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package File::KeePass::Agent::unix;

=head1 NAME

File::KeePass::Agent::unix - platform specific utilities for Agent


use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak);
use X11::Protocol;
use vars qw(%keysyms);
use X11::Keysyms qw(%keysyms); # part of X11::Protocol
use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadMode GetControlChars);

my @end;
my $cntl;
END { $_->() for @end };

my $raw;
sub _term_raw { ReadMode 'raw', \*STDOUT; $raw = 1 }
sub _term_restore { ReadMode 'restore', \*STDOUT; ($raw, my $prev) = (0, $raw); return $prev }

sub init {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'no_menus'} = grep {$_ eq '--no_menus'} @ARGV;

sub prompt_for_file {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $last_file = $self->read_config('last_file');
    if ($last_file && $last_file =~ m{ ^./..(/.+)$ }x) {
        $last_file = $self->home_dir . $1;
    $last_file = '' if $last_file && grep {$_->[0] eq $last_file} @{ $self->keepass };
    my $file = $self->_file_prompt("Choose the KeePass database file to open: ", $last_file);
    if ($last_file
        && $file
        && $last_file ne $file
        && -e $file
        && !$args->{'no_save'}
        && require IO::Prompt
        && IO::Prompt::prompt("Save $file as default KeePass database? ", -yn, -d => 'y', -tty)) {
        my $home = $self->home_dir;
        my $copy = ($file =~ m{^\Q$home\E(/.+)$ }x) ? "./..$1" : $file;
        $self->write_config(last_file => $copy);

    return $file;

sub prompt_for_pass {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    require IO::Prompt;
    return ''.IO::Prompt::prompt("Enter your master password for $file: ", -e => '*', -tty);

sub prompt_for_keyfile {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    return $self->_file_prompt("Enter a master key filename (optional) for $file: ");

sub _file_prompt {
    my ($self, $msg, $def) = @_;
    #$msg =~ s/(:\s*)$/ [$def]$1/ or $msg .= " [$def] " if $def;
    require Term::ReadLine;

    my $was_raw = _term_restore();
    my $out = Term::ReadLine->new('fkp')->readline($msg, $def);
    _term_raw() if $was_raw;

    $out = '' if ! defined $out;
    $out =~ s/\s+$//;
    $out =~ s{~/}{$self->home_dir.'/'}e;
    return length($out) ? $out : $def;

sub home_dir {
    my ($user,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$home,$shell,$expire) = getpwuid($<);
    return $home || croak "Couldn't find home dir for uid $<";

sub _config_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my $home = $self->home_dir;
    return "$home/.keepassx/config" if -e "$home/.keepassx/config";
    return "$home/.config/keepassx/config.ini";

my %map = (
    last_file => 'LastFile',
    pre_gap   => 'AutoTypePreGap',
    key_delay => 'AutoTypeKeyStrokeDelay',

sub read_config {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $c = $self->{'config'} ||= $self->_ini_parse($self->_config_file);
    if (! $key) {
        return $c;
    } elsif (my $_key = $map{$key}) {
        return $c->{'Options'}->{$_key};
    elsif ($key eq 'global_shortcut') {
        return if ! defined(my $key = $c->{'Options'}->{'GlobalShortcutKey'});
        my $mod = $c->{'Options'}->{'GlobalShortcutMods'};
        return if !$mod || $mod !~ m{ ^\@Variant\( \\0\\0\\0\\r\\0\\0\\0\\x5\\x? ([a-f0-9]+) \)$ }x; # non-portable - qvariant \r should be QBitArray, \x5 is 5 bits
        my $val = hex($1);
        my $s = {
            key   => chr($key),
            ctrl  => $val & 0b00001 ? 1 : 0,
            shift => $val & 0b00010 ? 1 : 0,
            alt   => $val & 0b00100 ? 1 : 0,
            altgr => $val & 0b01000 ? 1 : 0,
            win   => $val & 0b10000 ? 1 : 0,
        @{ $s }{qw(ctrl alt)} = (1, 1) if delete $s->{'altgr'};
        return $s;
    } else {
        die "Unknown key $key";

