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# A Perl package for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data.   #
# Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 Stefano Bettelli           #
# See the COPYING and LICENSE files for license terms.    #
package Image::MetaData::JPEG;
use Image::MetaData::JPEG::data::Tables qw(:Lookups :TagsAPP13);
use Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment;
no  integer;
use strict;
use warnings;

# This method returns a reference to the $index-th (the   #
# first, if $index is undefined) Photoshop-like APP13     #
# segment which contains information matching the $what   #
# argument (see is_app13_ok() for details). If $index is  #
# undefined, it defaults to zero (i.e., first segment).   #
# If no suitable segment is available, undef is returned. #
# If $index is (-1), this method returns the number of    #
# available suitable APP13 segments (which is >= 0). If   #
# $what is invalid, an exception is thrown. Beware!, the  #
# meaning of $index is influenced by the value of $what.  #
sub retrieve_app13_segment {
    my ($this, $index, $what) = @_;
    # $index defaults to zero if undefined
    $index = 0 unless defined $index;
    # select all segments compatible with $what
    my @references = grep { $_->is_app13_ok($what) } $this->get_segments();
    # if $index is -1, return the size of @references
    return scalar @references if $index == -1;
    # return the $index-th such segment, or undef if absent
    return exists $references[$index] ? $references[$index] : undef;

# This method forces an appropriate Photoshop-like APP13  #
# segment to be present in the file, and returns its      #
# reference. If at least one segment matching $what is    #
# present, the first one is returned. Otherwise, the 1st  #
# Photoshop-like APP13 is adapted by inserting an appro-  #
# priate subdir record (update() is called automatically).#
# If not such segment exists, it is first created and     #
# inserted. If $what is invalid, an exception is thrown.  #
sub provide_app13_segment {
    my ($this, $what) = @_;
    # get the list of segments selected by $what
    my @what_refs = grep { $_->is_app13_ok($what) } $this->get_segments();
    # if the list is not empty, return the first element
    return $what_refs[0] if @what_refs;
    # get the list of Photoshop-like segments (this only looks
    # for the Photoshop identifier, special case of $what = undef);
    # then extract the first element.
    my @refs = grep { $_->is_app13_ok(undef) } $this->get_segments();
    my $app13_segment = @refs ? $refs[0] : undef;
    # if no segment is found, we surely need to generate a new
    # one, and store it in an appropriate position in the file;
    # remember that at least the Photoshop string must be there
    unless ($app13_segment) {
	$app13_segment = new Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment
	    ('APP13', \ "$$APP13_PHOTOSHOP_IDS[0]");
	# insert it into the list of JPEG segments
	# (the position is chosen automatically)
	$this->insert_segments($app13_segment); }
    # ok, we must adapt the Photoshop-like segment (automatic update())
    # return the modified segment
    return $app13_segment;

# This method removes all traces of IPTC/non-IPTC infor-  #
# mation (depending on $what) from the $index-th APP13    #
# Photoshop-style Segment. If, after this, the segment is #
# empty, it is eliminated from the list of segments in    #
# the file. If $index is (-1), all segments are affected  #
# at once. If $what is invalid an exception is thrown.    #
# The meaning of $index depends on $what.                 #
sub remove_app13_info {
    my ($this, $index, $what) = @_;
    # this is the list of segments to be purged (initially empty)
    my @purgeme = ();
    # call the selection routine and store the segment reference
    push @purgeme, $this->retrieve_app13_segment($index, $what);
    # if $index is -1, retrieve_... returned the number of
    # segments to be purged, not a segment reference! In this
    # case, the selection routine is repeated with every index.
    @purgeme = map { $this->retrieve_app13_segment($_, $what)
		     } (0..($purgeme[$#purgeme]-1)) if $index == -1;
    # for each segment in the purge list, apply the purge routine
    # (but don't be fooled by undefined references, i.e. invalid
    # indexes). If only one record remains in the segment (presumably
    # the Identifier), the segment is marked for a later deletion.
    for (@purgeme) {
	next unless defined $_;
	$_->{name} = 'deleteme' if scalar @{$_->{records}} <= 1; }
    # remove the marked segments from the file

