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# This file copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved
# Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the Artistic
# License 2.0 ( or
# the GNU LGPL (
#   Description:    A simple Perl script that uses XML::LibXSLT and other CPAN
#                   modules to format a ChangeLogML file into some form of
#                   human-readable output.
#   Functions:      formats_list
#   Libraries:      App::Changelog2x
#                   File::Spec
#                   Getopt::Long
#                   XML::LibXML
#                   XML::LibXSLT
#                   DateTime
#                   DateTime::Format::ISO8601
#   Globals:        $VERSION
#                   $revision
#                   $cmd

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($dir $cmd $USAGE $VERSION %opts $app);
use subs qw(formats_list);
use constant STYLESHEET_OPTS => qw(notoc versions order css color javascript
                                   headcontent bodycontent class);

use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;

use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXSLT;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;

use App::Changelog2x;

$VERSION = '0.11';
($dir, $cmd) = (File::Spec->splitpath($0))[1, 2];
$USAGE = "$cmd [ --input file ] [ --output file ] [ --format date-format ]
\t[ --template template ] [ --templateroot dir ]
\t[ --headcontentfile file ] [ --bodycontentfile file ]
\t[ stylesheet opts ... ]


--input                    Name of ChangeLogML file to process, STDIN used
                             if this option not passed
--output                   Name of file to write transformed content to, STDOUT
                             used if this option not passed
--format (-f)              Alternate format to use for formatting the dates
                             in release blocks, may be abbreviated to '-f'
--template (-t)            The name of the template to use, option may be
                             abbreviated to '-t'
--templateroot (-tr)       A directory to look for templates in, option may
                             be abbreviated to '-tr', may be repeated
--headcontentfile (-head)  A file to read content from to use as the
                             stylesheet's 'headcontent' parameter, option may
                             be abbreviated to '-head'
--bodycontentfile (-body)  A file to read content from to use as the
                             stylesheet's 'bodycontent' parameter, option may
                             be abbreviated to '-body'

GetOptions(\%opts, qw(help|h

    or die $USAGE;

# Get a App::Changelog2x instance to work with
$app = App::Changelog2x->new();

# Add ourself to the "credits" list:

# The default root for the templates is in a changelog2x directory that sits
# below the installation of We get it through a pseudo-
# accessor in that package. We actually only need it to generate the list of
# available formats for the --help option. Actual resolving of template names
# that aren't absolute paths is handled within App::Changelog2x.
$app->xslt_path(@{$opts{templateroot}}) if $opts{templateroot};

# We actually needed that option *before* handling the "help" option, so that
# we can scan the template-root directory for available formats:
if ($opts{help})
    my @paths = $app->xslt_path;
    my $paths = join("\n\t", @paths);
    my @formats = formats_list @paths;
    my $plural = (1 < @paths) ? 's' : '';

    print "$USAGE
Type 'man $cmd' for full manual page and stylesheet options.

Template search path$plural:

Available values for the --template option:

    exit 0;

# The default template is "html".
$opts{template} ||= 'html';

# If either of headcontentfile or bodycontentfile have been specified, they
# override the simpler options (if they were even set at all).
for my $part (qw(head body))
    if ($opts{"${part}contentfile"})
        open(my $fh, "< $opts{'${part}contentfile'}") or
            die "Error opening $opts{'${part}contentfile'} for reading: $!";
        $opts{"${part}content"} = join('', <$fh>);

# If the user specified a date format to use, set it
$app->date_format($opts{format}) if $opts{format};

# Set up the input/output sinks, allowing for '-' or no specification to
# default to STDIN/STDOUT
our ($ifh, $ofh);
if ($opts{input} && ($opts{input} ne '-'))
    open($ifh, "< $opts{input}") or
        die "Error opening $opts{output} for writing: $!";
    binmode $ifh; # In case someone tried to sneak a PerlIO layer in
    $ifh = \*STDIN;
if ($opts{output} && ($opts{output} ne '-'))
    open($ofh, "> $opts{output}") or
        die "Error opening $opts{output} for writing: $!";
    $ofh = \*STDOUT;

