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package Email::MIME::Kit::Assembler::Markdown;
# ABSTRACT: build multipart/alternative messages from Markdown alone
$Email::MIME::Kit::Assembler::Markdown::VERSION = '0.100002';
use Moose;
with 'Email::MIME::Kit::Role::Assembler';

use Email::MIME 1.900;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(maybe_type role_type);
use Text::Markdown;

#pod =for Pod::Coverage assemble BUILD
#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod In your mkit's (JSON, here) manifest:
#pod   {
#pod     "renderer" : "TT",
#pod     "assembler": [
#pod       "Markdown",
#pod       { "html_wrapper": "wrapper.html" }
#pod     ],
#pod     "path"  : "body.mkdn",
#pod     "header": [
#pod       { "Subject": "DynaWoop is now hiring!" },
#pod       { "From"   : "[% from_addr  %]" }
#pod       { "To"     : "[% %]" }
#pod     ]
#pod   }
#pod This kit will build a multipart/alternative message with a plaintext part
#pod (containing the rendered contents of F<body.mkdn> ) and an HTML part
#pod (containing F<body.mkdn> rendered into HTML using Markdown).
#pod At present, attachments are not supported.  Actually, quite a few things found
#pod in the standard assembler are not yet supported.  The standard assembler
#pod desperately needs to be refactored to make its features easier to incorporate
#pod into other assemblers.
#pod The C<html_wrapper> parameter for the Markdown assembler is the path to a kit
#pod entry.  If given, that kit entry will be used for the HTML part, and the
#pod Markdown-produced HTML will be injected into it, replacing a comment containing
#pod the C<marker> given in the Markdown assembler's configuration.  The default
#pod marker is C<CONTENT>, so the F<wrapper.html> used above might read as follows:
#pod   <h1>DynaWoop Dynamic Woopages</h1>
#pod   <!-- CONTENT -->
#pod   <p>Click to unsubscribe: <a href="[% unsub_url %]">here</a></p>
#pod The C<text_wrapper> setting works exactly the same way, down to looking for an
#pod HTML-like comment containing the marker.  It wraps the Markdown content after
#pod it has been rendered by the kit's Renderer, if any.
#pod If given (and true), the C<munge_signature> option will perform some basic
#pod munging of a sigdash-prefixed signature in the source text, hardening line
#pod breaks.  The specific munging performed is not guaranteed to remain exactly
#pod stable.
#pod =cut

has manifest => (
  is       => 'ro',
  required => 1,

has html_wrapper => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',

has text_wrapper => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',

has munge_signature => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

has renderer => (
  reader   => 'renderer',
  writer   => '_set_renderer',
  clearer  => '_unset_renderer',
  isa      => maybe_type(role_type('Email::MIME::Kit::Role::Renderer')),
  lazy     => 1,
  default  => sub { $_[0]->kit->default_renderer },
  init_arg => undef,

has marker => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'CONTENT');

has path => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'Str',
  lazy => 1,
  default => sub { $_[0]->manifest->{path} },

sub BUILD {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $class = ref $self;

  confess "$class does not support alternatives"
    if @{ $self->manifest->{alternatives} || [] };

  confess "$class does not support attachments"
    if @{ $self->manifest->{attachments} || [] };

  confess "$class does not support MIME content attributes"
    if %{ $self->manifest->{attributes} || {} };

sub _prep_header {
  my ($self, $header, $stash) = @_;

  my @done_header;
  for my $entry (@$header) {
    confess "no field name candidates"
      unless my (@hval) = grep { /^[^:]/ } keys %$entry;
    confess "multiple field name candidates: @hval" if @hval > 1;
    my $value = $entry->{ $hval[ 0 ] };

    if (ref $value) {
      my ($v, $p) = @$value;
      $value = join q{; }, $v, map { "$_=$p->{$_}" } keys %$p;
    } else {
      my $renderer = $self->renderer;
      if (exists $entry->{':renderer'}) {
        undef $renderer if ! defined $entry->{':renderer'};
        confess 'alternate renderers not supported';

