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package Games::Traveller::UWP;

use 5.008003;
use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( readUwp toString );
our $VERSION = '0.94';

#   Package Logic
   my @hex = ( 0..9, 'A'..'H', 'J'..'N', 'P'..'Z' );
   my %hex2dec = ();
   for( my $i=0; $i<@hex; $i++ )
      $hex2dec{$hex[$i]} = "$i";

   my %yaml = ();
   sub new { bless{}, shift }
   #  Essential methods
   #   readUwp()  - parses in the given UWP line data
   #   toString() - prints data out in standard UWP format

   sub readUwp
      my $self = shift;
      my $line = shift;

      $self->_data = ();
      $self->_oldUWP( $line ) 
         unless $self->_standardUWP( $line );
      return $self;
   sub toString
      my $self   = shift;      
      my $routes = '';
      $routes = ' :' . join( ',', @{$self->routes} ) if $self->routes;
      return sprintf( "%-15s%04d %8s %1s %-20s %2s %3s %2s %s%s",
             $routes );
   #  Read-write methods
   sub _yaml         :lvalue { $yaml{+shift} }
   sub _data         :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data} }
   sub _src          :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{src}          }
   sub name          :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Name}         }
   sub loc           :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Hex}          }
   sub starport      :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Starport}     }
   sub size          :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Size}         }
   sub atmosphere    :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Atmosphere}   }
   sub hydrographics :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Hydrographics}}
   sub popDigit      :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Population}   }
   sub government    :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Government}   }
   sub law           :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Law}          }
   sub tl            :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{TL}           }
   sub bases         :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Bases}        }
   sub codes         :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Codes}        }
   sub zone          :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Zone}         }
   sub popMult       :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{PM}           }
   sub belts         :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Belts}        }
   sub ggs           :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{GGs}          }
   sub allegiance    :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Allegiance}   }
   sub starData      :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Stellar}      }
   sub primary       :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Stellar}->[0] }
   sub companion     :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Stellar}->[1] }
   sub far           :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Stellar}->[2] }
   sub farCompanion  :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Stellar}->[3] }
   sub routes        :lvalue { $yaml{+shift}->{data}->{Routes}       }
   #  Read-only methods
   sub isBa($) { (population(shift) == 0)          && 'Ba ' }
   sub isLo($) { (population(shift) =~ /[0-4]/)        && 'Lo ' }
   sub isHi($) { (population(shift) =~ /[9A]/)         && 'Hi ' }
   sub isAg($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[4-9][4-8][5-7]/)  && 'Ag ' }
   sub isNa($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[0-3][0-3][6-A]/)  && 'Na ' }
   sub isIn($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[012479].[9A]/)    && 'In ' }
   sub isNi($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^....[1-6]/)          && 'Ni ' }
   sub isRi($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[6-8].[6-8][4-9]/) && 'Ri ' }
   sub isPo($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[2-5][0-3][^0]/)   && 'Po ' }
   sub isWa($) { (hydrographics(shift) eq 'A')         && 'Wa ' }
   sub isDe($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[2-A]0/)           && 'De ' }
   sub isAs($) { (size(shift) eq '0')                  && 'As ' }
   sub isVa($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^.[1-A]0/)            && 'Va ' }
   sub isIc($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..[01][1-A]/)        && 'Ic ' }
   sub isFl($) { (uwp(shift) =~ /^..A[1-A]/)           && 'Fl ' }
   sub isCp($) { (codes(shift) =~ /cp/)                && 'Cp ' }
   sub isCx($) { (codes(shift) =~ /cx/)                && 'Cx ' }

   sub isNice($)
      my $self = shift;
      return 1 if $self->tl         =~ /[12345]/
               || $self->atmosphere =~ /[456789]/
               || $self->population >= 100_000_000;

   sub isGassy($)
      my $self = shift;
      return 1 if $self->atmosphere ne '0';
   sub isaRock($)
   	  my $self = shift;
   	  return 1 if $self->size ne '0' 
   	           && $self->atmosphere eq '0'
                 && $self->hydrographics eq '0';
   #   Returns the calculated population of the world.
   sub population($)
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->popMult * (10 ** $hex2dec{ $self->popDigit } );

