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package MySQL::Workbench::DBIC;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use File::Spec;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Moo;
use MySQL::Workbench::Parser;

# ABSTRACT: create DBIC scheme for MySQL workbench .mwb files

our $VERSION = '0.04';

has output_path    => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { '.' } );
has file           => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has namespace      => ( is => 'ro', isa => sub { $_[0] =~ m{ \A [A-Z]\w*(::\w+)* \z }xms }, required => 1, default => sub { '' } );
has schema_name    => ( is => 'rwp', isa => sub { $_[0] =~ m{ \A [A-Za-z0-9_]+ \z }xms } );
has version_add    => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { 0.01 } );
has column_details => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { 0 } );
has use_fake_dbic  => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { 0 } );

has belongs_to_prefix   => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { '' } );
has has_many_prefix     => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { '' } );
has has_one_prefix      => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { '' } );
has many_to_many_prefix => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { '' } );

has version => ( is => 'rwp' );
has classes => ( is => 'rwp', isa => sub { ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' }, default => sub { [] } );

before new => sub {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    if ( $args{use_fake_dbic} || !eval{ require DBIx::Class } ) {
        require MySQL::Workbench::DBIC::FakeDBIC;

sub create_schema{
    my $self = shift;
    my $parser = MySQL::Workbench::Parser->new( file => $self->file ); 
    my @tables = @{ $parser->tables };

    my @classes;    
    my %relations;
    for my $table ( @tables ){
        my $name = $table->name;

        push @classes, $name;

        my $rels = $table->foreign_keys;
        for my $to_table ( keys %$rels ){
            $relations{$to_table}->{to}->{$name}   = $rels->{$to_table};
            $relations{$name}->{from}->{$to_table} = $rels->{$to_table};

    $self->_set_classes( \@classes );
    my @scheme = $self->_main_template;
    my @files;
    for my $table ( @tables ){
        push @files, $self->_class_template( $table, $relations{$table->name} );
    push @files, @scheme;
    $self->_write_files( @files );

sub _write_files{
    my ($self, %files) = @_;
    for my $package ( keys %files ){
        my @path;
        push @path, $self->output_path if $self->output_path;
        push @path, split /::/, $package;
        my $file = pop @path;
        my $dir  = File::Spec->catdir( @path );
        $dir = $self->_untaint_path( $dir );
        unless( -e $dir ){
            $self->_mkpath( $dir );

        if( open my $fh, '>', ( $dir || '.' ) . '/' . $file . '.pm' ){
            print $fh $files{$package};
            close $fh;
            croak "Couldn't create $ $!";

sub _untaint_path{
    my ($self,$path) = @_;
    ($path) = ( $path =~ /(.*)/ );
    # win32 uses ';' for a path separator, assume others use ':'
    my $sep = ($^O =~ /win32/i) ? ';' : ':';
    # -T disallows relative directories in the PATH
    $path = join $sep, grep !/^\.+$/, split /$sep/, $path;
    return $path;

sub _mkpath{
    my ($self, $path) = @_;
    my @parts = split /[\\\/]/, $path;
    for my $i ( 0..$#parts ){
        my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( @parts[ 0..$i ] );
        $dir = $self->_untaint_path( $dir );
        unless ( -e $dir ) {
            mkdir $dir or die "$dir: $!";

sub _has_many_template{
    my ($self, $to, $rels) = @_;
    my $package = $self->namespace . '::' . $self->schema_name . '::Result::' . $to;
       $package =~ s/^:://;
    my $name    = (split /::/, $package)[-1];

    my %has_many_rels;
    my $counter = 1;
    my $string = '';
    for my $field ( @{ $rels || [] } ) {
        my $me_field      = $field->{foreign};
        my $foreign_field = $field->{me};

        my $temp_field = $self->has_many_prefix . $name;
        while ( $has_many_rels{$temp_field} ) {
            $temp_field = $self->has_many_prefix . $name . $counter++;

        $string .= qq~
__PACKAGE__->has_many($temp_field => '$package',
             { 'foreign.$foreign_field' => 'self.$me_field' });

    return $string;

sub _belongs_to_template{
    my ($self, $from, $rels) = @_;

    my $package = $self->namespace . '::' . $self->schema_name . '::Result::' . $from;
       $package =~ s/^:://;
    my $name    = (split /::/, $package)[-1];
    my %belongs_to_rels;
    my $counter = 1;
    my $string = '';
    for my $field ( @{ $rels || [] } ) {
        my $me_field      = $field->{me};
        my $foreign_field = $field->{foreign};

        my $temp_field = $self->belongs_to_prefix . $name;
        while ( $belongs_to_rels{$temp_field} ) {
            $temp_field = $self->belongs_to_prefix . $name . $counter++;

        $string .= qq~
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to($temp_field => '$package',
             { 'foreign.$foreign_field' => 'self.$me_field' });

    return $string;

sub _class_template{
    my ($self,$table,$relations) = @_;
    my $name    = $table->name;
    my $package = $self->namespace . '::' . $self->schema_name . '::Result::' . $name;
       $package =~ s/^:://;
    my ($has_many, $belongs_to) = ('','');

    my %foreign_keys;
    for my $to_table ( keys %{ $relations->{to} } ){
        $has_many .= $self->_has_many_template( $to_table, $relations->{to}->{$to_table} );

    for my $from_table ( keys %{ $relations->{from} } ){
        $belongs_to .= $self->_belongs_to_template( $from_table, $relations->{from}->{$from_table} );

        my @foreign_key_names = map{ $_->{me} }@{ $relations->{from}->{$from_table} };
        @foreign_keys{ @foreign_key_names } = (1) x @foreign_key_names;
    my @columns = map{ $_->name }@{ $table->columns };
    my $column_string = '';

