The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder 6.007;
# ABSTRACT: dist zilla subclass for building dists

use Moose 0.92; # role composition fixes
extends 'Dist::Zilla';

use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef);
use Dist::Zilla::Types qw(Path);

use File::pushd ();
use Dist::Zilla::Path; # because more Path::* is better, eh?
use Try::Tiny;
use List::Util 1.45 'uniq';

use namespace::autoclean;

#pod =method from_config
#pod   my $zilla = Dist::Zilla->from_config(\%arg);
#pod This routine returns a new Zilla from the configuration in the current working
#pod directory.
#pod This method should not be relied upon, yet.  Its semantics are B<certain> to
#pod change.
#pod Valid arguments are:
#pod   config_class - the class to use to read the config
#pod                  default: Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder
#pod =cut

sub from_config {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my $root = path($arg->{dist_root} || '.');

  my $sequence = $class->_load_config({
    root   => $root,
    chrome => $arg->{chrome},
    config_class    => $arg->{config_class},
    _global_stashes => $arg->{_global_stashes},

  my $self = $sequence->section_named('_')->zilla;


  return $self;

sub _setup_default_plugins {
  my ($self) = @_;
  unless ($self->plugin_named(':InstallModules')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':InstallModules',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub {
        my ($file, $self) = @_;
        local $_ = $file->name;
        return 1 if m{\Alib/} and m{\.(pm|pod)$};

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':IncModules')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':IncModules',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub {
        my ($file, $self) = @_;
        local $_ = $file->name;
        return 1 if m{\Ainc/} and m{\.pm$};

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':TestFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':TestFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub { local $_ = $_->name; m{\At/} },

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':ExtraTestFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':ExtraTestFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub { local $_ = $_->name; m{\Axt/} },

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':ExecFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':ExecFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'list',
      code        => sub {
        my $plugins = $_[0]->zilla->plugins_with(-ExecFiles);
        my @files = uniq map {; @{ $_->find_files } } @$plugins;

        return \@files;

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':PerlExecFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':PerlExecFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'list',
      code        => sub {
        my $parent_plugin = $self->plugin_named(':ExecFiles');
        my @files = grep {
          $_->name =~ m{\.pl$}
              or $_->content =~ m{^\s*\#\!.*perl\b};
        } @{ $parent_plugin->find_files };
        return \@files;

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':ShareFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':ShareFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'list',
      code        => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $map = $self->zilla->_share_dir_map;
        my @files;
        if ( $map->{dist} ) {
          push @files, grep {; $_->name =~ m{\A\Q$map->{dist}\E/} }
                       @{ $self->zilla->files };
        if ( my $mod_map = $map->{module} ) {
          for my $mod ( keys %$mod_map ) {
            push @files, grep { $_->name =~ m{\A\Q$mod_map->{$mod}\E/} }
                         @{ $self->zilla->files };
        return \@files;

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':MainModule')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':MainModule',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub {
        my ($file, $self) = @_;
        local $_ = $file->name;
        return 1 if $_ eq $self->zilla->main_module->name;

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':AllFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':AllFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'grep',
      code        => sub { return 1 },

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

  unless ($self->plugin_named(':NoFiles')) {
    require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode;
    my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode->new({
      plugin_name => ':NoFiles',
      zilla       => $self,
      style       => 'list',
      code        => sub { return },

    push @{ $self->plugins }, $plugin;

has _share_dir_map => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => HashRef,
  init_arg  => undef,
  lazy      => 1,
  builder   => '_build_share_dir_map',

sub _build_share_dir_map {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $share_dir_map = {};

  for my $plugin (@{ $self->plugins_with(-ShareDir) }) {
    next unless my $sub_map = $plugin->share_dir_map;

    if ( $sub_map->{dist} ) {
      $self->log_fatal("can't install more than one distribution ShareDir")
        if $share_dir_map->{dist};
      $share_dir_map->{dist} = $sub_map->{dist};

    if ( my $mod_map = $sub_map->{module} ) {
      for my $mod ( keys %$mod_map ) {
        $self->log_fatal("can't install more than one ShareDir for $mod")
          if $share_dir_map->{module}{$mod};
        $share_dir_map->{module}{$mod} = $mod_map->{$mod};

  return $share_dir_map;

sub _load_config {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my $config_class =
    $arg->{config_class} ||= 'Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder';


