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use strict;
use warnings;
package Color::Scheme;
  $Color::Scheme::VERSION = '1.05';
# ABSTRACT: generate pleasant color schemes

use Carp;
use List::Util 1.14 qw(min max);
use POSIX 1.08 qw(floor);

my %SCHEMES = ( map { $_, 1 }
        qw( mono monochromatic contrast triade tetrade analogic ) );

my %PRESETS = (

    # name => [ ? ]
    default => [ -1,   -1,    1,   -0.7, 0.25, 1,   0.5,  1 ],
    pastel  => [ 0.5,  -0.9,  0.5, 0.5,  0.1,  0.9, 0.75, 0.75 ],
    soft    => [ 0.3,  -0.8,  0.3, 0.5,  0.1,  0.9, 0.5,  0.75 ],
    light   => [ 0.25, 1,     0.5, 0.75, 0.1,  1,   0.5,  1 ],
    hard    => [ 1,    -1,    1,   -0.6, 0.1,  1,   0.6,  1 ],
    pale    => [ 0.1,  -0.85, 0.1, 0.5,  0.1,  1,   0.1,  0.75 ],


    # hue => [ red, green, blue, value ]
    0   => [ 255, 0,   0,   100 ],
    15  => [ 255, 51,  0,   100 ],
    30  => [ 255, 102, 0,   100 ],
    45  => [ 255, 128, 0,   100 ],
    60  => [ 255, 153, 0,   100 ],
    75  => [ 255, 178, 0,   100 ],
    90  => [ 255, 204, 0,   100 ],
    105 => [ 255, 229, 0,   100 ],
    120 => [ 255, 255, 0,   100 ],
    135 => [ 204, 255, 0,   100 ],
    150 => [ 153, 255, 0,   100 ],
    165 => [ 51,  255, 0,   100 ],
    180 => [ 0,   204, 0,   80 ],
    195 => [ 0,   178, 102, 70 ],
    210 => [ 0,   153, 153, 60 ],
    225 => [ 0,   102, 178, 70 ],
    240 => [ 0,   51,  204, 80 ],
    255 => [ 25,  25,  178, 70 ],
    270 => [ 51,  0,   153, 60 ],
    285 => [ 64,  0,   153, 60 ],
    300 => [ 102, 0,   153, 60 ],
    315 => [ 153, 0,   153, 60 ],
    330 => [ 204, 0,   153, 80 ],
    345 => [ 229, 0,   102, 90 ],

sub _round { floor( 0.5 + shift ) }

sub new {
    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
    carp __PACKAGE__ . "::new() doesn't take any arguments" if @args;

    my @colors;
    push @colors, Color::Scheme::mutablecolor->new(60) for 1 .. 4;

    return bless {
        col            => \@colors,
        scheme         => 'mono',
        distance       => 0.5,
        web_safe       => 0,
        add_complement => 0,
    }, $class;

sub colors {
    my ($self)      = @_;
    my $used_colors = 1;
    my $h           = $self->{col}->[0]->get_hue;

    my %dispatch = (
        mono     => sub { },
        contrast => sub {
            $used_colors = 2;
        triade => sub {
            $used_colors = 3;
            my $dif = 60 * $self->{distance};
            $self->{col}->[1]->rotate( 180 - $dif );
            $self->{col}->[2]->rotate( 180 + $dif );
        tetrade => sub {
            $used_colors = 4;
            my $dif = 90 * $self->{distance};
            $self->{col}->[2]->rotate( 180 + $dif );
        analogic => sub {
            $used_colors = $self->{add_complement} ? 4 : 3;
            my $dif = 60 * $self->{distance};
            $self->{col}->[2]->rotate( 360 - $dif );
    $dispatch{monochromatic} = $dispatch{mono};

    if ( exists $dispatch{ $self->{scheme} } ) {
        $dispatch{ $self->{scheme} }->();
    else {
        croak "unknown color scheme name: " . $self->{scheme};

