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# A Perl package for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data.   #
# Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 Stefano Bettelli           #
# See the COPYING and LICENSE files for license terms.    #

# This file contains only the package man-page in perldoc #
# format. In order to visualise it, it is sufficient to   #
# type "perldoc <name_of_this_file>".                     #

=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Image::MetaData::JPEG - Perl extension for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data.


    use Image::MetaData::JPEG;

    # Create a new JPEG file structure object
    my $image = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('somepicture.jpg');
    die 'Error: ' . Image::MetaData::JPEG::Error() unless $image;

    # Get a list of references to comment segments
    my @segments = $image->get_segments('COM', 'INDEXES');

    # Get the JPEG picture dimensions
    my ($dim_x, $dim_y) = $image->get_dimensions();

    # Show all JPEG segments and their content
    print $image->get_description();

    # Retrieve a specific value from Exif meta-data
    my $image_data = $image->get_Exif_data('IMAGE_DATA', 'TEXTUAL');
    print $image_data->{DateTimeOriginal}->[0], "\n";

    # Modify the DateTime tag for the main image
    $image->set_Exif_data({'DateTime' => '1994:07:23 12:14:51'},
                           'IMAGE_DATA', 'ADD');

    # Delete all meta-data segments (please, don't)

    # Rewrite file to disk after your modifications

    # ... and a lot more methods for viewing/modifying meta-data, which
    # are accessed through the $file or $segments[$index] references.


The purpose of this module is to read/modify/rewrite meta-data segments in
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group format) files, which can contain
comments, thumbnails, Exif information (photographic parameters), IPTC
information (editorial parameters) and similar data.

Each JPEG file is made of consecutive I<segments> (tagged data blocks), and
the actual row picture data. Most of these segments specify parameters for
decoding the picture data into a bitmap; some of them, namely the
I<COM>ment and I<APP>lication segments, contain instead meta-data, i.e.,
information about how the photo was shot (usually added by a digital
camera) and additional notes from the photograph. These additional pieces
of information are especially valuable for picture databases, since the
meta-data can be saved together with the picture without resorting to
additional database structures. See the appendix about the L<structure of
JPEG files|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/THE STRUCTURE OF JPEG
PICTURES> for technical details.

This module works by breaking a JPEG file into individual segments. Each
file is associated to an I<Image::MetaData::JPEG> structure object, which
contains one I<Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment> object for each segment.
Segments with a known format are then parsed, and their content can be
accessed in a structured way for display. Some of them can even be modified
and then rewritten to disk.


=item $JPEG::show_warnings

This package variable must be used to inhibit the printing of warnings: if
it is false, warnings are silently ignored. Otherwise, warning messages
come with a detailed back-trace and description of the warning location.

    $Image::MetaData::JPEG::show_warnings = undef;


=head2 Managing a JPEG structure object


=item JPEG::new

[arguments: C<($input, $regex, $options)>]
The first thing you need in order to interact with a JPEG picture is to
create an I<Image::MetaData::JPEG> structure object. This is done with a
call to the I<new> method, whose first argument is an I<input source>,
either a I<scalar>, interpreted as a file name to be opened and read, or a
I<scalar reference>, interpreted as a pointer to an in-memory buffer
containing a JPEG stream. This interface is similar to that of
L<Image::Info>, but no open file handle is (currently) accepted. The
constructor then parses the picture content and stores its segments
internally. The memory footprint is close to the size of the disk file plus
a few tens of kilobytes.

    my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('a_file_name.jpg');
    my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG(\ $a_JPEG_stream);

The constructor method accepts two optional arguments, a I<regular
expression> and an I<option string>. If the regular expression is present,
it is matched against segment names, and only those segments with a
positive match are parsed (they are nonetheless stored); this allows for
some speed-up if you just need partial information, but be sure not to miss
something necessary; e.g., SOF segments are needed for reading the picture
dimensions. For instance, if you just want to manipulate the comments, you
could set the string to 'COM'.

    my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('a_file_name.jpg', 'COM');

The third optional argument is an option string. If it matches the string
'FASTREADONLY', only the segments matching the regular expression are
actually stored; also, everything which is found after a Start Of Scan is
completely neglected. This allows for very large speed-ups, but, obviously,
you cannot rebuild the file afterwards, so this is only for getting
information fast, e.g., when doing a directory scan.

    my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('a_file.jpg', 'COM', 'FASTREADONLY');

Nota bene: an old version of "Arles Image Web Page Creator" had a bug which
caused the application to generate JPEG's with illegal comment segments,
reportedly due to a bug in the Intel JPEG library the developers used at
that time (these segments had to 0x00 bytes appended). It is true that a
JPEG file with garbage between segments is to be considered invalid, but
some libraries like IJG's try to forgive, so this module tries to forgive
too, if the amount of garbage isn't too large (only a warning is printed).

=item JPEG::Error

[arguments: none]
If the file reference remains undefined after a call to L<new|/JPEG::new>,
the file is to be considered not parseable by this module, and one should
issue some error message and go to another file. An error message
explaining the reason of the failure can be retrieved with the I<Error>

    die 'Error: ' . Image::MetaData::JPEG::Error() unless $file;

=item JPEG::get_segments

[arguments: C<($regex, $do_indexes)>]
If the I<new> call is successful, the returned reference points to an
I<Image::MetaData::JPEG> structure object containing a list of references
to L<Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment|/Managing a JPEG Segment object>
objects, which can be retrieved with the I<get_segments> method. This
method returns a list containing the references (or their indexes in the
Segment references' list, if the second argument is the string I<INDEXES>)
to those Segments whose name matches the I<$regex regular expression>. For
instance, if $regex is 'APP', all application Segments will be returned. If
you want only APP1 Segments you need to specify '^APP1$'. The output can
become invalid after adding/removing any Segment. If $regex is undefined,
all references are returned.

    my @segments = $file->get_segments($regex, $do_indexes);

=item JPEG::drop_segments

[arguments: C<($regex)>]
Similarly, if you are only interested in eliminating some segments, you can
use the I<drop_segments> method, which erases from the internal segment
list all segments matching a given regular expression. If the regular
expression is undefined or evaluates to the empty string, this method
throws an exception, because I don't want the user to erase the whole file
just because he/she did not understand what he was doing. One should also
remember that it is not wise to drop non-meta-data segments, because this
in general invalidates the file. As a special case, if $regex ==
'METADATA', all APP* and COM segments are erased.


=item JPEG::insert_segments

[arguments: C<($segref, $pos, $overwrite)>]
Inserting a Segment into the picture's segment list is done with the
I<insert_segments> method. This method inserts the segments referenced by
$segref into the current list of segments at position $pos. If $segref is
undefined, the method fails silently. If $pos is undefined, the position is
chosen automatically (using L<find_new_app_segment_position
|/JPEG::find_new_app_segment_position>); if $pos is out of bound, an
exception is thrown; this happens also if $pos points to the first segment,
and it is an SOI. $segref may be a reference to a single segment or a
reference to a list of segment references; everything else throws an
exception. If $overwrite is defined, it must be the number of segments to
overwrite during the splice.

    $file->insert_segments([$my_comment_1, $my_comment_2], 3, 1);

=item JPEG::get_description

=item JPEG::get_dimensions

[arguments: none]
Getting a string describing the findings of the parsing stage is as easy as
calling the I<get_description> method. Those Segments whose parsing failed
have the first line of their description stating the stopping error
condition. Non-printable characters are replaced, in the string returned by
get_description, by a slash followed by the two digit hexadecimal code of
the character. The (x,y) dimensions of the JPEG picture are returned by
I<get_dimensions> from the I<Start of Frame> (SOF*) Segment:

    print $file->get_description();
    my ($dim_x, $dim_y) = $file->get_dimensions();

=item JPEG::find_new_app_segment_position

[arguments: C<($name)>]
If a new comment or application Segment is to be added to the file, the
module provides a standard algorithm for deciding the location of the new
Segment, in the I<find_new_app_segment_position> method. The argument is
the name of the Segment to be inserted (it defaults to 'COM', producing a
warning). The position is chosen immediately before the first (or after the
last) element of some list, provided that the list is not empty, otherwise
the next list is taken into account: 1) [for COM segments only] after 'COM'
segments; otherwise after APP segments; 2) [for APPx segments only] after
APPy's (trying y = x..0, in sequence); otherwise before APPy's (trying y =
x+1..15, in sequence); 3) before DHP segments; 4) before SOF segments. If
all these tentatives fail, the position immediately after the SOI segment
is returned (i.e., 1).

