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use strict;
use warnings;
package Test::DZil 6.006;
# ABSTRACT: tools for testing Dist::Zilla plugins

use Params::Util qw(_HASH0);
use JSON::MaybeXS;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Test::Deep ();
use YAML::Tiny;

use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
  exports => [
    is_filelist =>
    is_yaml     =>
    is_json     =>
    dist_ini    => \'_dist_ini',
    simple_ini  => \'_simple_ini',
    Builder     =>
    Minter      =>
  groups  => [ default => [ qw(-all) ] ],

#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod Test::DZil provides routines for writing tests for Dist::Zilla plugins.
#pod =cut

#pod =func Builder
#pod =func Minter
#pod   my $tzil = Builder->from_config(...);
#pod These return class names that subclass L<Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder> or
#pod L<Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter>, respectively, with the L<Dist::Zilla::Tester>
#pod behavior added.
#pod =cut

sub Builder {
  require Dist::Zilla::Tester;

sub Minter {
  require Dist::Zilla::Tester;

#pod =func is_filelist
#pod   is_filelist( \@files_we_have, \@files_we_want, $desc );
#pod This test assertion compares two arrayrefs of filenames, taking care of slash
#pod normalization and sorting.  C<@files_we_have> may also contain objects that
#pod do L<Dist::Zilla::Role::File>.
#pod =cut

sub is_filelist {
  my ($have, $want, $comment) = @_;

  my @want = @$want;
  my @have = map { my $str = (blessed $_ and
                       ? $_->name
                       : $_;
                   $str =~ s{\\}{/}g; $str } @$have;

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
  Test::Deep::cmp_bag(\@have, \@want, $comment);

#pod =func is_yaml
#pod   is_yaml( $yaml_string, $want_struct, $comment );
#pod This test assertion deserializes the given YAML string and does a
#pod C<L<cmp_deeply|Test::Deep/cmp_deeply>>.
#pod =cut

sub is_yaml {
  my ($yaml, $want, $comment) = @_;

  my $have = YAML::Tiny->read_string($yaml)
    or die "Cannot decode YAML";

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
  Test::Deep::cmp_deeply($have->[0], $want, $comment);

#pod =func is_json
#pod   is_json( $json_string, $want_struct, $comment );
#pod This test assertion deserializes the given JSON string and does a
#pod C<L<cmp_deeply|Test::Deep/cmp_deeply>>.
#pod =cut

sub is_json {
  my ($json, $want, $comment) = @_;

  my $have = JSON::MaybeXS->new(ascii => 1)->decode($json)
    or die "Cannot decode JSON";

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
  Test::Deep::cmp_deeply($have, $want, $comment);

sub _build_ini_builder {
  my ($starting_core) = @_;
  $starting_core ||= {};

  sub {
    my (@arg) = @_;
    my $new_core = _HASH0($arg[0]) ? shift(@arg) : {};

    my $core_config = { %$starting_core, %$new_core };

    my $config = '';

    for my $key (sort keys %$core_config) {
      my @values = ref $core_config->{ $key }
                 ? @{ $core_config->{ $key } }
                 : $core_config->{ $key };

      $config .= "$key = $_\n" for grep {defined} @values;

    $config .= "\n" if length $config;

    for my $line (@arg) {
      my @plugin = ref $line ? @$line : ($line, {});
      my $moniker = shift @plugin;
      my $name    = _HASH0($plugin[0]) ? undef : shift @plugin;
      my $payload = shift(@plugin) || {};

      Carp::confess("bogus plugin configuration: too many args") if @plugin;

      $config .= '[' . $moniker;
      $config .= ' / ' . $name if defined $name;
      $config .= "]\n";

      for my $key (sort keys %$payload) {
        my @values = ref $payload->{ $key }
                   ? @{ $payload->{ $key } }
                   : $payload->{ $key };

        $config .= "$key = $_\n" for grep {defined} @values;

      $config .= "\n";

    return $config;

