The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
$Id: dhandler,v 1.2 Oct 25 21:12:07 CDT 2004 rhizo Exp $

    # $r->send_http_header("text/html"); # setup-dependent

  $page                 => 1
  $name                 => 'faceplant'
  $title                => 'Photo Gallery'
  $attribute            => 1
  $sub_gal_wrap         => 1
  $sub_gal_table_css    => 'faceplant-sub-gal-table'
  $photo_list_wrap      => 5
  $photo_list_rows      => 7
  $photo_list_pager_sep => '&#183;' # &middot;
  $thumb_xsize          => 50
  $thumb_ysize          => 40
  $photo_xsize          => 300
  $photo_ysize          => 400
  $photo_xsize_small    => 300   
  $photo_ysize_small    => 400    
  $photo_xsize_medium   => 600  
  $photo_ysize_medium   => 800
  $photo_xsize_large    => 1200
  $photo_ysize_large    => 1600
  $thumb_table_css      => 'faceplant-thumb-table'

      $photo_scale => q/medium/

  my $bread_crumb_sep      = q/ &#58;&#58; /;
  my $bread_crumb_href_sep = q/ &#58;&#58; /;

  use List::Group qw[group];
  use HTML::Table;
  use File::Spec::Functions qw[:ALL];

  my $d_arg = $m->dhandler_arg;
  my ($URI_BASE) = ( $r->uri =~ m!^(.+)/(?:$d_arg|index\.html)! );
  my $GALLERY_ROOT = $r->document_root . "$URI_BASE/pictures";

  (my $path_from_uri = $d_arg) =~ s!(?:(?:/index)?\.html|/)$!!;

  my $file = catdir $GALLERY_ROOT, $path_from_uri;
  $m->clear_buffer and $m->abort(404) unless -e $file;

  my $dir = -d $file ? $file : (splitpath $file)[1];
  opendir DIR, $dir or die "$dir: $!";
  my $dir_list = [ map "$dir/$_", grep { ! /^\./ } readdir DIR ];
  closedir DIR;

  my @bread_crumb = ('Gallery', splitdir $path_from_uri);

  my @bread_crumb_href;
  push @bread_crumb_href,
       sprintf q|<a href=""
                    onclick="javascript:return prop('%s/%s');">%s</a>|,
               $bread_crumb[$_] for 0 .. $#bread_crumb - 1; # photo re-size onclick

  push @bread_crumb_href, $bread_crumb[-1];

  my $bread_crumb      = join $bread_crumb_sep, @bread_crumb;
  my $bread_crumb_href = join $bread_crumb_href_sep, @bread_crumb_href;

<h1 class="<% $name %>-title"><% $title %></h1>
<h2 class="<% $name %>-breadcrumb"><% $bread_crumb_href %></h2>

<table class="<% $name %>-content-table">
    <td valign="top"
      <& SELF:.sub_gal_list,
           dir_list          => $dir_list,
           wrap              => $sub_gal_wrap,
           sub_gal_table_css => $sub_gal_table_css,
    <td valign="top">
      <& SELF:.photo_list,
           dir_list        => $dir_list,
           page            => $page,
           wrap            => $photo_list_wrap,
           rows            => $photo_list_rows,
           pager_sep       => $photo_list_pager_sep,
           thumb_xsize     => $thumb_xsize,
           thumb_ysize     => $thumb_ysize,
           thumb_table_css => $thumb_table_css,
      <& SELF:.photo_size_chooser,
           page     => $page,
           scale    => $photo_scale,
    <td valign="top"
        class="<% $name %>-photo-view">
      <& SELF:.photo_view,
           file  => $file,
           xsize => $photo_xsize,
           ysize => $photo_ysize,
           alt => undef,          # TODO add annotations comp
           scale => $photo_scale,               #
           xsize_small  => $photo_xsize_small,  # 
           ysize_small  => $photo_ysize_small,  # photo re-size
           xsize_medium => $photo_xsize_medium, # tweak arguments 
           ysize_medium => $photo_ysize_medium, # 
           xsize_large  => $photo_xsize_large,  # 
           ysize_large  => $photo_ysize_large,  # 

<& SELF:.attribute, vein => $attribute &>

<%method .title>
% if ( $m->current_comp->parent->method_exists('.title') ) {
  <& PARENT:.title &> <% $bread_crumb_sep %>
% }
  <% $bread_crumb %>

<%method .sub_gal_list>
    $wrap => 1
    $sub_gal_table_css => undef

  <h3 class="faceplant-section-title">Sub Galler<% @dir_list == 1 ? "y" : "ies" %></h3>
  <% $table %>
    @dir_list = grep { -d $_ } @dir_list;
    return unless @dir_list;
    $_ = $m->scomp('SELF:.sub_gal_view',dir => $_) for @dir_list;
    my $table = HTML::Table->new(
                  -data  => [ group \@dir_list, cols => $wrap ],
                  -class => $sub_gal_table_css,

<%method .sub_gal_view>
  <!-- photo re-size onclick -->  
  <a href=""
     onclick="javascript:return prop('<% $URI_BASE %>/<% $rel_dir %>');"><% $label %></a>
    my $rel_dir = abs2rel $dir, $GALLERY_ROOT;
    my $label   = (splitpath $rel_dir)[-1];

<%method .photo_list>
      $wrap => 5
      $rows => 7
      $page => 1
      $thumb_table_css => undef

    <h3 class="faceplant-page-count"><% $pages == 1 ? "page 1" : "pages" %>
        <& SELF:.photo_pager,
             page  => $page,
             pages => $pages,
             sep   => $pager_sep,
    <% $table %>