    my $new_position = $file->find_new_app_segment_position('APP2');

=item JPEG::save

[arguments: C<($filename)>]
The data areas of each Segment in the in-memory JPEG structure object can
be rewritten to a disk file or to an in-memory scalar, thus recreating the
(possibly modified) JPEG picture. This is accomplished by the I<save>
method, accepting a I<filename> or a I<scalar reference> as argument; if
the file name is undefined, it defaults to the file originally used to
create the JPEG structure object. This method returns "true" (1) if it
works, "false" (undefined) otherwise. Remember that if the file had
initially been opened with the 'FASTREADONLY' option, it is not possible to
save it, and this call fails immediately.

    print "Creation of $newJPEG failed!" unless $file->save($newJPEG);

An example of how to proficiently use the in-memory feature to read the
content of a JPEG thumbnail is the following (see later for get_Exif_data,
and also do some error checking!):

    my $thumbnail = $file->get_Exif_data('THUMBNAIL');
    print Image::MetaData::JPEG->new($thumbnail)->get_description();


=head2 Managing a JPEG Segment object


=item JPEG::Segment::name

=item JPEG::Segment::error

An I<Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment> object is created for each Segment
found in the JPEG image during the creation of a JPEG object (see
L<JPEG::new|/JPEG::new>), and a parser routine is executed at the same
time. The I<name> member of a Segment object identifies the "nature" of the
Segment (e.g. 'APP0', ..., 'APP15' or 'COM'). If any error occurs (in the
Segment or in an underlying class), the parsing of that Segment is
interrupted at some point and remains therefore incomplete: the I<error>
member of the relevant Segment object is then set to a meaningful error
message. If no error occurs, the same variable is left undefined.

    printf 'Invalid %s!\n', $segment->{name} if $segment->{error};

=item JPEG::Segment::records

The reference to the Segment object is returned in any case. In this way, a
I<faulty Segment> cannot inhibit the creation of a JPEG structure object;
faulty segments cannot be edited or modified, basically because their
structure could not be fully understood. They are always rewritten to disk
unmodified, so that a file with corrupted or non-standard Segments can be
partially edited without fearing of damaging it. Once a Segment has
successfully been built, its parsed information can be accessed directly
through the I<records> member: this is a reference to an array of
L<JPEG::Record|/Managing a JPEG Record object> objects, an internal class
modelled on Exif records (see the subsection about L<record
management|/Managing a JPEG Record object> for further details).

    my $records = $segment->{records};
    printf '%s has %d records\n', $segment->{name}, scalar @$records;

=item JPEG::Segment::search_record

=item JPEG::Segment::search_record_value

[arguments: C<([$dirref], $keys ...)>]
If a specific record is needed, it can be selected with the help of the
I<search_record> method, which searches for a record with a given key (see
L</JPEG::Record::key>) in a given record directory, returning a reference
to the record if the search was fruitful, the undefined value otherwise.
The algorithm for the search is as follows: 1) a start directory is chosen
by looking at the last argument: if it is an ARRAY ref it is popped out and
used, otherwise the top-level directory is selected; 2) a string is created
by joining all remaining arguments on '@', then it is exploded into a list
of keys on the same character (all undefined or "false" arguments are
simply discarded); 3) these keys are used for an iterative search starting
from the initially chosen directory: all but the last key must correspond
to $REFERENCE records. If $key is exactly "FIRST_RECORD" / "LAST_RECORD",
the first/last record in the current dir is used.

    my $segments = $file->get_segments('APP0');
    my $segment = $$segments[0];
    print "I found it!\n" if $segment->search_record('Identifier');

If you are interested only in the Record's value, you can use the
I<search_record_value> method, a simple wrapper around search_record(): it
returns the record value (with L</JPEG::Record::get_value>) if the search
is successful, undef otherwise.

    print "Its value is: ", $segment->search_record_value('Identifier');

Nota bene: the returned record is initialised with a "fake" $REFERENCE
record pointing to the I<records> member of the current segment; this
record is therefore returned if I<search_record> is invoked without
arguments. For the same reason, search_record_value invoked without
arguments returns the I<records> member:

    $segment->search_record_value() eq $this->{records} || print "error!";

=item JPEG::Segment::update

[arguments: none]
If a Segment's content (i.e. its Records' values) is modified, it is
necessary to dump it into the private binary data area of the Segment in
order to have the modification written to disk at L</JPEG::save> time. This
is accomplished by invoking the I<update> method (necessary only if you
changed record values "by hand"; all "high-level" methods for changing a
Segment's content in fact call "update" on their own). However, only
Segments without errors can be updated (don't try to undef the Segment's
L<error|/JPEG::Segment::error> flag, unless you know what you are doing!);
trying to update a segment with errors throws an exception. The same
happens when trying to update a segment without update support or without
records (this catches segments created with the 'NOPARSE' flag). In
practise, never use this method unless you are writing an extension for
this module.

Note that this method preliminarly saves a reference to the old segment
data area and restores it if the update process fails (if this happens, a
warning is generated). One wonders wheather there are there cleverer ways
to handle this case (any suggestion is welcome). It is however better to
have a corrupt object in memory, than a corrupt object written over the
original. Currently, this is restricted to the possibility that an updated
segment becomes too large.


=item JPEG::Segment::reparse_as

[arguments: C<($new_name)>]
The I<reparse_as> method re-executes the parsing of a Segment after
changing the Segment L<name|/JPEG::Segment::name>. This is very handy if
you have a JPEG file with a "correct" application Segment exception made
for its name. I used it the first time for a file having an ICC_profile
Segment (normally in APP2) stored as APP13. Note that the name of the
Segment is permanently changed, so, if the Segment is updated and the file
is rewritten to disk, it will be "correct".

    for my $segment ($file->get_segments('APP13')) {
	$segment->reparse_as('APP2') if $segment->{error} &&
	     $segment->search_record('Identifier') =~ 'ICC_PROFILE';
	$segment->update(); }

=item JPEG::Segment::output_segment_data

[arguments: none]
The current in-memory data area of a Segment can be output to a file
through the I<output_segment_data> method (exception made for entropy coded
Segments, this includes the initial two bytes with the Segment identifier
and the two bytes with the length if present); the argument is a file
handle (this is likely to become more general in the future). If there are
problems at output time (e.g., the segment content is too large), an
exception is thrown

    eval { $segment->output_segment_data($output_handle) } ||
	print "A terrible output error occurred! Help me.\n";

=item JPEG::Segment::get_description

=item JPEG::Segment::size

[arguments: none]
A string describing the parsed content of the Segment is obtained through
the I<get_description> method (this is the same string used by the
L<get_description|/JPEG::get_description> method of a JPEG structure
object). If the Segment parsing stage was interrupted, this string includes
the relevant error. The I<size> method returns the size of the internal
data area of a Segment object. This can be different from the length of the
scalar returned by get_segment_data, because the identifier and the length
is not included.

    print $segment->get_description();
    print 'Size is 4 + ' . $segment->size();


=head2 Managing a JPEG Record object


=item JPEG::Record::key

=item JPEG::Record::type

=item JPEG::Record::values

=item JPEG::Record::extra

The I<JPEG::Record> class is an internal class for storing parsed
information about a L<JPEG Segment|/Managing a JPEG Segment object>,
inspired by Exif records. A Record is made up by four fields: I<key>,
I<type>, I<values> and I<extra>. The I<key> is the record's identifier; it
is either numeric or textual (numeric keys can be translated with the help
of the I<%JPEG_lookup> function in I<>, included in this
package). The I<type> is obviously the type of stored info (like unsigned
integers, ASCII strings and so on ...). I<extra> is a helper field for
storing additional information. Last, I<values> is an array reference to
the record content (almost always there is just one value). For instance,
for a L<non-IPTC Photoshop|/How to inspect and modify your Photoshop data>
record in APP13:

    printf 'The numeric key 0x%04x means %s',
      $record->{key}, JPEG_lookup('APP13@Photoshop_RECORDS', $record->{key});
    printf 'This record contains %d values\n', scalar @{$record->{values}};

A Record's I<type> can be one among the following predefined constants:

	 0  $NIBBLES    two 4-bit unsigned integers (private)
	 1  $BYTE       An 8-bit unsigned integer
	 2  $ASCII      A variable length ASCII string
	 3  $SHORT      A 16-bit unsigned integer
	 4  $LONG       A 32-bit unsigned integer
	 5  $RATIONAL   Two LONGs (numerator and denominator)
	 6  $SBYTE      An 8-bit signed integer
	 7  $UNDEF      A generic variable length string
	 8  $SSHORT     A 16-bit signed integer
	 9  $SLONG      A 32-bit signed integer (2's complement)
	10  $SRATIONAL  Two SLONGs (numerator and denominator)
	11  $FLOAT      A 32-bit float (a single float)
	12  $DOUBLE     A 64-bit float (a double float)
	13  $REFERENCE  A Perl list reference (internal)

$UNDEF is used for not-better-specified binary data. A record of a numeric
type can have multiple elements in its I<@{values}> list ($NIBBLES implies
an even number); an $UNDEF or $ASCII type record instead has only one
element, but its length can vary. Last, a $REFERENCE record holds a single
Perl reference to another record list: this allows for the construction of
a sort of directory tree in a Segment.

