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package Pod::Minicpandoc;
use 5.8.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Pod::Perldoc';

use Archive::Tar;
use Archive::Zip qw(AZ_OK);
use HTTP::Tiny;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
use JSON::PP ();

our $VERSION = '0.16';

sub opt_c { shift->_elem('opt_c', @_) }

sub live_cpan_url {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $module = shift;

    if ($self->opt_c) {
        my $module_json = $self->fetch_url("$module?fields=distribution");
        if (!$module_json) {
            die "Unable to fetch changes for $module";
        my $module_details = JSON::PP::decode_json($module_json);
        my $dist = $module_details->{distribution};
        return "$dist?fields=content";
    elsif ($self->opt_m) {
        return "$module";
    else {
        return "$module?content-type=text/x-pod";

sub unlink_tempfiles {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->opt_l ? 0 : 1;

sub fetch_url {
    my $self = shift;
    my $url  = shift;

    $self->aside("Going to query $url\n");

        print STDERR "Fetching $url\n";

    my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new(
        agent => "mcpandoc/$VERSION",
        verify_SSL => 1,

    my $response = $ua->get($url);

    if (!$response->{success}) {
        $self->aside("Got a $response->{status} error from the server\n");

    $self->aside("Successfully received " . length($response->{content}) . " bytes\n");
    return $response->{content};

sub query_live_cpan_for {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $module = shift;

    my $url = $self->live_cpan_url($module);
    my $content = $self->fetch_url($url);

    if ($self->opt_c) {
        $content = JSON::PP::decode_json($content)->{content};
        $content = "=pod\n\n$content";

    return $content;

sub use_minicpan {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my $rc_file = File::Spec->catfile((getpwuid $<)[7], '.minicpanrc');
    return -e $rc_file;

sub get_minicpan_path {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my $rc_file = File::Spec->catfile((getpwuid $<)[7], '.minicpanrc');
    my $minicpan_path;

    my $fh;
    unless(open $fh, '<', $rc_file) {
        $self->aside("Unable to open '$rc_file': $!");
    while(<$fh>) {
        if(/local:\s*(.*)/) {
            $minicpan_path = $1;
    close $fh;

    return $minicpan_path;

sub find_module_archive {
    my ( $self, $module ) = @_;

    my $minicpan_path = $self->get_minicpan_path;

    unless(defined $minicpan_path) {
        $self->aside("Unable to parse minicpan path from .minicpanrc");

    my $packages = File::Spec->catfile($minicpan_path, 'modules',

    my $h = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($packages);

    my $archive_path;

    while(<$h>) {
        if(/^\Q$module\E\s/) {
            ( undef, undef, $archive_path ) = split;
    close $h;

    if($archive_path) {
        $archive_path = File::Spec->catfile($minicpan_path, 'authors', 'id',
    return $archive_path;

sub load_archive {
    my ( $self, $archive_path ) = @_;

    my $archive;

    if($archive_path =~ /\.zip$/) {
        $archive = Archive::Zip->new;
        unless($archive->read($archive_path) == AZ_OK) {
            undef $archive;
    } else { # assume it's a tarball
        $archive = Archive::Tar->new($archive_path);

    return $archive;

sub get_archive_files {
    my ( $self, $archive ) = @_;

    if($archive->isa('Archive::Zip')) {
        return $archive->memberNames;
    } else {
        return $archive->list_files;

sub find_module_file {
    my ( $self, $module, @files ) = @_;

    my %topdirs = map {
        my $file = $_;
        $file    =~ s!/.*!!;
        $file => 1;
    } @files;

    my $prefix = '';
    if(keys(%topdirs) == 1) { # if all files begin with the same directory,
                              # we strip the top level directory to make
                              # finding files under strange archives easier
        ( $prefix ) = keys(%topdirs);
        $prefix .= '/';
        @files = map { s/^\Q$prefix\E//; $_ } @files;

    my @tests;

    if($self->opt_c) {
        @tests = (
    } else {
        $module =~ s!::!/!g;
        my $pod = $module;

        $module .= '.pm';
        $pod    .= '.pod';

        my $base = $module;
        $base    =~ s!.*/!!;

        my $pod_base = $pod;
        $pod_base    =~ s!.*/!!;

        @tests = (

    foreach my $test (@tests) {
        if(my @matches = grep { $_ eq $test } @files) {
            return $prefix . $matches[0];

sub extract_archive_file {
    my ( $self, $archive, $file ) = @_;

    if($archive->isa('Archive::Zip')) {
        return $archive->contents($file);
    } else {
        return $archive->get_content($file);

sub fetch_from_minicpan {
    my ( $self, $module ) = @_;

