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package Facebook::Graph::Picture;
$Facebook::Graph::Picture::VERSION = '1.1000';
use Moo;
with 'Facebook::Graph::Role::Uri';

has type => (
    is          => 'rw',
    predicate   => 'has_type',

has object_name => (
    is          => 'rw',
    default     => sub {''},

sub get_small {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self;

sub get_square {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self;

sub get_large {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self;

sub uri_as_string {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %query;
    if ($self->has_type) {
        $query{type} = $self->type;
    my $uri = $self->uri;
    $uri->path($self->generate_versioned_path($self->object_name . '/picture'));
    return $uri->as_string;


=head1 NAME

Facebook::Graph::Picture - Get the URI for the picture of any object.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.1000


 my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new;
 my $default_picture =  $fb->picture('16665510298')->uri_as_string;
 my $large_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_large->uri_as_string;
 my $small_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_small->uri_as_string;
 my $square_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_square->uri_as_string;


This module allows you to generate the URL needed to fetch a picture for any object on Facebook.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ( [ params ] )


=item params

A hash or hashref of parameters to pass to the constructor.


=item object_name

An profile id like C<sarahbownds> or an object id like C<16665510298> for the Perl page.

=item type

Type of picture to return. Valid types are small, square, large

=head2 get_large ( id )

Get a large picture. 200 pixels wide by a variable height.

=head3 id

The unique id or object name of an object.

B<Example:> For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id C<sarahbownds> or her object id C<767598108>.

=head2 get_small ( id )

Get a small picture. 50 pixels wide by a variable height.

=head3 id

The unique id or object name of an object.

B<Example:> For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id C<sarahbownds> or her object id C<767598108>.

=head2 get_square ( id )

Get a square picture. 50 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall.

=head3 id

The unique id or object name of an object.

B<Example:> For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id C<sarahbownds> or her object id C<767598108>.

=head2 uri_as_string ()

Returns a URI string based upon all the methods you've called so far on the query. You can throw the resulting URI right into an <img> tag.

=head1 LEGAL

Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 - 2012 Plain Black Corporation (L<>) and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