=item JPEG::Record::get_category

[arguments: none]
The category of a record can be obtained with the I<get_category> method,
which returns 'p' for Perl references, 'I' for integer types, 'S' for
$ASCII and $UNDEF, 'R' for rational types and 'F' for floating point types.

    for my $record (@{$segment->{records}}) {
	print "Subdir found\n" if $record->get_category() eq 'p'; }

=item JPEG::Record::get_description

[arguments: C<($names)>]
A human-readable description of a Record's content is the output of the
I<get_description> method. Its argument is a reference to an array of
names, which are to be used as successive keys in a general hash keeping
translations of numeric tags. No argument is needed if the key is already
non-numeric (see the example of L<get_value|/JPEG::Record::get_value> for
more details). In the output of I<get_description> unreasonably long
strings are trimmed and non-printing characters are replaced with their
hexadecimal representation. Strings are then enclosed between delimiters,
and null-terminated $ASCII strings have their last character chopped off
(but a dot is added after the closing delimiter). $ASCII strings use a " as
delimiter, while $UNDEF strings use '.

    print $record->get_description($names);

=item JPEG::Record::get_value

[arguments: C<($index)>]
In absence of "high-level" routines for collecting information, a Record's
content can be read directly, either by accessing the I<values> member or
by calling the I<get_value> method: it returns the $index-th value in the
value list; if the index is undefined (not supplied), the sum/concatenation
of all values is returned. The index is checked for out-of-bound
errors. The following code, an abridged version of
L<get_description|/JPEG::Record::get_description>, shows how to
proficiently use these methods and members.

    sub show_directory {
      my ($segment, $records, $names) = @_;
      my @subdirs = ();
      for my $record (@$records) {
	print $record->get_description($names);
	push @subdirs, $record if $record->get_category() eq 'p'; }
      foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
	my $directory = $subdir->get_value();
	push @$names, $subdir->{key};
	printf 'Subdir %s (%d records)', $names, scalar @$directory;
	show_directory($segment, $directory, $names);
	pop @$names; } }
    show_directory($segment, $segment->{records}, [ $segment->{name} ]);

=item JPEG::Record::get

[arguments: C<($endianness)>]
If the Record structure is needed in detail, one can resort to the I<get>
method; in list context this method returns (L<key|/JPEG::Record::key>,
L<type|/JPEG::Record::type>, count, dataref).  The data reference points to
a packed scalar, ready to be written to disk. In scalar context, it returns
the dereferenced dataref. This is tricky (but handy for other routines).
The argument specifies an endianness (this defaults to big endian).

    my ($key, $type, $count, $dataref) = $record->get();


=head2 Comments ("COM" segments)


=item JPEG::get_number_of_comments

=item JPEG::get_comments

[arguments: none]
Each "I<COM>" Segment in a JPEG file contains a user comment, whose content
is free format. There is however a limitation, because a JPEG Segment
cannot be longer than 64KB; this limits the length of a comment to
I<$max_length> = (2^16 - 3) bytes. The number of comment Segments in a file
is returned by I<get_number_of_comments>, while I<get_comments> returns a
list of strings (each string is the content of a COM Segment); if no
comments are present, they return zero and the empty list respectively.

    my $number = $file->get_number_of_comments();
    my @comments = $file->get_comments();

=item JPEG::add_comment

[arguments: C<($string)>]
A comment can be added with the I<add_comment> method, whose only argument
is a string. Indeed, if the string is too long, it is broken into multiple
strings with length smaller or equal to $max_length, and multiple comment
Segments are added to the file. If there is already at least one comment
Segment, the new Segments are created right after the last one. Otherwise,
the standard position search of L<find_new_app_segment_position
|/JPEG::find_new_app_segment_position> is applied.

    $file->add_comment('a' x 100000);

=item JPEG::set_comment

[arguments: C<($index, $string)>]
An already existing comment can be replaced with the I<set_comment> method.
Its two arguments are an I<$index> and a I<$string>: the $index-th comment
Segment is replaced with one or more new Segments based on $string (the
index of the first comment Segment is 0). If $string is too big, it is
broken down as in L<add_comment|/JPEG::add_comment>. If $string is
undefined, the selected comment Segment is erased. If $index is
out-of-bound a warning is printed out.

    $file->set_comment(0, 'This is the new comment');

=item JPEG::remove_comment

=item JPEG::remove_all_comments

[arguments: C<($index)> for I<remove_comment>]
However, if you only need to erase the comment, you can just call
I<remove_comment> with just the Segment $index. If you want to remove all
comments, just call I<remove_all_comments>.


=item JPEG::join_comments

[arguments: C<($separation, @selection)>]
It is known that some JPEG comment readers out there do not read past the
first comment. So, the I<join_comments> method, whose goal is obvious, can
be useful. This method creates a string from joining all comments selected
by the I<@selection> index list (the I<$separation> scalar is a string
inserted at each junction point), and overwrites the first selected comment
while deleting the others. A exception is thrown for each illegal comment
index. L<Similar considerations|/JPEG::add_comment> as before on the string
length apply. If no separation string is provided, it defaults to \n. If no
index is provided in @selection, it is assumed that the method must join
all the comments into the first one, and delete the others.

    $file->join_comments('---', 2, 5, 8);


=head2 JFIF data ("APP0" segments)

I<APP0> Segments are written by older cameras adopting the I<JFIF> (JPEG
File Interchange Format), or one of its extensions, for storing images.
JFIF files use the APP0 application Segment for inserting configuration
data and a JPEG or RGB packed I<thumbnail> image. The format is described
in the appendix about the L<APP0
structure|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of a JFIF APP0
segment>, including the names of all possible tags. It is of course
possible to access each APP0 Segment individually by means of the
L<get_segments|/JPEG::get_segments> and
L<search_record_value|/JPEG::Segment::search_record_value> methods. A
snippet of code for doing this is the following:

    for my $segment ($file->get_segments('APP0')) {
	my $iden = $segment->search_record_value('Identifier');
	my $xdim = $segment->search_record_value('Xthumbnail');
	my $ydim = $segment->search_record_value('Ythumbnail');
	printf 'Segment type: %s; dimensions: %dx%d\n',
		substr($iden, 0, -1), $xdim, $ydim;
	printf '%15s => %s\n', $_->{key}, $_->get_value()
		for $segment->{records}; }


=item JPEG::get_app0_data

[arguments: none]
However, if you want to avoid to deal directly with Segments, you can use
the I<get_app0_data> method, which returns a reference to a hash with a
plain translation of the content of the first interesting APP0 segment
(this is the first 'JFXX' APP0 segment, if present, the first 'JFIF' APP0
segment otherwise). Segments with errors are excluded. An empty hash means
that no valid APP0 segment is present.

    my $data = $file->get_app0_data();
    printf '%15s => %s\n', $_, (($_=~/..Thumbnail/)?'...':$$data{$_});


=head2 Exif data ("APP1" segments)

The DCT Exif (Exchangeable Image File format) standard provides
photographic meta-data in the APP1 section. Various tag-values pairs are
stored in groups called IFDs (Image File Directories), where each group
refers to a different kind of information; one can find data about how the
photo was shot, GPS data, thumbnail data and so on ... (see the appendix
about the L<APP1 segment
structure|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of an Exif APP1
segment> for more details). This module provides a number of methods for
managing Exif data without dealing with the details of the low level
representation. Note that, given the complicated structure of an Exif APP1
segment (where extensive use of "pointers" is made), some digital cameras
and graphic programs decide to leave some unused space in the JPEG
file. The dump routines of this module, on the other hand, leave no unused
space, so just calling update() on an Exif APP1 segment even without
modifying its content can give you a smaller file (some tens of kilobytes
can be saved).