    { prefix => '[DZ] ' },
    "reading configuration using $config_class"

  my $root = $arg->{root};

  require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::Zilla;
  require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section;
  my $assembler = Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::Zilla->new({
    chrome        => $arg->{chrome},
    zilla_class   => $class,
    section_class => 'Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section', # make this DZMA default

  for ($assembler->sequence->section_named('_')) {
    $_->add_value(chrome => $arg->{chrome});
    $_->add_value(root   => $arg->{root});
    $_->add_value(_global_stashes => $arg->{_global_stashes})
      if $arg->{_global_stashes};

  my $seq;
  try {
    $seq = $config_class->read_config(
        assembler => $assembler
  } catch {
    die $_ unless try {
      and $_->ident eq 'package not installed'

    my $package = $_->package;
    my $bundle  = $_->section_name =~ m{^@(?!.*/)} ? ' bundle' : '';

    die <<"END_DIE";
Required plugin$bundle $package isn't installed.

Run 'dzil authordeps' to see a list of all required plugins.
You can pipe the list to your CPAN client to install or update them:

    dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm



  return $seq;

#pod =method build_in
#pod   $zilla->build_in($root);
#pod This method builds the distribution in the given directory.  If no directory
#pod name is given, it defaults to DistName-Version.  If the distribution has
#pod already been built, an exception will be thrown.
#pod =method build
#pod This method just calls C<build_in> with no arguments.  It gets you the default
#pod behavior without the weird-looking formulation of C<build_in> with no object
#pod for the preposition!
#pod =cut

sub build { $_[0]->build_in }

sub build_in {
  my ($self, $root) = @_;

  $self->log_fatal("tried to build with a minter")
    if $self->isa('Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter');

  $self->log_fatal("attempted to build " . $self->name . " a second time")
    if $self->built_in;

  $_->before_build for @{ $self->plugins_with(-BeforeBuild) };

  $self->log("beginning to build " . $self->name);

  $_->gather_files       for @{ $self->plugins_with(-FileGatherer) };
  $_->set_file_encodings for @{ $self->plugins_with(-EncodingProvider) };
  $_->prune_files        for @{ $self->plugins_with(-FilePruner) };

  $self->version; # instantiate this lazy attribute now that files are gathered

  $_->munge_files        for @{ $self->plugins_with(-FileMunger) };

  $_->register_prereqs   for @{ $self->plugins_with(-PrereqSource) };


  # Barf if someone has already set up a prereqs entry? -- rjbs, 2010-04-13
  $self->distmeta->{prereqs} = $self->prereqs->as_string_hash;

  $_->setup_installer for @{ $self->plugins_with(-InstallTool) };


  my $build_root = $self->_prep_build_root($root);

  $self->log("writing " . $self->name . " in $build_root");

  for my $file (@{ $self->files }) {
    $self->_write_out_file($file, $build_root);

  $_->after_build({ build_root => $build_root })
    for @{ $self->plugins_with(-AfterBuild) };


#pod =attr built_in
#pod This is the L<Path::Tiny>, if any, in which the dist has been built.
#pod =cut

has built_in => (
  is   => 'rw',
  isa  => Path,
  init_arg  => undef,
  coerce => 1,