    my @output;
    for my $i ( 0 .. $used_colors - 1 ) {
        for my $j ( 0 .. 3 ) {
            $output[ $i * 4 + $j ]
                = $self->{col}->[$i]->get_hex( $self->{web_safe}, $j );
    return @output;

sub colorset {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @flat_colors = $self->colors;
    my @grouped_colors;
    push @grouped_colors, [ splice @flat_colors, 0, 4 ] while @flat_colors;
    return \@grouped_colors;

sub from_hue {
    my ( $self, $h ) = @_;
    croak "variation needs an argument" unless defined $h;
    return $self;

sub from_hex {
    my ( $self, $hex ) = @_;
    croak "from_hex needs an argument" unless defined $hex;
    croak "from_hex($hex) - argument must be in the form of RRGGBB"
        unless $hex =~ / ^ ( [0-9A-F]{2} ) {3} $ /ismx;

    $hex =~ m/(..)(..)(..)/;
    my ( $r, $g, $b ) = map {hex} ( $1, $2, $3 );

    my $rgb2hsv = sub {
        my ( $r, $g, $b ) = @_;

        my $min = min( $r, $g, $b );
        my $max = max( $r, $g, $b );
        my $d = $max - $min;
        my $v = $max;

        my $s =
              ( $d > 0 )
            ? ( $d / $max )
            : return ( 0, 0, $v );

        my $h =
              ( $r == $max ) ? ( ( $g - $b ) / $d )
            : ( $g == $max ) ? ( 2 + ( $b - $r ) / $d )
            : ( 4 + ( $r - $g ) / $d );
        $h *= 60;
        $h %= 360;

        return ( $h, $s, $v );

    my @hsv = $rgb2hsv->( map { $_ / 255 } ( $r, $g, $b ) );
    my $h0  = $hsv[0];
    my $h1  = 0;
    my $h2  = 1000;
    my ( $i1, $i2, $h, $s, $v );

    foreach my $i ( sort keys %COLOR_WHEEL ) {
        my $c = $COLOR_WHEEL{$i};
        my @hsv1 = $rgb2hsv->( map { $_ / 255 } @$c[ 0 .. 2 ] );
        $h = $hsv1[0];
        if ( $h >= $h1 and $h <= $h0 ) {
            $h1 = $h;
            $i1 = $i;
        if ( $h <= $h2 and $h >= $h0 ) {
            $h2 = $h;
            $i2 = $i;

    if ( $h2 == 0 or $h2 > 360 ) {
        $h2 = 360;
        $i2 = 360;

    my $k = ( $h2 != $h1 ) ? ( $h0 - $h1 ) / ( $h2 - $h1 ) : 0;
    $h = _round( $i1 + $k * ( $i2 - $i1 ) );
    $h %= 360;
    $s = $hsv[1];
    $v = $hsv[2];

        [ $s, $v, $s, $v * 0.7, $s * 0.25, 1, $s * 0.5, 1 ] );

    return $self;

sub add_complement {
    my ( $self, $b ) = @_;
    croak "add_complement needs an argument" unless defined $b;
    $self->{add_complement} = $b;
    return $self;

sub web_safe {
    my ( $self, $b ) = @_;
    croak "web_safe needs an argument" unless defined $b;
    $self->{web_safe} = $b;
    return $self;

sub distance {
    my ( $self, $d ) = @_;
    croak "distance needs an argument" unless defined $d;
    croak "distance($d) - argument must be >= 0" if $d < 0;
    croak "distance($d) - argument must be <= 1" if $d > 1;
    $self->{distance} = $d;
    return $self;

sub scheme {
    my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
    croak "scheme needs an argument"          unless defined $name;
    croak "'$name' isn't a valid scheme name" unless exists $SCHEMES{$name};
    $self->{scheme} = $name;
    return $self;

sub variation {
    my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
    croak "variation needs an argument"       unless defined $v;
    croak "'$v' isn't a valid variation name" unless exists $PRESETS{$v};
    $self->_set_variant_preset( $PRESETS{$v} );
    return $self;