      $value = ${ $renderer->render(\$value, $stash) } if defined $renderer;

    push @done_header, $hval[0] => $value;

  return \@done_header;

sub assemble {
  my ($self, $stash) = @_;

  my $markdown = ${ $self->kit->get_decoded_kit_entry( $self->path ) };
  if ($self->renderer) {
    my $output_ref = $self->renderer->render(\$markdown, $stash);
    $markdown = $$output_ref;

  my $plaintext = $markdown;

  if ($self->munge_signature) {
    my ($body, $sig) = split /^-- $/m, $markdown, 2;

    if (defined $sig) {
      $sig =~ s{^}{<br />}mg;
      $markdown = "$body\n\n$sig";

  my %content = (
    html => Text::Markdown->new(tab_width => 2)->markdown($markdown),
    text => $plaintext,

  for my $type (keys %content) {
    my $type_wrapper = "$type\_wrapper";

    if (my $wrapper_path = $self->$type_wrapper) {
      my $wrapper = ${ $self->kit->get_decoded_kit_entry($wrapper_path) };
      my $marker  = $self->marker;
      my $marker_re = qr{<!--\s+\Q$marker\E\s+-->};

      confess "$type_wrapper does not contain comment containing marker"
        unless $wrapper =~ $marker_re;

      $wrapper =~ s/$marker_re/$content{$type}/;
      $content{$type} = $wrapper;

  my $header = $self->_prep_header(

  my $html_part = Email::MIME->create(
    body_str   => $content{html},
    attributes => {
      content_type => "text/html",
      charset      => 'utf-8',
      encoding     => 'quoted-printable',

  my $text_part = Email::MIME->create(
    body_str   => $content{text},
    attributes => {
      content_type => "text/plain",
      charset      => 'utf-8',
      encoding     => 'quoted-printable',

  my $container = Email::MIME->create(
    header_str => $header,
    parts      => [ $text_part, $html_part ],
    attributes => { content_type => 'multipart/alternative' },

  return $container;

no Moose;
no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Email::MIME::Kit::Assembler::Markdown - build multipart/alternative messages from Markdown alone

=head1 VERSION

version 0.100002


In your mkit's (JSON, here) manifest:

    "renderer" : "TT",
    "assembler": [
      { "html_wrapper": "wrapper.html" }
    "path"  : "body.mkdn",
    "header": [
      { "Subject": "DynaWoop is now hiring!" },
      { "From"   : "[% from_addr  %]" }
      { "To"     : "[% %]" }

This kit will build a multipart/alternative message with a plaintext part
(containing the rendered contents of F<body.mkdn> ) and an HTML part
(containing F<body.mkdn> rendered into HTML using Markdown).

At present, attachments are not supported.  Actually, quite a few things found
in the standard assembler are not yet supported.  The standard assembler
desperately needs to be refactored to make its features easier to incorporate
into other assemblers.

The C<html_wrapper> parameter for the Markdown assembler is the path to a kit
entry.  If given, that kit entry will be used for the HTML part, and the
Markdown-produced HTML will be injected into it, replacing a comment containing
the C<marker> given in the Markdown assembler's configuration.  The default
marker is C<CONTENT>, so the F<wrapper.html> used above might read as follows:

  <h1>DynaWoop Dynamic Woopages</h1>
  <!-- CONTENT -->
  <p>Click to unsubscribe: <a href="[% unsub_url %]">here</a></p>

The C<text_wrapper> setting works exactly the same way, down to looking for an
HTML-like comment containing the marker.  It wraps the Markdown content after
it has been rendered by the kit's Renderer, if any.

If given (and true), the C<munge_signature> option will perform some basic
munging of a sigdash-prefixed signature in the source text, hardening line
breaks.  The specific munging performed is not guaranteed to remain exactly

=for Pod::Coverage assemble BUILD

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
