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use strict; use warnings;
use Test::More;
my $n_tests = 0;

use Hash::Util::FieldHash qw( :all);
my $ob_reg = Hash::Util::FieldHash::_ob_reg;


my $fieldhash_mode = 2;

# define ref types to use with some tests
my @test_types;
    # skipping CODE refs, they are differently scoped
    @test_types = qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH GLOB);

### The id() function
    BEGIN { $n_tests += 4 }
    my $ref = [];
    is id( $ref), refaddr( $ref), "id is refaddr";
    my %h;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %h, $fieldhash_mode;
    $h{ $ref} = ();
    my ( $key) = keys %h;
    is id( $ref), $key, "id is FieldHash key";
    my $scalar = 'string';
    is id( $scalar), $scalar, "string passes unchanged";
    $scalar = 1234;
    is id( $scalar), $scalar, "number passes unchanged";

### idhash functionality
    BEGIN { $n_tests += 3 }
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::idhash my %h;
    my $ref = sub {};
    my $val = 123;
    $h{ $ref} = $val;
    my ( $key) = keys %h;
    is $key, id( $ref), "idhash key correct";
    is $h{ $ref}, $val, "value retrieved through ref";
    is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "no auto-registry in idhash";

### the register() and id_2obj functions
    BEGIN { $n_tests += 9 }
    my $obj = {};
    my $id = id( $obj);
    is id_2obj( $id), undef, "unregistered object not retrieved";
    is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty";
    is register( $obj), $obj, "object returned by register";
    is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object registry nonempty";
    is id_2obj( $id), $obj, "registered object retrieved";
    my %hash;
    register( $obj, \ %hash);
    $hash{ $id} = 123;
    is scalar keys %hash, 1, "key present in registered hash";
    undef $obj;
    is scalar keys %hash, 0, "key collected from registered hash";
    is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty again";
    eval { register( 1234) };
    like $@, qr/^Attempt to register/, "registering non-ref is fatal";

### Object auto-registry

BEGIN { $n_tests += 3 }
        my $obj = {};
            my $h = {};
            Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash $h, $fieldhash_mode;
            $h->{ $obj} = 123;
            is( keys %$ob_reg, 1, "one object registered");
        # field hash stays alive until $obj dies
        is( keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object still registered");
    is( keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object unregistered");

### existence/retrieval/deletion
BEGIN { $n_tests += 6 }
    no warnings 'misc';
    my $val = 123;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ my( %h), $fieldhash_mode;
    for ( [ str => 'abc'], [ ref => {}] ) {
        my ( $keytype, $key) = @$_;
        $h{ $key} = $val;
        ok( exists $h{ $key},  "existence ($keytype)");
        is( $h{ $key}, $val,   "retrieval ($keytype)");
        delete $h{ $key};
        is( keys %h, 0, "deletion ($keytype)");

### id-action (stringification independent of bless)
BEGIN { $n_tests += 5 }
# use Scalar::Util qw( refaddr);
    my( %f, %g, %h, %i);
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %f, $fieldhash_mode;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %g, $fieldhash_mode;
    my $val = 123;
    my $key = [];
    $f{ $key} = $val;
    is( $f{ $key}, $val, "plain key set in field");
    my ( $id) = keys %f;
    my $refaddr = refaddr($key);
    is $id, $refaddr, "key is refaddr";
    bless $key;
    is( $f{ $key}, $val, "access through blessed");
    $key = [];
    $h{ $key} = $val;
    is( $h{ $key}, $val, "plain key set in hash");
    bless $key;
    isnt( $h{ $key}, $val, "no access through blessed");
# Garbage collection
BEGIN { $n_tests += 1 + 2*( 3*@test_types + 5) + 1 + 2 }

    my %h;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %h, $fieldhash_mode;
    $h{ []} = 123;
    is( keys %h, 0, "blip");

for my $preload ( [], [ map {}, 1 .. 3] ) {
    my $pre = @$preload ? ' (preloaded)' : '';
    my %f;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %f, $fieldhash_mode;
    my @preval = map "$_", @$preload;
    @f{ @$preload} = @preval;
    # Garbage collection separately
    for my $type ( @test_types) {
            my $ref = gen_ref( $type);
            $f{ $ref} = $type;
            my ( $val) = grep $_ eq $type, values %f;
            is( $val, $type, "$type visible$pre");
                keys %$ob_reg,
                1 + @$preload,
                "$type obj registered$pre"
        is( keys %f, @$preload, "$type gone$pre");
    # Garbage collection collectively
    is( keys %$ob_reg, @$preload, "no objs remaining$pre");
        my @refs = map gen_ref( $_), @test_types;
        @f{ @refs} = @test_types;
            eq_set( [ values %f], [ @test_types, @preval]),
            "all types present$pre",
            keys %$ob_reg,
            @test_types + @$preload,
            "all types registered$pre",
    die "preload gone" unless defined $preload;
    ok( eq_set( [ values %f], \ @preval), "all types gone$pre");
    is( keys %$ob_reg, @$preload, "all types unregistered$pre");
is( keys %$ob_reg, 0, "preload gone after loop");