# Though the stylesheet processor will quietly ignore unknown parameters, I
# prefer to only pass through those params that are for the stylesheet. Drop
# the application parameters:
my %params = map { $opts{$_} ? ($_ => $opts{$_}) : () } (STYLESHEET_OPTS);
# And copy over any user-specified "extra" XSLT parameters:
if ($opts{xsltparam} and ref($opts{xsltparam}))
    for (keys %{$opts{xsltparam}})
        $params{$_} = $opts{xsltparam}->{$_};
$app->transform_changelog($ifh, $ofh, $opts{template}, \%params);

exit 0;

#   Sub Name:       formats_list
#   Description:    List the available formats/stylesheets in the default
#                   directory of XSLT files.
#   Arguments:      NAME      IN/OUT  TYPE      DESCRIPTION
#                   @dirs     in      list      Directories to scan for files
#   Globals:        None.
#   Environment:    None.
#   Returns:        Success:    1
#                   Failure:    0
sub formats_list
    my @dirs = @_;

    my (%seen, @list);

    foreach my $dir (@dirs)
        opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "Error opening $dir for reading: $!";

        @list = grep(/^changelog2.*\.xslt$/, readdir($dh));
        for (@list)


    sort keys %seen;


=head1 NAME

changelog2x - Transform ChangeLogML files using XSLT stylesheets


    changelog2x --format html --css /styles/changelog.css < Changes.xml


This script is a simple example of transforming B<ChangeLogML> mark-up into
user-friendly formats. The application itself does very little work; it's
purpose is mainly to process and handle the command-line options, then
delegate the actual work to the B<App::Changelog2x> (L<App::Changelog2x>)

B<changelog2x> installs with a set of sample XSLT stylesheets, as well as the
XML Schema definition of B<ChangeLogML>. These stylesheets allow conversion
to valid XHTML (with comprehensive use of CSS classes for styling), a
plain-text format based on typical C<ChangeLog> files in use, and a variety
of snippets useful for inclusion or embedding within other documents.

=head1 OPTIONS

There are two distinct groups of options: application options that are used by
B<changelog2x>, and stylesheet options that are passed through to the XSLT
processor for use/recognition by the processor itself. The latter group of
options control such things as URLs for CSS, sorting order, etc.

=head2 Application Options

These options control the behavior of the application itself, and are not
passed to the actual stylesheet processing:

=over 4

=item --input FILE

If this option is passed, it specifies the ChangeLogML XML file to process. If
the value of this string is C<->, or if the option is not passed at all, then
the STDIN file-handle is used.

=item --output FILE

If this option is passed, it specifies the file to write the transformed
content out to. If the value of this string is C<->, or if the option is not
passed at all, then the STDOUT file-handle is used.

=item --format STRING

=item -f STRING

This option specifies an alternate format pattern for the B<DateTime>
C<strftime> method to use when formatting the dates in the C<< <release> >>
tags. Note that B<< DateTime->strftime >> formatting is sensitive to your
locale setting. The format is also used for those output templates that
include "generated on" comments.

This option may be abbreviated as C<-f> for convenience.

=item --template NAME

=item -t NAME

Specifies the XSLT template to use. This may be a filename path or a string.
A "string" is defined as a value consisting of only alphanumeric characters
(those matching the Perl C<\w> regular expression character class).

If the value of this parameter matches the pattern C<^\w+$>, then the string
is used to construct a path to a XSLT file. The file is assumed to be named
C<changelog2I<string>.xslt>, and is looked for in the directory declared as
the root for templates (see the C<templateroot> option, next).

If the parameter does not match the pattern, it is assumed to be a file name.
If it is not an absolute path, it is looked for under the template root
directory. As a special case, if the path starts with a C<.> character, it
is not converted to absolute.

Once the full path and name of the file has been determined, if it cannot be
opened or read an error is reported.

This option may be abbreviated as C<-t> for convenience. The default value of
this option is C<html>. See L</"Template Option Values"> for the list of
templates/stylesheets provided with the application, and what they produce.