   #  Returns the hex-row or hex-col coordinates of the world.
   sub col($)     { (loc(shift) =~ /^(..)/)[0] }
   sub row($)     { (loc(shift) =~ /(..)$/)[0] }

   #  Returns the core UWP, i.e. 'A123456-7'
   sub uwp($)
      my $self = shift;
      no strict;
      return $self->starport . ($self->size || '0')       
                             . ($self->atmosphere || '0')
                             . ($self->hydrographics || '0')
                             . ($self->popDigit || '0')
                             . ($self->government || '0')
                             . ($self->law || '0')
                             . '-'  
                             . ($self->tl || '0');

   #  Returns the PBG, i.e. '323'
   sub pbg($)
      my $self = shift;
      no strict;
      return ($self->popMult || '0')
           . ($self->belts   || '0')
           . ($self->ggs     || '0');
   #  Converts star data back to string format.
   sub stars($)
      my $self = shift;
      return '' unless $self->starData;
      my @primary   = @{$self->primary};
      my @companion = @{$self->companion};
      my @far       = @{$self->far};
      my @farcmp    = @{$self->farCompanion};

      my $primary = $primary[0];
      $primary = '(' . join( ' ', @primary ) . ')' if @primary > 1;
      $primary = $primary . ' ';
      my $companion = '';
      $companion = join( ' ', @companion ) . ' '
         if @companion > 0;
      my $far = '';
      if ( @far > 0)
         $far = $far[0];
         $far = '(' . join( ' ', @far ) . ')' if @far > 1;
         $far .= ' ' . join( ' ', @farcmp ) if @farcmp;
         $far = "[$far]";
      return $primary . $companion . $far;

   #  Estimate the importance of this world in the big 
   #  scheme of things.
   sub importance($)
      my $self = shift;
      my $importance = 0;
      $importance++ if $self->starport =~ /[AB]/;
      $importance-- if $self->starport =~ /[EX]/;
      $importance++ if $self->tl       !~ /\d/;
      $importance-- if $self->tl       =~ /[01235]/;
      $importance++ if $self->isHi();
      $importance-- if $self->isLo();
      $importance++ if $self->isRi();
      $importance-- if $self->isPo();
      $importance++ if $self->isAg();
      $importance++ if $self->isIn();
      $importance++ if $self->isCp() || $self->isCx();
      $importance = 0 if $importance < 0;
      return $importance;

   #  Return the number of billions of people here,
   #  or fraction thereof.
   sub countBillionsOfPeople($)
      my $self = shift;
      my $pm   = $self->popMult() || 1;
      return $pm * 10 if $self->popul eq 'A';
      return $pm      if $self->popul eq '9';
      return $pm/10   if $self->popul eq '8';
      return $pm/100  if $self->popul eq '7';
      return 0;
   #  Sort trade codes.
   sub alphabetizeTradeCodes($)
      my $self = shift;
      $self->codes = join( ' ', sort split( ' ', $self->codes ) );
   #  Determine trade codes.
   #  Note: this will only potentially change trade codes
   #  that can be determined via the UWP.  Other codes are
   #  kept as-is.
   sub regenerateTradeCodes($)
      my $self = shift;
      my $s = '';
      $self->codes =~ s/(Ba|Lo|Hi|Ag|Na|In|Ni|Ri|Po|Wa|De|As|Va|Ic|Fl)\s*//g;      
      $s .= $self->isBa || $self->isLo || $self->isHi || '';
      $s .= $self->isAg || $self->isNa || '';
      $s .= $self->isIn || $self->isNi || '';
      $s .= $self->isRi || $self->isPo || '';
      $s .= $self->isWa || $self->isDe || '';
      $s .= $self->isAs || $self->isVa || '';
      $s .= $self->isIc || $self->isFl || '';
      $self->codes = $s . $self->codes;
      return $self;
   #  Internal functions
   sub DESTROY             { delete $yaml{+shift} }

