
    chdir( 't' ) if -d 't';
    @INC = '../lib';
    require './test.pl';      # for which_perl() etc
    require Config; import Config;
    if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bDevel\/DProf\b/){
      print "1..0 # Skip: Devel::DProf was not built\n";
      exit 0;

    while(-e 'tmon.out' && unlink 'tmon.out') {}
    while(-e 'err' && unlink 'err') {}

use Benchmark qw( timediff timestr );
use Getopt::Std 'getopts';

# -v   Verbose
# -I   Add to @INC
# -p   Name of perl binary

@tests = @ARGV ? @ARGV : sort (<lib/dprof/*_t>, <lib/dprof/*_v>);  # glob-sort, for OS/2

$path_sep = $Config{path_sep} || ':';
$perl5lib = $opt_I || join( $path_sep, @INC );
$perl = $opt_p || which_perl();

if( $opt_v ){
	print "tests: @tests\n";
	print "perl: $perl\n";
	print "perl5lib: $perl5lib\n";
if( $perl =~ m|^\./| ){
	# turn ./perl into ../perl, because of chdir(t) above.
	$perl = ".$perl";
if( ! -f $perl ){ die "Where's Perl?" }

sub profile {
	my $test = shift;
	my @results;
	local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $perl5lib;
	my $opt_d = '-d:DProf';

	my $t_start = new Benchmark;
	open( R, "$perl -f \"$opt_d\" $test |" ) || warn "$0: Can't run. $!\n";
	@results = <R>;
	close R or warn "Could not close: $!";
	my $t_total = timediff( new Benchmark, $t_start );

	if( $opt_v ){
		print "\n";
		print @results

        print '# ' . timestr( $t_total, 'nop' ), "\n";

sub verify {
	my $test = shift;

	my $command = $perl.' "-I../lib" "-I./lib/dprof" '.$test;
	$command .= ' -v' if $opt_v;
	$command .= ' -p '. $perl;
	system $command;

$| = 1;
print "1..20\n";
while( @tests ){
	$test = shift @tests;
	$test =~ s/\.$// if $^O eq 'VMS';
	if( $test =~ /_t$/i ){
		print "# $test" . '.' x (20 - length $test);
		profile $test;
		verify $test;
