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#! /usr/local/bin/perl
#$Id: remotetables,v 1.3 2003-11-28 22:22:36 kiesling Exp $

require 5.004;
use strict;

require RPC::PlClient;
use UnixODBC qw (:all);
use UnixODBC::BridgeServer;
use Getopt::Long;

my $Host = '';     # Remote host name or address.
my $DSN = '';      # DSN on the remote host.
my $UserName = ''; # Remote host login name.
my $PassWord = ''; # Remote host login password.
my $Verbose = '';  # Print the driver names as well as the DSNs.
my $help;  # Print help and exit.

my $usage=<<EOH;
remotetables [--help] | [--verbose] [--user=<username>] [--password=<password>] --dsn=<remotedsn> --host=<remotehost> 
  --help       Print this help and exit.
  --host       Remote host name or address.
  --dsn        Remote DSN.
  --user       Remote host login name.
  --password   Remote host login password.
  --verbose    Print driver names as well as DSNs.

GetOptions ('help' => \$help,
	    'host=s' => \$Host,
	    'dsn=s' => \$DSN,
	    'user=s' => \$UserName,
	    'verbose' => \$Verbose,
	    'password=s' => \$PassWord);

if ($help || (not length ($Host)) || (not length ($DSN)))
	 print $usage;
	 exit 0;

my $client = 
    eval { RPC::PlClient->new('peeraddr' => $Host,
			  'peerport' => 9999,
			  'application' => 'RPC::PlServer',
			  'version' => $UnixODBC::VERSION,
			  'user' => $UserName,
			  'password' => $PassWord) }
    or print "Failed to make first connection: $@\n";

my $c = $client -> ClientObject ('BridgeAPI', 'new');

my $evh = 0;
my $cnh = 0;
my $sth = 0;
my ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen);

my $nrows = 0;
my $ncols = 0;

$evh =  $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
if (defined $evh) { 
    $r = $c -> 
	sql_set_env_attr ($evh, $SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, $SQL_OV_ODBC2, 0);
} else {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 1, 255);
    print "\nsql_alloc_handle: $r, $text, $textlen\n";
    exit 1;

$cnh = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $evh);

$r = $c -> sql_connect ($cnh, $DSN, length($DSN),
			$UserName, length($UserName), 
			$PassWord, length($PassWord));
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 1, 255);
    print "\nconnect: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

$sth = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $cnh);
if (! defined $sth) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 1, 255);
    print "\nsql_alloc_handle sth: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

$r = $c -> sql_tables ($sth, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 1, 255);
    print "\nsql_tables: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

($r, $ncols) = $c -> sql_num_result_columns ($sth);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 1, 255);
    print "\nsql_num_result_columns: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

print "\n$ncols columns\n" if $Verbose;

($r, $nrows) = $c -> sql_row_count ($sth);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 1, 255);
    print "\nsql_row_count: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

print "$nrows rows\n" if $Verbose;

while (1) {
    $r = $c -> sql_fetch ($sth);
    last if $r == $SQL_NO_DATA;
    # Catalog name.
    ($r, $text, $textlen) = $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 1, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
    print "$text\t" if $Verbose;
    # Schema name
    ($r, $text, $textlen) = $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 2, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
    print "$text\t" if $Verbose;
    # Table name - always print.
    ($r, $text, $textlen) = $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 3, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
    print "$text\t";
    # Table type.
    ($r, $text, $textlen) = $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 4, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
    print "$text\t" if $Verbose;
    # Remarks
    ($r, $text, $textlen) = $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 5, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
    print "$text\t" if $Verbose;
    print "\n";

$r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 1, 255);
    print "\nfree_handle sth: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

$r = $c -> sql_disconnect ($cnh);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 1, 255);
    print "\nconnect: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

$r = $c -> sql_free_connect ($cnh);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 1, 255);
    print "\nfree_connect: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

$r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh);
if ($r != 0) {
    ($r, $sqlstate, $native, $text, $textlen) = 
        $c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 1, 255);
    print "\nfree_connect: $r, $text, $textlen\n";

=head1 NAME

remotetables - List the tables of a remote data source.


remotetables [--help] | [--verbose] [--user=<username>] [--password=<password>] --dsn=<remotedsn> --host=<remotehost> 


Remotetables lists the tables for a remote data source and host given
as command line arguments, and optionally lists the tables' catalog,
schema, type, and any remarks provided by the DBMS server.

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 --help

Print help message and exit.

=head2 --host

Name or network address of remote host.

=head2 --dsn

Name of data source on the remote host.

=head2 --user

User login name on the remote host.

=head2 --password

User login password on theremote host.

=head2 --verbose

List result set size, and tables' catalog, schema, type, and remarks
in addition to the table names.


Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $

Written by: Robert Allan Kiesling,

Licensed under the same terms as Perl.  Please refer to the
file "Artistic" for details.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), UnixODBC(3), UnixODBC::BridgeServer(3), bridgeserver(1).