sub write_config {
    my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
    my $c = $self->_ini_parse($self->_config_file, 1);
    if (my $_key = $map{$key}) {
        $c->{'Options'}->{$_key} = $val;
    } else {
    $self->_ini_write($c, $self->_config_file);
    delete $self->{'config'};

sub x {
    shift->{'x'} ||= do {
        my $x = X11::Protocol->new;
        $x->{'error_handler'} = sub { my ($x, $d) = @_; die $x->format_error_msg($d) };


sub no_menus { shift->{'no_menus'} }

sub main_loop {
    my $self = shift;

    my $kdbs = $self->keepass;
    die "No open databases.\n" if ! @$kdbs;
    my @callbacks = $self->active_callbacks;
    if ($self->no_menus) {
        for my $pair (@$kdbs) {
            my ($file, $kdb) = @$pair;
            print "$file\n";
            print $kdb->dump_groups({'group_title !' => 'Backup', 'title !' => 'Meta-Info'})
        die "No key callbacks defined and menus are disabled.  Exiting\n" if ! @callbacks;


sub _unbind_global_keys {
    my $self = shift;
    my $x = $self->x;
    foreach my $pair (@{ delete($self->{'_bound_keys'}) || [] }) {
        my ($code, $mod) = @$pair;
        $x->UngrabKey($code, $mod, $x->root);

sub _bind_global_keys {
    my ($self, @callbacks) = @_;
    #my $ShiftMask    = 1;
    #my $LockMask     = 2;
    #my $ControlMask  = 4;
    my $Mod2Mask     = 16; # 1 => 8, 2 => 16, 3 => 32, 4 => 64, 5 => 128

    push @end, sub { $self->_unbind_global_keys };

    my $cb_map = $self->{'global_cb_map'} = {};
    my $x = $self->x;
    $self->{'bound_msg'} = '';
    foreach my $c (@callbacks) {
        my ($shortcut, $s_name, $callback) = @$c;

        my $code = $self->keycode($shortcut->{'key'});
        my $mod  = 0;
        foreach my $row ([ctrl => 'Control'], [shift => 'Shift'], [alt => 'Mod1'], [win => 'Mod4']) {
            next if ! $shortcut->{$row->[0]};
            $mod |= 2 ** $x->num('KeyMask', $row->[1]);
        foreach my $MOD (
            ) {
            my $seq = eval { $x->GrabKey($code, $MOD, $x->root, 1, 'Asynchronous', 'Asynchronous') };
            croak "The key binding ".$self->shortcut_name($shortcut)." appears to already be in use" if ! $seq;
            $cb_map->{$code}->{$MOD} = $callback;
            push @{ $self->{'_bound_keys'} }, [$code, $MOD];
        my $msg = "Listening to ".$self->shortcut_name($shortcut)." for $s_name\n";
        print $msg;
        $self->{'bound_msg'} .= $msg;

sub _listen {
    my $self = shift;
    my $x = $self->x;

    # allow for only looking at grabbed keys
    if ($self->no_menus) {
        $self->read_x_event while 1;

    # in addition to grabbed keys show an interactive menu of the options
    # listen to both the x protocol events as well as our local term
    require IO::Select;

    my $in_fh = \*STDIN;
    local $SIG{'INT'} = sub { _term_restore(); exit };
    push @end, sub { _term_restore() };

    my $x_fh = $x->{'connection'}->fh;

    my $sel = IO::Select->new($x_fh, $in_fh);

    # handle events as they occur
    my $i;
    while (1) {
        my ($fh) = $sel->can_read(10);
        next if ! $fh;
        if ($fh == $in_fh) {
            $self->_handle_term_input($fh) || last;
        } else {

sub read_x_event {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cb_map = shift || $self->{'global_cb_map'} || die "No global callbacks initialized\n";
    my $x = $self->x;
    my %event = $x->next_event;
    return if ($event{'name'} || '') ne 'KeyRelease';
    my $code = $event{'detail'};
    my $mod  = $event{'state'};
    my $callback = $cb_map->{$code}->{$mod} || return;
    my ($wid) = $x->GetInputFocus;
    my $orig  = $wid;
    my $title = eval { $self->wm_name($wid) };
    while (!defined($title) || ! length($title)) {
        last if $wid == $x->root;
        my ($root, $parent) = $x->QueryTree($wid);
        last if $parent == $wid;
        $wid = $parent;
        $title = eval { $self->wm_name($wid) };
    if (!defined($title) || !length($title)) {
        warn "Could not find window title for window id $orig\n";
    $event{'_window_id'} = $wid;
    $event{'_window_id_orig'} = $orig;
    $self->$callback($title, \%event);