# This method is an interface to the method with the same #
# name in the Segment class. To begin with, the first     #
# suitable APP13 segment is retrieved (if there is no     #
# such segment, undef is returned). Then, get_app13_data  #
# is called on this segment, passing all the arguments    #
# through. If $what is invalid an exception is thrown     #
# out. For further details, have a look at                #
# Segment::get_app13_data() and retrieve_app13_segment(). #
sub get_app13_data {
    my ($this, $type, $what) = @_;
    # get the first suitable APP13 segment in the current JPEG
    # file (this returns undef if no segment is present).
    my $segment = $this->retrieve_app13_segment(undef, $what);
    # return undef if no segment is present
    return undef unless defined $segment;
    # pass all arguments to the Segment method
    return $segment->get_app13_data($type, $what);

# This method is an interface to the method with the same #
# name in the Segment class. To begin with, the first     #
# suitable APP13 segment is retrieved (if there is no     #
# such segment, one is created and initialised). Then the #
# set_app13_data is called on this segment passing the    #
# arguments through. For further details, have a look at  #
# Segment::set_app13_data() and provide_app13_segment().  #
sub set_app13_data {
    my ($this, $data, $action, $what) = @_;
    # get the first suitable APP13 segment in the current JPEG file
    # (if there is no such segment, initialise one; therefore, this
    # call cannot fail unless $what is invalid [mhh ...]).
    my $segment = $this->provide_app13_segment($what);
    # pass all arguments to the Segment method
    return $segment->set_app13_data($data, $action, $what);

# The following routines best fit as Segment methods.     #
package Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment;

# These helper functions have a single argument. They fix #
# it to some standard value, if it is undefined, then     #
# they check that its value is a legal string and throw   #
# an exception out if not so. 'IPTC' is treated like a    #
# synonym of 'IPTC_2' for backward compatibility. Same    #
# thing for 'PHOTOSHOP', a synonym for 'PS_8BIM'.         #
# ------------------------------------------------------- #
# sanitise: 0=this, 1=var, 2=name, 3=regex(1st=default)   #
sub sanitise_what   { sanitise(@_, 'what'  , 'IPTC|IPTC_2|IPTC_1|'.
sub sanitise_type   { sanitise(@_, 'type'  , 'TEXTUAL|NUMERIC'    ) };
sub sanitise_action { sanitise(@_, 'action', 'REPLACE|ADD|UPDATE' ) };
sub sanitise { ($_[1] = $_[3]) =~ s/^([^\|]*)\|.*$/$1/ unless defined $_[1];
	       ($_[1] =~/^($_[3])$/) ?1: $_[0]->die("Unknown '$_[2]': $_[1]")};
my $what2dir = {'IPTC'      => $APP13_IPTC_DIRNAME . '_2',         # synonym
		'IPTC_1'    => $APP13_IPTC_DIRNAME . '_1',
		'IPTC_2'    => $APP13_IPTC_DIRNAME . '_2',
		'PHOTOSHOP' => $APP13_PHOTOSHOP_DIRNAME . '_8BIM', # synonym
sub subdir_name { $_[0] eq $_ && return $$what2dir{$_} for keys %$what2dir; }