=item JPEG::retrieve_app1_Exif_segment

[arguments: C<($index)>]
In order to work on Exif data, an Exif APP1 Segment must be selected. The
I<retrieve_app1_Exif_Segment> method returns a reference to the
I<$index>-th such Segment (the first Segment if the index is undefined). If
no such Segment exists, the method returns the undefined reference. If
$index is (-1), the routine returns the number of available APP1 Exif
Segments (which is non negative).

    my $num = $file->retrieve_app1_Exif_segment(-1);
    my $ref = $file->retrieve_app1_Exif_segment($num - 1);

=item JPEG::provide_app1_Exif_segment

[arguments: none]
If you want to be sure to have an Exif APP1 Segment, use the
I<provide_app1_Exif_segment> method instead, which forces the Segment to be
present in the file, and returns its reference. The algorithm is the
following: 1) if at least one Segment with this properties is already
present, we are done; 2) if [1] fails, an APP1 segment is added and
initialised with a big-endian Exif structure (its position is chosen by
L<find_new_app_segment_position|/JPEG::find_new_app_segment_position>, as
usual). Note that there is no $index argument here.

    my $ref = $file->provide_app1_Exif_segment();

=item JPEG::remove_app1_Exif_info

[arguments: C<($index)>]
If you want to eliminate the $index-th Exif APP1 Segment from the JPEG file
segment list use the I<remove_app1_Exif_info> method. As usual, if $index
is (-1), all Exif APP1 Segments are affected at once; if $index is
undefined, it defaults to -1, so both (-1) and undef cause all Exif APP1
segments to be removed. Be aware that the file won't be a valid Exif file
after this.



=head3 How to inspect your Exif data


=item JPEG::Segment::get_Exif_data

=item JPEG::get_Exif_data

[arguments: C<($what, $type)>]
Once you have a Segment reference pointing to your favourite Exif Segment,
you may want to have a look at the records it contains, by using the
I<get_Exif_data> method: it accepts two arguments (I<$what> and I<$type>)
and returns the content of the APP1 segment packed in various forms. Error
conditions (invalid $what's and $type's) manifest themselves through an
undefined return value.

All Exif records are natively identified by numeric tags (keys), which can
be "translated" into a human-readable form by using the Exif standard docs;
only a few fields in the Exif APP1 preamble (they are not Exif records) are
always identified by this module by means of textual tags. The $type
argument selects the output format for the record keys (tags):

    * NUMERIC: record tags are native numeric keys
    * TEXTUAL: record tags are human-readable (default)

Of course, record values are never translated. If a numeric Exif tag is not
known, a custom textual key is created with "Unknown_tag_" followed by its
numerical value (this solves problems with non-standard tags). The subset
of Exif tags returned by this method is determined by the value of $what,
which can be one of:

    $what          returned info                         returned type
    ALL            (default) everything but THUMBNAIL    ref. to hash of hashes
    IMAGE_DATA     a merge of IFD0_DATA and SUBIFD_DATA  ref. to flat hash
    THUMB_DATA     this is an alias for IFD1_DATA        ref. to flat hash
    THUMBNAIL      the actual (un)compressed thumbnail   ref. to scalar
    ROOT_DATA      header records (TIFF and similar)     ref. to flat hash
    IFD0_DATA      primary image TIFF tags               ref. to flat hash
    SUBIFD_DATA    Exif private tags                     ref. to flat hash
    MAKERNOTE_DATA MakerNote tags (if struct. is known)  ref. to flat hash
    GPS_DATA       GPS data of the primary image         ref. to flat hash
    INTEROP_DATA   interoperability data                 ref. to flat hash
    IFD1_DATA      thumbnail-related TIFF tags           ref. to flat hash

Setting $what equal to 'ALL' returns a reference to a hash of hashes, whose
top-level hash contains the following keys: ROOT_DATA, IFD0_DATA,
corresponds to a second-level hash containing a copy of all Exif records
present in the IFD (sub)directory corresponding to the key (if this
directory is not present or contains no records, the second-level hash
exists and is empty). Note that the Exif record values' format is not
checked to be valid according to the Exif standard. This is, in some sense,
consistent with the fact that also "unknown" tags are included in the
output. This complicated structure is more easily explained by showing an
example (see also the section about L<valid Exif
tags|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for Exif APP1 data> for
details on possible records):

    my $hash_ref = $segment->get_Exif_data('ALL', 'TEXTUAL');

			 can give
    $hash_ref = {
           'ROOT_DATA' => 
                { 'Signature'               => [ 42             ],
                  'Endianness'              => [ 'MM'           ],
                  'Identifier'              => [ "Exif\000\000" ],
                  'ThumbnailData'           => [ ... image ...  ], },
           'IFD1_DATA' =>
                { 'ResolutionUnit'          => [ 2              ],
                  'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength' => [ 3922       ],
                  'JPEGInterchangeFormat'   => [ 2204           ],
                  'Orientation'             => [ 1              ],
                  'XResolution'             => [ 72, 1          ],
                  'Compression'             => [ 6              ],
                  'YResolution'             => [ 72, 1          ], },
           'SubIFD_DATA' =>
                { 'ApertureValue'           => [ 35, 10         ],
                  'PixelXDimension'         => [ 2160           ],
                    etc., etc. ....
                  'ExifVersion'             => [ '0210'         ], },
           'MAKERNOTE_DATA' => {},
           'IFD0_DATA' =>
                { 'Model' => [ "KODAK DX3900 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA\000" ],
                  'ResolutionUnit'          => [ 2              ],
                    etc., etc. ...
                  'YResolution'             => [ 230, 1         ], },
           'GPS_DATA' => {},
           'INTEROP_DATA' =>
                { 'InteroperabilityVersion' => [ '0100'         ],
                  'InteroperabilityIndex'   => [ "R98\000"      ], }, };

Setting $what equal to '*_DATA' returns a reference to a flat hash,
corresponding to one or more IFD (sub)dirs. For instance, 'IMAGE_DATA' is a
merge of 'IFD0_DATA' and 'SUBIFD_DATA': this interface is simpler for the
end-user, because there is only one dereference level; also, he/she does
not need to be aware of the partition of records related to the main image
into two IFDs. If the (sub)directory is not present or contains no records,
the returned hash exists and is empty. With reference to the previous

    my $hash_ref = $segment->get_Exif_data('IMAGE_DATA', 'TEXTUAL');

    $hash_ref = {
           'ResolutionUnit'              => [ 2      ],
           'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength' => [ 3922   ],
           'JPEGInterchangeFormat'       => [ 2204   ],
           'Orientation'                 => [ 1      ],
           'XResolution'                 => [ 72, 1  ],
           'Compression'                 => [ 6      ],
           'YResolution'                 => [ 72, 1  ],
           'ApertureValue'               => [ 35, 10 ],
           'PixelXDimension'             => [ 2160   ],
              etc., etc. ....
           'ExifVersion'                 => [ '0210' ], };

Last, setting $what to 'THUMBNAIL' returns a reference to a copy of the
actual Exif thumbnail image (this is not included in the set returned by
'THUMB_DATA'); if there is no thumbnail, a reference to the empty string is
returned (the undefined value cannot be used, because it is assumed that it
corresponds to an error condition here). Note that the pointed scalar may
be quite large (~ 10^1 KB). If the thumbnail is in JPEG format (this
corresponds to the 'Compression' property, in IFD1, set to 6), you can
create another JPEG picture object from it, like in the following example:

    my $data_ref = $segment->get_Exif_data('THUMBNAIL');
    my $thumb = new Image::MetaData::JPEG($data_ref);
    print $thumb->get_description();

If you are only interested in reading Exif data in a I<standard>
configuration, you can skip the segment-search calls and use directly
I<JPEG::get_Exif_data> (a method of the JPEG class, so you only need a JPEG
structure object). This is an interface to the method with the same name in
the Segment class, acting on the first Exif APP1 Segment (if no such
segment is present, the undefined value is returned) and passing the
arguments through. Note that most JPEG files with Exif data contain at most
one Exif APP1 segment, so you are not going to loose anything here. A
snippet of code for visualising Exif data looks like this:

    while (my ($d, $h) = each %{$image->get_Exif_data('ALL')}) {
      while (my ($t, $a) = each %$h) {
	printf '%-25s\t%-25s\t-> ', $d, $t;
	s/([\000-\037\177-\377])/sprintf '\\%02x',ord($1)/ge,
	$_ = (length $_ > 30) ? (substr($_,0,30) . ' ... ') : $_,
	printf '%-5s', $_ for @$a; print "\n"; } }


=head3 How to modify your Exif data


=item JPEG::Segment::set_Exif_data

=item JPEG::set_Exif_data

[arguments: C<($data, $what, $action)>]

Similarly to the L<getter|/JPEG::Segment::get_Exif_data> case, there is a
I<set_Exif_data> method callable from a picture object, which does nothing
more than looking for the first Exif APP1 segment (creating it, if there is
none) and invoke the method with the same name in the Segment class,
passing its arguments through. So, the remaining of this section will
concentrate on the Segment method. The problem of setting a new thumbnail
or erasing it is dealt with in the last paragraphs of this section. (The
APP1 Exif structure is quite complicated, and the number of different
possible cases when trying to modify it is very large; therefore, designing
a clean and intuitive interface for this task is not trivial. Fell free to
suggest improvements and cleaner interfaces).