=item --templateroot DIR

=item -tr DIR

Specifies an alternative root directory for locating the XSLT templates
(stylesheets). By default, the root directory is a sub-directory called
C<changelog2x> in the same directory that the B<App::Changelog2x> class-file
is installed into. A directory specified with this option is added to the
list of paths that get searched, so you can specify a directory that (for
example) only provides a template for C<text>, while still having the rest
of templates be findable in the default directory.

If you do add a path, you can also take advantage of the expansion of
"string" arguments to the C<template> option (see above) into full file
names, if you have files that fit that pattern in your chosen template

This option may be abbreviated as C<-tr> for convenience. It may be specified
multiple times, with the search-order of the directories being the same order
they're given on the command-line.

=item --headcontentfile FILE

=item --head FILE

This option allows the user to specify additional C<< <head> >>-block content
as the contents of a file, in lieu of the C<headcontent> option below, under
L</"Stylesheet Options">. See the documentation of that option for more detail
of its role. This option makes it easier to specify large and/or complex
values that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to pass on a

If both this and C<headcontent> are passed, this option takes precedence. If
the file name specified cannot be opened or read, an error is reported.

This option may be abbreviated as C<--head> for convenience.

=item --bodycontentfile FILE

=item --body FILE

This option allows the user to specify additional C<< <body> >>-block content
as the contents of a file, in lieu of the C<bodycontent> option below, under
L</"Stylesheet Options">. See the documentation of that option for more detail
of its role. This option makes it easier to specify large and/or complex
values that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to pass on a

If both this and C<bodycontent> are passed, this option takes precedence. If
the file name specified cannot be opened or read, an error is reported.

This option may be abbreviated as C<--body> for convenience.


=head2 Stylesheet Options

The following set of options are actually used by the XSLT processor
(B<XML::LibXSLT> in this case), and are not directly used by B<changelog2x>
at all. They are passed in to the transformation phase of the processing
after being converted to XPath-style strings.

Some of the options only apply to certain of the stylesheets. This is denoted
by listing the templates that the option affects in square brackets after the

=over 4

=item --notoc (boolean) [ html ]

This is a boolean option. If given, it disables the generation of the
shortcut-links at the top of the full-page XHTML rendition of the ChangeLogML

=item --versions STRING [ div, dl, html, text, ul ]

A string that specifies which release-versions should be processed. By default,
all C<< <release> >> blocks are processed. If this parameter is given, it
acts as a sort of filter to limit the set of releases. The acceptable values
for the string are:

=over 8

=item all

This is the default value; all release blocks are processed in the sorted

=item first

If this value is given, then the first release block (based on sorting order)
is processed and all others are ignored.

=item verStr[,verStr[,verStr]...]

Generally, the value is assumed to be a comma-separated list of versions as
defined by the C<version> attribute of the C<< <release> >> tag. As each
release block is considered, if the version is present in the user-provided
list then the release block is processed. There is (currently) no sort of
wildcarding or regular-expression matching provided for the list.


Any string that is I<not> C<first> or C<all> is assumed to be a list of
versions. If it badly-formed, it will likely not match any of the release
blocks, and none will be processed.

=item --order STRING [ div, dl, html, text, ul ]

This parameter should be a string whose value is one of C<ascending> or
C<descending>. It controls the order in which the release blocks are sorted
by their C<date> attributes. The default is C<descending>, which places the
newest version at the top of the resulting document.

Date-sorting is used as proper sorting of version strings is usually
problematic. Dates expressed in ISO 8601 will sort correctly when sorted as
text. The only caveat is that two releases close to each other in different
timezone-offsets could sort incorrectly, since the sorting would key off of
the hours portion before taking the offsets into consideration. This is a
limitation of XSL's sorting capabilities.

