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use strict;
use warnings;
package Sub::Pipeline;
  $Sub::Pipeline::VERSION = '0.011';
# ABSTRACT: subs composed of sequential pieces

use Carp ();
use Params::Util 0.22 qw(_CODELIKE);
use Sub::Install;

sub new {
  my ($class, $arg) = @_;
  $arg->{on_success} ||= 'value';

  my $self = bless {} => $class;

  $self->order(@{ $arg->{order} }) if $arg->{order};
  $self->pipe($_ => $arg->{pipe}{$_}) for (keys %{ $arg->{pipe} });

  return $self;

sub order {
  my $self = shift;
  return @{ $self->{order} } unless @_;

  $self->{order} = [ @_ ];
  return @_;

sub pipe { ## no critic Homonym
  my ($self, $name, $code) = @_;
  return $self->{pipe}{$name} if @_ == 2;
  Carp::croak "pipe piece must be a code reference" unless ref $code eq 'CODE';
  $self->{pipe}{$name} = $code;

my %_behavior = map { $_ => 1 } qw(throw return value);

sub on_success {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{behavior} unless @_;

  my ($behavior) = @_;
  Carp::croak "invalid value for on_success" unless $_behavior{ $behavior };
  $self->{behavior} = $behavior;

sub check {
  my ($self) = @_;
  for my $pipe ($self->order) {
    my $code = $self->pipe($pipe);
    unless ((ref $code eq 'CODE') or overload::Method($code, '&{}')) {
      Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing->throw(pipe => $pipe);
  return 1;

sub _initial_state {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return {};

sub _call_parts {
  my ($self, $order, $on_success, $get_part, $arg) = @_;

  push @$arg, $self->_initial_state;

  for my $pipe (@$order) {
    my $code = $get_part->($pipe);
    unless (_CODELIKE($code)) {
      Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing->throw(pipe => $pipe);
    eval { $code->(@$arg) };
    next unless $@;
    if (my $e = Sub::Pipeline::Success->caught) {
      return $e if $on_success eq 'return';
      return $e->value if $on_success eq 'value';
      $e->rethrow if $on_success eq 'throw';
      Carp::confess "unknown on_success behavior: " . $on_success;
    } else {
      Carp::cluck $@;

sub call {
  my $self = shift;

    [ $self->order ],
    sub { $self->pipe($_[0]) },

sub as_code {
  my ($self) = @_;
  sub { $self->call(@_) };

sub load_from_package {
  my ($self, $package) = @_;

  for my $pipe ($self->order) {
    my $code = $package->can($pipe);
    Carp::croak "package $package has no sub $pipe" unless $code;
    $self->pipe($pipe => $code);

sub save_to_package {
  my ($self, $package, $arg) = @_;

  my $installer
    = Sub::Install->can($arg->{reinstall} ? 'reinstall_sub' : 'install_sub');

  for my $pipe ($self->order) {
      into => $package,
      as   => $pipe,
      code => $self->pipe($pipe),

  my $on_success = $self->on_success;

  my $caller = sub {
      [ $self->order ],

  $installer->({ into => $package, as => 'call', code => $caller });

sub install_pipeline {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;

  ($arg->{into}) ||= caller(0);

  my $installer
    = Sub::Install->can($arg->{reinstall} ? 'reinstall_sub' : 'install_sub');

  Carp::croak "install_pipeline requires an 'as' parameter" unless $arg->{as};
    code => $self->as_code,
    into => $arg->{into},
    as   => $arg->{as}

sub install_new {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;

  my $install_arg = {};
  $install_arg->{$_} = delete $arg->{$_} for qw(into as reinstall);


use overload
  '&{}'    => 'as_code',
  fallback => 1

use Sub::Exporter 0.95 -setup => {
  groups     => { class => \&_class_generator },
  collectors => [ order => sub { ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' } ],

sub _class_generator {
  my ($class, $name, $arg, $col) = @_;

  my @order = @{ $col->{order} };
  my $order_acc = sub { return @_ ? (@order = @_) : @order; };
  my $caller    = sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
      [ $order_acc->() ],
      'value', # make configurable
      sub { $self->can($_[0]) },

  return {
    order => $order_acc,
    call  => $caller,

use Exception::Class 1.22 (
  'Sub::Pipeline::Success',     { fields => [qw(value)] },
  'Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing', { fields => [qw(pipe) ] },