#pod =func dist_ini
#pod   my $ini_text = dist_ini(\%root_config, @plugins);
#pod This routine returns a string that could be used to populate a simple
#pod F<dist.ini> file.  The C<%root_config> gives data for the "root" section of the
#pod configuration.  To provide a line multiple times, provide an arrayref.  For
#pod example, the root section could read:
#pod   {
#pod     name   => 'Dist-Sample',
#pod     author => [
#pod       'J. Smith <>',
#pod       'Q. Smith <>',
#pod     ],
#pod   }
#pod The root section is optional.
#pod Plugins can be given in a few ways:
#pod =begin :list
#pod = C<"PluginMoniker">
#pod = C<[ "PluginMoniker" ]>
#pod These become C<[PluginMoniker]>
#pod = C<[ "PluginMoniker", "PluginName" ]>
#pod This becomes C<[PluginMoniker / PluginName]>
#pod = C<[ "PluginMoniker", { ... } ]>
#pod = C<[ "PluginMoniker", "PluginName", { ... } ]>
#pod These use the given hashref as the parameters inside the section, with the same
#pod semantics as the root section.
#pod =end :list
#pod =cut

sub _dist_ini {

#pod =func simple_ini
#pod This behaves exactly like C<dist_ini>, but it merges any given root config into
#pod a starter config, which means that you can often skip any explicit root config.
#pod The starter config may change slightly over time, but is something like this:
#pod   {
#pod     name     => 'DZT-Sample',
#pod     abstract => 'Sample DZ Dist',
#pod     version  => '0.001',
#pod     author   => 'E. Xavier Ample <>',
#pod     license  => 'Perl_5',
#pod     copyright_holder => 'E. Xavier Ample',
#pod   }
#pod =cut

sub _simple_ini {
    name     => 'DZT-Sample',
    abstract => 'Sample DZ Dist',
    version  => '0.001',
    author   => 'E. Xavier Ample <>',
    license  => 'Perl_5',
    copyright_holder => 'E. Xavier Ample',




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Test::DZil - tools for testing Dist::Zilla plugins

=head1 VERSION

version 6.006


Test::DZil provides routines for writing tests for Dist::Zilla plugins.


=head2 Builder

=head2 Minter

  my $tzil = Builder->from_config(...);

These return class names that subclass L<Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder> or
L<Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter>, respectively, with the L<Dist::Zilla::Tester>
behavior added.

=head2 is_filelist

  is_filelist( \@files_we_have, \@files_we_want, $desc );

This test assertion compares two arrayrefs of filenames, taking care of slash
normalization and sorting.  C<@files_we_have> may also contain objects that
do L<Dist::Zilla::Role::File>.

=head2 is_yaml

  is_yaml( $yaml_string, $want_struct, $comment );

This test assertion deserializes the given YAML string and does a

=head2 is_json

  is_json( $json_string, $want_struct, $comment );

This test assertion deserializes the given JSON string and does a

=head2 dist_ini

  my $ini_text = dist_ini(\%root_config, @plugins);

This routine returns a string that could be used to populate a simple
F<dist.ini> file.  The C<%root_config> gives data for the "root" section of the
configuration.  To provide a line multiple times, provide an arrayref.  For
example, the root section could read:

    name   => 'Dist-Sample',
    author => [
      'J. Smith <>',
      'Q. Smith <>',

The root section is optional.

Plugins can be given in a few ways:

=over 4

=item C<"PluginMoniker">

=item C<[ "PluginMoniker" ]>

These become C<[PluginMoniker]>

=item C<[ "PluginMoniker", "PluginName" ]>

This becomes C<[PluginMoniker / PluginName]>

=item C<[ "PluginMoniker", { ... } ]>

=item C<[ "PluginMoniker", "PluginName", { ... } ]>

These use the given hashref as the parameters inside the section, with the same
semantics as the root section.


=head2 simple_ini

This behaves exactly like C<dist_ini>, but it merges any given root config into
a starter config, which means that you can often skip any explicit root config.
The starter config may change slightly over time, but is something like this:

    name     => 'DZT-Sample',
    abstract => 'Sample DZ Dist',
    version  => '0.001',
    author   => 'E. Xavier Ample <>',
    license  => 'Perl_5',
    copyright_holder => 'E. Xavier Ample',

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
