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# Use B to test that optimisations are not inadvertently removed,
# by examining particular nodes in the optree.

    chdir 't';
    require './';
    skip_all_if_miniperl("No B under miniperl");
    @INC = '../lib';

plan 24;

use v5.10; # state
use B qw 'svref_2object OPpASSIGN_COMMON';

# aassign with no common vars
for ('my ($self) = @_',
     'my @x; @y = $x[0]', # aelemfast_lex
    my $sub = eval "sub { $_ }";
    my $last_expr =
    if ($last_expr->name ne 'aassign') {
        die "Expected aassign but found ", $last_expr->name,
            "; this test needs to be rewritten" 
    is $last_expr->private & OPpASSIGN_COMMON, 0,
      "no ASSIGN_COMMON for $_";

# join -> stringify/const

for (['CONSTANT', sub {          join "foo", $_ }],
     ['$var'    , sub {          join  $_  , $_ }],
     ['$myvar'  , sub { my $var; join  $var, $_ }],
) {
    my($sep,$sub) = @$_;
    my $last_expr = svref_2object($sub)->ROOT->first->last;
    is $last_expr->name, 'stringify',
      "join($sep, \$scalar) optimised to stringify";

for (['CONSTANT', sub {          join "foo", "bar"    }, 0, "bar"    ],
     ['CONSTANT', sub {          join "foo", "bar", 3 }, 1, "barfoo3"],
     ['$var'    , sub {          join  $_  , "bar"    }, 0, "bar"    ],
     ['$myvar'  , sub { my $var; join  $var, "bar"    }, 0, "bar"    ],
) {
    my($sep,$sub,$is_list,$expect) = @$_;
    my $last_expr = svref_2object($sub)->ROOT->first->last;
    my $tn = "join($sep, " . ($is_list?'list of constants':'const') . ")";
    is $last_expr->name, 'const', "$tn optimised to constant";
    is $sub->(), $expect, "$tn folded correctly";

# list+pushmark in list context elided out of the execution chain
is svref_2object(sub { () = ($_, ($_, $_)) })
    ->START # nextstate
    ->next  # pushmark
    ->next  # gvsv
    ->next  # should be gvsv, not pushmark
  ->name, 'gvsv',
  "list+pushmark in list context where list's elder sibling is a null";

# nextstate multiple times becoming one nextstate

is svref_2object(sub { 0;0;0;0;0;0;time })->START->next->name, 'time',
  'multiple nextstates become one';

# pad[ahs]v state declarations in void context 

is svref_2object(sub{state($foo,@fit,%far);state $bar;state($a,$b); time})
    ->START->next->name, 'time',
  'pad[ahs]v state declarations in void context';

# pushmark-padsv-padav-padhv in list context --> padrange

    my @ops;
    my $sub = sub { \my( $f, @f, %f ) };
    my $op = svref_2object($sub)->START;
    push(@ops, $op->name), $op = $op->next while $$op;
    is "@ops", "nextstate padrange refgen leavesub", 'multi-type padrange'

# rv2[ahs]v in void context

is svref_2object(sub { our($foo,@fit,%far); our $bar; our($a,$b); time })
    ->START->next->name, 'time',
  'rv2[ahs]v in void context';

# split to array

for(['@pkgary'      , '@_'       ],
    ['@lexary'      , 'my @a; @a'],
    ['my(@array)'   , 'my(@a)'   ],
    ['local(@array)', 'local(@_)'],
    ['@{...}'       , '@{\@_}'   ],
    my($tn,$code) = @$_;
    my $sub = eval "sub { $code = split }";
    my $split = svref_2object($sub)->ROOT->first->last;
    is $split->name, 'split', "$tn = split swallows up the assignment";

# stringify with join kid --> join
is svref_2object(sub { "@_" })->ROOT->first->last->name, 'join',
  'qq"@_" optimised from stringify(join(...)) to join(...)';