# This method inspects a segments, and return "ok" if the #
# segment shows the required features, undef otherwise.   #
# The features are selected by the value of $what:        #
# 1) ($what is undefined) the segment is an APP13 segment #
#    and it contains the correct 'Identifier' record.     #
# 2) ($what has a value) the segment matches 1), and      #
#    $what is accepted by sanitise_what and the segment   #
#    contains the subdir_name($what) subdirectory.        #
# 3) (everything else) the routine dies.                  #
sub is_app13_ok {
    my ($this, $what) = @_;
    # intercept and die on unknown $what's (don't set a default!)
    $this->sanitise_what(my $temp_what = $what);
    # return undef if this segment is not APP13
    return undef unless $this->{name} eq 'APP13';
    # return undef if there is no 'Identifier' or it is not Photoshop
    my $id = $this->search_record_value('Identifier');
    return undef unless $id && grep { /^$id$/ } @$APP13_PHOTOSHOP_IDS;
    # if $what is undefined we are happy
    return 'ok' unless defined $what;
    # return "ok" if $what is defined and the appropriate subdir is there
    return 'ok' if defined $this->search_record(subdir_name($what));
    # fallback
    return undef;

# This method returns the appropriate subdirectory record #
# reference for the current APP13 Photoshop-like segment  #
# (undef is returned if it is not present).               #
sub retrieve_app13_subdir {
    my ($this, $what) = @_;
    # die on unknown $what's
    # return immediately if the segment is not suitable
    return undef unless $this->is_app13_ok($what);
    # return the appropriate subdirectory reference
    return $this->search_record_value(subdir_name($what));

# This method returns the appropriate subdirectory record #
# reference for the current Photoshop-style APP13 segment.#
# If the subdirectory is not there, it is first created   #
# and initialised. The routine can fail (returns undef)   #
# only if the segment isn't a Photoshop-style one. If the #
# subdirectory is created, the segment is updated.        #
# The initialisation of a subdirectory can include manda- #
# tory records, which are now read from tables and not    #
# hardcoded here as it used to be.                        #
sub provide_app13_subdir {
    my ($this, $what) = @_;
    # die on unknown $what's
    # don't try to mess up non-APP13 segments!
    return undef unless $this->is_app13_ok(undef);
    # be positive, call retrieve first
    my $subdir = $this->retrieve_app13_subdir($what);
    # return this value, if it is not undef
    return $subdir if defined $subdir;
    # create the appropriate subdir in the main record directory
    $subdir = $this->provide_subdirectory(subdir_name($what));
    # there might be a mandatory records table; act consequently
    my $mandatory = JPEG_lookup('APP13', subdir_name($what), '__mandatory');
    $this->set_app13_data($mandatory, 'ADD', $what) if $mandatory;
    # obviously, update the segment
    # return the subdirectory reference
    return $subdir;

# This method removes all traces of IPTC/non-IPTC infor-  #
# mation (depending on $what) from the $index-th APP13    #
# Photoshop-style Segment. This routine cannot fail,      #
# unless $what is invalid. The segment gets updated if    #
# the modification is made.                               #
sub remove_app13_info {
    my ($this, $what) = @_;
    # die on unknown $what's
    # return if there is nothing to erase
    return unless $this->is_app13_ok($what);
    # these approach is simple and crude
    @{$this->{records}} =
	grep { $_->{key} ne subdir_name($what) } @{$this->{records}};
    # update the data area of the segment

