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package Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy;
# ABSTRACT: something that bundles a bunch of plugins easily
# This plugin was originally contributed by Christopher J. Madsen
$Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy::VERSION = '5.020';
use Moose::Role;
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle';

use namespace::autoclean;

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod   package Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Example;
#pod   use Moose;
#pod   with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy';
#pod   sub configure {
#pod     my $self = shift;
#pod     $self->add_plugins('VersionFromModule');
#pod     $self->add_bundle('Basic');
#pod   }
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod This role builds upon the PluginBundle role, adding methods to take most of the
#pod grunt work out of creating a bundle.  It supplies the C<bundle_config> method
#pod for you.  In exchange, you must supply a C<configure> method, which will store
#pod the bundle's configuration in the C<plugins> attribute by calling
#pod C<add_plugins> and/or C<add_bundle>.
#pod =cut

use Moose::Autobox;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str ArrayRef HashRef);

use String::RewritePrefix 0.005
  rewrite => {
    -as => '_plugin_class',
    prefixes => { '' => 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::', '=' => '' },
  rewrite => {
    -as => '_bundle_class',
    prefixes => {
      ''  => 'Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::',
      '@' => 'Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::',
      '=' => ''

use namespace::autoclean;

requires 'configure';

#pod =attr name
#pod This is the bundle name, taken from the Section passed to
#pod C<bundle_config>.
#pod =cut

has name => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => Str,
  required => 1,

#pod =attr payload
#pod This hashref contains the bundle's parameters (if any), taken from the
#pod Section passed to C<bundle_config>.
#pod =cut

has payload => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => HashRef,
  required => 1,

#pod =attr plugins
#pod This arrayref contains the configuration that will be returned by
#pod C<bundle_config>.  You normally modify this by using the
#pod C<add_plugins> and C<add_bundle> methods.
#pod =cut

has plugins => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => ArrayRef,
  default  => sub { [] },

sub bundle_config {
  my ($class, $section) = @_;

  my $self = $class->new($section);


  return $self->plugins->flatten;

#pod =method add_plugins
#pod   $self->add_plugins('Plugin1', [ Plugin2 => \%plugin2config ])
#pod Use this method to add plugins to your bundle.
#pod It is passed a list of plugin specifiers, which can be one of a few things:
#pod =for :list
#pod * a plugin moniker (like you might provide in your config file)
#pod * an arrayref of: C<< [ $moniker, $plugin_name, \%plugin_config ] >>
#pod In the case of an arrayref, both C<$plugin_name> and C<\%plugin_config> are
#pod optional.
#pod The plugins are added to the config in the order given.
#pod =cut

sub add_plugins {
  my ($self, @plugin_specs) = @_;

  my $prefix  = $self->name . '/';
  my $plugins = $self->plugins;

  foreach my $this_spec (@plugin_specs) {
    my $moniker;
    my $name;
    my $payload;

    if (! ref $this_spec) {
      ($moniker, $name, $payload) = ($this_spec, $this_spec, {});
    } elsif (@$this_spec == 1) {
      ($moniker, $name, $payload) = ($this_spec->[0], $this_spec->[0], {});
    } elsif (@$this_spec == 2) {
      $moniker = $this_spec->[0];
      $name    = ref $this_spec->[1] ? $moniker : $this_spec->[1];
      $payload = ref $this_spec->[1] ? $this_spec->[1] : {};
    } else {
      ($moniker, $name, $payload) = @$this_spec;

    push @$plugins, [ $prefix . $name => _plugin_class($moniker) => $payload ];

#pod =method add_bundle
#pod   $self->add_bundle(BundleName => \%bundle_config)
#pod Use this method to add all the plugins from another bundle to your bundle.  If
#pod you omit C<%bundle_config>, an empty hashref will be supplied.
#pod =cut

sub add_bundle {
  my ($self, $bundle, $payload) = @_;

  my $package = _bundle_class($bundle);
  $payload  ||= {};

  my $load_opts = {};
  if( my $v = $payload->{':version'} ){
    $load_opts->{'-version'} = $v;
  Class::Load::load_class($package, $load_opts);

  $bundle = "\@$bundle" unless $bundle =~ /^@/;

      name    => $self->name . '/' . $bundle,
      package => $package,
      payload => $payload,

#pod =method config_slice
#pod   $hash_ref = $self->config_slice(arg1, { arg2 => 'plugin_arg2' })
#pod Use this method to extract parameters from your bundle's C<payload> so
#pod that you can pass them to a plugin or subsidiary bundle.  It supports
#pod easy renaming of parameters, since a plugin may expect a parameter
#pod name that's too generic to be suitable for a bundle.
#pod Each arg is either a key in C<payload>, or a hashref that maps keys in
#pod C<payload> to keys in the hash being constructed.  If any specified
#pod key does not exist in C<payload>, then it is omitted from the result.
#pod =cut

sub config_slice {
  my $self = shift;

  my $payload = $self->payload;

  my %arg;

  foreach my $arg (@_) {
    if (ref $arg) {
      while (my ($in, $out) = each %$arg) {
        $arg{$out} = $payload->{$in} if exists $payload->{$in};
    } else {
      $arg{$arg} = $payload->{$arg} if exists $payload->{$arg};

  return \%arg;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy - something that bundles a bunch of plugins easily

=head1 VERSION

version 5.020


  package Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Example;
  use Moose;
  with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy';

  sub configure {
    my $self = shift;



This role builds upon the PluginBundle role, adding methods to take most of the
grunt work out of creating a bundle.  It supplies the C<bundle_config> method
for you.  In exchange, you must supply a C<configure> method, which will store
the bundle's configuration in the C<plugins> attribute by calling
C<add_plugins> and/or C<add_bundle>.


=head2 name

This is the bundle name, taken from the Section passed to

=head2 payload

This hashref contains the bundle's parameters (if any), taken from the
Section passed to C<bundle_config>.

=head2 plugins

This arrayref contains the configuration that will be returned by
C<bundle_config>.  You normally modify this by using the
C<add_plugins> and C<add_bundle> methods.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 add_plugins

  $self->add_plugins('Plugin1', [ Plugin2 => \%plugin2config ])

Use this method to add plugins to your bundle.

It is passed a list of plugin specifiers, which can be one of a few things:

=over 4

=item *

a plugin moniker (like you might provide in your config file)

=item *

an arrayref of: C<< [ $moniker, $plugin_name, \%plugin_config ] >>


In the case of an arrayref, both C<$plugin_name> and C<\%plugin_config> are

The plugins are added to the config in the order given.

=head2 add_bundle

  $self->add_bundle(BundleName => \%bundle_config)

Use this method to add all the plugins from another bundle to your bundle.  If
you omit C<%bundle_config>, an empty hashref will be supplied.

=head2 config_slice

  $hash_ref = $self->config_slice(arg1, { arg2 => 'plugin_arg2' })

Use this method to extract parameters from your bundle's C<payload> so
that you can pass them to a plugin or subsidiary bundle.  It supports
easy renaming of parameters, since a plugin may expect a parameter
name that's too generic to be suitable for a bundle.

Each arg is either a key in C<payload>, or a hashref that maps keys in
C<payload> to keys in the hash being constructed.  If any specified
key does not exist in C<payload>, then it is omitted from the result.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