Exif records are usually characterised by a numeric key (a I<tag>); this
was already discussed in the "getter" section. Since these keys, for valid
records, can be translated from numeric to textual form and back, the end
user has the freedom to use whichever form better fits his needs. The two
forms can even be mixed in the same "setter" call: the method will take
care to translate textual tags to numeric tags when possible, and reject
the others; then, it will proceed as if all tags were numeric from the very
beginning. Records with unknown textual or numeric tags are always rejected.

The arguments to I<set_Exif_data> are $data, $what and $action. The
I<$data> argument must be a hash reference to a flat hash, containing the
key - record values pairs supplied by the user. The "value" part of each
hash element can be an array reference (containing a list of values for the
record, remember that some records are multi-valued) or a single scalar
(this is internally converted to a reference to an array containing only
the supplied scalar). If a record value is supposed to be a null terminated
string, the user can supply a Perl scalar without the final null character
(it will be inserted automatically).

The I<$what> argument must be a scalar, and it selects the portion of the
Exif APP1 segment concerned by the I<set_Exif_data> call. So, obviously,
the end user can modify only one section at a time; this is a
simplification (for the developer of course) but also for the end user,
because trying to set all Exif-like values in one go would require an
offensively complicated data structure to specify the destination of each
record (note that some records in different sections can have the same
numerical tag, so a plain hash would not trivially work). Valid values for
$what are (MakerNote data are not currently modifiable):

    $what         modifies ...                          $data type
    IMAGE_DATA    as IFD0_DATA and SUBIFD_DATA          ref. to flat hash
    THUMB_DATA    this is an alias for IFD1_DATA        ref. to flat hash
    THUMBNAIL     the actual (un)compressed thumbnail   ref. to scalar/object
    ROOT_DATA     header records (endianness)           ref. to flat hash
    IFD0_DATA     primary image TIFF tags               ref. to flat hash
    SUBIFD_DATA   Exif private tags                     ref. to flat hash
    GPS_DATA      GPS data of the primary image         ref. to flat hash
    INTEROP_DATA  interoperability data in SubIFD       ref. to flat hash
    IFD1_DATA     thumbnail-related TIFF tags           ref. to flat hash

The I<$action> argument controls whether the setter adds ($action = 'ADD')
records to a given data directory or replaces ($action = 'REPLACE') them.
In the first case, each user-supplied record replaces the existing version
of that record if present, and simply inserts the record if it was not
already present; however, existing records with no counterpart in the user
supplied $data hash remain untouched. In the second case, the record
directory is cleared before inserting user data. Note that, since Exif and
Exif-like records are non-repeatable in nature, there is no need of an
'UPDATE' action, like for IPTC (see the L<IPTC section|/Photoshop and IPTC
data ("APP13" segments)>).

The I<set_Exif_data> routine first checks that the concerned segment is of
the appropriate type (Exif APP1), that $data is a hash reference (a scalar
reference for the thumbnail), and that $action and $what are valid. If
$action is undefined, it defaults to 'REPLACE'. Then, an appropriate
(sub)IFD is created, if absent, and all user-supplied records are checked
for consistency (have a look at the
L<appendixes|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for Exif APP1
data> for this). Last, records are set in increasing (numerical) tag order,
and mandatory data are added, if not present. The return value of the
setter routine is always a hash reference; in general it contains records
rejected by the specialised routines. If an error occurs in a very early
stage of the setter, this reference contains a single entry with
key='ERROR' and value set to some meaningful error message. So, returning a
reference to an empty hash means that everything was OK. An example,
concerning the much popular task of changing the DateTime record, follows:

    $dt = '1994:07:23 12:14:51';
    $hash = $image->set_Exif_data({'DateTime' => $dt}, 'IMAGE_DATA', 'ADD');
    print "DateTime record rejected\n" if %$hash;

Depending on $what, some of the following notes apply:



The only modifiable item is the 'Endianness' (and it can only be set to
big-endian, 'MM', or little-endian, 'II'); everything else is rejected (see
the L<APP1 structure|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of an Exif
APP1 segment> for further details). This only influences how the image is
written back to disk (the in-memory representation is always native).


By specifying this target one can address the IFD0_DATA and SUBIFD_DATA
targets at once. First, all records are tried in the IFD0, then, rejected
records are tried into SubIFD (then, they are definitively rejected).

=item IFD0_DATA

See the L<canonical|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Canonical Exif 2.2 and
TIFF 6.0 tags for IFD0 and IFD1>,
L<additional|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Additional TIFF 6.0 tags not
in Exif 2.2 for IFD0> and
L<company-assigned|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Exif tags assigned to
companies for IFD0 and IFD1> tags' sections in the appendixes (this target
refers to the primary image). The 'XResolution', 'YResolution',
'ResolutionUnit', and 'YCbCrPositioning' records are forced if not present
(to [1,72], [1,72], 2 and 1 respectively). Note that the situation would be
more complicated if we were dealing with uncompressed (TIFF) primary


See the L<private Exif|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Exif tags for the
0th IFD Exif private subdirectory> section in the appendixes. The
'ExifVersion', 'ComponentsConfiguration', 'FlashpixVersion', 'ColorSpace',
and 'Pixel[XY]Dimension' records are forced if not present (to '0220',
'1230', '0100', 1 and 0x0 respectively). Image dimensions can be retrieved
from the SOF segment with the JPEG structure object's method
L<get_dimensions()|/JPEG::get_dimensions> and set explicitly by the user
if necessary (this cannot be done from within the APP1 segment, because it
does not link back to its parent); however, the horizontal field in the
SubIFD should not include data padding, while that in the SOF segment does,
so the meaning is slightly different and these fields cannot be automatically

=item THUMB_DATA (or its alias B<IFD1_DATA>)

See the L<canonical|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Canonical Exif 2.2 and
TIFF 6.0 tags for IFD0 and IFD1>,
L<additional|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Additional TIFF 6.0 tags not
in Exif 2.2 for IFD0> and
L<company-related|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Exif tags assigned to
companies for IFD0 and IFD1> tag lists' sections in the appendixes (this
target refers to thumbnail properties). The 'XResolution', 'YResolution',
'ResolutionUnit', 'YCbCrSubSampling', 'PhotometricInterpretation' and
'PlanarConfiguration' records are forced if not present (to [1,72], [1,72],
2, [2,1], 2 and 1 respectively). Note that some of these records are not
necessary for all types of thumbnails, but JPEG readers will probably skip
unnecessary information without problems.

=item GPS_DATA

See the L<GPS tags|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Exif tags for the 0th
IFD GPS subdirectory> section in the appendixes. The 'GPSVersionID' record
is forced, if it is not present at the end of the process, because it is
mandatory (ver 2.2 is chosen).  There are some record inter-correlations
which are still neglected here (for instance, the 'GPSAltitude' record can
be inserted without providing the corresponding 'GPSAltitudeRef' record).


=item JPEG::forge_interoperability_IFD

[arguments: none]
See the L<Interoperability directory|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Exif
tags for the 0th IFD Interoperability subdirectory> section in the
appendixes. The 'InteroperabilityIndex' and 'InteroperabilityVersion'
records are forced, if they are not present at the end of the process,
because they are mandatory ('R98' and ver 1.0 are chosen). Note that an
Interoperability subIFD should be made as standard as possible: if you just
want to add it to the file, it is better to use the
I<forge_interoperability_IFD> method, which takes care of all values
('RelatedImageFileFormat' is set to 'Exif JPEG Ver. 2.2', and the
dimensions are taken from I<get_dimensions()>).