sub keymap {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'keymap'} ||= do {
        my $min = $self->x->{'min_keycode'};
        my @map = $self->x->GetKeyboardMapping($min, $self->x->{'max_keycode'} - $min);
        my %map;
        my $req_sh = $self->{'requires_shift'} = {};
        my %rev = reverse %keysyms;
        foreach my $m (@map) {
            my $code = $min++;
            foreach my $pair ([$m->[0], 0], (($m->[1] && $m->[1] != $m->[0]) ? ([$m->[1], 1]) : ())) {
                my ($sym, $shift) = @$pair;
                my $name = $rev{$sym};
                next if ! defined $name;
                if (! $map{$name}) {
                    $map{$name} = $code;
                    $req_sh->{$name} = 1 if $shift;
                my $chr = ($sym < 0xFF00) ? chr($sym) : ($sym <= 0xFFFF) ? chr(0xFF & $sym) : next;
                if ($chr ne $name && !$map{$chr}) {
                    $map{$chr} = $code;
                    $req_sh->{$chr} = 1 if $shift;
        $map{"\n"} = $map{"\r"}; # \n mapped to Linefeed - we want it to be Return
        $req_sh->{"\n"} = $req_sh->{"\r"};

sub requires_shift {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'requires_shift'};

sub keycode {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->keymap->{$key};

sub is_key_pressed {
    my $self = shift;
    my $key  = shift || return;
    my $keys = shift || $self->x->QueryKeymap;
    my $code = $self->keycode($key) || return;
    my $byte = substr($keys, $code/8, 1);
    my $n    = ord $byte;
    my $on   = $n & (1 << ($code % 8));
    if ($self->requires_shift->{$key} && @_ <= 3) {
        return if ! $self->is_key_pressed('Shift_L', $keys, 'norecurse');
    return $on;

sub are_keys_pressed {
    my $self = shift;
    my $keys = $self->x->QueryKeymap;
    return grep { $self->is_key_pressed($_, $keys) } @_;


sub attributes {
    my ($self, $wid) = @_;
    return {$self->x->GetWindowAttributes($wid)};

sub property {
    my ($self, $wid, $prop) = @_;
    return '' if !defined($wid) || $wid =~ /\D/;
    $prop = $self->x->atom($prop) if $prop !~ /^\d+$/;
    my ($val) = $self->x->GetProperty($wid, $prop, 'AnyPropertyType', 0, 255, 0);
    return $val;

sub properties {
    my ($self, $wid) = @_;
    my $x = $self->x;
    return {map {$x->atom_name($_) => $self->property($wid, $_)} $x->ListProperties($wid) };

sub wm_name {
    my ($self, $wid) = @_;
    return $self->property($wid, 'WM_NAME');

sub all_children {
    my ($self, $wid, $cache, $level) = @_;
    $cache ||= {};
    $level ||= 0;
    next if exists $cache->{$wid};
    $cache->{$wid} = $level;
    my ($root, $parent, @children) = $self->x->QueryTree($wid);
    $self->all_children($_, $cache, $level + 1) for @children;
    return $cache;


sub send_key_press {
    my ($self, $auto_type, $entry, $title, $event) = @_;
    warn "Auto-Type: $entry->{'title'}\n" if ref($entry);

    my ($wid) = $self->x->GetInputFocus;