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Sub::Pipeline - subs composed of sequential pieces

=head1 VERSION

version 0.011


  use Sub::Pipeline;

  my $pipeline = Sub::Pipeline->new({
    on_success => 'return',
    order => [ qw(init validate check_acl do) ],
    pipe  => {
      init      => sub { die "can't initialize"  unless do_init; },
      validate  => sub { die "validatione error" unless validate_args(@_); },
      check_acl => sub { die "permission error"  unless get_user->may(@_); },
      do        => sub {
        my $result = do_something_complicated(@_);

  $pipeline->install_pipeline({ as => "transmogrify", into => "Origami" });

  my $result = Origami->transmogrify(10, 20, 99);


This module makes it easy to construct routines out of smaller routines which
can be swapped in and out, have their exception handling altered, or cause
early successful return.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

This method constructs and initializes a new Sub::Pipeline.

Valid arguments are:

 order - a reference to an array of names of pipes to be run, in order
 pipe  - a reference to a hash of pipe names and implementations (code refs)
 on_success - what to do on success (default 'value'; see 'on_success' below)

=head2 order

  my @old_order = $pipeline->order;
  my @new_order = $pipeline->order(qw(begin check init run end));

This method sets the order in which the pipe pieces are run.

=head2 pipe

  my $code = $pipeline->pipe($name);

  $pipeline->pipe($name => sub { });

This method sets the named pipe piece to the given code reference.

=head2 on_success


This method sets the behavior for handling the Sub::Pipeline::Success
exception.  That exception is thrown by a pipe piece to indicate completion.

Valid values are:

 throw  - the thrown exception is rethrown
 return - the thrown exception is returned
 value  - the value of the exception is returned

=head2 check

This method checks whether the pipe is complete and intact.  If any pipe piece
is missing, a Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing exception is thrown.  Its C<pipe>
field is set to the name of the first missing pipe.

=head2 call

This method calls each piece of the pipeline in order.  Non-success exceptions
are rethrown.  Success exceptions are handled according to the defined
C<L</on_success>> behavior.

If a pipeline piece is missing, a Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing exception is
thrown.  This method does not implement this in terms of C<L</check>>, so
multiple pipe pieces may be called before this exception is thrown.

=head2 as_code

This method returns a code reference which, if called, is equivalent to calling
the pipeline's C<call> method.

=head2 load_from_package


This method loads the pipeline's pipes by looking for subs with the pipe names
in the given package.

=head2 save_to_package

  $pipeline->save_to_package($package_name, \%arg);

This method saves the pipeline to a package.  It installs each of its pipe
pieces as a named subroutine in the package, and installs a C<call> routine in
the package to invoke the pipeline.

An named argument, C<reinstall>, may be passed as a true value to suppress
warnings on redefining existing subs in the package.

=head2 install_pipeline

  $pipeline->install_pipeline({ into => $package, as => $method_name });

This method installs the pipeline into the named package with the given method
name.  A C<reinstall> parameter may also be passed.  If true, warnings for
redefining over an existing sub are suppressed.

=head2 install_new


This method creates a new pipeline and installs it.  The C<into>, C<as>, and
C<reinstall> arguments are passed to C<install_pipeline>.  All other arguments
are passed to C<new>.


This method defines two exception classes (via L<Exception::Class>): 


=item * Sub::Pipeline::Success

This exception is thrown by a pipeline piece that wishes to indicate that the
pipeline is done.

=item * Sub::Pipeline::PipeMissing

This exception is thrown by C<L</check>> or C<L</call>> when a pipeline piece
listed in the pipeline's calling order is undefined or not callable.


=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * B<urgent>: supply a method for passing data between pipeline segments


=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES <>


This software is copyright (c) 2005 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