See the appendix on L<MakerNotes|Image::MetaData::JPEG::MakerNotes> for a
detailed discussion on how the content of a MakerNote is managed. If there
is an error during the parsing of the MakerNote, only those tags which
could be fully decoded before the error are returned. Note that MakerNote
structures are often partially known, so many tags will likely be
translated as 'Unknown_tag_...'. MakerNotes cannot be currently modified.


$data must be a reference to a scalar containing the new thumbnail or to a
valid Image::MetaData::JPEG object; if it points to an empty string, the
thumbnail is erased (the undefined value DOES NOT erase the thumbnail, it
generates instead an error). All thumbnail specific records (see the
L<canonical tags|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Canonical Exif 2.2 and
TIFF 6.0 tags for IFD0 and IFD1> section) are removed, and only those
corresponding to the newly inserted thumbnail are calculated and written
back. Currently, it is not possible to insert an uncompressed thumbnail
(this will probably happen in the form of a TIFF image), only JPEG ones are
accepted (automatic records contain the type, length and offset). The
following code shows how to set and delete a thumbnail.

    my $image = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('original_image.jpg');
    my $thumb = new Image::MetaData::JPEG('some_thumbnail.jpg');
    $image->set_Exif_data($thumb, 'THUMBNAIL');
    $image->set_Exif_data(\ '', 'THUMBNAIL');



=head2 XMP data ("APP1" segments)

XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) is a technology, conceived by Adobe
Systems, to tag graphic files with metadata, and to manage them during a
lifetime made of multiple processing steps. Its serialisation (the actual
way metadata are saved in the file) is based on RDF (Resource Description
Framework) implemented as an application of XML. Its flexibility allows to
accomodate existing, future and private metadata schemas. In a JPEG file,
XMP information is included alongside L<Exif|/Exif data ("APP1" segments)>
and L<IPTC|/Photoshop and IPTC data ("APP13" segments)> data, and is stored
in an APP1 segment on its own starting with the XMP namespace URI and
followed by the actual XMP packet (see L<XMP APP1 segment
structure|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of an XMP APP1
segment> for more details).

XMP was introduced in 2001 as part of Adobe Acrobat version 5.01. Adobe has
a trademark on XMP, and retains control over its specification. Source code
for the XMP software-development kit was released by Adobe, but with a
custom license, whose compatibility with the GNU public license and
open-source nature altogether is questioned.

=head2 Photoshop and IPTC data ("APP13" segments)

Adobe's Photoshop program, a de-facto standard for image manipulation, has,
since long, used the APP13 segment for storing non-graphical information,
such as layers, paths, ecc..., including editorial information modelled on
I<IPTC/NAA> recommendations. This module provides a number of methods for
managing Photoshop/IPTC data without dealing with the details of the low
level representation (although sometimes this means taking some decisions
for the end user ....). The structure of the IPTC data block(s) is managed
in detail and separately from the rest, although this block is a sort of
"sub-case" of Photoshop information. The interface is intentionally similar
to L<that|/Exif data ("APP1" segments)> for Exif data.

All public methods have a I<$what> argument selecting which part of the
APP13 segment you are working with. The default is 'IPTC'. If $what is
invalid, an exception is always raised. The kind of information you can
access with different values of $what is explained in the following (have a
look at the appendices about valid
L<Photoshop-style|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for
Photoshop-style APP13 data> and
L<IPTC|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for IPTC data> tags for
further details):

    $what:        Concerned pieces of information:
    -----------   --------------------------------
    'IPTC' or     Editorial information like caption, abstract, author,
    'IPTC_2'      copyright notice, byline, shot site, user defined keywords,
                  and many more; in practise, all what is covered by the IPTC
                  Application Record 2. This is the most common option; the
                  default value of $what, 'IPTC', is a synonym for 'IPTC_2'
                  for backward compatibility (NOT a merge of 'IPTC_1/2').
    'IPTC_1'      This refers to more obscure pieces of information, contained
                  in the IPTC Envelope Record 1. One is rarely interested by
                  this, exception made for the "Coded Character Set" tag,
                  which is necessary to define a character set different
                  from ASCII (i.e., when you don't write or read in English).
    'PHOTOSHOP'   Alpha channels, colour information, transfer functions,
    or 'PS_8BIM'  and many other details concerning the visual rendering of
    or 'PS_8BPS'  the picture. These fields are most often only modified by
    or 'PS_PHUT'  an image manipulation program, and not directly by the user.
                  Recent versions of Photoshop (>= 4.0) use a resource data
                  block type equal to '8BIM', and this is the default in
                  this module (so, 'PHOTOSHOP' and 'PS_8BIM' are synonyms).
                  However, some other older or undocumented resource data
                  block types are also allowed.


=item JPEG::retrieve_app13_segment

[arguments: C<($index, $what)>] 
In order to work on Photoshop/IPTC data, a suitable Photoshop-style APP13
Segment must first be selected. The I<retrieve_app13_segment> method
returns a reference to the I<$index>-th Segment (the first Segment if the
$index is undefined) which contains information matching the $what
argument. If such Segment does not exist, the method returns the undefined
reference. If $index is (-1), the routine returns the number of available
suitable APP13 Segments (which is non negative). Beware, the meaning of
$index is influenced by the value of $what.

    my $num_IPTC = $file->retrieve_app13_segment(-1, 'IPTC');
    my $ref_IPTC = $file->retrieve_app13_segment($num - 1, 'IPTC');

=item JPEG::provide_app13_segment

[arguments: C<($what)>] 
If you want to be sure to have an APP13 Segment suitable for the kind of
information you want to write, use the I<provide_app13_segment> method
instead, which forces the Segment to be present in the file, and returns
its reference. If at least one segment matching $what is already present,
the first one is returned. Otherwise, the first Photoshop-like APP13 is
adapted by inserting an appropriate subdirectory record
(L<update|/JPEG::Segment::update> is called automatically). If no such
segment exists, it is first created and inserted (the "Photoshop 3.0\000"
identifier is used). Note that there is no $index argument here.

    my $ref_Photoshop = $file->provide_app13_segment('PHOTOSHOP');

=item JPEG::remove_app13_info

[arguments: C<($index, $what)>] 
If you want to remove all traces of some flavour of APP13 information from
the $index-th APP13 Photoshop-style Segment, use the I<remove_app13_info>
method with $what set to the appropriate value. If, after this, the segment
is empty, it is eliminated from the list of segments in the file. If $index
is (-1), all APP13 Segments are affected at once. Beware, the meaning of
$index is influenced by the value of $what.

    $file->remove_app13_info(3, 'PHOTOSHOP');
    $file->remove_app13_info(-1, 'IPTC');
    $file->remove_app13_info(0, 'IPTC_1');


=head3 How to inspect and modify your IPTC data


=item JPEG::Segment::get_app13_data

[arguments: C<($type, $what)>] 

Once you have a Segment reference pointing to your favourite IPTC-enabled
APP13 Segment, you may want to have a look at the records it contains. Use
the I<get_app13_data> method for this: its behaviour is controlled by the
I<$type> and I<$what> argument (here, $what is 'IPTC_1' or 'IPTC_2' alias
'IPTC', of course). It returns a reference to a hash containing a copy of
the list of the appropriate IPTC records, if present, undef otherwise: each
element of the hash is a pair (key, arrayref), where arrayref points to an
array with the real values (L<some IPTC
records|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for IPTC data> are
repeatable so multiple values are possible). The record keys can be the
native numeric keys ($type eq 'NUMERIC') or translated textual keys ($type
eq 'TEXTUAL', default); in any case, the record values are untranslated. If
a numeric key stored in the JPEG file is unknown, and a textual translation
is requested, the name of the key becomes "Unknown_tag_$tag". Note that
there is no check on the validity of IPTC records' values: their format is
not checked and one or multiple values can be attached to a single tag
independently of its repeatability. This is, in some sense, consistent with
the fact that also "unknown" tags are included in the output. If $type or
$what is invalid, an exception is thrown out. An example of how to extract
and display IPTC data is given here:

    my $hash_ref = $segment->get_app13_data('TEXTUAL', 'IPTC');
    while (my ($key, $vals) = each %$hash_ref) {
       printf "# %20s =", $key; print " '$_'" for @$vals; print "\n"; }

    ### This could print:
    # DateCreated         = '19890207'
    # ByLine              = 'Interesting picture' 'really'
    # Category            = 'POL'
    # Keywords            = 'key-1' 'key-2' 'key-99'
    # OriginatingProgram  = 'Mapivi'

=item JPEG::Segment::set_app13_data

[arguments: C<($data, $action, $what)>]
The hash returned by get_app13_data can be edited and reinserted with the
I<set_app13_data> method, whose arguments are I<$data>, I<$action> and, as
usual, I<$what>. If $action or $what is invalid, an exception is
generated. This method accepts IPTC data in various formats and updates the
corresponding subdirectory in the segment. The key type of each entry in
the input hash can be numeric or textual, independently of the others (the
same key can appear in both forms, the corresponding values will be put
together). The value of each entry can be an array reference or a scalar
(you can use this as a shortcut for value arrays with only one value). The
$action argument can be:

   - ADD : new records are added and nothing is deleted; however, if you
	   try to add a non-repeatable record which is already present,
	   the newly supplied value ejects (replaces) the pre-existing value.
   - UPDATE : new records replace those characterised by the same tags,
           but the others are preserved. This makes it possible to modify
           some repeatable IPTC records without deleting the other tags.
   - REPLACE : all records present in the IPTC subdirectory are deleted
           before inserting the new ones (this is the default action).