    # wait for all other keys to clear out before we begin to type
    my $i = 0;
    while (my @pressed = $self->are_keys_pressed(qw(Shift_L Shift_R Control_L Control_R Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L Meta_R Super_L Super_R Hyper_L Hyper_R Escape))) {
        print "Waiting for @pressed\n" if 5 == (++$i % 40);

    my $pre_gap = $self->read_config('pre_gap')   * .001;
    my $delay   = $self->read_config('key_delay') * .001;
    my $keymap = $self->keymap;
    my $shift  = $self->requires_shift;
    select undef, undef, undef, $pre_gap if $pre_gap;
    for my $key (split //, $auto_type) {
        my ($_wid) = $self->x->GetInputFocus; # send the key stroke
        if ($_wid != $wid) {
            warn "Window changed.  Aborted Auto-type.\n";
        my $code  = $keymap->{$key};
        my $state = $shift->{$key} || 0;
        if (! defined $code) {
            warn "Could not find code for $key\n";
        select undef, undef, undef, $delay if $delay;
        $self->key_press($code, $state, $wid);
        $self->key_release($code, $state, $wid);

sub key_press {
    my ($self, $code, $state, $wid) = @_;
    my $x    = $self->x;
    ($wid) = $self->x->GetInputFocus if ! $wid;
    return $x->SendEvent($wid, 0, 0, $x->pack_event(
        name   => "KeyPress",
        detail => $code,
        time   => 0,
        root   => $x->root,
        event  => $wid,
        state  => $state || 0,
        same_screen => 1,

sub key_release {
    my ($self, $code, $state, $wid) = @_;
    my $x    = $self->x;
    ($wid) = $self->x->GetInputFocus if ! $wid;
    return $x->SendEvent($wid, 0, 0, $x->pack_event(
        name   => "KeyRelease",
        detail => $code,
        time   => 0,
        root   => $x->root,
        event  => $wid,
        state  => $state || 0,
        same_screen => 1,


sub _handle_term_input {
    my ($self, $fh) = @_;

    $cntl ||= {GetControlChars $fh};
    $self->{'buffer'} = '' if ! defined $self->{'buffer'};
    my $buf = delete $self->{'buffer'};
    while (1) {
        my @fh = IO::Select->new($fh)->can_read(0);
        last if ! @fh;
        my $chr = getc $fh;
        exit if $chr eq $cntl->{'INTERRUPT'} || $chr eq $cntl->{'EOF'};
        $buf .= $chr;
        last if $chr eq "\n";
    my $had_nl = chomp $buf;
    print "\r$buf" if length $buf > 1;

    my $state = $self->{'state'} ||= [$self->_menu_groups];
    my $cur   = $state->[-1];
    my ($text, $cb) = @$cur;
    my $matches = grep {$_ =~ /^\Q$buf\E/} keys %$cb;
    if (!$had_nl && $matches > 1) {
        $self->{'buffer'} = $buf;
        print "\r$buf" if length($buf) eq 1;# \r";
    } elsif ($cb->{$buf}) {
        print "\n" if !$had_nl;
        my ($method, @args) = @{ $cb->{$buf} };
        my $new = $self->$method(@args) || return 1;
        push @$state, $new if $new->[0];
    } elsif (length($buf) && $buf ne "\e") {
        print "\n" if !$had_nl;
        print "Unknown option ($buf)\n";
    } else {
        pop @$state if @$state > 1;
        print $state->[-1]->[0];

    return 1;

sub _init_state {
    my ($self, $first_time) = @_;
    $self->_bind_global_keys($self->active_callbacks) if !$first_time; # unbinds previous ones
    my $state = $self->{'state'} = [$self->_menu_groups];
    print $state->[-1]->[0];

my @a2z = ('a'..'z', 0..9);
sub _a2z {
    my $i = shift;
    return $a2z[$i % @a2z] x (1 + ($i / @a2z));

sub _close_file {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    return [];

sub _clear {
    return if shift->{'no_clear'};
    return "\e[H\e[2J";

sub _menu_groups {
    my $self = shift;

    my $t = $self->_clear."\n";
    my $i = 0;
    my $cb = {};
    foreach my $pair (@{ $self->keepass }) {
        my ($file, $kdb) = @$pair;
        $t .= "  File: $file\n";
        foreach my $g ($kdb->find_groups) {
            my $indent = '    ' x $g->{'level'};
            my $key = _a2z($i++);
            $cb->{$key} = ['_menu_entries', $file, $g->{'id'}];
            $t .= "    ($key)    $indent$g->{'title'}\n";

    $t .= "\n";
    $t .= "    (+)    Open another keepass database\n";
    $t .= "    (-)    Close a keepass database\n" if @{ $self->keepass };
    $cb->{'+'} = ['_action_open'];
    $cb->{'-'} = ['_action_close'];

