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package Config::Singleton;

use 5.006;
use warnings;
use strict;

use Cwd ();
use File::Basename ();
use File::HomeDir ();
use File::Spec ();
use YAML::Syck ();

use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
  groups => [ setup => \'_build_config_methods' ],

=head1 NAME

Config::Singleton - one place for your app's configuration

=head1 VERSION

version 0.002


our $VERSION = '0.002';


  package YourApplication::Config;

  use Config::Singleton -setup => {
    filename => 'something.yaml',
    template => {
      foo => undef,
      bar => 1024,
      qux => [ 1, 2, 3],


  use YourApplication::Config 'my_instance_config.yml';

  my $foo = YourApplication::Config->foo;


Config::Singleton provides a base class for access to configuration data for
your app. The basic implementation stores its configuration in YAML in a text
file found in all the usual places. By default, Config::Singleton looks for
myapp.yml, but an alternate filename may be passed when using the module.

This module was derived from L<Rubric::Config|Rubric::Config>.


The L</SYNOPSIS> section, above, demonstrates an example of almost every
feature of Config::Singleton  It's a very simple module with a very small

It is not a base class.  It is a utility for setting up a class that stores
loaded configuration data.  You just need to C<use> the module like this:

  package Your::Config;

  use Config::Singleton -setup => {
    filename => 'your_program.yaml',
    template => {
      username => undef,
      hostname => undef,
      logfile  => undef,
      facility => 'local1',
      path     => [ qw(/var/spool /tmp/jobs) ],

When another module uses Your::Config, F<your_program.yaml> will be loaded and
its contents will be merged over the defaults given by the C<template>
argument.  Each entry in the template hashref becomes a method on
YourProgram::Config, which returns either the value from the config file or the
value from the template, if no entry exists in the config file.

So, assuming that F<your_program.yaml> looks like this:

  username: rjbs

    - /var/spool/jobs
    - /home/rjbs/spool/jobs

Then these are the results of method calls on Your::Config:

  Your::Config->username; # 'rjbs'

  Your::Config->logfile;  # undef

  Your::Config->facility; # 'local0'

  Your::Config->path;     # qw(/var/spool/jobs  /home/rjbs/spool/jobs)

=head2 Specifying a Config File

Config::Singleton finds a config file via a series of DWIM-my steps that are
more complicated to explain than they are to understand.

The F<filename> argument given when using Config::Singleton is the name of the
file that will, by default, be loaded to find configuration.  It may be
absolute or relative.  If not given, it's computed as follows:  the "module
base name" is made by dropping the last part of the class name, if it's
multi-part, and double colons become underscores.  In other words
"Your::Thing::Config" becomes "Your_Thing."  If the environment variable
YOUR_THING_CONFIG_FILE is set, that will be used as the default.  If not,
F<your_thing.yaml> will be used.

The named file will be the source of configuration for the global (class
method) configuration.  It can be overridden, however, when using the config
module.  For example, after using the following code:

  use Your::Thing::Config 'special.yaml';

...the default name will have been replaced with F<special.yaml>.  If the
previous default file has already been loaded, this will throw an exception.
Using the module without specifying a filename will defer loading of the
configuration file until it's needed.  To force it to be loaded without setting
an explicit filename, pass C<-load> as the filename.  (All names beginning
with a dash are reserved.)

If the filename is relative, the configuration file is found by looking for the
file name in the following paths (F<LOC> is the location of the program being
run, found via C<$0>):


You can change the paths checked by providing a F<path> argument, as an
arrayref, in the setup arguments.

=head2 Alternate Configuration Objects

Although it's generally preferable to begin your program by forcing the loading
of a configuration file and then using the global configuration, it's possible
to have multiple Your::Thing::Config configurations loaded by instantiating
objects of that class, like this:

  my $config_obj = Your::Thing::Config->new($filename);

The named file is found via the same path resolution (if it's relative) as
described above.

=head1 METHODS

Config::Singleton doesn't actually have any real public methods of its own.
Its methods are all private, and serve to power its C<import> routine.  These
will probably be exposed in the future to allow for subclassing of
Config::Singleton, but in the meantime, don't rely on them.