      @dir_list = grep { -f $_ } @dir_list;
      return unless @dir_list;
      $_ = $m->scomp('SELF:.thumb_view',
                     file => $_,
                     page => $page,
                     xsize => $thumb_xsize,
                     ysize => $thumb_ysize,
                     alt => undef, # TODO
                    ) for @dir_list;
      my @files = group \@dir_list, cols => $wrap;
      my $pages  = int( @files / $rows );
         $pages += 1 if $pages < ( @files / $rows );
      @files = splice @files, $rows * ($page - 1), $rows;
      my $table = HTML::Table->new(
                    -data  => \@files,
                    -class => $thumb_table_css,

<%method .photo_pager>
  <span class="faceplant-thumb-pager">&#40;
% for ( 1 .. $pages ) {
%   if ( $_ == $page ) {
      <strong><% $page %></strong>
%   } else {
      <!-- photo re-size onclick -->  
      <a href=""
         onclick="javascript:return prop('<% $r->uri %>','<% $_ %>');"><% $_ %></a>
%   }
    <% $_ != $pages ? $sep : '' %>
% }
    return if $pages == 1;

<%method .thumb_view>
    $alt => undef # TODO
    $xsize => 50
    $ysize => 40
    <!-- photo re-size onclick -->  
    <a href=""
       onclick="javascript:return prop('<% $URI_BASE %>/<% $rel_img %>.html','<% $page %>');">
      <img src="<% $URI_BASE %>/images/<% $rel_img %>?xsize=<% $xsize %>;ysize=<% $ysize %>"
           alt="<% $alt %>" />
    my $rel_img = abs2rel $file, $GALLERY_ROOT;

<%method .photo_size_chooser>

    <br />
     <form id="photo_scale_chooser"
           action="<% $r->uri . qq{?page=$page} %>">
       <div class="faceplant-photo-scale-chooser-label">size:</div>
       <div class="faceplant-photo-scale-chooser">
         <select name="photo_scale"
             <option <% $selected{small} %> value="small"> small </option>
             <option <% $selected{medium} %> value="medium"> medium </option>
             <option <% $selected{large} %> value="large"> large </option>

      my %selected;
         %selected = ( small  => undef,
                       medium => undef,
                       large  => undef, );
         $selected{$scale} = q/selected="selected"/;

<%method .photo_view>
      $xsize => 400
      $ysize => 300
      $alt          #
      $scale        # 
      $xsize_small  #
      $ysize_small  #
      $xsize_medium #
      $ysize_medium #
      $xsize_large  #
      $ysize_large  # photo re-size defaults
    <!--h3 class="faceplant-section-title">Photo</h3--><!-- TODO, annotations -->
    <img src="<% $URI_BASE %>/images/<% $rel_image %>?xsize=<% $xsize %>;ysize=<% $ysize %>"
         alt="$alt" />
      my %img_sizes;                                                 #
         %img_sizes = ( small  => [ $xsize_small, $ysize_small  ],   #
                        medium => [ $xsize_medium,$ysize_medium ],   #
                        large  => [ $xsize_large, $ysize_large  ] ); # 
      ( $xsize, $ysize ) = @{ $img_sizes{$scale} }[0..1];            # photo re-size tweak

      return unless -f $file;
      my $rel_image = abs2rel $file, $GALLERY_ROOT;

<%method .attribute>

  <!-- validation debug, optional
         <a href=""><img class="faceplant-valid"
                                                              alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a>
         <a href=""><img class="faceplant-valid"
                                                            alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>
  validation debug, optional -->

  <!-- optionally, handle the 'pictures' directory in default way
       <div class="faceplant-pictures-default-view">
           <a href="<%$URI_BASE%>/pictures/">&nbsp; View Directory Index &nbsp;</a>
  default handling, optional -->
  <div class="faceplant-attribute">
             Powered by <a href=""
                           class="faceplant-attribute-version">faceplant v<% $VERSION %></a>

  <h4 class="faceplant-jaunt">
      <a href="#top">&nbsp; Back to Top &nbsp;</a>

    return unless $vein;
    my $VERSION;
       $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.2 $)[1];



=head1 NAME

faceplant - A Photo Gallery written in Mason and Imager


  perl Makefile.PL
  ... blah blah blah ...
  [ Answer Important Questions ]
  ... blah blah blah ...
  make install


This photo gallery is written in Mason and Imager. It is intended to
integrate well into any existing website without the need to work around

=head2 Customization

There are a number of customizable fields in the C<< <%args> >> block.
They should be self explanatory, and let you do most anything you want.

If you want to change the look of your photo gallery in a bigger way,
without touching the HTML, use CSS. The distribution comes with a CSS
template which defines all the classes faceplant implements.

=head2 Apache Configuration Notes

Depending on your setup, you might need to specify for the js/
directory to be handled in default way by Apache. For example,
if faceplant was installed as /usr/local/apache/htdocs/gallery,
use httpd.conf directive something like the following:

    <Location /gallery/js>
      SetHandler default 

You could use similar directive, should you decide to uncomment
relevant part of the top-level dhandler to make directory index
of pictures/ browseable in the default way.

Alternatively, move directory elsewhere under the DocumentRoot, and
be sure to reflect changes in the top-level autohandler and dhandler.

=head2 Contributions

The faceplant distribution will accept reasonable and documented
contributions for a future release.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<perl>, L<HTML::Mason>, L<Imager>, L<List::Group>, L<HTML::Table>,
L<File::Type>, L<File::Spec::Functions>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Casey West, <F<>>.

Dmitry Karabanov, <F<>>, extends and maintains faceplant since version 1.2


  Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West.  All rights reserved.
  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the same terms as Perl itself.