    $t .= "\n".delete($self->{'bound_msg'}) if $self->{'bound_msg'};
    return [$t, $cb];

sub _action_open {
    my $self = shift;
    print "\n";
    my $file = $self->prompt_for_file({no_save => 1});
    if (!$file) {
        print "No file specified.\n";
        return [];
    } elsif (!-e $file) {
        print "File \"$file\" does not exist.\n";
        return [];
    } else {
        my $k = $self->_prompt_for_pass_and_key($file);
        print "Failed to open file $file\n";
        $self->_init_state if $k;
    return [];

sub _action_close {
    my $self = shift;
    print "\n  Close file\n";
    my $i = 0;
    my $cb = {};
    my $t = '';
    for my $file (map {$_->[0]} @{ $self->keepass }) {
        my $key = _a2z($i++);
        $cb->{$key} = ['_close_file', $file];
        $t .= "    ($key)    $file\n";
    print $t;
    return [$t, $cb];

sub _menu_entries {
    my ($self, $file, $gid) = @_;
    my ($kdb) = map {$_->[1]} grep {$_->[0] eq $file} @{ $self->keepass };
    my $g = $kdb->find_group({id => $gid}) || do { print "\nNo such matching gid ($gid) in file ($file)\n\n"; return };
    local $g->{'groups'}; # don't recurse while looking for entries since we are already flat
    my @E = $kdb->find_entries({}, [$g]);
    if (! @E) {
        print "\nNo group entries in $g->{'title'}\n\n";
    my $t = $self->_clear."\n  File: $file\n";
    $t .= "    Group: $g->{'title'}\n";

    my $i = 0;
    my $cb = {};
    my @e;
    my $max = 0;
    for my $e (@E) {
        my $key = _a2z($i++);
        $cb->{$key} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid];
        push @e, "      ($key)   $e->{'title'}";
        $max = length($e[-1]) if length($e[-1]) > $max;

    my ($W, $H) = eval { Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(\*STDOUT) };
    my $cols = int($W / ($max || 1));
    my $rows = @e / $cols; $rows = int(1 + $rows) if int($rows) != $rows;
    $rows = 8 if $rows < 8;
    my @row;
    $row[$_%$rows]->[$_/$rows] = $e[$_] for 0 .. @e;
    $t .= sprintf("%-${max}s"x@$_, @$_)."\n" for @row;
    print $t;
    return [$t, $cb];

sub _menu_entry {
    my ($self, $file, $eid, $gid, $action, $extra) = @_;
    my ($kdb) = map {$_->[1]} grep {$_->[0] eq $file} @{ $self->keepass };
    my $e = $kdb->find_entry({id => $eid}) || do { print "\nNo such matching eid ($eid) in file ($file)\n\n"; return };
    my $g = $kdb->find_group({id => $gid}) || do { print "\nNo such matching gid ($gid) in file ($file)\n\n"; return };

    my $cb = {};
    my $t = "\n  File: $file\n";
    $t .= "    Group: $g->{'title'}\n";
    $t .= "      Entry: $e->{'title'}\n";

    $cb->{'i'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'info'];
    $cb->{'c'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'comment'];
    $cb->{'p'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'print_pass'];
    $cb->{'a'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'auto_type'];
    $cb->{'1'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', 'password'];
    $cb->{'2'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', 'username'];
    $cb->{'3'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', 'url'];
    $cb->{'4'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', 'title'];
    $cb->{'5'} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', 'comment'];
    $t .= "        (i)    Show entry information\n";
    $t .= "        (c)    Show entry comment\n";
    $t .= "        (p)    Print password\n";
    $t .= "        (a)    Run Auto-Type in 5 seconds\n";
    $t .= "        (1)    Copy password to clipboard\n";
    $t .= "        (2)    Copy username to clipboard\n";
    $t .= "        (3)    Copy url to clipboard\n";
    $t .= "        (4)    Copy title to clipboard\n";
    $t .= "        (5)    Copy comment to clipboard\n";
    my $i = 6;
    for my $key (sort keys %{ $e->{'strings'} || {} }) {
        my $k = $i++;
        $cb->{$k} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'copy', $key];
        $t .= "        ($k)    Copy string \"$key\" to clipboard\n";
    for my $key (sort keys %{ $e->{'binary'} || {} }) {
        my $k = $i++;
        $cb->{$k} = ['_menu_entry', $file, $e->{'id'}, $gid, 'save', $key];
        $t .= "        ($k)    Save binary \"$key\" as...\n";

