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#!perl -w  -- -*- tab-width: 4; mode: perl -*-

# check for CPAN/PAUSE parsable VERSIONs ( URLref: )

use strict;
use warnings;

## no critic ( ProhibitOneArgSelect RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars )
my $fh = select STDIN; $|++; select STDOUT; $|++; select STDERR; $|++; select $fh;	# DISABLE buffering on STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR

# untaint
#untaint( $ENV{_BUILD_versioned_file_globs} );

use Test::More;

plan skip_all => 'Author tests [to run: set TEST_AUTHOR]' unless $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} or $ENV{TEST_ALL};

my $haveExtUtilsMakeMaker = eval { require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; 1; };

my @files = ( map { glob $_ } split(/;/, $ENV{_BUILD_versioned_file_globs}) );

untaint( @files );

#my @all_files = all_perl_files( '.' );
#my @files = @all_files;
#my @skip_re = ( '(^/)inc/.*' );
#for (@all_files)
#	{
#	}

#print @files;

#print cwd();

plan skip_all => 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker required to check code versioning' if !$haveExtUtilsMakeMaker;

plan tests => scalar( @files * 3 + 1 );

ok( (scalar(@files) > 0), "Found ".scalar(@files)." files to check");
isnt( MM_parse_version($_), 'undef', "'$_' has ExtUtils::MakeMaker parsable version") for @files;
ok( (version_non_alpha_form(MM_parse_version($_)) =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9_]+\.[0-9_]+/), "'$_' has at least M.m.r version") for @files;
ok( (MM_parse_version($_) =~ /^([0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+\.[0-9_]+[_.][0-9_]+$/), "'$_' has version with correct canonical form [M.m.r[.b] and correct '_' position for alphas]") for @files;


use Carp;

sub MM_parse_version {
	## MM_parse_version( $ ): returns $
	# detainted version of MM->parse_version
	# Bypass taint failure in MM->parse_version when called directly with active taint-mode
	# NOTE: MM->parse_version() has EVAL taint failure ("Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch at c:/strawberry/perl/lib/ExtUtils/ line 2663, <$fh> line 43.")
	# ToDO: ask about this on PerlMonks; this seems kludgy
	my ($file) = shift;

	use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
	use Probe::Perl;

	my $perl = Probe::Perl->find_perl_interpreter;

	untaint( $perl );
	$file =~ s:\\\\:\\:g;
	$file =~ s:\\:\/:g;
	untaint( $file );

	my $v = `$perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e "print MM->parse_version(q{$file})"`;  	## no critic ( ProhibitBacktickOperators ) ## ToDO: revisit/remove

	return $v;

sub version_non_alpha_form
{ ## version_non_alpha_form( $ ): returns $|@ ['shortcut' function]
	# version_non_alpha_form( $version )
	# transform $version into non-alpha form
	# NOTE: not able to currently determine the difference between a function call with a zero arg list {"f(());"} and a function call with no arguments {"f();"} => so, by the Principle of Least Surprise, f() in void context is disallowed instead of being an alias of "f($_)" so that f(@array) doesn't silently perform f($_) when @array has zero elements
	# ** use "f($_)" instead of "f()" when needed

	my $me = (caller(0))[3];	## no critic ( ProhibitMagicNumbers )	## caller(EXPR) => ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask) = caller($i);
	if ( !@_ && !defined(wantarray) ) { Carp::carp 'Useless use of '.$me.' with no arguments in void return context (did you want '.$me.'($_) instead?)'; return; } ## no critic ( RequireInterpolationOfMetachars ) #
	if ( !@_ ) { Carp::carp 'Useless use of '.$me.' with no arguments'; return; }

	my $v_ref;
	$v_ref = \@_;
	$v_ref = [ @_ ] if defined wantarray; ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls) #	# break aliasing if non-void return context

	for my $v ( @{$v_ref} ) {
		if (defined($v)) {
			if (_is_const($v)) { Carp::carp 'Attempt to modify readonly scalar'; return; }
			$v =~ s/_/./g;	# replace interior '_' with '.'

