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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneFiles 6.008;
# ABSTRACT: prune arbitrary files from the dist

use Moose;
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::FilePruner';

use namespace::autoclean;

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod This plugin allows you to explicitly prune some files from your
#pod distribution. You can either specify the exact set of files (with the
#pod "filenames" parameter) or provide the regular expressions to
#pod check (using "match").
#pod This is useful if another plugin (maybe a FileGatherer) adds a
#pod bunch of files, and you only want a subset of them.
#pod In your F<dist.ini>:
#pod   [PruneFiles]
#pod   filename = xt/release/pod-coverage.t ; pod coverage tests are for jerks
#pod   filename = todo-list.txt             ; keep our secret plans to ourselves
#pod   match     = ^test_data/
#pod   match     = ^test.cvs$
#pod =cut

sub mvp_multivalue_args { qw(filenames matches) }
sub mvp_aliases { return { filename => 'filenames', match => 'matches' } }

#pod =attr filenames
#pod This is an arrayref of filenames to be pruned from the distribution.
#pod =cut

has filenames => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'ArrayRef',
  default => sub { [] },

#pod =attr matches
#pod This is an arrayref of regular expressions and files matching any of them,
#pod will be pruned from the distribution.
#pod =cut

has matches => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'ArrayRef',
  default => sub { [] },

sub prune_files {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # never match (at least the filename characters)
  my $matches_regex = qr/\000/;

  $matches_regex = qr/$matches_regex|$_/ for (@{ $self->matches });

  # \A\Q$_\E should also handle the `eq` check
  $matches_regex = qr/$matches_regex|\A\Q$_\E/ for (@{ $self->filenames });

  # Copy list (break reference) so we can mutate.
  for my $file ((), @{ $self->zilla->files }) {
    next unless $file->name =~ $matches_regex;

    $self->log_debug([ 'pruning %s', $file->name ]);




#pod =head1 SEE ALSO
#pod Dist::Zilla plugins:
#pod L<PruneCruft|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft>,
#pod L<GatherDir|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir>,
#pod L<ManifestSkip|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip>.
#pod =cut



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneFiles - prune arbitrary files from the dist

=head1 VERSION

version 6.008


This plugin allows you to explicitly prune some files from your
distribution. You can either specify the exact set of files (with the
"filenames" parameter) or provide the regular expressions to
check (using "match").

This is useful if another plugin (maybe a FileGatherer) adds a
bunch of files, and you only want a subset of them.

In your F<dist.ini>:

  filename = xt/release/pod-coverage.t ; pod coverage tests are for jerks
  filename = todo-list.txt             ; keep our secret plans to ourselves

  match     = ^test_data/
  match     = ^test.cvs$


=head2 filenames

This is an arrayref of filenames to be pruned from the distribution.

=head2 matches

This is an arrayref of regular expressions and files matching any of them,
will be pruned from the distribution.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Dist::Zilla plugins:

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