    $self->aside("Fetching documentation from minicpan\n");

    my $archive_path = $self->find_module_archive($module);

    unless(defined $archive_path) {
        $self->aside("Unable to find '$module' in minicpan");

    my $archive = $self->load_archive($archive_path);
    unless($archive) {
        $self->aside("Unable to load archive '$archive'");

    my @files = $self->get_archive_files($archive);
    my $file  = $self->find_module_file($module, @files);
    if($file) {
        my $content = $self->extract_archive_file($archive, $file);

        if($self->opt_c) {
            $content = "=pod\n\n$content";

        return $content;

sub scrape_documentation_for {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $module = shift;

    my $content;
    if ($module =~ m{^https?://}) {
        die "Can't use -c on arbitrary URLs, only module names"
            if $self->opt_c;
        $content = $self->fetch_url($module);
    else {
        if($self->use_minicpan) {
            $content = $self->fetch_from_minicpan($module);

        unless($content) {
            $content = $self->query_live_cpan_for($module);
    return if !defined($content);

    $module =~ s{.*/}{}; # directories and/or URLs with slashes anger File::Temp
    $module =~ s/::/-/g;
    my ($fh, $fn) = tempfile(
        SUFFIX => ($self->opt_c ? ".txt" : ".pm"),
        UNLINK => $self->unlink_tempfiles,
        TMPDIR => 1,
    print { $fh } $content;
    close $fh;

    return $fn;

sub grand_search_init {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->opt_c) {
        return $self->scrape_documentation_for($_[0][0]);

    local $QUERY_CPAN = 1;
    return $self->SUPER::grand_search_init(@_);

sub searchfor {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($recurse,$s,@dirs) = @_;

    my @found = $self->SUPER::searchfor(@_);

    if (@found == 0 && $QUERY_CPAN) {
        $QUERY_CPAN = 0;
        return $self->scrape_documentation_for($s);

    return @found;

sub opt_V {
    my $self = shift;

    print "Minicpandoc v$VERSION, ";

    return $self->SUPER::opt_V(@_);



=head1 NAME

Pod::Minicpandoc - perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed


    mcpandoc File::Find
        -- shows the documentation of your installed File::Find

    mcpandoc Acme::BadExample
        -- works even if you don't have Acme::BadExample installed!

    mcpandoc -c Text::Xslate
        -- shows the changelog file for Text::Xslate

    mcpandoc -v '$?'
        -- passes everything through to regular perldoc

    mcpandoc -m Acme::BadExample | grep system
        -- options are respected even if the module was scraped

    vim `mcpandoc -l Web::Scraper`
        -- getting the idea yet?

        -- URLs work too!


C<mcpandoc> is a perl script that acts like C<perldoc> except that
if it would have bailed out with
C<No documentation found for "Uninstalled::Module">, it will instead
consult your minicpan, or scrape a CPAN index for the module's documentation
if that doesn't work.  It is a fork of L<cpandoc>, with added support for
consulting a minicpan.

One important feature of C<mcpandoc> is that it I<only> scrapes the
live index if you do not have the module installed and if it cannot grab it
from your minicpan. So if you use C<mcpandoc> on a module you already have
installed, then it will just read the already-installed documentation. This
means that the version of the documentation matches up with the version of the
code you have. As a fringe benefit, C<mcpandoc> will be fast for
modules you've installed. :)

All this means that you should be able to drop in C<mcpandoc> in
place of C<perldoc> and have everything keep working.  See
L</SNEAKY INSTALL> for how to do this.

If you set the environment variable C<MCPANDOC_FETCH> to a true value,
then we will print a message to STDERR telling you that C<mcpandoc> is
going to make a request against the live CPAN index.


    cpanm Pod::Minicpandoc

    then: alias perldoc=mcpandoc
    or:   function perldoc () { mcpandoc "$@" }

    Now `perldoc Acme::BadExample` works!

C<perldoc> should continue to work for everything that you're used
to, since C<mcpandoc> passes all options through to it. C<mcpandoc>
is merely a subclass that falls back to scraping a CPAN index when
it fails to find your queried file in C<@INC>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Pod::Cpandoc>, L<CPAN::Mini>

The sneaky install was inspired by L<>.




=head1 AUTHOR

Shawn M Moore C<> (original implementation), Rob Hoelz C<> (minicpan support)

=head1 THANKS

Many thanks to Shawn M Moore, for writing L<Pod::Cpandoc> and giving me
something base this on!


Copyright 2011-2013 Robert Hoelz.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
