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use strict;
use warnings;
package File::LinkTree::Builder;

use Carp ();
use Cwd ();
use File::Basename ();
use File::Next;
use File::Path ();
use File::Spec;

=head1 NAME

File::LinkTree::Builder - builds a tree of symlinks based on file metadata

=head1 VERSION

version 0.004

B<ACHTUNG!>: This module is young.  The interface may yet change a little,
probably mostly around the iterator.  Rely on it at your own risk.


our $VERSION = '0.004';


This module provides a way to build symlink trees.  Given a path to a set of
files, a way to find file metadata, and a list of symlink paths to produce,
this module will build the symlink trees.

    storage_root    => 'trove/files',
    link_root       => 'trove/links',
    metadata_getter => \&coderef,
    link_paths      => [
      [ qw(author subject) ],
      [ qw(subject author) ],


=head1 METHODS

=head2 build_tree


This method builds a tree of symlinks based on the metadata on the files in the
storage root.  It is exactly equivalent to:


Valid arguments are:

  storage_root    - this is a path in which to start looking for files
                    can be an arrayref; can also be given as storage_roots
  file_filter     - this filters out unwanted files; see File::Next
  metadata_getter - this is a coderef that gets metadata; see below!
  link_root       - this is a path in which the link trees will be built
  link_paths      - this is an arrayref of metadatum names to use; see below!
  hardlink        - if true, the link tree is hard, not symbolic, links
  on_existing     - if 'skip' do not write links that already exist
                    if 'die', go ahead and try, thus dying; default: 'die'


sub build_tree {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;

=head2 new

This method returns a new link tree builder, which exists primarily to have is
C<L</run>> method called.  It accepts exactly the same arguments as
C<L</build_tree>>, above.


sub new {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;
  $arg ||= {};

  my $on_existing = $arg->{on_existing} || 'die';
  die "invalid 'on_existing' argument"
    unless $on_existing eq 'die' or $on_existing eq 'skip';
  die "only give storage_root or storage_roots, not both"
    if $arg->{storage_root} and $arg->{storage_roots};

  $arg->{storage_root} = $arg->{storage_roots} if $arg->{storage_roots};

  my @storage_roots = ref $arg->{storage_root}
                    ? @{$arg->{storage_root}}
                    : $arg->{storage_root};

  my $iterator = File::Next::files(
      file_filter => $arg->{file_filter},

  Carp::croak "no file storage_root" unless $iterator;

  my $self = bless {
    iterator     => $iterator,
    link_paths   => $arg->{link_paths},
    storage_root => \@storage_roots,
    link_root    => $arg->{link_root} || '.',
    hardlink     => ! ! $arg->{hardlink},
    on_existing  => $on_existing,
  } => $class;

  # It's set this way so that in a subclass that has one fixed method to get
  # metadata, it can croak! -- rjbs, 2007-06-12
    if exists $arg->{metadata_getter};

  return $self;

=head2 metadata_for_file

  my $hashref = $builder->metadata_for_file($filename);

Given a filename, this method returns the metadata for a file.  The default
implementation is to call the coderef given to the object constructor.


sub metadata_for_file {
  my ($self, $filename) = @_;

  return $self->{metadata_getter}->($filename) if $self->{metadata_getter};
  Carp::croak "no metadata getter supplied";

=head2 storage_roots

This method returns the path in which to start looking for files that the link
tree will point to.  This can also be called as C<storage_root> for historical


sub storage_root  { @{ $_[0]->{storage_roots} } };
sub storage_roots { @{ $_[0]->{storage_roots} } };

=head2 link_root

This method returns the path in which the link tree is to be built.


sub link_root { $_[0]->{link_root} }

=head2 iterator

This method returns an iterator which, when called as a coderef, returns the
next file to process.


sub iterator { $_[0]->{iterator} };

=head2 link_paths

  my @paths = $link_paths;

This method returns a list of arrayrefs, each of which contains metadata names.
These names are used to construct paths under which symlinks will be created to
the files found in the storage root.


sub link_paths {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return @{ $self->{link_paths} };

=head2 hardlink

This method returns true if we've been asked to produce hardlinks.


sub hardlink { $_[0]->{hardlink} }

=head2 run

This method works through the iterator, building the needed symlinks for each


# XXX: Refactor me plzkthx! -- rjbs, 2007-06-13
sub run {
  my ($self) = @_;

  FILE: while (my $filename = $self->iterator->()) {
    my $abs_file = File::Spec->rel2abs($filename, Cwd::getcwd);
    my $meta     = $self->metadata_for_file($abs_file);
    my $basename = File::Basename::basename($filename);

    for my $datapath ($self->link_paths) {
      my @path = map {
        defined $meta->{$_} and length $meta->{$_} ? $meta->{$_} : '-'
      } @$datapath;

      for my $path (@path) {
        $path =~ s{/}{-}g;
        $path =~ s{^\.}{_};

      my $path = File::Spec->catfile($self->link_root, @path);

      my $link = File::Spec->catfile($path, $basename);

      next FILE if -e $link and $self->_skip_existing_links;

      if ($self->hardlink) {
        link $abs_file => $link
          or die "couldn't create link <$link> to <$abs_file>: $!";
      } else {
        symlink $abs_file => $link
          or die "couldn't create link <$link> to <$abs_file>: $!";

sub _skip_existing_links {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return 1 if $self->{on_existing} eq 'skip';

=head2 set_metadata_getter

This method is called during initialization to set the object's metadata
getting routine.  It's provided as a method so that subclasses with fixed
metadata-getting routines can croak if one is provided.


sub set_metadata_getter {
  my ($self, $coderef) = @_;
  $self->{metadata_getter} = $coderef;

=head1 TODO

This module needs a bunch of refactoring and probably some better thinking-out
in general.

Specifically, I'd like to make it easier to have relative symlinks.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be
notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2007 Ricardo SIGNES.  This program is free software;  you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