#pod =method ensure_built_in
#pod   $zilla->ensure_built_in($root);
#pod This method behaves like C<L</build_in>>, but if the dist is already built in
#pod C<$root> (or the default root, if no root is given), no exception is raised.
#pod =method ensure_built
#pod This method just calls C<ensure_built_in> with no arguments.  It gets you the
#pod default behavior without the weird-looking formulation of C<ensure_built_in>
#pod with no object for the preposition!
#pod =cut

sub ensure_built {

sub ensure_built_in {
  my ($self, $root) = @_;

  # $root ||= $self->name . q{-} . $self->version;
  return $self->built_in if $self->built_in and
    (!$root or ($self->built_in eq $root));

  Carp::croak("dist is already built, but not in $root") if $self->built_in;

#pod =method dist_basename
#pod   my $basename = $zilla->dist_basename;
#pod This method will return the dist's basename (e.g. C<Dist-Name-1.01>.
#pod The basename is used as the top-level directory in the tarball.  It
#pod does not include C<-TRIAL>, even if building a trial dist.
#pod =cut

sub dist_basename {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return join(q{},

#pod =method archive_filename
#pod   my $tarball = $zilla->archive_filename;
#pod This method will return the filename (e.g. C<Dist-Name-1.01.tar.gz>)
#pod of the tarball of this distribution.  It will include C<-TRIAL> if building a
#pod trial distribution, unless the version contains an underscore.  The tarball
#pod might not exist.
#pod =cut

sub archive_filename {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return join(q{},
    ( $self->is_trial && $self->version !~ /_/ ? '-TRIAL' : '' ),

#pod =method build_archive
#pod   $zilla->build_archive;
#pod This method will ensure that the dist has been built, and will then build a
#pod tarball of the build directory in the current directory.
#pod =cut

sub build_archive {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $built_in = $self->ensure_built;

  my $basename = $self->dist_basename;
  my $basedir = path($basename);

  $_->before_archive for @{ $self->plugins_with(-BeforeArchive) };

  my $method = Class::Load::load_optional_class('Archive::Tar::Wrapper',
                                                { -version => 0.15 })
             ? '_build_archive_with_wrapper'
             : '_build_archive';

  my $archive = $self->$method($built_in, $basename, $basedir);

  my $file = path($self->archive_filename);

  $self->log("writing archive to $file");
  $archive->write("$file", 9);

  return $file;

sub _build_archive {
  my ($self, $built_in, $basename, $basedir) = @_;

  $self->log("building archive with Archive::Tar; install Archive::Tar::Wrapper 0.15 or newer for improved speed");

  require Archive::Tar;
  my $archive = Archive::Tar->new;
  my %seen_dir;
  for my $distfile (
    sort { length($a->name) <=> length($b->name) } @{ $self->files }
  ) {
    my $in = path($distfile->name)->parent;

    unless ($seen_dir{ $in }++) {
        { type => Archive::Tar::Constant::DIR(), mode => 0755 },

    my $filename = $built_in->child( $distfile->name );
      $basedir->child( $distfile->name ),
      { mode => (stat $filename)[2] & ~022 },

  return $archive;

sub _build_archive_with_wrapper {
  my ($self, $built_in, $basename, $basedir) = @_;

  $self->log("building archive with Archive::Tar::Wrapper");

  my $archive = Archive::Tar::Wrapper->new;

  for my $distfile (
    sort { length($a->name) <=> length($b->name) } @{ $self->files }
  ) {
    my $in = path($distfile->name)->parent;

    my $filename = $built_in->child( $distfile->name );
      $basedir->child( $distfile->name )->stringify,
      { perm => (stat $filename)[2] & ~022 },

  return $archive;

sub _prep_build_root {
  my ($self, $build_root) = @_;

  $build_root = path($build_root || $self->dist_basename);

  $build_root->mkpath unless -d $build_root;

  my $dist_root = $self->root;

  return $build_root if !-d $build_root;

  my $ok = eval { $build_root->remove_tree({ safe => 0 }); 1 };
  die "unable to delete '$build_root' in preparation of build: $@" unless $ok;