=item --class STRING [ htmlnewest, htmlversion ]

For the C<htmlnewest> and C<htmlversion> output templates, the overall XHTML
content is much smaller than the other XHTML-oriented stylesheets. To this
end, this option allows the user to specify an explicit CSS style-name to give
to the containing elements that are generated. In the case of the
C<htmlnewest> stylesheet, this is a C<< <div> >>. In the case of
C<htmlversion>, it is a C<< <span> >>. See the documentation below
(L</"Template Option Values">) for the default class names for each of the

=item --css URL [ html ]

Specifies a URL to be used as the basic CSS stylesheet when rendering a
complete XHTML document. If given, a C<< <link> >> element is created in the
document's C<< <head> >> section with the C<rel> attribute set to
C<stylesheet>, the C<type> attribute set to C<text/css> and the C<href>
attribute set to the value of this parameter. No checking is done on the URL,
and no constraints are applied. The URL may be absolute, relative, etc.

The only distinction between this parameter and the next one, is that this one
will occur first in the C<< <head> >> block, and thus be first in the CSS
cascade model.

=item --color URL [ html ]

As above, but this parameter is used to allow a second URL to be specified,
one that will follow the previous one in the CSS cascade order. This allows
the user to have a "main" stylesheet with font, spacing, etc. declarations
while also using this option to select between color schemes for text,
backgrounds, etc. (hence the choice of C<color> as the option name).

=item --javascript URL [ html ]

Like the two CSS-related options above, this allows the specification of a URL
to be included in the document head-section. Unlike the previous, this URL is
assumed to refer to a Javascript resource. As such, it triggers the generation
of a C<< <script> >> element with a C<type> attribute set to C<text/javascript>
and a C<href> attribute set to the value of this parameter.

This element occurs I<after> any content specified in the C<headcontent> (or
appliction option C<headcontentfile>) is included in the output. Thus, it can
safely refer to any functions, etc. defined in that content.

=item --headcontent STRING [ html ]

=item --bodycontent STRING [ html ]

These options allow for the user to provide arbitrary content for the C<<
<head> >> and/or C<< <body> >> sections of the XHTML document, when rendering
a full document with the C<html> template.

Realizing that the generalized stylesheets provided by this package won't fit
every user's needs, these options are a sort of "wildcard" pass to include
anything that can't be achieved by the existing stylesheet-targeted
parameters. Note that as command-line arguments, they are limited as to how
complex the values can be. Hence the C<headcontentfile> and C<bodycontentfile>
options, which are handled by the application before processing is handed off
to B<XML::LibXSLT>. Also note that the file-oriented options to the
application will override any values passed in via either of these options.

=item --xsltparam NAME=VALUE

Allow for the user to pass additional parameters to the XSLT processing phase
beyond those defined here. If you have written your own XSLT stylesheets to
use with the C<template> and/or C<templateroot> options, you may also have
need for your own XSLT parameters. You may provide as many of these as you
wish with this option. Each occurrence should have a value of the form,
C<name=value>, where C<name> is the name the parameter will have when passed
to the XSLT processor, and C<value> will be the content of the parameter.


=head2 Template Option Values

This application installs with (at present) nine pre-defined stylesheets
available for use. These are the potential values of the C<template> option
to the application (the default being C<html>). The stylesheets fall into
two groups: XHTML and plain-text.

=head3 XHTML templates

These templates produce content that is either complete, valid XHTML, or
snippets that are conformant and should be easily included in larger

=over 4

=item html

This is the default stylesheet, which generates a complete XHTML document.
The C<< <body> >> tag and all its children will have a CSS classes associated
with them that indicate the hierarchy to some extent, and allow for
comprehensive styling via CSS.

The structure of the document is basically:

      headcontent parameter
      CSS parameters
      javascript parameter
      bodycontent parameter
      <h1> containing same text as <title>
      <div> containing abstract (top-most <description> block)
      ToC-style links
      <div> containing one or more release blocks:
        <div> wrapping one release:
          <span> containing subproject name (if release is from a subproject)
          <span> containing version number
          <span> containing release date
          <p> containing release-level <description>, if present
          <div> containing one or more change blocks:
            <div> wrapping one change:
              <span> containing transaction revision, if any
              <ul> containing one or more files:
                <li> containing one file, possibly with revision
                     and/or action information
              <p> containing the change-level <description>
      <div> containing diagnostics/credits data

This doesn't include most of the viewer-visible content that doesn't come
directly from the input file (things like labels, etc.), except for the two
horizontal-rule elements, which contribute to the overall visual structure.
Every element referred to above (and some that are implied, but not explicitly
listed) is given a CSS class name. See L</"CSS Class Hierarchy"> for details
on the class names and where they are used.