sub _set_variant_preset {
    my ( $self, $p ) = @_;
    $self->{col}->[$_]->set_variant_preset($p) for 0 .. 3;


use Carp;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use POSIX qw(floor);

sub _round { floor( 0.5 + shift ) }

sub new {
    my ( $class, $hue ) = @_;
    carp "no hue specified" unless defined $hue;
    my $self = bless {
        hue             => 0,
        saturation      => [],
        value           => [],
        base_red        => 0,
        base_green      => 0,
        base_blue       => 0,
        base_saturation => 0,
        base_value      => 0,
    }, $class;
    $self->set_variant_preset( $PRESETS{default} );
    return $self;

sub rotate {
    my ( $self, $angle ) = @_;
    my $newhue = ( $self->{hue} + $angle ) % 360;

sub get_hue {
    my ($self) = @_;

sub set_hue {
    my ( $self, $h ) = @_;

    my $avrg = sub {
        my ( $a, $b, $k ) = @_;
        return $a + _round( ( $b - $a ) * $k );

    $self->{hue} = _round($h) % 360;
    my $d = $self->{hue} % 15 + ( $self->{hue} - floor( $self->{hue} ) );
    my $k = $d / 15;

    my $derivative1 = $self->{hue} - floor($d);
    my $derivative2 = ( $derivative1 + 15 ) % 360;
    my $colorset1   = $COLOR_WHEEL{$derivative1};
    my $colorset2   = $COLOR_WHEEL{$derivative2};

    my %enum = ( red => 0, green => 1, blue => 2, value => 3 );
    while ( my ( $color, $i ) = each %enum ) {
            = $avrg->( $colorset1->[$i], $colorset2->[$i], $k );
    $self->{base_saturation} = $avrg->( 100, 100, $k ) / 100;
    $self->{base_value} /= 100;

sub get_saturation {
    my ( $self, $variation ) = @_;
    my $x = $self->{saturation}->[$variation];
    my $s = $x < 0 ? -$x * $self->{base_saturation} : $x;
    $s = 1 if $s > 1;
    $s = 0 if $s < 0;
    return $s;

sub get_value {
    my ( $self, $variation ) = @_;
    my $x = $self->{value}->[$variation];
    my $v = $x < 0 ? -$x * $self->{base_value} : $x;
    $v = 1 if $v > 1;
    $v = 0 if $v < 0;
    return $v;

sub set_variant {
    my ( $self, $variation, $s, $v ) = @_;
    $self->{saturation}->[$variation] = $s;
    $self->{value}->[$variation]      = $v;

sub set_variant_preset {
    my ( $self, $p ) = @_;
    $self->set_variant( $_, $p->[ 2 * $_ ], $p->[ 2 * $_ + 1 ] ) for 0 .. 3;

sub get_hex {
    my ( $self, $web_safe, $variation ) = @_;

    my $max = max( map { $self->{"base_$_"} } qw( red green blue ) );
    my $min = min( map { $self->{"base_$_"} } qw( red green blue ) );

    my $v = (
        $variation < 0 ? $self->{base_value} : $self->get_value($variation) )
        * 255;
    my $s = (
          $variation < 0
        ? $self->{base_saturation}
        : $self->get_saturation($variation)
    my $k = $max > 0 ? $v / $max : 0;

    my @rgb = map {
        min( 255, _round( $v - ( $v - $self->{"base_$_"} * $k ) * $s ) )
    } qw( red green blue );
    @rgb = map { _round( $_ / 51 ) * 51 } @rgb if $web_safe;

    return sprintf( '%02x' x @rgb, @rgb );