   sub _standardUWP($$)
      my $self = shift;
      my $line = shift;
      if ( $line =~ /^\s*(\S.+\S)?    # $1 name
                      \s*(\d{4})      # $2 hex
                      \s+(\w\w{6}-\w) # $3 uwp
                      \s+(.*)         # $4 codes
                      \s+(\d{3})      # $5 PBG
                      (.*)            # $6 etc
                    $/x )
         $self->_src = 'Std';
         $self->name = $1;
         $self->loc  = $2;
         $self->_loadUwp( $3 );
         $self->_loadCodes( $4 );
         $self->_loadPBG( $5 );

         my $etc = $6;
         if ( $etc =~ /(\w\w)\s*(.*)/ )
            $self->allegiance = $1;
            $self->_loadStars( $2 );
            $self->allegiance = 'Na';
         return $self;
      return ();
   sub _oldUWP($$)
      my $self = shift;
      my $line = shift;
      if ( $line =~ /^\s*(\S.*\S)?      # name
                      \s*(\d{4})        # hex
                      \s+(\w\w{6}-\w)   # uwp
                      \s*(.*)           # codes
                    /x )
         $self->_src = 'Old';
         $self->name = $1;
         $self->loc  = $2;
         $self->_loadUwp( $3 );
         my @codes = split( ' ', $4 );
         my $gg = pop @codes if @codes && $codes[-1] eq 'G';
         $self->_loadCodes( join( ' ', @codes ) ); 
         $self->popMult = 1;
         $self->popMult = 0 if $self->popDigit == 0;
         $self->belts   = 0;
         $self->ggs     = 0;
         $self->ggs     = 1 if $gg;
         $self->allegiance = 'Na';
      return ();
   sub _loadUwp
      my $self   = shift;
      my $uwp    = shift;
      my $dash;
       $self->tl) = split( '', $uwp );
   sub _loadCodes
      my $self   = shift;
      my $codes  = shift;
      my @codes  = split( ' ', $codes );
      my $bases  = shift @codes if @codes && length( $codes[0]  ) == 1;
      my $zone   = pop   @codes if @codes && length( $codes[-1] ) == 1;
      $self->bases = $bases || '';
      $self->codes = join( ' ', @codes );
      $self->zone  = $zone  || '';
   sub _loadPBG
      my $self = shift;
      my $pbg  = shift;
       $self->ggs) = split( '', $pbg );

   sub _loadStars
      my $self  = shift;
      my $stuff = shift;
      my ($stars, $routes) = split( ':', $stuff );
      $self->_loadRoutes( $routes ) if $routes;
      return unless $stars;
      # force all primary stars to be nested
      $stars =~ s/ \[(\w+ \w+)/ [[$1]/;
      $stars =~ s/^(\w+ \w+)/[$1]/;

      # translate all parens to brackets
      $stars =~ tr/\(\)/\[\]/;
      # add commas
      $stars =~ s/\] /\], /g;
      $stars =~ s/(\w+ \w+\*?) /$1, /g;
      $stars =~ s/,\s*$//;
      # rip it all apart
      my ($junk1, $pri, $comp, 
          $junk2, $far, $farcomp) = split( /[\[\]]/, $stars );
      $comp =~ s/^,\s*//;
      $comp =~ s/,\s*$//;
      $farcomp =~ s/^,\s*// if $farcomp;
      my @pri  = split( /\s*,\s*/, $pri  )    if $pri;
      my @comp = split( /\s*,\s*/, $comp )    if $comp;
      my @far  = split( /\s*,\s*/, $far  )    if $far;
      my @fcmp = split( /\s*,\s*/, $farcomp ) if $farcomp;

      $self->starData = 
         \@pri, \@comp, \@far, \@fcmp
   sub _loadRoutes
      my $self   = shift;
      my $routes = shift;
      my @routes = split( ',', $routes );
      $self->routes = \@routes;


=head1 NAME

Games::Traveller::UWP - The Universal World Profile parser for the Traveller role-playing game.


   use Games::Traveller::UWP;
   print "This is UWP $Games::Traveller::UWP::VERSION\n";

   my $uwp = new Games::Traveller::UWP;
   my $line  = "My World  0980 X123456-8 N  Ri Ag Cp         R G";

   $uwp->readUwp( $line );

   print $uwp->toString();

   $uwp->readUwp( 'Foo  1010 A123456-7 B Ri In Da Na R 232 Im K0 V [(G5 D G6 D)] :1010, 1011, 1012' );

   print $uwp->toString();


The UWP package is a module that provides access to UWP data by parsing
a valid UWP line, stored in a scalar string.  The data is parsed and made
available to the user via a rich set of accessors, some of which are usable
as L-values (but most are read-only).


