The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}){
	chdir('t') if -d 't';
	if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
	    @INC = qw(: ::lib ::macos:lib);
	} else {
	    @INC = '.';
	    push @INC, '../lib';
    } else {
	unshift @INC, 't';
    require Config;
    if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bB\b/) ){
        print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without B module\n";
        exit 0;

$|  = 1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 53;

BEGIN { use_ok( 'B' ); }

package Testing::Symtable;
use vars qw($This @That %wibble $moo %moo);
my $not_a_sym = 'moo';

sub moo { 42 }
sub car { 23 }

package Testing::Symtable::Foo;
sub yarrow { "Hock" }

package Testing::Symtable::Bar;
sub hock { "yarrow" }

package main;
use vars qw(%Subs);
local %Subs = ();
B::walksymtable(\%Testing::Symtable::, 'find_syms', sub { $_[0] =~ /Foo/ },

sub B::GV::find_syms {
    my($symbol) = @_;

    $main::Subs{$symbol->STASH->NAME . '::' . $symbol->NAME}++;

my @syms = map { 'Testing::Symtable::'.$_ } qw(This That wibble moo car
push @syms, "Testing::Symtable::Foo::yarrow";

# Make sure we hit all the expected symbols.
ok( join('', sort @syms) eq join('', sort keys %Subs), 'all symbols found' );

# Make sure we only hit them each once.
ok( (!grep $_ != 1, values %Subs), '...and found once' );

ok( B::svref_2object(\$.)->MAGIC->TYPE eq "\0", '$. has \0 magic' );
    my $e = '';
    local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $e = $_[0] };
    # Used to dump core, bug #16828
    eval { B::svref_2object(\$.)->MAGIC->MOREMAGIC->TYPE; };
    like( $e, qr/Can't call method "TYPE" on an undefined value/, 
	'$. has no more magic' );

my $iv = 1;
my $iv_ref = B::svref_2object(\$iv);
is(ref $iv_ref, "B::IV", "Test B:IV return from svref_2object");
is($iv_ref->REFCNT, 1, "Test B::IV->REFCNT");
# Flag tests are needed still
#diag $iv_ref->FLAGS();
my $iv_ret = $iv_ref->object_2svref();
is(ref $iv_ret, "SCALAR", "Test object_2svref() return is SCALAR");
is($$iv_ret, $iv, "Test object_2svref()");
is($iv_ref->int_value, $iv, "Test int_value()");
is($iv_ref->IV, $iv, "Test IV()");
is($iv_ref->IVX(), $iv, "Test IVX()");
is($iv_ref->UVX(), $iv, "Test UVX()");

my $pv = "Foo";
my $pv_ref = B::svref_2object(\$pv);
is(ref $pv_ref, "B::PV", "Test B::PV return from svref_2object");
is($pv_ref->REFCNT, 1, "Test B::PV->REFCNT");
# Flag tests are needed still
#diag $pv_ref->FLAGS();
my $pv_ret = $pv_ref->object_2svref();
is(ref $pv_ret, "SCALAR", "Test object_2svref() return is SCALAR");
is($$pv_ret, $pv, "Test object_2svref()");
is($pv_ref->PV(), $pv, "Test PV()");
eval { is($pv_ref->RV(), $pv, "Test RV()"); };
ok($@, "Test RV()");
is($pv_ref->PVX(), $pv, "Test PVX()");

my $nv = 1.1;
my $nv_ref = B::svref_2object(\$nv);
is(ref $nv_ref, "B::NV", "Test B::NV return from svref_2object");
is($nv_ref->REFCNT, 1, "Test B::NV->REFCNT");
# Flag tests are needed still
#diag $nv_ref->FLAGS();
my $nv_ret = $nv_ref->object_2svref();
is(ref $nv_ret, "SCALAR", "Test object_2svref() return is SCALAR");
is($$nv_ret, $nv, "Test object_2svref()");
is($nv_ref->NV, $nv, "Test NV()");
is($nv_ref->NVX(), $nv, "Test NVX()");

my $null = undef;
my $null_ref = B::svref_2object(\$null);
is(ref $null_ref, "B::NULL", "Test B::NULL return from svref_2object");
is($null_ref->REFCNT, 1, "Test B::NULL->REFCNT");
# Flag tests are needed still
#diag $null_ref->FLAGS();
my $null_ret = $nv_ref->object_2svref();
is(ref $null_ret, "SCALAR", "Test object_2svref() return is SCALAR");
is($$null_ret, $nv, "Test object_2svref()");

my $cv = sub{ 1; };
my $cv_ref = B::svref_2object(\$cv);
is($cv_ref->REFCNT, 1, "Test B::RV->REFCNT");
is(ref $cv_ref, "B::RV", "Test B::RV return from svref_2object - code");
my $cv_ret = $cv_ref->object_2svref();
is(ref $cv_ret, "REF", "Test object_2svref() return is REF");
is($$cv_ret, $cv, "Test object_2svref()");

my $av = [];
my $av_ref = B::svref_2object(\$av);
is(ref $av_ref, "B::RV", "Test B::RV return from svref_2object - array");

my $hv = [];
my $hv_ref = B::svref_2object(\$hv);
is(ref $hv_ref, "B::RV", "Test B::RV return from svref_2object - hash");

local *gv = *STDOUT;
my $gv_ref = B::svref_2object(\*gv);
is(ref $gv_ref, "B::GV", "Test B::GV return from svref_2object");
ok(! $gv_ref->is_empty(), "Test is_empty()");
is($gv_ref->NAME(), "gv", "Test NAME()");
is($gv_ref->SAFENAME(), "gv", "Test SAFENAME()");
like($gv_ref->FILE(), qr/b\.t$/, "Testing FILE()");

# The following return B::SPECIALs.
is(ref B::sv_yes(), "B::SPECIAL", "B::sv_yes()");
is(ref B::sv_no(), "B::SPECIAL", "B::sv_no()");
is(ref B::sv_undef(), "B::SPECIAL", "B::sv_undef()");

# More utility functions
is(B::ppname(0), "pp_null", "Testing ppname (this might break if opnames.h is changed)");
is(B::opnumber("null"), 0, "Testing opnumber with opname (null)");
is(B::opnumber("pp_null"), 0, "Testing opnumber with opname (pp_null)");
like(B::hash("wibble"), qr/0x[0-9a-f]*/, "Testing B::hash()");
is(B::cstring("wibble"), '"wibble"', "Testing B::cstring()");
is(B::perlstring("wibble"), '"wibble"', "Testing B::perlstring()");
is(B::class(bless {}, "Wibble::Bibble"), "Bibble", "Testing B::class()");
is(B::cast_I32(3.14), 3, "Testing B::cast_I32()");
is(B::opnumber("localtime"), 294);