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# This file copyright (c) 2009 by Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved
# Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the Artistic
# License 2.0 ( or
# the GNU LGPL (
#   Description:    Command-line processor for converting Textile markup to
#                   other formats.
#   Libraries:      Getopt::Long
#                   App::Textile2x
#   Global Consts:  $VERSION
#                   $USAGE
#                   $cmd

use 5.008;
use strict;
use vars qw($cmd $USAGE $VERSION);
use subs qw(process);

use Getopt::Long;

use App::Textile2x;

$VERSION = '0.100';
($cmd = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
$USAGE = "$cmd [ --help ] [ --input FILE ] [ --output FILE ] [ --format FMT ]
\t[ --convert FILE1 --convert FILE2 ... ]";

our (%opts, $input, $output, $format, %suffixes, $app, @queue);
GetOptions(\%opts, qw(help input=s output=s format=s convert=s@))
    or die "Usage:\n$USAGE\nStopped";

if ($opts{help})
    print "Usage:


--input FILE          Specify a file to read as input, containing Textile
--output FILE         Specify a file to write to as output, with converted
--format FMT          Select a format to convert the Textile input to, one of
                        'plaintext' (the default), 'postscript' or 'rtf'

--convert NAME        Convert the named file, writing the output to a file with
                        the same base-name but different suffix (see manual
                        page for details)

--help                Display this summary
    exit 0;

$app      = App::Textile2x->new();
%suffixes = (plaintext => 'txt', postscript => 'ps', rtf => 'rtf');
$format   = $opts{format} ? lc $opts{format} : 'plaintext';
die "Unknown format: $format, stopped" unless $suffixes{$format};

if ($opts{convert})
    my $localfmt;
    my %suffixmap = reverse %suffixes;

    for my $opt (@{$opts{convert}})
        ($input, $output) = split(/=/, $opt, 2);
        if ($output)
            # If they specified an output destination, use the suffix (if there
            # is one) to determine output format:
            if (($output =~ /^.*\.(.*)$/) && $suffixmap{$1})
                $localfmt = $suffixmap{$1};
                # If no suffix or an unrecognized suffix, fall back to the
                # --format argument, which itself defaults to "plaintext":
                $localfmt = $format;
            # If they didn't specify the conversion destination, take the input
            # name, strip any suffix, and apply the proper suffix for the
            # format given in --format (which may just be the default of
            # "plaintext"):
            ($output = $input) =~ s/(.*)\..*/$1/;
            $output .= ".$suffixes{$format}";
            $localfmt = $format;

        push(@queue, [$input, $output, $localfmt]);
    # In absence of any --convert options, use --input and --output, with
    # defaulting to STDIN and STDOUT:
    $input  = $opts{input}  || \*STDIN;
    $output = $opts{output} || \*STDOUT;

    @queue = ([$input, $output, $format]);

for (@queue)
    my ($source, $sink);
    ($input, $output, $format) = @$_;

    if (ref($input))
        $source = $input;
        unless (open($source, '<', "$input"))
            warn "Could not open $input for reading: $!, skipping";
    if (ref($output))
        $sink = $output;
        unless (open($sink, '>', "$output"))
            warn "Could not open $output for writing: $!, skipping";

    eval { $app->convert($source, $sink, $format); };
    warn $@ if $@;

exit 0;

=head1 NAME

textile2x - Convert Textile markup from the command-line


    # Each of these does the exact same thing

    textile2x --input README.textile --output README

    textile2x < README.textile > README

    textile2x --convert README.textile=README


B<textile2x> is a simple script that converts Textile markup to any of the
formats supported by the C<Text-Textile-Plaintext> CPAN distribution.
Currently, the list of formats includes:

=over 4

=item Plain text

=item PostScript

=item Rich-Text Format


One or more inputs can be converted at a time, and not all inputs have to be
converted to the same output format. See L</OPTIONS>.

Depending on the command-line options, input may be redirected from STDIN, and
output may be redirected to STDOUT.

=head1 OPTIONS

The following options are recognized by B<textile2x>:

=over 4

=item --format FORMAT

Specifies the default format for conversions. The default conversion format is
C<plaintext>. The allowable values are:

=over 8

=item plaintext

=item postscript

=item rtf

The argument to C<--format> is not case-sensitive.


=item --input FILE

Specify a file to read from. If this option is not present and there are no
instances of the C<--convert> option, then standard-input is read.

=item --output FILE

Specify the file to write to. If this option is not present and there are no
instances of the C<--convert> option, then the converted content is written
to standard-output.

=item --convert NAME[=NAME]

This option may appear more than once, to allow multiple conversions done in
a single invocation of the tool.

Each name provided is read as Textile content, and converted. If a second name
is provided (using C<=> to separate them, no spaces are allowed between the
names and the C<=>), it is used as the output destination. If the output file
has a suffix, it is used to determine the format of the output:

=over 8

=item .txt

Output will be C<plaintext>.

=item .ps

Output will be C<postscript>.

=item .rtf

Output will be C<rtf> (Rich-Text Format).


If no output name is given, the input name is used. Any suffix it has is
removed, and a suffix corresponding to the default format (as specified by
the C<--format> option, or defaulting to C<plaintext>) is used.

=item --help

Displays a short help-message with a summary of the options.


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-text-textile-plaintext at>, or through the web interface at
L<>. I
will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN


=item * Source code on GitHub




This file and the code within are copyright (c) 2009 by Randy J. Ray.

Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the Artistic
License 2.0 (L<>) or
the GNU LGPL 2.1 (L<>).

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Text::Textile::Plaintext>, L<Text::Textile::PostScript>,

=head1 AUTHOR

Randy J. Ray C<< <> >>
