savecore",
                      message   => "no core dump",
               10 => {
                       id        => 10,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "postfix/postfix-script",
                       message   => "starting the Postfix mail system",
               11 => {
                       id        => 11,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "rpcbind",
                       message   => "connect from to dump()",
               12 => {
                       id        => 12,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "sshd",
                       message   => "last message repeated 2 times",
               13 => {
                       id        => 13,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "shutdown",
                       message   => "poweroff by root:",
               14 => {
                       id        => 14,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "shutdown",
                       message   => "rebooted by root",
               15 => {
                       id        => 15,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "sshd",
                       message   => "Server listening on :: port 22.",
               16 => {
                       id        => 16,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "sshd",
                       message   => "Server listening on port 22.",
               17 => {
                       id        => 17,
                       host      => "ernie",
                       signature => "sshd",
                       message   => "Received SIGHUP; restarting.",

           test => 'SELECT with calculation and logical expression in WHERE CLAUSE',
           sql  => sprintf(
               "SELECT id,host,signature,message FROM log WHERE (time_stamp > (%d - 5)) AND (time_stamp < (%d + 5))",
               $now, $now
           fetch_by => "id",
           result   => {
                1 => {
                      id        => 1,
                      host      => "bert",
                      signature => "/netbsd",
                      message =>
                        "Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,",
                2 => {
                       id        => 2,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010",
                3 => {
                       id        => 3,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.",
                4 => {
                       id        => 4,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993",
                5 => {
                    id        => 5,
                    host      => "bert",
                    signature => "/netbsd",
                    message => "The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.",
                6 => {
                       id        => 6,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => '',
                7 => {
                       id        => 7,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "NetBSD 5.99.39 (BERT) #0: Fri Oct  8 06:23:03 CEST 2010",
           test => 'SELECT with calculated items in BETWEEN in WHERE CLAUSE',
           sql  => sprintf(
               "SELECT id,host,signature,message FROM log WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN ( %d - 5, %d + 5)",
               $now, $now
           fetch_by => "id",
           result   => {
                1 => {
                      id        => 1,
                      host      => "bert",
                      signature => "/netbsd",
                      message =>
                        "Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,",
                2 => {
                       id        => 2,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010",
                3 => {
                       id        => 3,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.",
                4 => {
                       id        => 4,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993",
                5 => {
                    id        => 5,
                    host      => "bert",
                    signature => "/netbsd",
                    message => "The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.",
                6 => {
                       id        => 6,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => '',
                7 => {
                       id        => 7,
                       host      => "bert",
                       signature => "/netbsd",
                       message   => "NetBSD 5.99.39 (BERT) #0: Fri Oct  8 06:23:03 CEST 2010",
           test => 'MAX() with calculated WHERE clause',
           sql  => sprintf(
               "SELECT MAX(time_stamp) FROM log WHERE time_stamp IN (%d - (2*3600), %d - (4*3600))",
               $now, $now
           result => [ [ $now - ( 2 * 3600 ) ] ],
           test   => 'calculation in MAX()',
           sql    => "SELECT MAX(time_stamp - 3*3600) FROM log",
           result => [ [ $now - ( 3 * 3600 ) ] ],
           test   => 'Caclulation outside aggregation',
           todo   => "Known limitation. Parser/Engine can not handle properly",
           passes => 'parse-DBD::CSV parse-DBD::File parse-DBD::DBM',
           sql    => "SELECT MAX(time_stamp) - 3*3600 FROM log",
           result => [ [ $now - ( 3 * 3600 ) ] ],
           test   => 'function in MAX()',
           sql    => "SELECT MAX( CHAR_LENGTH(message) ) FROM log",
           result => [ [73] ],
           test   => 'select simple calculated constant from table',
           sql    => "SELECT 1+0 from log",
           result => [ ( [1] ) x 17 ],
           test   => 'select calculated constant with preceedence rules',
           sql    => "SELECT 1+1*2",
           result => [ [3] ],
           test   => 'SELECT not calculated constant',
           sql    => "SELECT 1",
           result => [ [1] ],

    foreach my $test (@tests)
        local $TODO;
        defined($test->{todo}) and not (defined($test->{passes}) and $test->{passes} =~ /(?:parse|execute|result)(?:(?!-)|-\Q$test_dbd\E)/)
            and $TODO = $test->{todo};
        if ( defined( $test->{prepare_err} ) )
            $sth = $dbh->prepare( $test->{sql} );
            ok( !$sth, "prepare $test->{sql} using $test_dbd fails" );
            like( $dbh->errstr(), $test->{prepare_err}, $test->{test} );
        $sth = $dbh->prepare( $test->{sql} );
        ok( $sth, "prepare $test->{sql} using $test_dbd" ) or diag( $dbh->errstr() );
        $sth or next;

        defined($test->{todo}) and not (defined($test->{passes}) and $test->{passes} =~ /(?:execute|result)(?:(?!-)|-\Q$test_dbd\E)/)
            and $TODO = $test->{todo};
        if ( defined( $test->{params} ) )
            my $params;
            if ( defined( _CODE( $test->{params} ) ) )
                $params = [ &{ $test->{params} } ];
            elsif ( !defined( _ARRAY( $test->{params}->[0] ) ) )
                $params = [ $test->{params} ];
                $params = $test->{params};

            my $i = 0;
            my @failed;
            foreach my $bp ( @{ $test->{params} } )
                my $n = $sth->execute(@$bp);
                  ok( $n, "$i: execute $test->{sql} using $test_dbd (" . DBI::neat_list($bp) . ")" )
                  or diag( $dbh->errstr() )
                  or push( @failed, $bp );

                # 'SELECT' eq $sth->command() or next;
                # could become funny ...

            @failed or ok( 1, "1 .. $i: execute $test->{sql} using $test_dbd" );
            my $n = $sth->execute();
            if ( defined( $test->{execute_err} ) )
                ok( !$n, "execute $test->{sql} using $test_dbd fails" );
                like( $dbh->errstr(), $test->{execute_err}, $test->{test} );

            ok( $n, "execute $test->{sql} using $test_dbd" ) or diag( $dbh->errstr() );
            'SELECT' eq $sth->command() or next;

            defined($test->{todo}) and not (defined($test->{passes}) and $test->{passes} =~ /result(?:(?!-)|-\Q$test_dbd\E)/)
                and $TODO = $test->{todo};
            if ( $test->{result_cols} )
                is_deeply( $sth->col_names(), $test->{result_cols}, "Columns in $test->{test}" );

            if ( $test->{fetch_by} )
                is_deeply( $sth->fetchall_hashref( $test->{fetch_by} ),
                           $test->{result}, $test->{test} );
            elsif ( defined( $test->{result_code} ) )
                &{ $test->{result_code} }($sth);
            elsif ( defined( $test->{result_like} ) )
                my $row = $sth->fetch_rows();
                like( $row && $row->[0] && $row->[0][0], $test->{result_like}, $test->{test} );
            elsif ( defined( $test->{result_near} ) )
                my $row = $sth->fetch_rows();
                near( $row && $row->[0] && $row->[0][0], $test->{result_near}, $test->{test} );
                is_deeply( $sth->fetch_rows(), $test->{result}, $test->{test} );