# autovivified key
    my %h;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %h, $fieldhash_mode;
    my $ref = {};
    my $x = $h{ $ref}->[ 0];
    is keys %h, 1, "autovivified key present";
    undef $ref;
    is keys %h, 0, "autovivified key collected";
# big key sets
BEGIN { $n_tests += 8 }
    my $size = 10_000;
    my %f;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ %f, $fieldhash_mode;
        my @refs = map [], 1 .. $size;
        $f{ $_} = 1 for @refs;
        is( keys %f, $size, "many keys singly");
            keys %$ob_reg,
            "many objects singly",
    is( keys %f, 0, "many keys singly gone");
        keys %$ob_reg,
        "many objects singly unregistered",
        my @refs = map [], 1 .. $size;
        @f{ @refs } = ( 1) x @refs;
        is( keys %f, $size, "many keys at once");
            keys %$ob_reg,
            "many objects at once",
    is( keys %f, 0, "many keys at once gone");
        keys %$ob_reg,
        "many objects at once unregistered",

# many field hashes
BEGIN { $n_tests += 6 }
    my $n_fields = 1000;
    my @fields = map {}, $n_fields;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash( $_, $fieldhash_mode) for @fields;
    my @obs = map gen_ref( $_), @test_types;
    my $n_obs = @obs;
    for my $field ( @fields ) {
        @{ $field }{ @obs} = map ref, @obs;
    my $err = grep keys %$_ != @obs, @fields;
    is( $err, 0, "$n_obs entries in $n_fields fields");
    is( keys %$ob_reg, @obs, "$n_obs obs registered");
    pop @obs;
    $err = grep keys %$_ != @obs, @fields;
    is( $err, 0, "one entry gone from $n_fields fields");
    is( keys %$ob_reg, @obs, "one ob unregistered");
    @obs = ();
    $err = grep keys %$_ != @obs, @fields;
    is( $err, 0, "all entries gone from $n_fields fields");
    is( keys %$ob_reg, @obs, "all obs unregistered");

# direct hash assignment
BEGIN { $n_tests += 4 }
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash( $_, $fieldhash_mode) for \ my( %f, %g, %h);
    my $size = 6;
    my @obs = map [], 1 .. $size;
    @f{ @obs} = ( 1) x $size;
    $g{ $_} = $f{ $_} for keys %f; # single assignment
    %h = %f;                       # wholesale assignment
    @obs = ();
    is keys %$ob_reg, 0, "all keys collected";
    is keys %f, 0, "orig garbage-collected";
    is keys %g, 0, "single-copy garbage-collected";
    is keys %h, 0, "wholesale-copy garbage-collected";

    # prototypes in place?
    my %proto_tab = (
        fieldhash   => '\\%',
        fieldhashes => '',
        idhash      => '\\%',
        idhashes    => '',
        id          => '$',
        id_2obj     => '$',
        register    => '$@',

    my @notfound = grep !exists $proto_tab{ $_} =>
    ok @notfound == 0, "All exports in table";
    is prototype( "Hash::Util::FieldHash::$_") || '', $proto_tab{ $_},
        "$_ has prototype ($proto_tab{ $_})" for

    BEGIN { $n_tests += 1 + @Hash::Util::FieldHash::EXPORT_OK }

    BEGIN { $n_tests += 1 }
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::_fieldhash \ my( %h), $fieldhash_mode;
    bless \ %h, 'abc'; # this bus-errors with a certain bug
    ok( 1, "no bus error on bless")

BEGIN { plan tests => $n_tests }


sub refaddr {
    # silence possible warnings from hex() on 64bit systems
    no warnings 'portable';

    my $ref = shift;
    hex +($ref =~ /\(0x([[:xdigit:]]+)\)$/)[ 0];

use Symbol qw( gensym);

    my %gen = (
        SCALAR => sub { \ my $o },
        ARRAY  => sub { [] },
        HASH   => sub { {} },
        GLOB   => sub { gensym },
        CODE   => sub { sub {} },

    sub gen_ref { $gen{ shift()}->() }