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package Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer;
# ABSTRACT: gather related paragraphs under a shared header
$Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer::VERSION = '0.103000';
use Moose;
with 'Pod::Elemental::Transformer';

use namespace::autoclean;

use Moose::Autobox 0.10;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(CodeRef);
use Pod::Elemental::Node;

# =head1 OVERVIEW
# Like the Nester transformer, this Gatherer produces structure and containment
# in a Pod document.  Unlike that Nester, it does not find top-level elements,
# but instead produces them.
# It looks for all elements matching the C<gather_selector>.  They are removed
# from the node.  In the place of the first found element, the C<container> node
# is placed into the transformed node, and all the gathered elements are made
# children of the container.
# So, given this document:
#   Document
#     =head1 Foo
#     =over 4
#     =item * xyzzy
#     =item * abcdef
#     =back
#     =head1 Bar
#     =over 4
#     =item * 1234
#     =item * 8765
#     =back
# ...and this nester...
#   my $gatherer = Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer->new({
#     gather_selector => s_command( [ qw(over item back) ] ),
#     container       => Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Command->new({
#       command => 'head1',
#       content => "LISTS\n",
#     }),
#   });
# Then this:
#   $nester->transform_node($document);
# Will result in this document:
#   Document
#     =head1 Foo
#     =head1 LISTS
#       =over 4
#       =item * xyzzy
#       =item * abcdef
#       =back
#       =over 4
#       =item * 1234
#       =item * 8765
#       =back
#     =head1 Bar
# =attr gather_selector
# This is a coderef (a predicate) used to find the paragraphs to gather up.
# =cut

has gather_selector => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => CodeRef,
  required => 1,

# =attr container
# This is a Pod::Elemental::Node that will be inserted into the node, containing
# all gathered elements.
# =cut

has container => (
  is   => 'ro',
  does => 'Pod::Elemental::Node',
  required => 1,

sub transform_node {
  my ($self, $node) = @_;

  my @indexes;
  for my $i (0 .. $node->children->length - 1) {
    push @indexes, $i if $self->gather_selector->($node->children->[ $i ]);

  my @paras;
  for my $idx (reverse @indexes) {
    unshift @paras, splice @{ $node->children }, $idx, 1;


  splice @{ $node->children }, $indexes[0], 0, $self->container;

  return $node;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer - gather related paragraphs under a shared header

=head1 VERSION

version 0.103000


Like the Nester transformer, this Gatherer produces structure and containment
in a Pod document.  Unlike that Nester, it does not find top-level elements,
but instead produces them.

It looks for all elements matching the C<gather_selector>.  They are removed
from the node.  In the place of the first found element, the C<container> node
is placed into the transformed node, and all the gathered elements are made
children of the container.

So, given this document:

    =head1 Foo
    =over 4
    =item * xyzzy
    =item * abcdef
    =head1 Bar
    =over 4
    =item * 1234
    =item * 8765

...and this nester...

  my $gatherer = Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Gatherer->new({
    gather_selector => s_command( [ qw(over item back) ] ),
    container       => Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Command->new({
      command => 'head1',
      content => "LISTS\n",

Then this:


Will result in this document:

    =head1 Foo
    =head1 LISTS
      =over 4
      =item * xyzzy
      =item * abcdef
      =over 4
      =item * 1234
      =item * 8765
    =head1 Bar


=head2 gather_selector

This is a coderef (a predicate) used to find the paragraphs to gather up.

=head2 container

This is a Pod::Elemental::Node that will be inserted into the node, containing
all gathered elements.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