# Initialize all the methods for our new class.
# this is a Sub::Exporter group generator
sub _build_config_methods {
  my ($self, $name, $arg) = @_;

  # XXX: validate $arg here -- rjbs

  # This is the set of subs we're going to install in config classes.
  my %sub = (
    _template  => sub { $arg->{template} },
    _config    => sub { shift->_self->{config} },
    import     => $self->_build_import($arg),
    new        => $self->_build_new($arg),

  for my $attr (keys %{ $arg->{template} }) {
    Carp::croak "can't use reserved name $attr as config entry"
      if exists $sub{ $attr };

    $sub{ $attr } = sub {
      my $value = shift->_self->_config->{$attr};
      return @$value if (ref $value || q{}) eq 'ARRAY'; # XXX: use _ARRAYLIKE
      return $value;

  return \%sub;


sub _build_new {
  my ($app_config, $arg) = @_;

  sub {
    my ($class, $filename) = @_;

    my $self = bless { } => $class;

    $self->{basename} = $filename || $class->default_filename;

    $filename = $app_config->_find_file_in_path(

    $self->{filename} = $filename;

    $self->{config} = $app_config->_merge_data(

    return $self;

sub _build_default_filename_methods {
  my ($app_config, $arg) = @_;

  my $set_default;

  my $get_default_filename = sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $set_default ||= $app_config->_default_filename_for_class($self);

  my $set_default_filename = sub {
    my ($class, $filename) = @_;
    Carp::croak "can't change default filename, config already loaded!"
      if  $set_default
      and $set_default ne $filename;
    $set_default = $filename;

  return (
    _get_default_filename => $get_default_filename,
    _set_default_filename => $set_default_filename,

sub _build_default_object_methods {
  my ($app_config) = @_;

  my $default;

  my $_self = sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self if ref $self;
    return $default ||= $self->new($self->_get_default_filename);

  return (
    _self           => $_self,
    _default_object => sub { $default },

sub _build_import {
  my ($app_config, $arg) = @_;

  return sub {
    my ($class, $filename) = @_;

    Carp::confess sprintf('import called on %s object', ref $class)
      if ref $class;

    return unless defined $filename and length $filename;

    if ($filename =~ /^-/) {
      if ($filename eq '-load') {
        return $class->_self;
      Carp::croak "unknown directive for $class: $filename";
    } else {



sub _default_filename_for_class {
  my ($app_config, $class) = @_;
  # remove final part (A::Config -> A)
  (my $module_base = $class) =~ s/::\w+\z//;

  $module_base =~ s/::/_/g;
  my $filename = $ENV{uc($module_base) . '_CONFIG_FILE'}
              || lc($module_base) . '.yaml';

  return $filename;

sub _load_file { YAML::Syck::LoadFile($_[1]); }

sub _find_file_in_path {
  my ($self, $filename, $path) = @_;

  if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $filename )) {
    Carp::croak "config file $filename not found\n" unless -e $filename;
    return $filename;

  $path = $self->_default_path unless defined $path;

  for my $dir (@$path) {
    my $this_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename);
    return $this_file if -e $this_file;

  Carp::croak "config file $filename not found in path (@$path)\n";

sub _default_path {
  my $home = File::HomeDir->my_home;
  my $path = File::Basename::dirname(Cwd::realpath($0));

  return [

# In the future, using Clone here might be a good idea to avoid issues with
# stupid references.
sub _merge_data {
  my ($self, $template, $override) = @_;

  my $merged = {};

  for (keys %$template) {
    # Should we be preventing the config file's entry from having a different
    # data type than the template value?  -- rjbs, 2007-08-18
    $merged->{$_} = defined $override->{$_} ? $override->{$_} : $template->{$_};

  return $merged;

=head1 AUTHOR

John Cappiello, C<< <jcap at> >>

Ricardo SIGNES, C<< <rjbs at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
L<>.  I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as
I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Config::Singleton

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * a ->new method to allow loading different configs

=item * a way to tell Your::Config, with no explicit filename, to die unless a filename was specified by an earlier use



Ricardo SIGNES not only wrote the inspiration for this in Rubric::Config, but
he also basically wrote the majority of the implementation here, and even
provided extensions of what he knew I wanted it to do, even when I said I
didn't need that yet. In the end it ended up being extremely elegant, which I
can say without being boastful, because he wrote the elegant bits.


Copyright 2008, John Cappiello.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

