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package Path::Resolver::Role::Resolver;
  $Path::Resolver::Role::Resolver::VERSION = '3.100452';
# ABSTRACT: resolving paths is just what resolvers do!
use Moose::Role;

use namespace::autoclean;

use File::Spec::Unix;
use MooseX::Types;

requires 'entity_at';

around entity_at => sub {
  my ($orig, $self, $path) = @_;
  my @input_path;

  if (ref $path) {
    @input_path = @$path;
  } else {
    Carp::confess("invalid path: empty") unless defined $path and length $path;

    @input_path = File::Spec::Unix->splitdir($path);

  Carp::confess("invalid path: empty") unless @input_path;
  Carp::confess("invalid path: ends with non-filename")
    if $input_path[-1] eq '';

  my @return_path;
  push @return_path, (shift @input_path) if $input_path[0] eq '';
  push @return_path, grep { defined $_ and length $_ } @input_path;

  my $entity = $self->$orig(\@return_path);

  return unless defined $entity;

  if (my $conv = $self->converter) {
    return $conv->convert($entity);
  } else {
    my $native_type = $self->native_type;

    if (my $error = $native_type->validate($entity)) {
      confess $error;

    return $entity;

requires 'native_type';

sub effective_type {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->native_type unless $self->converter;
  return $self->converter->output_type;

has converter => (
  is      => 'ro',
  isa     => maybe_type( role_type('Path::Resolver::Role::Converter') ),
  builder => 'default_converter',

sub default_converter { return }

sub content_for {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;
  return unless my $entity = $self->entity_at($path);

  confess "located entity can't perform the content_ref method"
    unless $entity->can('content_ref');

  return $entity->content_ref;



=head1 NAME

Path::Resolver::Role::Resolver - resolving paths is just what resolvers do!

=head1 VERSION

version 3.100452


A class that implements this role can be used to resolve paths into entities.
They declare the type of entity that they will produce internally, and may have
a mechanism for converting that entity into another type before returning it.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 entity_at

  my $entity = $resolver->entity_at($path);

This is the most important method in a resolver.  It is handed a unix-style
filepath and does one of three things:


=item * returns an entity if a suitable one can be found

=item * returns undef if no entity can be found

=item * raises an exception if the entity found is unsuitable or if an error occurs


Much of the logic of this method is implemented by an C<around> modifier
applied by the role.  This modifier will convert paths from strings into
arrayrefs of path parts.

Empty path parts are removed -- except for the first, which would represent the
root are skipped, and the last, which would imply that you provided a path
ending in /, which is a directory.

If the resolver has a C<converter> (see below) then the found entity will be
passed to the converter and the result will be returned.  Otherwise, the entity
will be type-checked and returned.

This means that to write a resolver, you must write a C<entity_at> method that
accepts an arrayref of path parts (strings) and returns an object of the type
indicated by the resolver's C<native_type> method (below).

=head2 native_type

This method should return a L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> indicating the type
of entity that will be located by the resolver's native C<entity_at>.

It must be provided by classes implementing the Path::Resolver::Role::Resolver

=head2 effective_type

This method returns the type that the wrapped C<entity_at> method will return.
This means that if there is a converter (see below) it will return the
converter's output type.  Otherwise, it will return the resolver's native type.

=head2 converter

The converter method (actually an attribute) may be undef or may be an object
that implements the
L<Path::Resolver::Role::Converter|Path::Resolver::Role::Converter> object.

It will be used to convert objects from the resolver's native type to another

=head2 default_converter

This method can be implemented by resolver classes to set a default converter.
The version provided by this role returns false.

To see an example of this put to use, see

=head2 content_for

  my $content_ref = $resolver->content_for($path);

This method is provided with backward compatibility with previous versions of
Path::Resolver.  B<This method will be removed in the near future.>

It calls C<entity_at> and then calls the C<content_ref> on the entity.  If
the entity doesn't provide a C<content_ref> method, an exception will be

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