# This method returns a reference to a hash containing a  #
# copy of the list of records selected by $what in the    #
# current segment, if the corresponding subdirectory is   #
# present, undef otherwise. Each hash element is a (key,  #
# arrayref) pair, where 'key' is a tag and 'arrayref'     #
# points to an array with the record values. The output   #
# format is selected by the $type argument:               #
#  - NUMERIC: hash with native numeric keys               #
#  - TEXTUAL: hash with translated textual keys (default) #
# If $type or $what is invalid, an exception is thrown.   #
# If a numerical key (tag) is not known, a custom textual #
# key is created with 'Unknown_tag_' followed by the nu-  #
# merical value (solving problem with non-standard tags). #
# ------------------------------------------------------- #
# Since an IPTC tag can be repeateable, @$arrayref can    #
# actually contain more than one value. Moreover, if      #
# $what is "non-IPTC", resource block names are appended  #
# (so, the @$arrayref length is always even in this case, #
# and almost always equal to two).                        #
# ------------------------------------------------------- #
# Note that there is no check at all on the validity of   #
# the Photoshop/IPTC record values: their format is not   #
# checked and one or multiple values can be attached to   #
# a single key independently of its repeatability. This   #
# is, in some sense, consistent with the fact that also   #
# "unknown" tags are included in the output.              #
sub get_app13_data {
    my ($this, $type, $what) = @_;
    # die on unknown $type's
    # die on unknown $what's
    # retrieve the appropriate records list
    my $records = $this->retrieve_app13_subdir($what);
    # return undef if the directory is not present
    return undef unless $records;
    # this is the data hash to be filled
    my $data = {};
    # create a hash, where the keys are the numeric keys of @$records
    # and the values are references to (initially empty) arrays.
    $$data{$_} = [] for map { $_->{key} } @$records;
    # These arrays are then filled with the record values,
    # accumulated according to the tag.
    push @{$$data{$_->{key}}}, $_->get_value() for @$records;
    # if $what is "non-IPTC", append the "extra" values for each
    # record, according to the tag (this is undef, mostly).
    if ($what !~ /IPTC/) {
	push @{$$data{$_->{key}}}, $_->{extra} for @$records; }
    # if the type is textual, the tags must be translated;
    # if there is no positive match from JPEG_lookup, create a tag
    # carrying 'Unknown_tag_' followed by the key numerical value.
    %$data = map { my $match = JPEG_lookup('APP13', subdir_name($what), $_);
		   (defined $match ? $match : "Unknown_tag_$_")
		       => $$data{$_} } keys %$data if $type eq 'TEXTUAL';
    # return the magic scalar
    return $data;

# This method accepts Photoshop data in various formats   #
# and updates the content of a Photoshop-style APP13      #
# segment. The key type of each entry in the input %$data #
# hash can be numeric or textual, independently of the    #
# others (the same key can appear in both forms, the      #
# corresponding values will be put together). The value   #
# of each entry can be an array reference or a scalar     #
# (you can use this as a shortcut for value arrays with   #
# only one value). The $action argument can be:           #
# - ADD : new records are added and nothing is deleted;   #
#      however, if you try to add a non-repeatable record #
#      which is already present, the newly supplied value #
#      replaces the pre-existing value.                   #
# - UPDATE : new records replace those characterised by   #
#      the same tags, but the others are preserved. This  #
#      makes it possible to modify repeatable records.    #
# - REPLACE : [default] all records in the relevant       #
#      subdir are deleted before inserting the new ones.  #
# The return value is a reference to a hash containing    #
# the rejected key-values entries. The entries of %$data  #
# are not modified.                                       #
# ------------------------------------------------------- #
# If $what implies some mandatory datasets, they are read #
# and from tables and added, unless already present.      #
# If $what is "non-IPTC", UPDATE is a synonim of 'ADD',   #
# and the second value is used as data block name.        #
# ------------------------------------------------------- #
# At the end, the segment data area is updated. An entry  #
# in the %$data hash may be rejected for various reasons: #
#  - the tag is undefined or not known;                   #
#  - the entry value is undef or points to an empty array;#
#     [IPTC only]:                                        #
#  - the non-repeatable property is violated;             #
#  - the tag is marked as invalid;                        #
#  - a value is undefined;                                #
#  - the length of a value is invalid;                    #
#  - a value does not match its mandatory regular expr.   #
sub set_app13_data {
    my ($this, $data, $action, $what) = @_;
    # die on unknown $action's
    # die on unknown $what's
    # return immediately if $data is not a hash reference
    return unless ref $data eq 'HASH';
    # collapse UPDATE into ADD if $what is "non-IPTC"
    $action = 'ADD' if $what !~ /IPTC/ && $action eq 'UPDATE';
    # this is the name of the target subdirectory
    my $subdir = subdir_name($what);
    # prepare two hash references and initialise them
    # with accepted and rejected data
    my ($data_accepted, $data_rejected) = screen_data($data, $what);
    # if $action is not 'REPLACE', old records need to be merged in;
    # take a copy of all current records if necessary
    my $oldrecs = $action eq 'REPLACE' ? {} : 
	$this->get_app13_data('NUMERIC', $what);
    # loop over all entries in the %$oldrecs hash and insert them into the
    # new hash if necessary (the "old hash" is of course empty if $action
    # corresponds to 'REPLACE', so we are dealing with 'ADD' or 'UPDATE' here).
    while (my ($tag, $oldarrayref) = each %$oldrecs) {
	# a pre-existing tag must always remain, prepare a slot. 
	$$data_accepted{$tag} = [] unless exists $$data_accepted{$tag};
	# if the tag is already covered by the new values and the
	# $action is 'UPDATE' or $what is "non-IPTC", do nothing
	# (I am assuming that "non-IPTC" is non-repeatable)
	my $newarrayref = $$data_accepted{$tag};
	next if @$newarrayref && ($action eq 'UPDATE' || $what !~ /IPTC/);
	# ... otherwise (i.e., if $action is 'ADD' or $action is 'UPDATE'
	# but the tag is not overwritten by new values) insert the old
	# values at the beginning of the value array.
	unshift @$newarrayref, @$oldarrayref; }
    # if a mandatory dataset hash is present, and the mandatory
    # datasets are note there, some more work is needed.
    if (my $mandatory = JPEG_lookup('APP13', $subdir, '__mandatory')) {
	my ($mand_datasets, $impossible) = screen_data($mandatory, $what);
	# If mandatory datasets are rejected, there is a big mess
	$this->die('Mandatory datasets rejected') if %$impossible;
	while (my ($tag, $val) = each %$mand_datasets) {
	    $$data_accepted{$tag}=$val unless exists $$data_accepted{$tag}; }}
    # overwrite the appropriate subdir content with accepted datasets
    $this->insert_accepted($what, $data_accepted);
    # remember to commit these changes to the data area
    # return the reference of rejected tags/values
    return $data_rejected;