    if (!$action) {
        print $self->_clear.$t;
        return [$t, $cb];

    if ($action eq 'info') {
        foreach my $k (sort keys %$e) {
            next if $k eq 'comment' || $k eq 'comment';
            my $val = $e->{$k};
            if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
                next if $k eq 'history' && !@$val;
                $val = "(Previous versions: ".scalar(@$val).")" if $k eq 'history';
                $val = join '', map {"\n        \"$_->{'window'}\"  -->  \"$_->{'keys'}\""} @$val if $k eq 'auto_type';
            } elsif (ref($val) eq 'HASH') {
                next if $k eq 'binary' && ! scalar keys %$val;
                $val = join '', map {"\n        \"$_\"  (".length($val->{$_})." bytes)"} sort keys %$val if $k eq 'binary';
                $val = join '', map {"\n        \"$_\"  =  \"$val->{$_}\""} sort keys %$val if $k eq 'strings' || $k eq 'protected';
            print "      $k: ".(defined($val) ? $val : "(null)")."\n";
    } elsif ($action eq 'comment') {
        print "-------------------\n";
        if (! defined $e->{'comment'}) {
            print "--No comment--\n";
        } elsif (length $e->{'comment'}) {
            print "--Empty comment--\n";
        } else {
            print $e->{'comment'};
            print "\n--No newline--\n" if $e->{'comment'} !~ /\n$/;
    } elsif ($action eq 'print_pass') {
        my $pass = $kdb->locked_entry_password($e);
        if (!defined $pass) {
            print "--No password defined--\n";
        } elsif (!length $pass) {
            print "--Zero length password--\n";
        } else {
            print "$pass\n";
    } elsif ($action eq 'auto_type') {
        my $at = $e->{'auto_type'} || [];
        if (!@$at || !defined($at->[0]->{'keys'}) || !length($at->[0]->{'keys'})) {
            print "--No Auto-Type entry found for entry (defaulting to {PASSWORD}{ENTER})--\n";
            $at = [{keys => '{PASSWORD}{ENTER}'}];
        } elsif (@$at > 1) {
            print "--Multiple Auto-Type entries found in comment - using the first one--\n";
        my $keys = $at->[0]->{'keys'};
        local $| = 1;
        print "\n";
        require IO::Select;
        my $sel = IO::Select->new(\*STDIN);
        for (reverse 1 .. 5) {
            print "\rRunning Auto-Type in $_... (any key to cancel)";
            my @fh = $sel->can_read(1);
            if (@fh) {
                read $fh[0], my $txt, 1;
                print $self->_clear.$t."\n\nAuto-type cancelled\n";
                return [];
        my ($wid) = $self->x->GetInputFocus;
        my $title = eval { $self->wm_name($wid) };

        print "\rSending Auto-Type to window: $title            \n";

            auto_type => $keys,
            file => $file,
            entry => $e,
        }, $title, undef);
    } elsif ($action eq 'copy') {
        my $data = ($extra eq 'password') ? $kdb->locked_entry_password($e) : exists($e->{$extra}) ? $e->{$extra} : $e->{'strings'}->{$extra};
        $data = '' if ! defined $data;
        $self->_copy_to_clipboard($data) || return;
        print "Sent $extra to clipboard\n";
        print "--Zero length $extra--\n" if ! length $data;
    } elsif ($action eq 'save') {
        if (my $file = $self->_file_prompt("Save file \"$extra\" as: ", $extra)) {
            if (open my $fh, ">", $file) {
                binmode $fh;
                print $fh $e->{'binary'}->{$extra};
                close $fh;
                print "Saved \"$extra\" as \"$file\"\n";
            } else {
                print "Could not open $file for writing: $!\n";
        } else {
            print "File not saved\n";
    } else {
        print "--Unknown action $action--\n";
    return [];