=head1 NAME

Color::Scheme - generate pleasant color schemes

=head1 VERSION

version 1.05


    use Color::Scheme;

    my $scheme = Color::Scheme->new
        ->from_hex('ff0000') # or ->from_hue(0)

    my @list = $scheme->colors();
    # @list = ( "999999","666699","ffffff","99cccc",
    #           "999999","666699","ffffff","9999cc",
    #           "669999","666699","ffffff","99cccc",
    #           "cccccc","996666","ffffff","cccc99" )

    my $set = $scheme->colorset();
    # $set  = [ [ "999999","666699","ffffff","99cccc", ],
    #           [ "999999","666699","ffffff","9999cc", ],
    #           [ "669999","666699","ffffff","99cccc", ],
    #           [ "cccccc","996666","ffffff","cccc99"  ] ]


This module is a Perl implementation of Color Schemes
2 (L<>), a color scheme generator.
Start by visitng the Color Schemes 2 web site and playing with the colors.
When you want to generate those schemes on the fly, begin using this modoule.
The descriptions herein don't make too much sense without actually seeing the
colorful results.

Henceforth, paragraphs in quotes denote documentation copied from Color Schemes 2.

"Important note: This tool I<doesn't use the standard HSV or HSB model> (the
same HSV/HSB values ie. in Photoshop describe different colors!). The color
wheel used here differs from the RGB spectre used on computer screens, it's
more in accordance with the classical color theory. This is also why some
colors (especially shades of blue) make less bright shades than the basic
colors of the RGB-model. In plus, the RGB-model uses red-green-blue as primary
colors, but the red-yellow-blue combination is used here. This deformation also
causes incompatibility in color conversions from RGB-values. Therefore, the RGB
input (eg. the HTML hex values like #F854A9) is not exact, the conversion is
rough and sometimes may produce slightly different color."

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

The C<new> method will return a new C<Color::Scheme> object.

=head2 colors

Returns an array of 4, 8, 12 or 16 colors in C<RRGGBB> hexidecimal notation
(without a leading "#") depending on the color scheme and addComplement
parameter. For each set of four, the first is usually the most saturated color,
the second a darkened version, the third a pale version and fourth
a less-pale version. 

For example: With a contrast scheme, L<"colors()"> would return eight colors.
Indexes 1 and 5 could be background colors, 2 and 6 could be foreground colors.

Trust me, it's much better if you check out the Color Scheme web site, whose
URL is listed in in L<"DESCRIPTION">.

=head2 colorset

Returns a list of lists of the colors in groups of four. This method simply
allows you to reference a color in the scheme by its group isntead of its
absolute index in the list of colors.  I am assuming that L<"colorset()">
will make it easier to use this module with the templating systems that are
out there.

For example, if you were to follow the synopsis, say you wanted to retrieve
the two darkest colors from the first two groups of the scheme, which is
typically the second color in the group. You could retrieve them with

    my $first_background  = ($scheme->colors)[1];
    my $second_background = ($scheme->colors)[5];

Or, with this method,

    my $first_background  = $scheme->colorset->[0][1];
    my $second_background = $scheme->colorset->[1][1];

=head2 from_hue

  $scheme->from_hue( $degrees )

Sets the base color hue, where C<degrees> is an integer. (Values greater than
359 and less than 0 wrap back around the wheel.)

The default base hue is 0, or bright red.

=head2 from_hex

  $scheme->from_hex( $color )

Sets the base color to the given color, where C<color> is in the hexidecimal
form RRGGBB. C<color> should not be preceded with a hash (#).

The default base color is the equivalent of #ff0000, or bright red.

=head2 add_complement

  $scheme->add_complement( $bool )

If C<$bool> is true, an extra set of colors will be produced using the
complement of the selected color.

This only works with the analogic color scheme. The default is false.

=head2 web_safe

  $scheme->web_safe( $bool )

Sets whether the colors returned by L<"colors()"> or L<"colorset()"> will be

The default is false.

=head2 distance

  $scheme->distance( $float )

C<$float> must be a value from 0 to 1. You might use this with the L<"triade">,
L<"tetrade"> or L<"analogic"> color schemes.

The default is 0.5.

=head2 scheme

  $scheme->scheme( $name )

C<$name> must be a valid color scheme name. See L<"COLOR SCHEMES">. The default
is L<"mono">.