	return wantarray ? @{$v_ref} : "@{$v_ref}";

use File::Spec;

## from Perl::Critic::Utils

#Readonly::Array my @skip_dir => qw( CVS RCS .svn _darcs {arch} .bzr _build blib );
#Readonly::Hash my %skip_dir => hashify( @skip_dir );
my @skip_dir = qw( CVS RCS .svn _darcs {arch} .bzr _build blib );
my %skip_dir = hashify( @skip_dir );

sub hashify {  ## no critic (ArgUnpacking)
    return map { $_ => 1 } @_;

sub all_perl_files

    # Recursively searches a list of directories and returns the paths
    # to files that seem to be Perl source code.  This subroutine was
    # poached from Test::Perl::Critic.

    my @queue      = @_;
    my @code_files = ();

    while (@queue) {
        my $file = shift @queue;
        if ( -d $file ) {
            opendir my ($dh), $file or next;
            my @newfiles = sort readdir $dh;
            closedir $dh;

            @newfiles = File::Spec->no_upwards(@newfiles);
            @newfiles = grep { !$skip_dir{$_} } @newfiles;
            push @queue, map { File::Spec->catfile($file, $_) } @newfiles;

        if ( (-f $file) && ! _is_backup($file) && _is_perl($file) ) {
            push @code_files, $file;
    return @code_files;

# Decide if it's some sort of backup file

sub _is_backup {
    my ($file) = @_;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ [.] swp \z}xms;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ [.] bak \z}xms;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{  ~ \z}xms;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ \A [#] .+ [#] \z}xms;

# Returns true if the argument ends with a perl-ish file
# extension, or if it has a shebang-line containing 'perl' This
# subroutine was also poached from Test::Perl::Critic

##use Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic qw{ throw_generic };

sub _is_perl {
    my ($file) = @_;

    #Check filename extensions
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ [.] PL    \z}xms;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ [.] p[lm] \z}xms;
    return 1 if $file =~ m{ [.] t     \z}xms;

    #Check for shebang
    open my $fh, '<', $file or return;
    my $first = <$fh>;
    #close $fh or throw_generic "unable to close $file: $!";
    close $fh or die "unable to close $file: $!";	## no critic (RequireCarping)

    return 1 if defined $first && ( $first =~ m{ \A [#]!.*perl }xms );


sub shebang_line {
    my $doc = shift;
    my $first_element = $doc->first_element();
    return if not $first_element;
    return if not $first_element->isa('PPI::Token::Comment');
    my $location = $first_element->location();
    return if !$location;
    # The shebang must be the first two characters in the file, according to
    return if $location->[0] != 1; # line number
    return if $location->[1] != 1; # column number
    my $shebang = $first_element->content;
    return if $shebang !~ m{ \A [#]! }xms;
    return $shebang;


sub _is_const { my $isVariable = eval { ($_[0]) = $_[0]; 1; }; return !$isVariable; }

sub untaint {
	# untaint( $|@ ): returns $|@
	# RETval: variable with taint removed

	# BLINDLY untaint input variables
	# URLref: [Favorite method of untainting]
	# URLref: [Intro to Perl's Taint Mode]

	use Carp;

    my $me = (caller(0))[3];
    if ( !@_ && !defined(wantarray) ) { Carp::carp 'Useless use of '.$me.' with no arguments in void return context (did you want '.$me.'($_) instead?)'; return; }
    if ( !@_ ) { Carp::carp 'Useless use of '.$me.' with no arguments'; return; }

    my $arg_ref;
    $arg_ref = \@_;
    $arg_ref = [ @_ ] if defined wantarray; 	## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls) 	## break aliasing if non-void return context

    for my $arg ( @{$arg_ref} ) {
		if (defined($arg)) {
			if (_is_const($arg)) { Carp::carp 'Attempt to modify readonly scalar'; return; }
			$arg = ( $arg =~ m/\A(.*)\z/msx ) ? $1 : undef;

    return wantarray ? @{$arg_ref} : "@{$arg_ref}";