=item div

This stylesheet renders a structure similar to the above, except that it only
produces the C<< <div >> element that contains the release blocks. Referring
to the structure above, this is the C<< <div> >> that immediately follows the
first C<< <hr> >>. An XML comment is included with some information on the
version of the stylesheet used, as well as tools. However, no visible content
is included (i.e., no "footer" as follows the second C<< <hr> >> in the layout

=item ul

Like the previous stylesheet, this produces an XHTML fragment suitable for
inclusion in a larger document. However, it differs in that the outermost
container is not a C<< <div> >>, but instead a C<< <ul> >>. The containing
C<< <ul> >> is assigned a different CSS class than the C<< <ul> >> containers
used for change-blocks. Each release-block is rendered within one C<< <li> >>
child-element (which is also assigned a distinct class from the similar
elements used within the change-blocks). This stylesheet also includes some
diagnostic information as an XML/XHTML comment, but does not include it in
any visible elements.

=item dl

As with the previous two stylesheets, this produces an XHTML fragment for
inclusion in other documents. In this case, the outermost container element is
a C<< <dl> >>. The structure of this template's output is also somewhat
different: where the previous two rendered each release-block in the same
manner as the whole-document stylesheet, this stylesheet moves the
pseudo-heading line that contains the word "Version" followed by the release's
version number into the C<< <dt> >> element, and renders the remainder of the
release block in the C<< <dd> >> element. As with the others, the stylesheet
also includes some diagnostic information as an XML/XHTML comment, but does
not include it in any visible elements.

=item htmlnewest

This is a special variation of the C<div> stylesheet, that contains exactly
one release-block, that of the most-recent release (as sorted by date). The
outermost container is a C<< <div> >> element whose CSS class dfaults to the
same class used for the top-most container in the other templates.  However,
the user may specify a different CSS class with the C<class> stylesheet
parameter (see L</"Stylesheet Options">), if they wish to have this XHTML
fragment adhere to styles defined in a different CSS stylesheet. Diagnostic
information is included within a comment.

=item htmlversion

This is similar to the previous stylesheet, but only renders a single
C<< <span> >> tag containing the version-string of the newest release (as
sorted by date). The element is assigned a CSS class whose name fits within
the general naming scheme of other CSS classes used in these templates. As
with the previous, the class can be specified by the user via the C<class>


For all varieties of XHTML output, any elements in C<< <description> >> blocks
that belong to the namespace set aside by the W3C for XHTML
(C<>) are copied into the output verbatim, except
that a C<class> attribute is added to allow the user to include CSS style
information with the rest of the changelog-related CSS declarations. If the
element already has a C<class> attribute, it is copied over and the new class
name added at the end of the existing content.  The new class name is created
by appending the tag name to the string C<changelog-html->. Thus, an element
C<p> gets the class C<changelog-html-p>.  For example (assuming that the
C<xhtml> prefix has been declared to reference the XHTML namespace), the
following content:

    <xhtml:a href=""></xhtml:a>

yields this output:

    <a href="" class="changelog-html-a"></a>

The following content (which already has a C<class> attribute):

    <xhtml:span class="bold">Bold Span</xhtml:span>


    <span class="bold changelog-html-span">Bold Span</span>

No other foreign XML tags are copied over, at present. Allowance has been
made for future extension with information such as version-control system
specification, hosting information, Dublin Core metadata, etc.

=head3 Text templates

These templates produce plain-text output:

=over 4

=item text

This template produces output that comes very close to the de-facto standard
plain-text "Changelog" so familiar to open-source projects. After the project
name and in-set description (formatted like a document abstract, left-justified
and centered with regards to an 80-column page), the releases are presented
in the sorted order (possibly filtered by the C<versions> parameter).

Each release starts with a line like this:

    0.19    Monday October 20, 2008, 02:00:00 AM -0700

The version string is left-justified, followed by a single tab-stop character
and the formatted date (see the C<format> application option to control the
formatting of the dates).