  # the following is done only on windows, and only if the deletion failed,
  # yet rmtree reported success, because currently rmdir is non-blocking as per:
  if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' and -d $build_root ) {
    $self->log("spinning for at least one second to allow other processes to release locks on $build_root");
    my $timeout = time + 2;
    while(time != $timeout and -d $build_root) { }
    die "unable to delete '$build_root' in preparation of build because some process has a lock on it"
      if -d $build_root;

  return $build_root;

#pod =method release
#pod   $zilla->release;
#pod This method releases the distribution, probably by uploading it to the CPAN.
#pod The actual effects of this method (as with most of the methods) is determined
#pod by the loaded plugins.
#pod =cut

sub release {
  my $self = shift;

  Carp::croak("you can't release without any Releaser plugins")
    unless my @releasers = @{ $self->plugins_with(-Releaser) };


  my $tgz = $self->build_archive;

  # call all plugins implementing BeforeRelease role
  $_->before_release($tgz) for @{ $self->plugins_with(-BeforeRelease) };

  # do the actual release
  $_->release($tgz) for @releasers;

  # call all plugins implementing AfterRelease role
  $_->after_release($tgz) for @{ $self->plugins_with(-AfterRelease) };

#pod =method clean
#pod This method removes temporary files and directories suspected to have been
#pod produced by the Dist::Zilla build process.  Specifically, it deletes the
#pod F<.build> directory and any entity that starts with the dist name and a hyphen,
#pod like matching the glob C<Your-Dist-*>.
#pod =cut

sub clean {
  my ($self, $dry_run) = @_;

  require File::Path;
  for my $x (grep { -e } '.build', glob($self->name . '-*')) {
    if ($dry_run) {
      $self->log("clean: would remove $x");
    } else {
      $self->log("clean: removing $x");

#pod =method ensure_built_in_tmpdir
#pod   $zilla->ensure_built_in_tmpdir;
#pod This method will consistently build the distribution in a temporary
#pod subdirectory. It will return the path for the temporary build location.
#pod =cut

sub ensure_built_in_tmpdir {
  my $self = shift;

  require File::Temp;

  my $build_root = path('.build');
  $build_root->mkpath unless -d $build_root;

  my $target = path( File::Temp::tempdir(DIR => $build_root) );
  $self->log("building distribution under $target for installation");

  my $os_has_symlinks = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
  my $previous;
  my $latest;

  if( $os_has_symlinks ) {
    $previous = path( $build_root, 'previous' );
    $latest   = path( $build_root, 'latest'   );
    if( -l $previous ) {
        or $self->log("cannot remove old .build/previous link");
    if( -l $latest ) {
      rename $latest, $previous
        or $self->log("cannot move .build/latest link to .build/previous");
    symlink $target->basename, $latest
      or $self->log('cannot create link .build/latest');


  return ($target, $latest, $previous);

#pod =method install
#pod   $zilla->install( \%arg );
#pod This method installs the distribution locally.  The distribution will be built
#pod in a temporary subdirectory, then the process will change directory to that
#pod subdir and an installer will be run.
#pod Valid arguments are:
#pod   keep_build_dir  - if true, don't rmtree the build dir, even if everything
#pod                     seemed to work
#pod   install_command - the command to run in the subdir to install the dist
#pod                     default (roughly): $^X -MCPAN -einstall .
#pod                     this argument should be an arrayref
#pod =cut

sub install {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my ($target, $latest) = $self->ensure_built_in_tmpdir;

  my $ok = eval {
    ## no critic Punctuation
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($target);
    my @cmd = $arg->{install_command}
            ? @{ $arg->{install_command} }
            : (cpanm => ".");

    $self->log_debug([ 'installing via %s', \@cmd ]);
    system(@cmd) && $self->log_fatal([ "error running %s", \@cmd ]);

  unless ($ok) {
    my $error = $@ || '(exception clobered)';
    $self->log("install failed, left failed dist in place at $target");
    die $error;

  if ($arg->{keep_build_dir}) {
    $self->log("all's well; left dist in place at $target");
  } else {
    $self->log("all's well; removing $target");
    $target->remove_tree({ safe => 0 });
    $latest->remove if $latest;