=head2 variation

  $scheme->variation( $name )

C<$name> must be a valid color variation name. See L<"COLOR VARIATIONS">. 


The following documentation is adapated (and mostly copied verbatim) from the
Color Schemes 2 help.  Use one of these scheme names as an argument to the
L<"scheme()"> method.

=head2 monochromatic (or mono)

"Monochormatic scheme is based on only one color tint, and uses only variations
made by changing its saturation and brightness. Black and white colors are
always added. The result is comfortable for eyes, even when using aggressive
color. However, it's harder to find accents and highlights.

"The application makes only several monochromatic variants of each color. You'll
be able to make others - more or less saturated, lighter or darker.
Monochromatic variations are made for each color in other schemes, too."

=head2 contrast

"Base color is supplemented with its complement (color on the opposite side of
the wheel). One warm and one cold color is always created - we have to
consider, which one will be dominant, and if the result should look warm, or
cold. Suitable monochromatic variations of this two colors may be added to the

=head2 triade

"Base color is supplemented with two colors, placed identically on both sides of
its complement. Unlike the 'sharp' contrast, this scheme is often more
comfortable for the eyes, it's softer, and has more space for balancing warm
and cold colors.

"You can use the L<"distance()"> method to set the distance of these colors
from the base color complement. The less the value is, the closer the colors
are to the contrast color, and are more similar. The best value is between 0.25
and 0.5. Higher values aren't too suitable - except the shift by 60E<0x00B0>,
which makes another color scheme, the triade:

"The triade is made by three colors evenly distributed on the thirds of the
color wheel (by 120 degrees). The triade-schemes are vibrating, full of energy,
and have large space to make contrasts, accents and to balance warm and cold
colors. You can make the triade in the 'soft contrast' scheme setting the
distance to the maximal value, 1."

=head2 tetrade

"This scheme, also known as 'double-contrast,' is made by a pair of colors and
their complements. It's based on the tetrade - the foursome of colors evenly
distributed on the fourths of the color wheel (by 90 degreees). The tetrade is
very aggressive color scheme, requiring very good planning and very sensitive
approach to relations of these colors.

"Less distance between two base colors causes less tension in the result.
However, this scheme is always more 'nervous' and 'action' than other schemes.
While working with it, we have to take care especially of relations between one
color and the complement of its adjacent color - in case of the tetrade
(maximum distance 1), good feeling and very sensitive approach are necessary."

=head2 analogic

"This scheme is made by base color and its adjacent colors - two colors
identically on both sides. It always looks very elegantly and clear, the result
has less tension and it's uniformly warm, or cold. If a color on the warm-cold
border is chosen, the color with opposite 'temperature' may be used for
accenting the other two colors.

"You can set the distance of adjacent colors by using L<"distance()">.  Values
between 0.25 and 0.5 (15-30 degrees on the wheel) are optimal. You can also add
the contrast color; the scheme is then supplemented with the complement of the
base color. It must be treated only as a complement - it adds tension to the
palette, and it's too aggressive when overused. However, used in details and as
accent of main colors, it can be very effective and elegant."


"Each of colors in displayed scheme has four variations. These are colors of
the same hue, but they differ in the saturation and brightness. ... The very
first variation ... is the base variation, which determines the look of the
scheme. The other three variations are just additional. Iff the scheme is made
by less than four colors, the unused place is used to display variations (or
the complement) of the base color."

Use one of these variation names as an argument to the L<"variation()"> method.

=head2 default

The default preset. Generally pretty nice.

=head2 pastel

Softer colors with added whiteness.

=head2 soft

Darker pastel colors.

=head2 light

Very light, almost washed-out colors.

=head2 hard

Deeper, more-saturated colors.

=head2 pale

Greyer, less-saturated colors.

=head1 CREDIT

Color Schemes 2, its documentation and original JavaScript code are copyright
pixy L<>

The author has explicitly granted license for this distribution of code to be
redistribute as specified in the L<COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE> section.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ian Langworth <>


This software is copyright (c) 2005 by Ian Langworth.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