    if ( !$self->column_details ) {
        $column_string = "qw/\n" . join "\n", map{ "    " . $_ }@columns, "    /";
    else {
        my @columns = @{ $table->columns };

        for my $column ( @columns ) {
            my $default_value = $column->default_value || '';
            $default_value =~ s/'/\\'/g;

            my $size = $column->length;

            if ( $column->datatype =~ /char/i && $column->length <= 0 ) {
                $size = 255;

            my @options;

            my $name = $column->name;

            push @options, "data_type          => '" . $column->datatype . "',";
            push @options, "is_auto_increment  => 1,"                            if $column->autoincrement;
            push @options, "is_nullable        => 1,"                            if !$column->not_null;
            push @options, "size               => " . $size . ","                if $size > 0;
            push @options, "default_value      => '" . $default_value . "',"     if $default_value;

            if ( first { $column->datatype eq $_ }qw/SMALLINT INT INTEGER BIGINT MEDIUMINT NUMERIC DECIMAL/ ) {
                push @options, "is_numeric         => 1,";

            push @options, "retrieve_on_insert => 1," if first{ $name eq $_ }@{ $table->primary_key };
            push @options, "is_foreign_key     => 1," if $foreign_keys{$name};

            my $option_string = join "\n        ", @options;

            $column_string .= <<"            COLUMN";
    $name => {

    my $primary_key   = join " ", @{ $table->primary_key };
    my $version       = $self->version;
    my $template = qq~package $package;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(DBIx::Class);

our \$VERSION = $version;

__PACKAGE__->load_components( qw/PK::Auto Core/ );
__PACKAGE__->table( '$name' );
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key( qw/ $primary_key / );



    return $package, $template;

sub _main_template{
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @class_names  = @{ $self->classes };
    my $classes      = join "\n", map{ "    " . $_ }@class_names;
    my $schema_name  = $self->schema_name;
    my @schema_names = qw(DBIC_Schema Database DBIC MySchema MyDatabase DBIxClass_Schema);
    for my $schema ( @schema_names ){
        last if $schema_name;
        unless( grep{ $_ eq $schema }@class_names ){
            $schema_name = $schema;

    croak "couldn't determine a package name for the schema" unless $schema_name;
    $self->_set_schema_name( $schema_name );
    my $namespace  = $self->namespace . '::' . $schema_name;
       $namespace  =~ s/^:://;

    my $version;
    eval {
        eval "require $namespace"; ## no critic
        $version = $namespace->VERSION()

    if ( $version ) {
        $version += $self->version_add || 0.01;

    $version ||= ($self->version_add || 0.01);

    $self->_set_version( $version );
    my $template = qq~package $namespace;

use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;

our \$VERSION = $version;



    return $namespace, $template;




=head1 NAME

MySQL::Workbench::DBIC - create DBIC scheme for MySQL workbench .mwb files

=head1 VERSION

version 0.04


    use MySQL::Workbench::DBIC;

    my $foo = MySQL::Workbench::DBIC->new(
        file           => '/path/to/file.mwb',
        output_path    => $some_path,
        namespace      => 'MyApp::DB',
        version_add    => 0.01,
        column_details => 1, # default 1
        use_fake_dbic  => 1, # default 0


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

creates a new object of MySQL::Workbench::DBIC. You can pass some parameters
to new:

  my $foo = MySQL::Workbench::DBIC->new(
    output_path       => '/path/to/dir',
    input_file        => '/path/to/dbdesigner.file',
    namespace         => 'MyApp::Database',
    version_add       => 0.001,
    schema_name       => 'MySchema',
    column_details    => 1,
    use_fake_dbic     => 1, # default 0.
    belongs_to_prefix => 'fk_',
    has_many_prefix   => 'has_',

C<use_fake_dbic> is helpful when C<DBIx::Class> is not installed on the
machine where you use this module.

=head2 create_schema

creates all the files that are needed to work with DBIx::Class schema:

The main module that loads all classes and one class per table. If you haven't
specified an input file, the module will croak.


=head2 output_path

sets / gets the output path for the scheme

  print $foo->output_path;

=head2 input_file

sets / gets the name of the Workbench file

  print $foo->input_file;

=head2 column_details

If enabled, the column definitions are more detailed. Default: disabled.

Standard (excerpt from Result classes):

  __PACKAGE__->add_columns( qw/

With enabled column details:

    cert_id => {
      data_type         => 'integer',
      is_nullable       => 0,
      is_auto_increment => 1,
    register_nr => {
      data_type   => 'integer',
      is_nullable => 0,
    state => {
      data_type     => 'varchar',
      size          => 1,
      is_nullable   => 0,
      default_value => 'done',

This is useful when you use L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler> to deploy the columns

=head2 version_add

The files should be versioned (e.g. to deploy the DB via C<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler>). On the first run 
the version is set to "0.01". When the schema file already exists, the version is increased by the value
of C<version_add> (default: 0.01)

=head2 schema_name 

sets a new name for the schema. By default on of these names is used:

  DBIC_Scheme Database DBIC MyScheme MyDatabase DBIxClass_Scheme

=head2 namespace

sets / gets the name of the namespace. If you set the namespace to 'Test' and you
have a table named 'MyTable', the main module is named 'Test::DBIC_Scheme' and
the class for 'MyTable' is named 'Test::DBIC_Scheme::MyTable'

=head2 prefix

In relationships the accessor for the objects of the "other" table shouldn't have the name of the column. 
Otherwise it is very clumsy to get the orginial value of this table.

  'belongs_to' => 'fk_'
  'has_many' => 'has_'

creates (col1 is the column name of the foreign key)

  __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( 'fk_col1' => 'OtherTable', {'foreign.col1' => 'self.col1' } );

=head1 AUTHOR

Renee Baecker <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Renee Baecker.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