To create an instance of a UWP:

   my $uwp = new Games::Traveller::UWP;

The following accessors can be either RValues (read) or LValues (write):

=over 3

   $uwp->starData (an array ref)
   $uwp->routes (an array ref)
   starData() returns a four-element array reference, each element of which
   contains another array reference to a group of stars:
   my $aref  = $uwp->starData();
   my @array = @$aref;
   print $aref[0]->[0]  # primary star.  always present.
       , $aref[0]->[1]  # binary companion to primary, if there is one.
       , $aref[1]->[0]  # first 'near' companion star
       , $aref[1]->[1]  # second 'near' companion star
       , $aref[2]->[0]  # far primary star.
       , $aref[2]->[1]  # binary companion to far primary, if there is one.
       , $aref[3]->[0]  # first 'near' companion star to far primary
       , $aref[3]->[1]; # second 'near' companion star to far primary

   These elements (primary, companion, far, far companion) are individually
   accessible via these read-write methods:
   These all return array references.

   print $uwp->primary->[0], "\n"; # primary star only
   print "@{$uwp->primary}\n";     # primary with its binary companion, if any.

   print $uwp->companion->[0], "\n"; # first near companion
   print "@{$uwp->companion}\n";     # all near companions
   print $uwp->far->[0], "\n";    # far primary only
   print "@{$uwp->far}\n";        # far primary with binary companion, if any.

   print $uwp->farCompanion->[0], "\n"; # first near companion to far primary
   print "@{$uwp->farCompanion}\n";     # all near companions to far primary
In addition to the above, there is a large body of read-only accessors:

=over 3

   $uwp->population # calculates the population from the popDigit and popMult
   $uwp->col        # returns the column component of the hex location
   $uwp->row        # ibid for the row
   $uwp->isNice     # returns '1' if the TL < 7, OR
                    # the atmosphere is pleasant, OR
                    # the population >= 100 million
   $uwp->isGassy    # returns '1' if the atmosphere isn't 0 (zero)
   $uwp->isaRock    # returns '1' if the size is not 0 (zero)
                    #    AND the atmosphere and hydrographics ARE 0 (zero)
   $uwp->uwp        # returns the core UWP (i.e. "A123456-7")
   $uwp->pbg        # returns the PBG string (i.e. "323")
   $uwp->stars      # returns the standard star data string
   $uwp->importance # calculates how important the world probably is

   $uwp->countBillionsOfPeople  # returns the population in billions

   $uwp->regenerateTradeCodes  # re-does trade codes

   The previous method is useful if you've been changing the UWP values around.

   $uwp->isBa       # returns 'Ba' if the world is Barren
   $uwp->isLo       # returns 'Lo' if the world is Low-Pop
   $uwp->isHi       # high pop
   $uwp->isAg       # agricultural
   $uwp->isNa       # non-agri
   $uwp->isIn       # industrial
   $uwp->isNi       # non-ind
   $uwp->isRi       # rich
   $uwp->isPo       # poor
   $uwp->isWa       # water world
   $uwp->isDe       # desert
   $uwp->isAs       # mainworld is asteroid
   $uwp->isVa       # vacuum world
   $uwp->isIc       # all water is ice
   $uwp->isFl       # non-water fluid oceans
   $uwp->isCp       # subsector capital
   $uwp->isCx       # sector capital

=over 3


   returns the UWP data encapsulated in a string, suitable for writing to
   an output stream.
=head1 AUTHOR

  Pasuuli Immuguna


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


The latest version of this library is likely to be available from CPAN.