sub _copy_to_clipboard {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    if (my $klip = eval {
        require Net::DBus;
        my $bus = Net::DBus->find;
        my $obj = $bus->get_service("org.freedesktop.DBus")->get_object("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
        my %h = map {$_ => 1} @{ $obj->ListNames };
        die "No klipper service found" unless $h{'org.kde.klipper'};
        return $bus->get_service('org.kde.klipper')->get_object('/klipper');
    }) {
        return 1;
    } elsif (-x '/usr/bin/xclip' && open(my $prog, '|-', '/usr/bin/xclip', '-selection', 'clipboard')) {
        print $prog $data;
        close $prog;
    } else {
        print "--No current clipboard service available\n";


sub _ini_parse { # ick - my own config.ini reader - too bad the main cpan entries are overbloat
    my ($self, $file, $order) = @_;
    open my $fh, '<', $file or return {};
    my $block = '';
    my $c = {};
    while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) {
        $line =~ s/^\s+//;
        $line =~ s/\s+$//;
        if ($line =~ /^ \[\s* (.*?) \s*\] $/x) {
            $block = $1;
            push @{ $c->{"\eorder\e"} }, $block if $order;
        } elsif (!length $line || $line =~ /^[;\#]/) {
            push @{ $c->{$block}->{"\eorder\e"} }, \$line if $order;
        my ($key, $val) = split /\s*=\s*/, $line, 2;
        $c->{$block}->{$key} = $val;
        push @{ $c->{$block}->{"\eorder\e"} }, $key if $order;
    return $c;

sub _ini_write {
    my ($self, $c, $file) = @_;
    open my $fh, "+<", $file or die "Could not open file $file for writing: $!";
    for my $block (@{ $c->{"\eorder\e"} || [sort keys %$c] }) {
        print $fh "[$block]\n" if length $block;
        my $ref = $c->{$block} || {};
        for my $key (@{ $ref->{"\eorder\e"} || [sort keys %$ref] }) {
            if (ref($key) eq 'SCALAR') {
                print $fh $$key,"\n";
            } else {
                print $fh "$key=".(defined($ref->{$key}) ? $ref->{$key} : '')."\n";
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    close $fh;


This module provides unix based support for the File::KeePassAgent.  It should
work for anything using an X server.  It should not normally be used on its own.


The following methods must be provided by an FKPA OS variant.

=over 4

=item C<read_config>

Takes the name of a key to read from the configuration file.  This method reads from

=item C<prompt_for_file>

Requests the name of a keepass database to open.

=item C<prompt_for_pass>

Requests for the password to open the choosen keepass database.
It is passed the name of the file being opened.

=item C<grab_global_keys>

Takes a list of arrayrefs.  Each arrayref should
contain a shortcut key description hashref and a callback.

    $self->grab_global_keys([{ctrl => 1, shift => 1, alt => 1, key => "c"}, sub { print "Got here" }]);

The callback will be called as a method of the Agent object.  It will
be passed the current active window title and the generating event.

   $self->$callback($window_title, \%event);

This method use X11::Protocol to bind the shortcuts, then listens for the events to happen.

=item C<send_key_press>

Takes an auto-type string, the keepass entry that generated the request,
the current active window title, and the generating event.

This method uses X11::GUITest to "type" the chosen text to the X server.



These methods are not directly used by the FKPA api.

=over 4

=item C<home_dir>

Used by read_config to find the users home directory.

=item C<x>

Returns an X11::Protocol object

=item C<keymap>

Returns the keymap in use by the X server.

=item C<keysym>

Returns the keysym id used by the X server.

=item C<keycode>

Takes a key - returns the appropriate key code for use in grab_global_keys

=item C<is_key_pressed>

Returns true if the key is currently pressed.  Most useful for items
like Control_L, Shift_L, or Alt_L.

=item C<are_keys_pressed>

Takes an array of key names and returns which ones are currently
pressed.  It has a little bit of caching as part of the process of
calling is_key_pressed.  Returns any of the key names that are pressed.

=item C<attributes>

Takes an X window id - returns all of the attributes for the window.

=item C<property>

Takes an X window id and a property name.  Returns the current value of that property.

=item C<properties>

Takes an X window id - returns all of the properties for the window.

=item C<wm_name>

Takes an X window id - returns its window manager name.

=item C<all_children>

Returns all decended children of an X window.


=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Seamons <paul at seamons dot com>

=head1 LICENSE

This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