Following the "header" for a release, each C<< <change> >> element is presented
(in order) in a format roughly like this:

            [ <transaction-revision number> ]
            * FILE-1 [ <revision number> [, <action label> ] ]
            Change <description> text

If the change-block contains a C<< <fileset> >> that itself has a C<revision>
attribute, the first line in the example above is produced, identifying this
as the revision identifier for the transaction as a whole (similar to how
systems like Subversion group commits of multiple files at once into a
"transaction"). Then, all the files listed in the change are enumerated as
a bulleted-list. For each file, if there is a C<revision> attribute on the
C<< <file> >> element, it is displayed after the path. If the file has an
C<action> attribute, a parenthetical action-label is further appended. Once
all files have been listed, the contents of the C<< <description> >> element
are displayed, indented 8 spaces and word-wrapped to a width of 70 columns.

At the end of the output, several lines are added with C<# > in the first
two columns (pseudo-comment notation) that identify the revision of the
XSLT stylesheet used, the date/time when it was processed, and the tools used
to do the processing.

=item textnewest

This template is similar to the C<htmlnewest> listed earlier, except that it
generates plain-text. It outputs the newest revision as a single block, using
the same format and layout as described above for C<text>. However, it does
not output the pseudo-comments at the end.

=item textversion

This template is the plain-text counterpart to C<htmlversion>. It outputs just
the version-string of the most-recent release. It does I<not> output a newline
character, so that the result of this can be saved to a file that can be later
inserted into other files without bringing in a potentially-unwanted
line-break. (As opposed to the output of the C<textnewest> stylesheet, above,
which ends in a fully-formatted paragraph for which an ending newline makes


All stylesheets that generate plain-text will strip XHTML elements out of
the output while retaining the text content they have. Thus, a construct like
the example used above:

    <xhtml:a href=""></xhtml:a>

will output as plain text simply:

Null elements such as C<< <br /> >> or C<< <p></p> >> will not add anything
to the output.

As with the XHTML templates, XML tags that are not part of ChangeLogML or
XHTML are removed completely. Their present is tolerated, however, to allow
for future integration of additional metadata.

=head2 CSS Class Hierarchy

To illustrate the hierarchy of classes used to allow CSS styling, the diagram
from earlier is revisited and revised:

    <body class="changelog">
      <h1 class="changelog-title" />
      <div class="changelog-abstract" />
      <div class="changelog-toc-div"> [*]
        <a class="changelog-toc-link" />
      <hr class="changelog-divider" />
      <div class="changelog-container-div">
        <div class="changelog-release-div">
          <span class="changelog-subproject-heading"> [*]
          <span class="changelog-release-heading">
          <a class="changelog-toc-link" /> (link back to top) [*]
          <span class="changelog-release-date">
            <span class="changelog-date" />
          <p class="changelog-release-para" /> [*]
          <div class="changelog-release-changes-container">
            <div class="changelog-release-change">
              <span class="changelog-transaction-revision" /> [*]
              <ul class="changelog-release-change-ul">
                <li class="changelog-release-change-li">
                  <tt class="changelog-filename" />
                  <span class="changelog-file-revision" /> [*]
                  <span class="changelog-release-file-action" /> [*]
              <p class="changelog-release-change-para" />
      <hr class="changelog-divider" />
      <div class="changelog-footer">
        <p class="changelog-credits">
          <span class="changelog-credits-revinfo" />
          <span class="changelog-credits-date" />
          <span class="changelog-credits-toolchain" />

Those elements marked with an asterisk (C<*>) to their right side might not
be present. In some cases (the table-of-contents), they may be opted-out by
the user. In other cases they are only present if there is data to be
contained (that is, empty container-tags are not rendered).

The file C<changelogml.css> that comes with this distribution implements
almost all of these classes, and can serve as a reference.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<App::Changelog2x>, L<XML::LibXSLT>,

=head1 AUTHOR

Randy J. Ray C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-app-changelog2x at>, or through the web interface at
L<>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




This file and the code within are copyright (c) 2008 by Randy J. Ray.

Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the Artistic
License 2.0 (L<>) or
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