# This routine actually overwrites the appropriate subdir #
# content with accepted datasets. Keys are guaranteed to  #
# be numerically sorted (increasing).                     #
sub insert_accepted {
    my ($this, $what, $data) = @_;
    # get and clear the appropriate records directory
    my $dirref = $this->provide_app13_subdir($what); @$dirref = ();
    # Remember to keep only the last value for non-repeatable records.
    shift_non_repeatables($data, $what);
    # loop on datasets in increasing numeric order on tags
    for my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$data) {
	# $what is "non-IPTC". For each key, create a resource data block
	# with the first value. If there is a second value, set "extra"; 
	if ($what !~ /IPTC/) {
	    my $arrayref = $$data{$key};
	    # resource data block value (the Record obj. is in @$dirref)
	    my $vref = \ $$arrayref[0];
	    $this->store_record($dirref, $key, $UNDEF, $vref, length $$vref);
	    # resource data block extra (the Record obj. is in @$dirref)
	    $this->search_record('LAST_RECORD', $dirref)->{extra} =
		$$arrayref[1] if exists $$arrayref[1]; }
	# $what is IPTC_something. For each element in the hash, create
	# one or more Records corresponding to a dataset and insert them
	# into the appropriate subdirectory.
	elsif ($what =~ /^IPTC/) {
	    # each element of the array creates a new Record
	    $this->store_record($dirref, $key, $ASCII, \ $_, length $_)
		for @{$$data{$key}}; }