If, after implementing the changes required by $action, any mandatory
dataset (according to the IPTC standard), is still undefined, it is added
automatically. This often concerns version datasets, with numeric index 0.

The return value is a reference to a hash containing the rejected
key-values entries. The entries of %$data are not modified. An entry in the
%$data hash can be rejected for various reasons (you might want to have a
look at appendix about valid L<IPTC
tags|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for IPTC data> for further
information): a) the tag is undefined or not known; b) the entry value is
undefined or points to an empty array; c) the non-repeatability constraint
is violated; d) the tag is marked as invalid; e) a value is undefined f)
the length of a value is invalid; g) a value does not match its mandatory
regular expression.

    $segment->set_app13_data($additional_data, 'ADD', 'IPTC');

A snippet of code for changing IPTC data looks like this:

    my $segment = $file->provide_app13_segment('IPTC');
    my $hashref_1 = { CodedCharacterSet => "\033\045G" }; # UTF-8
    my $hashref_2 = { ObjectName => 'prova',
     	              ByLine     => 'ciao',
    	              Keywords   => [ 'donald', 'duck' ],
    	              SupplementalCategory => ['arte', 'scienza', 'diporto'] };
    $segment->set_app13_data($hashref_2, 'REPLACE', 'IPTC');
    $segment->set_app13_data($hashref_1, 'ADD', 'IPTC_1');

=item JPEG::get_app13_data

[arguments: C<($type, $what)>]
If you are only interested in reading IPTC data in a I<standard>
configuration, you can skip most of the previous calls and use directly
I<JPEG::get_app13_data> (a method in the JPEG class, so you only need a
JPEG structure object). This is an interface to the
L<method|/JPEG::Segment::get_app13_data> with the same name in the Segment
class, acting on the first relevant APP13 Segment (if no such segment is
present, the undefined value is returned) and passing the arguments
through. Note that most JPEG files with Photoshop/IPTC data contain at most
one APP13 segment, so you are not going to "loose" anything here. A snippet
of code for visualising IPTC data looks like this:

    my $hashref = $file->get_app13_data('TEXTUAL', 'IPTC');
    while (my ($tag, $val_arrayref) = each %$hashref) {
    	printf '%25s --> ', $tag;
    	print "$_ " for @$val_arrayref; print "\n"; }

=item JPEG::set_app13_data

[arguments: C<($data, $action, $what)>]
There is, of course, a symmetric I<JPEG::set_app13_data> method, which
writes data to the JPEG object without asking the user to bother about
Segments: it uses the L<first|/JPEG::Segment::set_app13_data> available
suitable Segment; if this is not possible, a new Segment is created and
initialised (because the method uses L</JPEG::provide_app13_segment>
internally, and not L</JPEG::retrieve_app13_segment> as
L</JPEG::get_app13_data> does).

    $file->set_app13_data($hashref, 'UPDATE', 'IPTC');


=head3 How to inspect and modify your Photoshop data

The procedure of inspecting and modifying Photoshop data (i.e., non-IPTC
data in a Photoshop-style APP13 segment) is analogous to that for IPTC
data, but with I<$what> set to 'PHOTOSHOP' (alias 'PS_8BIM'), or to the
seldom used 'PS_8BPS' and 'PS_PHUT'. The whole description will not
be repeated here, have a look at the L<IPTC|/How to inspect and modify your
IPTC data> section for it: this section takes only care to point out
differences. If you are not acquainted with the structure of an APP13
segment and its terminology (e.g., "resource data block"), have a look at
the L<Photoshop-style|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of a
Photoshop-style APP13 segment> tags' section.

About L<get_app13_data|/JPEG::Segment::get_app13_data>, it should only be
pointed out that resource block names are appended to the list of values
for each tag (even if they are undefined), so the list length is alway
even. Things are more complicated for
L<set_app13_data|/JPEG::Segment::set_app13_data>: non-IPTC Photoshop
specifications are less uniform than IPTC ones, and checking the
correctness of user supplied data would be an enumerative task. Currently,
this module does not perform any syntax check on non-IPTC data, but this
could change in the future (any contribution is welcome); only tags (or,
how they are called in this case, "resource block identifiers") are checked
for being in the allowed tags list (see the
L<Photoshop-style|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists/Valid tags for
Photoshop-style APP13 data> tags' table for details). The IPTC/NAA tag is
of course rejected: IPTC data must be inserted with $what set to 'IPTC'
or its siblings.

Although not explicitly stated, it seems that non-IPTC Photoshop tags are
non-repeatable (let me know if not so), so two resource blocks with the
same tag shouldn't exist. For this reason, the 'UPDATE' action is changed
internally to 'ADD'. Moreover, since the resource block structure is not
explored, all resource blocks are treated as single-valued and the value
type is $UNDEF. So, in the user-supplied data hash, if a tag key returns a
data array reference, only the first element (which cannot be undefined) of
the array is used as resource block value: if a second element is present,
it is used as resource block name (which is otherwise set to the null
string). Suppling more than two elements is an error and causes the record
to be rejected.

    my $segment = $file->provide_app13_segment('PHOTOSHOP');
    my $hashref = {
	GlobalAngle    => pack('N', 0x1e),
        GlobalAltitude => pack('N', 0x1e),
        CopyrightFlag  => "\001",
	IDsBaseValue   => [ pack('N', 1), 'Layer ID Generator Base' ] };
    $segment->set_app13_data($hashref, 'ADD', 'PHOTOSHOP');

=head1 NOTES

=head2 On the subject of year specification in a date

There are currently eight fields whose purpose is to store a I<date> in a
JPEG picture, namely 'DateTime', 'DateTimeOriginal' and 'DateTimeDigitized'
(in IFD0/1 or SubIFD), 'GPSDateStamp' (in the GPS section), and
'ReleaseDate', 'ExpirationDate', 'DateCreated' and 'DigitalCreationDate'
(in the IPTC section). Most of these dates refer to some electronic
treatment of images, a kind of process which was not available before the
late twentieth century. Two of them refer to release and expiration dates
in the IPTC standard, and should therefore not be set to a date before the
introduction of the standard itself. However, there exist users who want to
use some of these fields in a non-conventional way to refer to dates when
analog photography but not digital photography was available. For this
reason, all tags (but one) can be written with a year starting from 1800
(and not from 1900 as in earlier releases). Users are however advised to
check the "specifications" for these tags before setting the date and take
responsibility for their non-conventionality.

There is one notable exception to the previous considerations, that is the
IPTC 'DateCreated' dataset, which should explicitly refer to the creation
date of the object represented in the picture, which can be many centuries
in the past. For this dataset a special regular expression is provided
which allows a date in the full ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format (however, it
should be noted that even ISO-8601 does not allow a date before 0AD, so not
all masterworks from ancient Greece can be tagged in this way ... let me
know if I am wrong). I am, of course, still open to suggestions and
reconsiderations on this subject.

=head2 On the problem of MakerNote corruption and ways to overcome it

A widespread problem with Exif I<maker notes> is that there is no common
standard for how to parse and rewrite the information in the I<MakerNote>
data area. This is the reason why most programs dealing with Exif JPEG
files corrupt the MakerNote on saving, or decide to drop it altogether (be
aware that there existed programs known to hang when they try to read a
corrupt maker note).

