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use strict;

package Email::Simple::FromHandle;
use base qw(Email::Simple);
## no critic RequireUseWarnings

=head1 NAME

Email::Simple::FromHandle - an Email::Simple but from a handle

=head1 VERSION

version 0.052


use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.052';


  use Email::Simple::FileHandle;

  open my $fh, "<", "email.msg";

  my $email = Email::Simple::FromHandle->new($fh);

  print $email->as_string;
  # or


This is a subclass of Email::Simple which can accept filehandles as the source
of an email.  It will keep a reference to the filehandle and read from it when
it needs to access the body.  It does not load the entire body into memory and
keep it there.


use Carp ();
use IO::String;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);

my $crlf = qr/\x0a\x0d|\x0d\x0a|\x0a|\x0d/; # We are liberal in what we accept.

=head1 METHODS

In addition to the standard L<Email::Simple> interface, the following methods
are provided:

=head2 handle

This returns the handle given to construct the message.  If the message was
constructed with a string instead, it returns an IO::String object.


sub handle { $_[0]->{handle} }

=head2 body_pos

This method returns the position in the handle at which the body begins.  This
is used for seeking when re-reading the body.


sub body_pos { $_[0]->{body_pos} }

=head2 reset_handle

This method seeks the handle to the body position and resets the header-line

For unseekable handles (pipes, sockets), this will die.


sub _is_seekable {
  my ($self) = @_;
  # on solaris, tell($pipe) == -1, and seeking on a pipe appears to discard the
  # data waiting
  return unless $self->body_pos >= 0;
  # on linux, seeking on a pipe is safe and returns ''
  return unless seek($self->handle, 0, 1);
  # fall through: it must be seekable
  return 1;

sub reset_handle {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Don't die the first time we try to read from a pipe/socket/etc.
  # TODO: When reading from something non-seekable, should we
  # give the option to store data into a temp file, or something similar?
  return unless $self->_is_seekable || $self->{_seek}++;

  delete $self->{_get_head_lines};

  seek $self->handle, $self->body_pos, SEEK_SET
    or Carp::croak "can't seek: $!";

=head2 getline

  $str = $email->getline;

This method returns either the next line from the headers or the next line from
the underlying filehandle.  It only returns a single line, regardless of
context.  Returns C<undef> on EOF.


sub getline {
  my ($self) = @_;
  unless ($self->{_get_head_lines}) {
    $self->{_get_head_lines} = [
      split(/(?<=\n)/, $self->header_obj->as_string),
  my $handle = $self->handle;
  return shift @{$self->{_get_head_lines}} || <$handle>;

=head2 stream_to

  $email->stream_to($fh, [ \%arg ]);

This method efficiently writes the message to the passed-in filehandle.  

The second argument may be a hashref of options:

=over 4

=item B<reset_handle:>

Whether or not to call C<< $self->reset_handle >> before reading the message
(default true). 

=item B<chunk_size:>

Number of bytes to read from C<< $self->handle >> at once (default 65536).

=item B<write:>

Coderef to use to print instead of C<print $fh $chunk>.  This coderef will
receive two arguments, the 'filehandle' (which need not be a real filehandle at
all) and the current chunk of data.



sub _stream_to_print {
  my $fh = shift;
  print {$fh} @_ or Carp::croak "can't print buffer: $!";

sub stream_to {
  my ($self, $fh, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};
  $arg->{reset_handle} = 1 unless exists $arg->{reset_handle};
  # 65536 is a randomly-chosen magical number that's large enough to be a win
  # over line-by-line reading but small enough not to impinge very much upon
  # ram usage -- hdp, 2006-11-27
  $arg->{chunk_size} ||= 65536;
  $arg->{write}      ||= \&_stream_to_print;
  $arg->{write}->($fh, $self->header_obj->as_string . $self->crlf);
  $self->reset_handle if $arg->{reset_handle};
  my $buf;
  while (read($self->handle, $buf, $arg->{chunk_size}) > 0) {
    $arg->{write}->($fh, $buf);

#### Methods that override Email::Simple below

sub new {
    my ($class, $handle, $arg) = @_;

    $arg ||= {};
    $arg->{header_class} ||= $class->default_header_class;

    return Email::Simple->new($handle, $arg) unless ref $handle;

    my ($head, $mycrlf) = $class->_split_head_from_body($handle);

    my $self = bless {
        handle   => $handle,
        body_pos => tell($handle),
        mycrlf   => $mycrlf,
    }, $class;

        $arg->{header_class}->new($head, { crlf => $self->crlf })

    return $self;

sub _split_head_from_body {
    my ($class, $handle) = @_;

    my $text = q{};

    # XXX it is stupid to use <> if we're really going to have multiple forms
    # of crlf, but it is expedient to keep doing so for now. -- hdp, 2006-11-28
    # theoretically, this should be ok, because it will only fail if lines are
    # terminated with \x0d, which wouldn't be ok for network transport anyway.
    my $mycrlf;
    while (<$handle>) {
        last if $mycrlf and /\A$mycrlf\z/;
        $text .= $_;
        ($mycrlf) = /($crlf)\z/;

    return ($text, $mycrlf || "\n");

sub body_set {
  my $self = shift;
  my $body = shift;

  my $handle = IO::String->new(\$body);
  $self->{handle} = $handle;
  $self->{body_pos} = 0;

sub body {
  my $self = shift;
  scalar do {
    local $/; ## no critic Local, Punctuation
    my $handle = $self->handle;


This module is maintained by the Perl Email Project.


=head1 AUTHORS

Ricardo SIGNES wrote Email::Simple.

Numerous improvement, especially streamability the handling of pipes, were made
by Hans Dieter Pearcey.


This code is copyright Ricardo SIGNES, 2006.  It is free software, released
with the same licenses as Perl itself.