# This function takes a hash of candidate inputs to the   #
# APP13 segment record list and decides whether to accept #
# or reject them. It returns two references to two hashes #
# with accepted and rejected data. All keys of accepted   #
# records are forced to numeric form. The actual data     #
# screening is done by value_is_OK().                     #
sub screen_data {
    my ($data, $what) = @_;
    # prepare repositories for good and bad guys
    my ($data_accepted, $data_rejected) = ({}, {});
    # this is the name of the target subdirectory
    my $subdir = subdir_name($what);
    # Force an ordering on %$data; this is necessary because the same key
    # can be present twice, in numeric and textual form, and we want the
    # corresponding value merging to be stable (numeric goes first).
    for (sort keys %$data) {
	# get copies, do not manipulate original data!
	my ($tag, $value) = ($_, $$data{$_});
	# accept both array references and plain scalars
	$value = (ref $value) ?  [ @$value ] : [ $value ];
	# if $tag is not numeric, try a textual to numeric
	# translation; (but don't set it to an undefined value yet)
	if (defined $tag && $tag !~ /^\d*$/) {
	    my $num_tag = JPEG_lookup('APP13', $subdir, $tag);
	    $tag = $num_tag if defined $num_tag; }
	# get a reference to the correct repository: an entry is
	# accepted if it passes the value_is_OK test, rejected otherwise.
	my $repository = value_is_OK($tag, $value, $what) ?
	    $data_accepted : $data_rejected;
	# add data to the repository (do not overwrite!)
	$$repository{$tag} = [ ] unless exists $$repository{$tag};
	push @{$$repository{$tag}}, @$value; }
    # return references to the two repositories
    return ($data_accepted, $data_rejected);

# This function "corrects" a hash of records violating    #
# some non-repeatable constraint. If a non-repeatable     #
# record is found with multiple values, only the last one #
# is retained. $what is needed to retrieve syntax tables. #
sub shift_non_repeatables {
    my ($hashref, $what) = @_;
    # loop over all elements in the hash
    while (my ($tag, $arrayref) = each %$hashref) {
	# get the constraints of this record
	my $constraints = JPEG_lookup
	    ('APP13', subdir_name($what), '__syntax', $tag);
	# skip unknown tags (this shouldn't happen) and repeatable records
	next unless $constraints && $$constraints[1] eq 'N';
	# retain only the last element of this non-repeatable record
	$$hashref{$tag} = [ $$arrayref[$#$arrayref] ] if @$arrayref != 1;

# This function return true if a given value fits a given #
# tag definition, false otherwise. The input arguments are#
# a numeric tag and an array reference, as usual. + $what #
sub value_is_OK {
    my ($tag, $arrayref, $what) = @_;
    # $tag must be defined
    return undef unless defined $tag;
    # $tag must be a numeric value
    return undef unless $tag =~ /^\d*$/;
    # $arrayref must be an array reference
    return undef unless ref $arrayref && ref $arrayref eq 'ARRAY';
    # the referenced array must contain at least one element
    return undef unless @$arrayref;
    # if the tag is not known, it is not acceptable
    return undef unless JPEG_lookup('APP13', subdir_name($what), $tag);
    # it $what is "non-IPTC", the number of values can be only 1 or 2
    return undef if $what !~ /IPTC/ && scalar @$arrayref > 2;
    # the following tests are applied only if a syntax def. is present
    my $constraints = JPEG_lookup('APP13',subdir_name($what),'__syntax',$tag);
    return 1 unless defined $constraints;
    # if the tag is non-repeatable, accept exactly one element
    return undef if $$constraints[1] eq 'N' && @$arrayref != 1;
    # get the mandatory "regular expression" for this tag
    my $regex = $$constraints[4];
    # if $regex matches 'invalid', inhibit this tag
    return undef if $regex =~ /invalid/;
    # run the following tests on all values
    for (@$arrayref) {
	# the second value for "non-IPTC" should not be tested
	next if $what !~ /IPTC/ && ($_||1) ne ($$arrayref[0]||1);
	# each value must be defined
	return undef unless defined $_;
	# each value length must fit the appropriate range
	return undef if (length $_ < $$constraints[2] || 
			 length $_ > $$constraints[3] );
	# each value must match the mandatory regular expression;
	# but, if $regex matches 'binary', everything is permitted
	return undef unless /$regex/ || $regex =~ /binary/; }
    # all tests were successful! return success
    return 1;

# successful package load