In fact, many maker notes contain a non-standard I<IFD> structure, with
some tags storing file offsets (see the documentation page describing the
L<IFD structure|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures/Structure of an Exif APP1
segment>). Therefore, saving a maker note without regard for internal
offsets' adjustment reduces the note mostly to garbage. Re-dumping a maker
note after changing the Exif APP1 segment endianness incurs the same
problem, because no internal byte-swap is performed.

A few countermeasures have been introduced in this package to try to cure
some maker note problems. The first one concerns the correct byte order
(the endianness, which is not always the same used in the Exif segment),
which needs not to be known in advance; it is in fact determined by using
the fact that, if the note is IFD-like (even non-standard), the number of
tags is always in the range [1,255], so the two-bytes tag count has always
the most significant byte set to zero, and the least significant byte set
to non-zero.

There is also a prediction and correction mechanism for the offsets in the
interoperability arrays, based on the simple assumption that the absolute
value of offsets can be wrong, but their differences are always right, so,
if one can get the first one right ... a good bet is the address of the
byte immediately following the next_IFD link (or the tag list, if this link
is absent). If the parsing process does not end successfully, this
mechanism is enabled and its "corrected" findings are stored instead of the
original ones if it is able to cure the problems (i.e., if the second try
at parsing the note is successful).


A lot of other routines for modifying other meta-data could be added in the
future. The following is a list of the current status of various meta-data
Segments (only APP and COM Segments).

    Segment  Possible content           Status

    * COM    User comments              parse/read/write
    * APP0   JFIF data (+ thumbnail)    parse/read
    * APP1   Exif or XMP data           parse/read[Exif]/write[Exif]
    * APP1   Maker notes                parse/read
    * APP2   FPXR data or ICC profiles  parse
    * APP3   additional Exif-like data  parse
    * APP4   HPSC                       nothing
    * APP12  PreExif ASCII meta         parse
    * APP13  IPTC and PhotoShop data    parse/read/write
    * APP14  Adobe tags                 parse



This module is still I<experimental>, and not yet finished. In particular,
it is far from being well tested, and some interfaces could change
depending on user feedback. The ability to modify I<maker notes> is not yet
implemented (moreover, have a look at the MakerNote
L<appendix|Image::MetaData::JPEG::MakerNotes/On the problem of MakerNote
corruption> for a general note on the problem of MakerNote
corruption). APP13 data spanning I<multiple Segments> are not correctly
read/written. Most of APP12 Segments do not fit the structure parsed by
parse_app12(), probably there is some standard I don't know.


Other packages are available in the free software arena, with a feature set
showing a large overlap with that found in this package; a probably
incomplete list follows. However, none of them is (or was) completely
satisfactory with respect to the package's objectives, which are: being a
single package dealing with all types of meta-information in read/write
mode in a JPEG (and possibly TIFF) file; depending on the least possible
number of non standard packages and/or external programs or libraries;
being open-source and written in Perl. Of course, most of these objectives
are far from being reached ....

=over 4

=item "L<Image::ExifTool>" by Phil Harvey

I<ExifTool> is a Perl module with an included command-line application for
reading and writing meta information in image files. It recognizes EXIF,
GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB and ID3 meta
information as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras including
Canon, Casio, FujiFilm, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon,
Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Ricoh, Sanyo and
Sigma/Foveon. It was started as a highly customisable, read-only report
tool, capable of organising the results in various ways. Since version 4.10
(beginning of 2005) it added the ability to modify and rewrite JPEG
tags. So sad there are now two projects with such a large overlap.

=item "L<Image::IPTCInfo>" by Josh Carter

This is a CPAN module for for extracting IPTC image meta-data. It allows
reading IPTC data (there is an XML and also an HTML output feature) and
manipulating them through native Perl structures. This library does not
implement a full parsing of the JPEG file, so I did not consider it as a
good base for the development of a full-featured module. Moreover, I don't
like the separate treatment of keywords and supplemental categories.

=item "L<JPEG::JFIF>" by Marcin Krzyzanowski, "L<Image::EXIF>" by Sergey
Prozhogin and "exiftags" by Eric M. Johnston

I<JPEG::JFIF> is a very small CPAN module for reading meta-data in
JFIF/JPEG format files. In practice, it only recognises a subset of the
IPTC tags in APP13, and the parsing code is not suitable for being reused
for a generic JPEG segment. I<Image::Exif> is just a Perl wrapper around
I<exiftags>, which is a program parsing the APP1 section in JPEG files for
Exif meta-data (it supports a variety of MakerNotes). I<exiftags> can also
rewrite comments and date and time tags.

=item "L<Image::Info>" by Gisle Aas

This CPAN module extracts meta information from a variety of graphic
formats (including JPEG and TIFF). So, it is not specifically about JPEG
segments: reported information includes media type, extension, width,
height, colour type, comments, Interlace, Compression, Gamma, and
LastModificationTime. For JPEG files, it additionally reports from JFIF
(APP0) and Exif (APP1) segments (including MakerNotes). This module does
not allow for editing.

=item "exif" by Martin Krzywinski and "" by Thierry Bousch

These are two basic scripts to extract Exif information from JPEGs. The
first script is written in Perl and targets Canon pictures. The second one
is written in Python, and it only works on JPEG files beginning with an
APP1 section after the SOI. So, they are much simpler than all other
programs/libraries described here. Of course, they cannot modify Exif data.

=item "jhead" by Matthias Wandel

The jhead program (written in C) is used to display JPEG comments and Exif
data, and to perform limited manipulation of Exif headers (such as changing
the internal time-stamps, removing the thumbnail, or transferring headers
back into edited images) and comments. Exif header data modification is
very limited, as jhead's internal implementation of the file system
contained in the Exif header is read-only; there, for instance, no way to
replace the thumbnail in the Exif header with another.

=item "exifprobe" by Duane H. Hesser

This is a C program which examines and reports the contents and structure
of JPEG and TIFF image files. It recognises all standard JPEG markers and
reports the contents of any properly structured TIFF IFD encountered, even
when entry tags are not recognised. Camera MakerNotes are included. GPS and
GeoTIFF tags are recognised and entries printed in "raw" form, but are not
expanded. The output is nicely formatted, with indentation and
colouration; this program is a great tool for inspecting a JPEG/TIFF
structure while debugging.

=item "libexif" by Lutz Müller

This is a library, written in C, for parsing, editing, and saving Exif
data. All Exif tags described in Exif standard 2.1 are supported. Libexif
can only handle some maker notes, and even those not very well. It is used
by a number of front-ends, including: Exif (read-only command-line
utility), gexif (a GTK+ front-end for editing Exif data), gphoto2
(command-line front-end to libgphoto2, a library to access digital cameras),
gtkam (a GTK+ front-end to libgphoto2), thirdeye (a digital photos organiser
and driver for eComStation).

=item "jpegrdf" by Norman Walsh

This is a Java application for manipulating (read/write) RDF meta-data in
the comment sections of JPEG images (is this the same thing which can be
found in APP1 segments in XMP format?). It can also access and convert into
RDF the Exif tags and a few other general properties. However, I don't want
to rely on a Java environment being installed in order to be able to access
these properties.

=item "OpenExif" by Eastman Kodak Company

This is an object-oriented interface written in C++ to Exif formatted JPEG
image files. It is very complete and sponsored by a large company, so it is
to be considered a sort of reference. The toolkit allows creating, reading,
and modifying the meta-data in the Exif file. It also provides means of
getting and setting the main image and the thumbnail image. OpenExif is
also extensible, and Application segments can be added.


=head1 AUTHOR

Stefano Bettelli, B<>


Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 by Stefano Bettelli

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU L<General Public License|perlgpl>. See the
COPYING and LICENSE file for the license terms.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Have a look at the technical appendixes of the I<Image::MetaData::JPEG>
module [I<M> in the following], packaged as separate documents: they
contain a description of L<segment
structures|Image::MetaData::JPEG::Structures> [I<M::Structures>], and lists
of L<valid tags|Image::MetaData::JPEG::TagLists> [I<M::TagLists>],
including a tentative description of some L<MakerNote
formats|Image::MetaData::JPEG::MakerNotes> [M::MakerNotes]. See also your
current L<perl(1)|perl> documentation, an explanation for the L<General
Public License|perlgpl> and the manual pages of the following optional Perl
modules: L<Image::ExifTool(3pm)|Image::ExifTool>,
L<Image::IPTCInfo(3pm)|Image::IPTCInfo>, L<JPEG::JFIF(3pm)|JPEG::JFIF>,
L<Image::EXIF(3pm)|Image::EXIF> and L<Image::Info(3pm)|Image::Info>.


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