#pod =method test
#pod   $zilla->test(\%arg);
#pod This method builds a new copy of the distribution and tests it using
#pod C<L</run_tests_in>>.
#pod C<\%arg> may be omitted.  Otherwise, valid arguments are:
#pod   keep_build_dir  - if true, don't rmtree the build dir, even if everything
#pod                     seemed to work
#pod =cut

sub test {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;

  Carp::croak("you can't test without any TestRunner plugins")
    unless my @testers = @{ $self->plugins_with(-TestRunner) };

  my ($target, $latest) = $self->ensure_built_in_tmpdir;
  my $error  = $self->run_tests_in($target, $arg);

  if ($arg and $arg->{keep_build_dir}) {
    $self->log("all's well; left dist in place at $target");

  $self->log("all's well; removing $target");
  $target->remove_tree({ safe => 0 });
  $latest->remove if $latest;

#pod =method run_tests_in
#pod   my $error = $zilla->run_tests_in($directory, $arg);
#pod This method runs the tests in $directory (a Path::Tiny), which must contain an
#pod already-built copy of the distribution.  It will throw an exception if there
#pod are test failures.
#pod It does I<not> set any of the C<*_TESTING> environment variables, nor
#pod does it clean up C<$directory> afterwards.
#pod =cut

sub run_tests_in {
  my ($self, $target, $arg) = @_;

  Carp::croak("you can't test without any TestRunner plugins")
    unless my @testers = @{ $self->plugins_with(-TestRunner) };

  for my $tester (@testers) {
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($target);
    $tester->test( $target, $arg );

#pod =method run_in_build
#pod   $zilla->run_in_build( \@cmd );
#pod This method makes a temporary directory, builds the distribution there,
#pod executes all the dist's L<BuildRunner|Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildRunner>s
#pod (unless directed not to, via C<< $arg->{build} = 0 >>), and
#pod then runs the given command in the build directory.  If the command exits
#pod non-zero, the directory will be left in place.
#pod =cut

sub run_in_build {
  my ($self, $cmd, $arg) = @_;

  $self->log_fatal("you can't build without any BuildRunner plugins")
    unless ($arg and exists $arg->{build} and ! $arg->{build})
        or @{ $self->plugins_with(-BuildRunner) };

  require ""; # skip autoprereq

  my ($target, $latest) = $self->ensure_built_in_tmpdir;
  my $abstarget = $target->absolute;

  # building the dist for real
  my $ok = eval {
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($target);

    if ($arg and exists $arg->{build} and ! $arg->{build}) {
      system(@$cmd) and die "error while running: @$cmd";
      return 1;


    local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config::Config{path_sep},
      (map { $abstarget->child('blib', $_) } qw(arch lib)),
      (defined $ENV{PERL5LIB} ? $ENV{PERL5LIB} : ());

    local $ENV{PATH} = join $Config::Config{path_sep},
      (map { $abstarget->child('blib', $_) } qw(bin script)),
      (defined $ENV{PATH} ? $ENV{PATH} : ());

    system(@$cmd) and die "error while running: @$cmd";

  if ($ok) {
    $self->log("all's well; removing $target");
    $target->remove_tree({ safe => 0 });
    $latest->remove if $latest;
  } else {
    my $error = $@ || '(unknown error)';
    $self->log_fatal("left failed dist in place at $target");

# Ensures that a F<blib> directory exists in the build, by invoking all
# C<-BuildRunner> plugins to generate it.  Useful for commands that operate on
# F<blib>, such as C<test> or C<run>.

sub _ensure_blib {
  my ($self) = @_;

  unless ( -d 'blib' ) {
    my @builders = @{ $self->plugins_with( -BuildRunner ) };
    $self->log_fatal("no BuildRunner plugins specified") unless @builders;
    $_->build for @builders;
    $self->log_fatal("no blib; failed to build properly?") unless -d 'blib';




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder - dist zilla subclass for building dists

=head1 VERSION

version 6.007


=head2 built_in

This is the L<Path::Tiny>, if any, in which the dist has been built.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 from_config

  my $zilla = Dist::Zilla->from_config(\%arg);

This routine returns a new Zilla from the configuration in the current working

This method should not be relied upon, yet.  Its semantics are B<certain> to

Valid arguments are:

  config_class - the class to use to read the config
                 default: Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder

=head2 build_in


This method builds the distribution in the given directory.  If no directory
name is given, it defaults to DistName-Version.  If the distribution has
already been built, an exception will be thrown.

=head2 build

This method just calls C<build_in> with no arguments.  It gets you the default
behavior without the weird-looking formulation of C<build_in> with no object
for the preposition!

=head2 ensure_built_in


This method behaves like C<L</build_in>>, but if the dist is already built in
C<$root> (or the default root, if no root is given), no exception is raised.

=head2 ensure_built

This method just calls C<ensure_built_in> with no arguments.  It gets you the
default behavior without the weird-looking formulation of C<ensure_built_in>
with no object for the preposition!

=head2 dist_basename

  my $basename = $zilla->dist_basename;

This method will return the dist's basename (e.g. C<Dist-Name-1.01>.
The basename is used as the top-level directory in the tarball.  It
does not include C<-TRIAL>, even if building a trial dist.

=head2 archive_filename

  my $tarball = $zilla->archive_filename;

This method will return the filename (e.g. C<Dist-Name-1.01.tar.gz>)
of the tarball of this distribution.  It will include C<-TRIAL> if building a
trial distribution, unless the version contains an underscore.  The tarball
might not exist.

=head2 build_archive


This method will ensure that the dist has been built, and will then build a
tarball of the build directory in the current directory.

=head2 release


This method releases the distribution, probably by uploading it to the CPAN.
The actual effects of this method (as with most of the methods) is determined
by the loaded plugins.

=head2 clean

This method removes temporary files and directories suspected to have been
produced by the Dist::Zilla build process.  Specifically, it deletes the
F<.build> directory and any entity that starts with the dist name and a hyphen,
like matching the glob C<Your-Dist-*>.

=head2 ensure_built_in_tmpdir


This method will consistently build the distribution in a temporary
subdirectory. It will return the path for the temporary build location.

=head2 install

  $zilla->install( \%arg );

This method installs the distribution locally.  The distribution will be built
in a temporary subdirectory, then the process will change directory to that
subdir and an installer will be run.

Valid arguments are:

  keep_build_dir  - if true, don't rmtree the build dir, even if everything
                    seemed to work
  install_command - the command to run in the subdir to install the dist
                    default (roughly): $^X -MCPAN -einstall .

                    this argument should be an arrayref

=head2 test


This method builds a new copy of the distribution and tests it using

C<\%arg> may be omitted.  Otherwise, valid arguments are:

  keep_build_dir  - if true, don't rmtree the build dir, even if everything
                    seemed to work

=head2 run_tests_in

  my $error = $zilla->run_tests_in($directory, $arg);

This method runs the tests in $directory (a Path::Tiny), which must contain an
already-built copy of the distribution.  It will throw an exception if there
are test failures.

It does I<not> set any of the C<*_TESTING> environment variables, nor
does it clean up C<$directory> afterwards.

=head2 run_in_build

  $zilla->run_in_build( \@cmd );

This method makes a temporary directory, builds the distribution there,
executes all the dist's L<BuildRunner|Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildRunner>s
(unless directed not to, via C<< $arg->{build} = 0 >>), and
then runs the given command in the build directory.  If the command exits
non-zero, the directory will be left in place.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
